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[Mod] BG:EE Kitpack V1.62 3/1/13



  • RequiemRequiem Member Posts: 187
    @kaltzor if this happens again there is an easy solution, it usually occurs when weidu cannot fully remove or add strings to the dialog.tlk file, or if another program such as dltcep alters the dialog.tlk file.

    1. Delete your dialog.tlk files (in your 00766 folder and your lang folder)
    2. Open the bgee laucher
    3. Click the little round icon at the very bottom right of the window
    4. Choose repair install
    5. When it is done use mklink on the new dialog.tlk file in your lang folder as you did in the first place
    6. Re-install all mods

    This should make it work flawlessly, i have had a few people solve their issues by doing this.
  • NiklasWBNiklasWB Member Posts: 15
    edited January 2013
    Having finally had a chance to play around with some of the fighter kits I have this to add to the discussion:

    Stalwart: This kit actually feels balanced now. The extra protection is nice, and you feel that you can soak up alot of damage. The restrictions however makes it so that you don't feel overpowered. I find the kit to be a good mix of better survivability and slightly less damage output, so it fits the concept really well. One thing I find a bit odd is that they cannot specialize in Bastard swords. I know from an RP standpoint the bastard sword may be seen as a two handed sword, but from a gameplay perspective they really are 1-handed weapons, and as such they should be fully usable by Stalwarts.

    Improved Wizard Slayer: The fixes/changes you have made has made the kit more bearable, and the kit works well in earlier levels of the game. However, since so much of the game revolves around finding new magic items and building your characters around these items, keeping the wizard slayer from using these items are just too steep of a penalty for it to be worthwhile. While not as important in BG1 (or EE), knowing what we do we have to look forward to when BG2:EE comes around.

    My earlier suggestion of allowing gauntlets, belts, boots, helmets, armor and weapons, would, I believe, be a step in the right direction. Especially in BG2, the gauntlets and belts become perhaps THE best way of improving your offensive power as a fighter... losing out on these items would just feel too crippling, even if the wizard slayers ability to combat mages would be improved. This is of course true in BG1 as well, since there are several gauntlets, belts and boots that really make your character more powerful. Leaving out Cloaks, Rings and Necklaces would at least keep things balanced, without the Wizard Slayer feeling completely helpless.

    I also feel that the wizard slayer might be a good candidate to not be able to dual-class. This would remove the lore harmful option to dual into a mage, as well as the gameplay harmful option to dual into a thief.

    The overall problem with the kit is that while it is very good against spellcasters, it is too weak against all other enemies in the game due to it's lack of usable magic items. I believe that simply making the wizard slayer better against mages wil not fix this... instead, allowing for more items to be used would make the kit less of an extreme, and a more attractive choice compared to the other fighter kits.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    There are doubtless 100s of posts about the wizard slayer with 2 mods previously addressing this guy. I don't think you can disable his dual classing when a kensai can dual into mage and thief. Dual classing usually sucks too compared to multiclassing unless you can get a significant amount of power by level 7.

    Like NiklasWB said a wizard slayer ends up good against wizards but poor against everything else.
  • RequiemRequiem Member Posts: 187
    edited January 2013
    @niklasWB I can see where you are coming from, and I agree the WS still feels somewhat underpowered. More item slots does really seem like the only way forward, depsite my hesitance to do this.

    My main concern is that the wizard slayer will become as powerful as a standard fighter with these changes, and will then be completely overpowered against magic users. Maybe the fact that you cant use scrolls, rings, amulets, potions or cloaks will be disadvantage enough.

    I imagine I will remove the bonuses to damage and save vs spells and alter the spell failure effect to be more useful, most likely a much higher chance of failure for a shorter time, im hoping this will give the feeling that once the wizard slayer hits a mage, the chances of them surviving are slim unless they can get away and regroup.

    Not dualling to a Mage i completely agree with, that will be sorted in the next release, obviously Use Any Item skews things a bit but it is what it is.
    Post edited by Requiem on
  • MykraMykra Member Posts: 252
    edited January 2013
    @Requiem Any chance we could see something like the Arcane Scholar of Candlekeep being introduced? Would work well for the Mage, Sorcerer, and Bard classes.

    "The first Arcane Scholars emerged from the dusty libraries of Candlekeep, where they pored through the writings of a thousand long-dead mages, seeking the unifying principles that underlie all magic. By gaining a deeper understanding of magic, and by discerning its underlying principles, arcane scholars become specialists in metamagic."
  • XavioriaXavioria Member Posts: 875
    @Requiem I love your idea for the Wizard Slayer. Also, I think it'd be awesome if you added a kit in for thieves that concentrates on ranged attacks, that would be awesome too :)
  • RequiemRequiem Member Posts: 187
    @xavioria ranged thief kit will be coming, i'm working on the class concept now.

    @mykra the options for metamagic are limited in BG2 by the engine, but I will look into it.
  • MykraMykra Member Posts: 252
    Requiem said:

    @mykra the options for metamagic are limited in BG2 by the engine, but I will look into it.


    Arcane Scholar of Candlekeep

    *Spell Knowledge: At level one the Arcane Scholar gains a bonus of 1 to saves vs spells and/or enemies suffer a penalty of 1 to saves vs the Scholars spells. This increases to 2 at level 8.

    *Quicken Spell: Could go one of three ways : At level 5, the casting time of arcane spells are reduced by 1/ or the interrupt chance of spells are lowered/ or at level # gains the Minor Sequencer spell as a special ability that can be used once per day.

    Ability originally grew as the Scholar leveled, would come down to balancing if it did so in BG1/2.

    *Empowered Spellcasting: Could be tough to pull it off without making it stupidly broken.

    Could introduce a few empowered versions of spells that do a little more damage, but take up a higher spell slot. (Empowered Fireball: 5th level spell, 1D8+1 damage per level.).

    *Magical Scholar: Increased Lore per level up.

    *Maximize Spellcasting: Would be too much to give auto-max damage on spellcasts. if even needed, would probably be a baseline +Damage and/or -saves to arcane spells that the Scholar gets very rarely during leveling.

    No dual classing.
    No extra specialization spells.

  • RequiemRequiem Member Posts: 187
    @mykra having a look there are opcodes which can increase spell durations and boost the caster level, as well as increase casting speed and reducing the time inbetween spells. Perhaps some combination of these with some heavy disadvantages could make for an interesting spellcaster. Hopefully if the other classes become moddable in the future this will become a possibility.
  • MykraMykra Member Posts: 252
    Requiem said:

    @mykra having a look there are opcodes which can increase spell durations and boost the caster level, as well as increase casting speed and reducing the time inbetween spells. Perhaps some combination of these with some heavy disadvantages could make for an interesting spellcaster. Hopefully if the other classes become moddable in the future this will become a possibility.

    Awesome, looking forward to seeing what you come up with.

    I wonder what things you can actually take from Mage kits that hurt more than the extra specialization spells. I suppose a heavy CON hit (-4?) that would prevent any bonus HP would be the only other thing. Even 'just' -2 DEX/-2 CON could be overcome with no problems.
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    Hm... being the prime librarian under the wizards, the Arcane Scholar of Candlekeep could very well be even more limited in their weapon choices than any other mages or sorcerers. For example:

    * Cannot use throwing daggers, darts, and slings.

    The lack of ranged weapons should be a rather huge disadvantage, especially at lower levels. At the same time it would give the kit uniqueness IMO.
  • LaflammeLaflamme Member Posts: 54
    Or maybe they could have no proficiency point at all, reflecting their exclusive focus on magic lore.
  • RequiemRequiem Member Posts: 187
    I will look into it, I'm hoping with the finding of the new dlc kits this will be a possible sorcerer kit when they alter the engine to let this happen. At the moment I'd have to replace a current mage kit which I would be unwilling to do
  • MykraMykra Member Posts: 252
    edited January 2013
    Laflamme said:

    Or maybe they could have no proficiency point at all, reflecting their exclusive focus on magic lore.

    That's not a bad idea at all. They can still equip the stuff, they are just even worse than a normal caster at using it which makes sense seeing as the Weave has been the beginning and the end of all their studies. Both ideas seem like one would make a good drawback.
    Requiem said:

    I will look into it, I'm hoping with the finding of the new dlc kits this will be a possible sorcerer kit when they alter the engine to let this happen. At the moment I'd have to replace a current mage kit which I would be unwilling to do

    Ach, I forgot the specialists were 9 exactly. Well, I have wanted a cool Sorcerer kit! :P
  • RequiemRequiem Member Posts: 187
    @mykra I will definitely look to include a metamagician in the kitpack at some point, i'm hoping i should have a new release ready for tomorrow with an additional bard and thief kit, and an even more improved wizard slayer.
  • LuigirulesLuigirules Member Posts: 419
    Hey guys. Awesome mod, I really can't wait to get using it.

    I just have a question. I decided to recruit a bunch of NPC's, and use Shadowkeeper to give them various kits from this mod.

    I want to give Tiax the Hivemaster druid kit, which is pretty simple except for setting resistances. For some reason in SK, a PC Hivemaster will have all zeroes in the Resistances tab of SK, despite having 100% to Poison and -20% to Cold and Crushing in game.

    What I'm wondering is, how do I make sure Tiax has those vulnerabilities, as well as the poison resistance? There isn't even a setting for Poison in SK, and any attempt to give negative resistances in SK fails, as it tells you it has to be a positive integer.
  • Cler1cCler1c Member Posts: 32
    Requiem said:

    @mykra I will definitely look to include a metamagician in the kitpack at some point, i'm hoping i should have a new release ready for tomorrow with an additional bard and thief kit, and an even more improved wizard slayer.

    Oooh! :D Can't wait! An even improved Wizard Slayer? Wonderful news! Just when I was thinking to roll the WS as the main char. Shame he was so UP in the original BG2.

  • RequiemRequiem Member Posts: 187
    edited January 2013
    New version released including a ranged thief @xavioria and a new bard kit

    @luigirules i believe if you set his xp to 0, and his level to 0, you could get him into the game and level him up to level 1 and have those vulnerabilities applied - i'm not certain it will work, but it should do.
    Post edited by Requiem on
  • MykraMykra Member Posts: 252
    That Scout kit looks really interesting, it's pretty much a Ranger/Thief. I'll have to give it a try.

    Congrats on the new update.
  • LuigirulesLuigirules Member Posts: 419
    Hey guys. Thanks for the advice thus far, and I have another query.

    I have Quayle illegally multi'd as a Technician/Cleric. Everything's all peachy (except for the fact I can't use his thieving abilities if I use his once per day invisibility...) but when he gets a thief level up, he gets 25 points instead of 40.

    I played around in SK a bit and found that all multiclass thieves, regardless of any kits you may give them with SK, earn 25 skill points on a level up.

    Is there any way to give him the extra 15 points, or will I have to SK it in every time he gets a thief level?
  • Cler1cCler1c Member Posts: 32
    edited January 2013
    Wonderful work Requiem! :)

    Btw. how many classes are you thinking on adding into the package for the long run? Any restrictions on the number?
    P.s. there is no way to add new classes in their own right to the game?
  • RequiemRequiem Member Posts: 187
    edited January 2013
    @Luigirules I don't think this can be changed sadly

    @Cler1c currently you can't add a completely new class to the game, I plan to eventually have the maximum 9 kits for each class, if and when overhaul add the ability to choose more than 9 kits at character creation then I have about 7 more cleric kits made and almost ready to go.

    Sorcereror and monk and possibly mage kits will be coming when overhaul allows them (see the thread on secret dlc kits). Sadly it all takes a lot of time to sort out.

    My main mission for the next release is to improve the beast master kit which is currently pretty rubbish, I'm actually after some feedback on what people think would be best as I had two ideas

    1. The beast master gets various stat boosts based on aspects of wild animals, e.g. strength of the bear gives plus 1 damage, eyes of the hawk gives plus 1 thaco, wyverns touch adds poison damage on hit, cheetahs speed gives increased movement speed, turtles defense gives plus 1 a.c. The possibilities are pretty broad. These abilities are preset to be applied at certain levels, the same way as the monk improves as he levels.

    2. The beast master gets an animal companion which levels with them, they can choose between 2 or 3 different beasts at level 1 and it is set at that for the rest of the beastmasters career. It would have some very limited abilities, e.g. a puma may cause bleeding, bear may cause unconscious, spider may poison.

    3. A mix of the two, the beastmaster gets just 2 or 3 weaker bonuses when levelling up which depend on the animal chosen.

    Post edited by Requiem on
  • CorsymyrCorsymyr Member Posts: 146
    Option 3 sounds awesome. It would be great to have a pet as a Beastmaster!
  • XavioriaXavioria Member Posts: 875
    @Requiem for the beast master, using their chosen alignment might be a good way to choose which animal companion, kind of like mages with their familiars. The aspect abilities seem a bit like blade abilities (offensive and defensive spin). My only idea for that is try to keep things a bit more general, such as offense and defense, I only say this as not to confuse other people who might be using the class. Lastly, since the beast master can't use metal weapons, maybe letting them get to mastery in the weapons they CAN use would be a great compensation?

    Also OMG can't WAIT
  • KaltzorKaltzor Member Posts: 1,050
    One thing I have to ask, when exactly are the priest kit innate spells added to the character because every time I import a cleric with a kit they seem to gain extra daily uses of the innate spells.
  • RequiemRequiem Member Posts: 187
    edited January 2013
    @Kaltzor they get added at the level they can use them at, e.g. level 1 abilities get added at L1, level 4 at L4. Unlike the original kits where some of the bonuses are hardcoded I have to use the clab files to add every ability.

    I imagine the engine must reapply kit abilities on import, I'm afraid it's not something I can change

  • IllustairIllustair Member Posts: 878
    Option 3 sounds good. I actually like to fully experience both 1 and 2, but I know the kitpack has to preserve option 3. I'd just like to say that I check this thread often to see updates since I like this a lot! I hope you can find encouragement to keep on adding cool stuff, knowing there are a lot of people who likes this. Your efforts are greatly appreciated.
  • RequiemRequiem Member Posts: 187
    @Illustair thanks a lot for your support, it is really appreciated, I sadly don't have as much time as I would like to work on this at the moment due to my work, but hopefully in the near future I will have a respite and be able to release a good few more kits.
  • IllustairIllustair Member Posts: 878
    We understand that modders are only doing them at their spare time. BG would be around for quite some time after all, so no worries at all. I hope by the time you come back, sorcerer and monk kits are already fixed and allowed by Overhaul.
  • DaveRoidDaveRoid Member Posts: 26
    Can you add the option of rolling stats on this mod? otherwise a very solid mod!
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