@Wanderon - I wish it was Ironman, but I already had to reload a couple of times. Making a note to try to multi someone to druid, or cleric. *sagenod* Since my Current Party for that is:
LG Human Fighter NG Half-Elf Cleric NG Halfling Rogue NG Half-Orc Sorcerer NG Elf Ranger
In another note, I got Skyrim for a really...early birthday present.
Anaialee entered the forest again, and doing a task for ghost. Several battles later, and killing of the spirits of the dead, Anaialee returned to the start of the forest. The ghost told Anaialee where to find Kyosti's ghost.
Anaialee spoke to Kyosti's ghost, who told her that his wife and his best friend had killed him. With that, Kyosti gave Anaialee his spear.
Anaialee told Kyosti's mother about what had happened, and then told the Wandering Village elder.
After that, two demons appeared, they called themselves Isair, and Madae. They were the leaders of the Legion of the Chimera. They wanted equality for everyone, or at least that is what Anaialee thought they said. Anaialee could only really think that they were going about their task in the wrong way, and that there was no way that everyone was going to be equal. Isair killed some of the village guards, and brought them back as undead. Valeero turned undead and killed them all instantly.
Now, Anaialee had to go back into the forest, to leave this village, and to go after Isair and Madae.
Party: Anaialee - Sorceress/Ranger - 10/2 Sir Nord - Paladin of Helm - 13 Rizdaer - Fighter/Rogue - 8/2 Valeero - Morninglady of Lathander - 13 Nikosh - Rogue/Wizard - 8/4 Hildury - Barbarian/Battleguard of Tempus - 4/8
Reloads: 0
Notes: Almost done with Chapter 3. Ugh, the Monastery isn't a fun place either, especially if you aren't a monk. Also, at this point, I'm going to say if you haven't played through IWD2 all the way, I would suggest to do that now, for funsies, because spoilers.
My new PC will be William Thatcher of Candlekeep. He’s based upon William Thatcher from the movie, A Knights Tale. For Baldur’s Gate, I’ll assume that his training begins pretty much when Gorion hails him to get his equipment ready for a journey at the outset of the prologue. That will loosely parallel how William Thatcher, in the movie, begins his training only after his master, Sir Ector, dies at tournament.
My knight will learn and grow as he adventures through the Tales of the Sword Coast, just as William Thatcher learns more and more about himself, and the world, as he progresses through the movie.
Like the William Thatcher in the movie, my PC William will not be a ‘trained knight’ nor will he carry nobility in his heritage. In the movie, William drops his façade, Sir Ulrich von Liechtenstein, only after the Black Prince of Wales bestows true knighthood on him & dubs him, ‘Sir William Thatcher.’ Likewise, I will orient my PC toward Baldur’s Gate II/Shadows of Amn, where I intend him to marry Nalia de’Arnise and become Lord of de’Arnise Keep & its surrounding lands. At this juncture, he would/will become Sir William Thatcher just as the movie protagonist does when he is knighted. This is a storyline I’ve always wanted to pursue, but never carried thru unless I started the PC in BGII. I will plan on my knight dual-classing to Cleric @ the outset of BGII so I have to think ahead on his abilities to make sure he has the requisite Wisdom to make the switch. Remembering that somewhere in BGI (I have Randomizer installed so I don’t know where) my PC will have the use of the Tome of Understanding I need to make sure he has at least a 16 Wisdom. I am only giving myself two rolls for abilities, allowing myself to store one and reroll one mulligan, before choosing the better of the two. I’ve not decided yet whether to allow myself to manipulate the abilities or not but I likely will. I have a minimum stats cheat set-up to make 11 my lowest possible ability score. My PC will initially be a bit brash & overconfident, so I expect some early reloads as he bites off more than he can chew w/his limited skills, cheap armor, overconfidence, low hit points etc. I will endeavor to have him become more mature personally & as a leader as he gains levels. Much of this will be determined by the dialogue choices I make for him & decisions ‘he’ makes about entering battle & what to do once he gets there. Key Event: Gorion has directed William to prepare immediately for a journey but he will not say where we are going. He seemed troubled.
Treasure of note: William has nothing save a staff to begin with. He will buy some equipment from the Candlekeep Inn before joining Gorion.
Current Disposition: preparing to depart Candlekeep w/Gorion.
Next Steps: Roll my new PC!
Level Up: None
Current Party: (Reputation: 11 - Average) William Thatcher, Staff (2HWS**, 2HS*, Flail*)
Cleared FAI area and made our way down to Nashkel with a few stops in between for a fowl deed, a visit with Firebead a couple encounters with evil mages the party simply executed once Malone determined their evil taint (Silke & Edwin) and a few other smaller chores clearing Knobgoblins and lower monsters from the countryside.
Weapon situation is doing nicely - Malone has a +1 Two handed Sword from the half-ogre, the dwarf WS a +1 axe, Milli a +1 staff, Buulo the stupifier (thanks to Billicans lockpicking skill and nose for treasure), and Sierra has a composite longbow. We considered getting her the +1 composite but she can wait until we "find" another bow later. Billican will get Varscona soon altho we forgot to grab the +1 sling for him and may make a trip north to grab it before we enter the mines.
Billican and Sierra are doing ranged atm while everyone else does melee and they are a force to be reckoned with - perhaps I should have called them Magebane Malones Munchkins...LOL
Milli is level 2 now and I am uncertain when I will dual her and beginning to wonder if there is any compelling reason to make her a druid (as originally planned) rather than a cleric (since she qualifies for either) -
I am also trying to recall whether BGEE allows you to continue to boost your inactive class weapon profs once you get your skills back - if so I could dual her now if I wished - if not I will at least wait until I get her a third pip in staff. (any input on this is welcome)
At the moment all are still level 1 except the two fighter types Milli & Toolate - here's a copy of the original stat breakdown.
Leader & main PC -Magebane Malone - M Human LG Inquisitor 18/99-18-16-8-13-18/ Two handed sword**, Longbow*, THWS*
Buulo the Bear - M half-elf NG Cleric/Ranger 18/00-18-16-8-18-12 Mace**, Sling**, TWS**
Millini Madstaff - F Human TN Beserker (dual to druid level 2 - 4) 18/78-18-14-6-17-17, Staff**, Dart*, THWS*
I am also trying to recall whether BGEE allows you to continue to boost your inactive class weapon profs once you get your skills back...
Hmm, can't remember either. The only time I played BGEE before I gave up & returned to Tutu, I dualed Imoen to Mage & carried her on thru the final battle. Not sure if I had a chance to add a * to her SBow or SSword. Good question. I'd think it would work but...
Btw - great names/class mix for your PC/NPCs, i.e. Magebane Malone - M Human LG Inquisitor; Buulo the Bear - M half-elf NG Cleric/Ranger; Millini Madstaff - F Human TN Beserker (dual to druid level 2 - 4); Toolate Tempersnap - M Dwarf LN Wizard Slayer; Sierra Spidersbane - F Elf NG Archer; Billican Bigblade - M Halfling NG Fighter/thief.
My name is Garrick of Beregost, a willing follower of William Thatcher of Candlekeep. It is his exploits that I now endeavor to capture. Three days ago, William & his followers accepted service w/my former Mistress Silke. @ the time & I was desperate enough to become entangled into her evil schemes. Silke asked me to lure some adventurers who she might trick into ambushing & assassinating some men who worked for Feldepost. William & his party were the adventurers. William saw thru Silke’s scheme & when he refused she attacked. Silke turned out to be a more powerful mage than I suspected. William, @ that time, had in his service, Imoen, a rogue; Khalid, a Ranger; Jaheira, a Warrior & Druid; Montaron, a rogue & Xzar, a Mage. When the battle was done, only William & Montaron were alive. They played a deadly game of ‘cat & mouse’ w/Silke until her spell protections wore off & she had but a staff w/which to threaten them. They quickly killed her. After he & Montaron visited Kelddath Ormlyr @ the Temple of Morning to have the deceased Raised, William mercifully, accepted me into service.
William came to Beregost from Candlekeep on the Sword Coast. In 10 days, William has lost the only father he ever knew after leaving behind the only home he ever knew. William is accompanied by Imoen, his lifelong friend. She is fiercely loyal to William & travelled w/him from Candlekeep thru Lion’s Way & Coast Way to the Friendly Arm Inn (FAI). Along the way, he accepted Montaron & Xzar in service despite Imoen’s protestations. Nonetheless, evil as they obviously were, they helped him overcome an assassin on the very steps of the FAI & then, after joining up w/Khalid & Jaheira @ the FAI, served him well on the return thru Coast Way battling Gibberling’s, Kobold’s & Bandits to get to Beregost.
William is young & brash, ready to brawl @ a moment’s notice but Montaron lost favor when he almost started a deadly fight in Feldepost’s Inn. William was ready to release Montaron & Xzar when he crossed my path in front of the Burning Wizard. The gods were surely smiling on William, having kept Montaron in his service long enough to defeat my evil mistress.
From that time on I travelled w/William from Beregost thru S Beregost Rd & N Nashkel Rd to Nashkel, where I sit now in my comfortable room in the Inn. Life is exciting in service to William. I’ve had the honor of battling Ogrillons, Hobgoblins & Bandits at his side & finally, yesterday a battle w/a Cleric assassin we fought on the main street of Nashkel...
I think William is loyal to me also, b/c when he fell in a duel on the road between Beregost & Nashkel, the five of us carried his belongings back to the temple of the Morning where he was raised by Nalin, a Priest of Helm. He shouldn’t have fought the duel, as he was already wounded from an earlier encounter w/monsters. He will learn.
On a personal note, I have ample opportunity to entertain William & his entourage. They all seem to enjoy my minstrel talents w/the harp – even Kivan the Elf Ranger, who joined w/William shortly after I did.
Treasure of note: Lord Foreshadows Ring of Human Influence (William); Elven Spear of Entanglement (Kivan); Br of Def AC8 & Scroll, Prot/Evil (Garrick)
Current Disposition: Resting @ the Nashkel Inn.
Next Steps: William seems determined to head south to investigate the Nashkel Mines.
Level Up: My own skills as a Bard have improved & I am now a Lyrist (Bard/2). I’ve learned to cast the only spell I know, Armor.
Thanks to my 'omnipresent authority figure' SapphireIce101, who always provides me useful sage advise, I realized that I was using an older version of Lvl1NPCs,1.7, when 1.9 was out. So...knowing that that knowledge would bug me unmercifully, I decided to erase and begin again. I made Minsc a Berserker again so I'll see if he 'levels up' properly when I get there. This version gave Yeslick the 'Axe' option when I tailored him!
Also, found that my version of bg2_tweaks, 11 was old and that there is a 14 out now. This one added an option for '2 Handed Axes' which I thought was cool. It also added an option for 'Sensible Entrance Areas' which makes some 'sensible' adjustments to where party's enter on various maps.
Only have Randomizer V68 & SCS V21 to go, then finally I can play again. Same PC, I think, since I didn't plan to quit before, just had to get up to date.
Garrick of Beregost, a willing follower of William Thatcher of Candlekeep @ Nashkel Inn. William came to Beregost by way of Candlekeep via the Friendly Arm Inn (FAI). In between, William lost his step-father after they were forced to flee the safety of Candlekeep. While moving in the darkness, they were ambushed & William’s step-father, the Mage Gorion, was killed. From there, William travelled to the Friendly Arm Inn (FAI), overcoming an assassination attempt on his life on the steps of the inn. Later, William travelled back south through Coast Way from whence he came to Beregost, killing many a Gibberling along the way.
Master Thatcher accepted me into service two days ago after defeating my former mistress, Silke Rowena, who tried to double cross him into murdering innocent men. When William saw thru her scheme & refused to act, it brought her wrath on him & she attacked. At that time William was accompanied by Imoen, his oldest friend, a Swashbuckler; Khalid, an Archer; Jaheira, an Avenger; Montaron, an Assassin & Xzar, a Necromancer. When Silke attacked they pelted her with arrows & spells like Larloch’s Minor Drain, Doom, and Chromatic Orb. But Silke, knowing she was injured, escaped the onslaught using Invisibility. When she reappeared she blasted Montaron w/a Magic Missile & took him out of the fight. She followed doing the same to Imoen & Xzar. Protected by Ghost Armor, at times augmented by Mirror Image, Silke attacked William, Khalid & Jaheira w/a vengeance. They gave her space & waited on her spell protections to fail, trying to damage her w/arrows & sling stones. William moved in to melee w/her but w/her protections he was unable to land a blow w/his Flail & eventually took a blow from her Quarterstaff & had to back off. When her protections did wear off, Khalid started landing arrows. Then three of them then closed on her to melee, Khalid landing the deciding blow w/his Bastard Sword. Afterward, William accepted me into his service & released Montaron & Xzar.
I have travelled w/him since. He added another Ranger/Archer to our company, Kivan, who we met on the road to High Hedge Manor to identify an enchanted crossbow recovered from the battle w/Silke. That trip led us into an ambush of 12-16 skeleton’s w/throwing daggers that ripped us up, killing Khalid, Jaheira & Kivan. William showed his loyalty to his followers by going ‘Gibberling hunting’ to raise money to have the three of them raised. In so doing, he himself was victimized by Kobold arrows. Imoen & I took his belongings to The Temple of the Morning where Kelddath Ormlyr raised him. Eventually, William was able to raise enough gold to bring Kivan, Khalid & Jaheira back to us w/o selling the enchanted crossbow to do so & since I’m the only one who uses a crossbow, I feel good about my place here. Our journey from there took us thru the S Beregost Rd and the N Nashkel Rd to Nashkel. As soon as we arrived, we were attacked by yet another assassin, Neira by name, who appeared to be a Cleric of some type. William defeated her easily enough, drawing her into the street to keep from harming anyone in the inn, or worse yet, getting hemmed up in there.
Treasure of note: Heavy Crossbow of Accuracy +2 (Garrick)
Current Disposition: Resting @ the Nashkel Inn [b] Next Steps:[/b] William hasn’t said where we go from here. There has been talk of the Nashkel Mines.
Level Up: My skills as a Bard have improved. I am now a Lyrist (Bard/2). I’ve learned to cast the spell, Armor
I'm using the same PC idea I had before & I've come to roughly the same place I was. With a PC 'TANK', two Archers, a Swashbuckler & a Druid/Avenger, I think I can get some mileage in BG1 - & still keep a Bard around to keep us company & be my herald - ala Geoffrey Chaucer in the movie, a Knights Tale from whence this PC comes. I even managed to work in my characterization of Simon the Summoner and Peter the Pardoner (from the movie & the Canterbury Tales) by letting Montaron & Xzar tag along for a while & loosely portray the latter. Good fun. CT
Garrick of Beregost, a willing follower of William Thatcher of Candlekeep vicinity Nashkel Mines.
My master, William led us to the Nashkel Mines, at the behest of Berrun Ghastkill, to investigate the disappearance of local miners & the source of tainted ore that the mine is producing. Williams first goal was to secure the area outside the mines which led us into a challenging battle w/a bounty hunter, Greyhawk, who we defeated using ranged attacks. We were all moved by the plight of Prism & were glad to defend him. I was lucky enough to help William & my companions by shooting the bolt that killed Greyhawk.
William led us easily thru the 1st level of the mines but Jaheira was snuffed out in a battle w/Kobolds early on the 2nd so we had to return to Nalin @ the Temple of Helm in Nashkel to have her raised. We struggled through the 2nd & 3rd levels, continuously encountering groups of Kobolds w/their pinpricking, but deadly arrows. We used Potions of Healing (PoH) regularly & returned to Nashkel to purchase more or raise one or the other of us at The Temple of Helm frequently. William was insistent on the fall of any one of us that we return immediately to the Temple to bring them back to us. When we didn’t have the gold, William had us go Gibberling, Kobold & Bandit hunting in the Coast Way to find the necessary gold. When William once fell to their arrows the group did the same for him w/o hesitation.
William lead us to the 4th & final level where we dusted off a few more Kobolds, a couple of Grey Oozes & a Ghast before heading into a cave where William, Jaheira & Khalid fell in a battle w/an Evil Orc Cleric, Mulahey & what remained of his army of Kobolds & some skeletons. Imoen, Kivan & I were able to collect their personal items & make a trip to Nashkel where we had them raised. William then led us back & the second time was a charm. Kivan landed the arrow that killed Mulahey & then the mop up of Kobolds & Goblins was easy.
Holy Smoke! My Splint Mail has crumbled, my followers are all slain, & this guy has spells & Throwing Axes & I don't even use ranged weapons!! Not good. Not good @ all.
Jaheira, loyal follower of William Thatcher of Candlekeep @ the Nashkel Inn. I take up quill now in Garrick’s stead as he is no more. Our party was ambushed on returning from the Nashkel Mines by an assassin armed w/spells & axes. He laid all of us, but William, down in the dirt. While William was scrambling to survive his Splint Mail Armor crumbled & he was particularly vulnerable to Nimbul’s Throwing Axes but luckily by this point Nimbul was down to spell protections only as his offensive spells were apparently spent. William enlisted the aid of a Berserker, Minsc, who shortly after word smashed Nimbul & killed him w/his two-handed sword. William immediately took our personal belongings to Nalin but Garrick could no longer be raised.
Treasure of note: Bracers of Defense AC6 (William); Bracers of Archery (Khalid); Scrolls – Ch Orb, ID, Strength, Armor, H Person, C Person (TBD); Potions, Gems (TBD); Enchanted Halberd +1, Emeralds (sold)
Current Disposition: Nashkel Inn resting and preparing for our next advneture
Next Steps: Help Minsc rescue ‘his witch Dynahier’ in return for his aid against Nimbul. We were ambushed by some Amazon’s in the Valley of the Tombs but William chose to avoid that confrontation then. I’m sure we’ll head back there after we aid Minsc.
Level Up: William promoted to Warrior & then Swordsman (Ftr/2&3); Imoen advanced to Footpad & Catpurse (Thf-Swklr/2&3) & improved her thieving skills. Garrick made Sonnateer (Bard/3) & learned Charm Person before he died. Kivan & Khalid were both promoted to Strider (Rgr-Arch/2)
Darn. I wanted to try and play Garrick all the way through but my PC really needed help vs Nimbul & to run by Minsc over & over standing there in gleaming Plate w/a two-handed Sword was just too much. Unfortunately (& I didn't think about it @ the time) selecting Garrick as the party member to remove sealed his death warrant.
I'd already planned to give Garrick a 'sabbatical' to go write songs & poems so I could help Minsc w/Dynahier but I was pretty sure I was going to release Minsc after that & take Garrick back in. Oh well, don't have to worry about that now, do I?
@CharlestonianTemplar - You could always go get Eldoth to replace Garrick, but that would probably require getting Skie later on, and potentially losing the both of them near the end of the game. Hopefully someone saved Garrick's notes on the tale of William Thatcher of Candlekeep.
Yeah, thanks. In hindsight, I should'a selected Jaheira, then I could'a picked up Branwen to replace her. I may still get Branwen after the Gnoll Stonghold, then grab Quayle & do a double switch.
Still, I'll look into Good or Neutral male Bards - need a Chaucer type like from the movie. Garrick was perfect.
I started a new play-through of this ever-awesome game, but I decided to start as a Sorcerer (some people may remember me doing one with an evil Female sorcerer, just I started a new one because I lost the saves) I changed the major colors to the one that Jan (Yawn Yawnsen) has in BG2, and leather and all the other ones to black.
I've done all the quests in Candlekeep (I forgot to killed the damned rats!), raising my XP to more than 300, I talked to my foster father to get out from this boring citadel, but he gets killed by Armored Figure and told me to go to FAI to met with some friends of him that we are no going to recruit because this will be (your tomb! :P Kangaxx) a solo run. The things that Kvothe (yeah, that's the name of my elven sorcerer) was carrying at the time of exiting candlekeep were: 2 Potions of Healing (one from the Priest of Oghma and the other on from Firebead) 160 plain Bullets (from the innkeeper) 1 sling And 34 GP. After Gorion's death and the intro to chapter one, Imoen losses her 3 Potions of Healing, her wand of MM and the prized Potion of Speed, the same happens to Montaron and the mad wizard Xzar, increasing our Potions of Healing to 7, but before Kvothe manages to get the Diamond hidden in the tree, a wolf deals out 4 points of damage, nearly killing him. He picks up the Diamond and escape the area trough the east. I forgot to say I grabbed Xzar's scrolls and that I picked up the treasure the ogres drop.
Then, a man dressed in red talks to us and we choose the dialog option number two, to be polite and fast. Then Kvothe rests for 8 hours and heals 1 HP and rememorizes his spells (he casted a MM both on Shank and on Carbos). Then we pick up a ring that seems to be a Ring of Protection +1, but our lore is not too damn high so we left it in our inventory because it might be cursed, then we head up to FAI.
In the FAI, we pick up the best ring in this game: Evenmemory, and we sleep again, to heal some HP and memorize the additional spells we get from Evenmemory, then we head up to the battle against Tarnesh, a pesky mage that losses his life trying to kill us for 200 GP. A fast MM interrupts his spell casting and the guards deal some damage to him, we shoot another MM to kill him and we get the XP and pick up his scrolls. We pick both Jaheira's and Khalid's potions and we sell what we do not need (the Diamond, and some other stuff) to get like 750 or more, but we spend 200 in Identify at the temple. (Evenmemory & Ring of Protection +1), then we sleep (AGAIN!) and talk to Joia about a ring, the first group of hobogoblins fail their save vs death at -3 penalty (Sleep!), so we send the to hell using our plain sling & bullets, the group w/Joia's ring is a little bit resistant to Sleep, 2 of them made their saving throw and started to pursue Kvothe, who casted MM on one of them, that realized the elven sorcerer was more powerful than him and started to run away (this can be shortened into "his morale failed"), and our 19 DEX THAC0 modifier told us why elves are THE ranged weapon masters by killing him in one shot, Kvothe moved from the other Hobogoblin's way and casted another Sleep, this time nobody saved and he killed them with his plain sling and bullets, we were lucky and one of them dropped an Angel Skin Ring and the other a Waterstar gem, we headed to the south, to kill the rogue ogre, but before, we lose another 8 hours sleeping.
Before doing anything in the LIon's Coast Way, we drink the potion of Invisibility Jaheira had, so no Dire Wolves spawn nearby the ogre. We cast MM on him and run away to the south, when a Xvart attacked us besides a Glibbering (a hungry one :P), but the round had passed away and, with a sleep that, only the glibbering saved against (I didn't that ogre would fall to sleep), we moved till the round pased away and used one charge from Imoen's wand of MM on that-horrible-little-blue-thingie (Da Glibbering), who didn't died (OK, the wand only dealt 3 damage), but, again, our lucky arse saved us with a critical hit. The ogre and the Xvart weren't SOOOO difficult to hit while sleeping, so they both died, but it took Kvothe a MM on the ogre so it don't wakes up.
Beregost: While here, we pick the gold in Kagain's shop and sell our the gems we had, increasing our GPs to almost 1000, we talk to Marl for the 900 XP that is given to you if you select 1,1,3,3,1, increasing ours to 2257. Then I identify both belts and sell the cursed one for some coin, we equip the other one and, we go to the inn in the south (where Bjornin is) and sleep. Then we go for Landarin's possessions, and, with, again, help of our luck, all the spiders fall to the effect of sleep, when we kill one of them, we've level up, getting another lvl1 spell (to cast) and an HP increase to 10. Then, Kvothe managed to kill the spiders using 4 charges from the Wand of MM and all his MM, sleep, and lots of plain, boring, non-magical bullets, before killing the spiders we drink a potion of healing by accident (that's what happen if you play in iPad and put your fingers nearby some things, but we had 1 of 10 HP, so it came handy), then we've gave a book to Firebread Elvenme for a great scroll container and a book we sold for 1 GP.
Then, after sleeping in the inn nearby (again), we travel to "South of Beregost" area, where we kill some ogrillions and hobgoblins, for a pair of nice boots (that we cannot use) and a scroll of "Letter to Mirianne", we take those items to Beregost for a reward and, move to the next area, everything done with 2 sleep and a MM., but, before going anywhere, we take Joia her beloved ring.
In this area, I don't know any way of calling it, so we'll call it "area at the south from the area of the south of Beregost", we kill the hobgoblins with 3 sleep and a MM (and picked up a Zircon gem), we walked till we saw a VERY POOR AND ISOLATED MAN, there I saved and went to sleep (in real life).
Our inventory in the moment I've saved, the unidentified ring is Mirianne's reward.
Are you planning a solo run then or just running solo to start in order to level faster?
@Wanderon No, a total solo. just to clarify, the only "mod" I'll be using is the XP cap remover.
Update: After ignoring the old man, Kvothe ran towards Nashkel, where we talked to the mayor, Berrun Ghastkill, and survived another assassin named Neira, but the killing blow was delivered to her by an Amnish Soldier, so we didn't get any XP from her. We talked 35 or more times to Noober to get XP, and, we leveled up, and chose "Spook" as an another lvl1 spell. I picked up the Ankheg Plate and the Pearl, and sold the besides the helmet that was named "The Eyes of Truth", we couldn't get into the Inn because a commoner was blocking the way. Kvothe met a wizard dressed in red, who joined the party to loss his gold and mark the fortress in our map. As the Wand of MM and our spells were comsumed during the fight again Neira, we went to the Carnival to sleep, but before doing so, I talked to that guy that explodes the ogre, but only one time, then we slept, and we've got a new ability, Cure light wounds, but as it was late in the night, we went inside a tent were a wizard was threatening a witch, we killed him after he killed the bitch *cough* witch *cough* with his "magic word", to kill him, Spook made a perfect work besides MM, but he hitted us with Larloch's MD and Kvothe lost 3 HP of his total of 15. We sold the things we found and identified everything. The Items Kvothe has in his inventory are: 8 Mage scrolls, all of them lvl1. 86 plain bullets. A sling. Landarin's possesions: the boots, the spider's body and the wine. Elves Bane (belt +3 against missile). Evenmemory Ring of the princess+1 2 Oils of speed. 12 Healing Potions. Knave robe.
Starting up my own playthrough of the game. Here is my character: Got those stats after seven roles. :P Mods:
// Log of Currently Installed WeiDU Mods // The top of the file is the 'oldest' mod // ~TP2_File~ #language_number #component_number // [Subcomponent Name -> ] Component Name [ : Version] // Recently Uninstalled: ~BGEE_CUSTOMIZE.TP2~ #0 #0 // BG:EE Customize v1.0 ~BGEE_CUSTOMIZE.TP2~ #0 #0 // BG:EE Customize v1.0
Jaheira, loyal follower of William Thatcher of Candlekeep @ Nashkel Inn. After defeating Mulahey @ the Nashkel Mines it seems William has grown in stature & reputation. True to his word, William set his sights on rescuing Dynahier in payment of his debt to Minsc for his aid against the assassin Nimbul. He got Minsc to agree to a detour to Beregost/High Hedge/Temple of the Morning to try & get some enchanted items identified. Good thing too b/c William ended up w/Gauntlets of Ogre Power & a Ring of Protection +1. While in High Hedge, bands of animated skeletons gave us fits w/their throwing knives, @ one point we were fighting at least a score of the things on all sides of us (Editor’s Note: darned SCS Better Calls for Help option?). I am beholden to William, who had me raised after I fell to the throwing knives.
William completed his mission to repay Minsc for his aid. Our adventure to the Gnoll Stronghold was divided into two forays. He returned us to Nashkel only once, to sell the booty we had obtained defeating the bands of Xvarts who serve the Gnolls & their Chieftain & to buy arrows for the archers. The Xvarts live in caves in the cliffs below the stronghold as the Gnolls don’t allow the ‘lesser’ Xvarts to actually live in the stronghold. We moved through the Xvarts easily only taking a scratch or two, using maybe two Potions of Healing (PoH) just in case (JIC).
Key Event: Following the short diversion to Nashkel, William led us back to the Gnoll Stronghold. The Gnolls were more of a challenge, what w/their Halberds which, when they connect, cause ugly wounds. Still, w/the deadly backup provided by Khalid & Kivan & less so by Imoen & I, Minsc & William tore thru the Gnoll Tribe & killed their Chieftain w/little trouble, although the final battle against a score or more of various Gnolls required our best.
We rescued Dynahier but William decided against adding her to his entourage. He contends that six is the right size and, as such, he chose to keep Kivan & dismiss Minsc since Minsc & Dynahier choose to travel together or not at all. Minsc’s blade has been brutal & once saved William & I fear William’s decision may haunt us yet. Still Kivan has been w/us since our first visit to the Beregost area, so he does have seniority & his arrows are deadly!
Treasure of note: Gauntlets of Ogre Power, Ring of Protection +1, Boots of the North (William); Quarter Staff +1 (Jaheira)
Current Disposition: Nashkel Inn
Next Steps: After completing two challenging adventures @ the Nashkel Mines & Gnoll Stronghold, William is allowing us some R&R @ the Nashkel Carnival before we pursue Tranzig
Level Up: Kivan to Scout (Ranger-Archer/3); Khalid to Scout (Ranger-Archer/3); Jaheira to Warrior/Ovate (Fighter/Druid-Avanger)/2/2; Imoen to Robber (Thief-Swashbuckler/4)
Jaheira, loyal follower of William Thatcher of Candlekeep @ Nashkel Inn. William has decided to employee a Warrior-Priestess from the Northeim Isles as his Cleric so I am busying myself communing w/nature around the FAI & keeping a journal of William & his activities. Khalid continues to travel w/William & together w/Kivan they provide deadly ranged fire to Williams ever increasing prowess as a Hero Knight. The group is rounded out by Imoen, who is becoming a skilled Swashbuckler, & an annoying Gnome Illusionist named Quayle.
R&R @ the Carnival actually led William to the Priestess Branwen who was petrified. I was still w/him @ that time & was able to secure a Stone to Flesh scroll from a Gnome who was selling the scroll for 500gp. My quarterstaff got him to reduce it to free. Branwen joined us there as did Quayle.
From the Carnival William moved north to Beregost in search of Tranzig while Khalid & I continued on the FAI. Tranzig’s name & location were on the parchments William captured after killing Mulahey. Tranzig was quick & used a sleep spell as they were moving up the stairs & immobilized all but Kivan who was left to protect the rest who were defenseless. Unfortunately, Kivan alone was no match for Tranzig & William was killed. After visiting Kelddath @ the Temple of the Morning, William returned for his revenge but Tranzig was prepared again. This time though, Kivan & Imoen together, outlasted Tranzig. Branwen, who Tranzig had petrified, was avenged, although she preferred the revenge be @ her own hands.
Key Event: In the Coast Way, William led his followers in a near perfect battle against 12 bandits including Deke & a second Bandit Leader. He & his followers absolutely slaughtered the bandits. All were dead in only a few moments. It was a brilliant victory & raised morale in the group after their disappointing performance versus Tranzig earlier.
From there, William led his followers through some live training as he cleared the rest of Coast Way, Lion’s Way & the FAI of all monsters & bandits. The toll of the dead included an Ogre, a dozen or so Xvarts, scores, it seemed, of Gibberling’s, Dire Wolves/Wolves, & Hobgoblins who were bothering travelers on the roads near FAI & had stolen a ring from a woman who lived there. William exacted revenge for her & returned her ring & his reputation for benevolence grows. When William asked Khalid to rejoin his group w/o me, I relented & so my love travels w/o me but I know he is safe w/William.
Treasure of note: An Identify Scroll that Quayle was able write to his spellbook after 2 earlier failures. William took no chances this time & purchased a Potion of Genius to make certain Quayle learned the spell this time. This will save William GPs needed to identify enchanted items, gems, etc. Also, Splint Mail x2 (William, Branwen); Finally Imoen has created an artifact that actually increases her Thieving skills once a day. Darned if I know how she managed that but it’s connected to her constant studying of Tarnish’s spellbook.
Current Disposition: William & my beloved Khalid, along w/the rest of William’s followers are visiting the FAI so I get to visit my husband & learn of William’s adventures. There’s plenty to tell & plenty for me to capture in journal.
Next Steps: At this time William is preparing to follow the Bandit trail to the Northeast into Peldvale &/or Larswood although William leans toward additional training, wanting to train in/around High Hedge & the Temple of the Morning before venturing NE. Not sure what he’ll choose yet.
So, I've decided to not continue on with my IWD2 run. Lack of motivation, and the fact that the patch is about to hit the multiplayer phase. Also, I hate trying to deal with the monks.
Just a note about, how I am handling my illusionist, Quayle, for those of you who don't know how I play. For realism purposes, as an illusionist, I make Quayle always choose illusionist spells over others, e.g. if he finds one or more scrolls, Quayle will always try learn illusions first, often vying to use Potions of Genius or Mind Focusing to make sure he learns those.
I also require him to memorize Illusion Spells in his spell slots first. THEN he can learn others if he has learned the illusions, e.g. @ 1st level Quayle has Blindness, Spook & Reflected Image memorized now. NEXT he can learn Magic Missile.
Just a way to ensure that my illusionist, or Enchanter or Invoker stays true to their discipline. CT
So, I've decided to not continue on with my IWD2 run. Lack of motivation, and the fact that the patch is about to hit the multiplayer phase. Also, I hate trying to deal with the monks.
I hear you - without a monk in party it can indeed be a pain in the patootie!
Jaheira, loyal follower of William Thatcher of Candlekeep @ Nashkel Inn. William decided to lead his followers back to High Hedge for additional training in their joint combat skills.
They battled bands of skeletons, 12 & 16 @ a time. The battles were long & arduous as William directed his team as they eliminated 1 throwing dagger wielding skeleton @ a time. In the end they’d destroyed maybe 50 of the monsters, to the point where they couldn’t even carry off all the skulls, daggers & short swords the skeletons left behind.
After returning to town to sell the booty, William returned his followers to High Hedge & defeated more skeletons, maybe 36 more, 3 Huge Spiders, a Giant Spider, 6 Ghouls & 3 or 4 Gnolls. Finally High Hedge was cleansed as much as it can be, although the skeletons & spiders return over & over. More than once William & his party battled scores of Skeletons, Spiders & even cave Bears near High hedge Manor. Each time they fought their way to victory behind Williams Sword & his wicked Archers.
Key Event: Williams foray into the area around the temple wasn't as successful. Coming upon a pack of wolves, including 2 Vampiric Wolves the party was w/o the necessary enchanted weapons to defeat the latter. William fell victim to an immobilizing bite & had to be taken to Keldaath @ the temple of the morning. Once he was raised, & had rested, William returned the party to the same area intent on defeating all the non-Vampiric Wolves, which they did before retiring to Beregost to rest & plan further strategy.
Treasure of note: None
Current Disposition: resting @ the Red Sheaf.
Next Steps: William wants to clear the area around the Temple but has only Imoen's Short Sword & Kivan's Elven Spear of Entanglement to battle the two Vampires Wolves found leading a pack. William firmly believes the party needs further training before heading northeast after the bandits.
Level Up: Kivan to Courser (Ranger-Archer/4); Quayle to Master Trickster (Mage-Illusionist/4)
Curious why not equip your archers with a quiver of +1 arrows for the vampiric wolves? Do the mods you are using limit or make them too scarce or is it just an RP choice you are making?
Curious why not equip your archers with a quiver of +1 arrows for the vampiric wolves? Do the mods you are using limit or make them too scarce or is it just an RP choice you are making?
Exactly! The Hard Times mod makes enchanted weapons & arrows extremely scarce & normal armor & weapons breakable b/c of the iron crisis. It's supposed to actually simulate that the iron crisis IS really causing hard times in the region. There were 10 +2 arrows @ Thunder Hammer which Kivan bought. He killed one of the Vampiric Wolves but the second one did the deed!
It's a much harder game w/Hard Times & now that I've added SCS w/Better Calls for help, Smarter Wizards & Clerics, etc. I'm getting my butt kicked. Even the skeletons you run into near High Hedge, nromally 4, maybe 6, were like 12 & 16 @ a time. Ugh.
I thought I recalled Hard Times messing with items - so then it's just a matter of feeding your masochistic tendencies a bit? Seems to be working for you! Good luck!
I thought I recalled Hard Times messing with items - so then it's just a matter of feeding your masochistic tendencies a bit? Seems to be working for you! Good luck!
it ain't working dude! I'm getting whooped every time I play it seems I have a reload. I also use the Randomizer Mod so it's not like I can go grab the Ankheg Plate in Nashkel early in the game, the Ring of Protection in Coast Way or the Ring of Wizadry @ the FAI cause they aren't there. And there's no Diamond in the tree in Lion's Way.
Guess it is masochistic now that you say it. Maybe they could mod in a character class for 'Flagellants!' lol
Ok adventurers here's a brief update on the Magebane Crew:
Today was training day we had just finished the Nashkel mines last time so today we cleared out some of the southern maps - helped, Albert, dryad and catgirl, took out Amn's finest and dart-boy, cleared a path through Xvart village (twice), Gnashed some gnolls and sent the witch packing, rescued Brage, bashed Bassilus and buddies, hacked the half-ogres helped Drizzt, met Officer Vai and had a bit of lunch on the patio of the Temple after picking up Bassilus loot. Bought Billi the shadow armor - now everyone wants something cool & expensive...
Probably going to clear temple grounds next then maybe a trip to the coast before heading to the bandit camp.
Malone, Toolate, and Sierra are all level 4 (recent).
Bear (R/C), Madstaff (Beserk->Druid), and Billican (F/T) are all 3/3
with Bear less than 2K from Cleric 4, Madstaff 2.2K from Druid 4 and getting Beserk back, and Billican only a couple hundred from T-4.
all performing well no reloads today - one death to Bear from the dartmaster with a couple lucky crits in a row.
(here's a copy of the original stat breakdown - with profs updated
Leader & main PC -Magebane Malone - M Human LG Inquisitor 18/99-18-16-8-13-18/ Two handed sword**, Longbow**, THWS*
Buulo the Bear - M half-elf NG Cleric/Ranger 18/00-18-16-8-18-12 Mace**, Sling**, TWS**, Hammer*
Millini Madstaff - F Human TN Beserker (dual to druid level 2 - 4) 18/78-18-14-6-17-17, Staff***, Dart*, THWS* (druid- spear*, sling*)
Jaheira, loyal follower of William Thatcher of Candlekeep @ Nashkel Inn. Khalid sends word that William continued his efforts to train his followers in group combat techniques in the wilderness around The Temple of the Morning. That touch of stubbornness in William is shining brightly as he knows he can’t yet deal w/the Vampiric Wolves but insists on clearing everything else but…he lost Kivan & Quayle to one of the Vampiric Wolves & didn’t have enough GPs to have them raised. He marched off to Ulcaster to raise the gold. The first foray into Ulcaster yielded enough gold to have Kivan raised as William, Khalid, Branwen & Imoen killed roughly 16 Hobgoblins of various types who carried booty of gold, miscellaneous scrolls & jewelry, short bows & B/Swords. Many of the Hobgoblins fired poison arrows so William & Branwen each had to use Antidotes once.
Key Event: Subsequent forays into Ulcaster proved disastrous. William, trying to lead his followers on a second successful foray to capture gold to have Quayle raised, proved instead to bring down everyone but Kivan & William himself. At times the party faced, in a single battle roughly a score of zombies, which in & of themselves are a picnic but these were supported by nearly a dozen skeletons, half of which were armed w/longbows & a half dozen Kobold Commando’s w/Arrows of Fire. The party was torn apart & despite Williams’s efforts to escape & evade & collect all of the party’s equipment, time & again the weakened party was overwhelmed. Branwen fell first & in an effort to collect her splint mail & other equipment, Imoen fell when she suddenly slipped from Hiding in Shadows to picking up Branwen’s gear. She couldn’t carry the armor w/o being slowed & fell to the undead & Kobold Commandos in the north of Ulcaster canyon. William, severely wounded knew that if he slept, the equipment they were trying to salvage would be lost so they tried again from the south. Once again, Kivan, Hidden in Shadow was suddenly visible & had to run back toward William & Khalid. He got there but then Khalid was killed by a band of about 8 Hobgoblins w/poison arrows. When William & Kivan left, William knew it was useless to continue. Painfully, he sold Bracers of Defense AC6 &, even more, Bracers of Archery, in order to raise the gold to raise his party & resupply them.
Treasure of note: None
Current Disposition: Resting @ the Red Sheaf
Next Steps: William wants to return to Ulcaster but fears his party is not strong enough for the hordes that await him there
Level Up: Khalid to Courser (Ranger-Archer/4); Imoen to Burglar (Thief-Swashbuckler/5) increased her thieving skills in F/Traps & H/Shadows to 55%; P/Locks & M/Silently to 50%
LG Human Fighter
NG Half-Elf Cleric
NG Halfling Rogue
NG Half-Orc Sorcerer
NG Elf Ranger
In another note, I got Skyrim for a really...early birthday present.
Anaialee entered the forest again, and doing a task for ghost. Several battles later, and killing of the spirits of the dead, Anaialee returned to the start of the forest. The ghost told Anaialee where to find Kyosti's ghost.
Anaialee spoke to Kyosti's ghost, who told her that his wife and his best friend had killed him. With that, Kyosti gave Anaialee his spear.
Anaialee told Kyosti's mother about what had happened, and then told the Wandering Village elder.
After that, two demons appeared, they called themselves Isair, and Madae. They were the leaders of the Legion of the Chimera. They wanted equality for everyone, or at least that is what Anaialee thought they said. Anaialee could only really think that they were going about their task in the wrong way, and that there was no way that everyone was going to be equal. Isair killed some of the village guards, and brought them back as undead. Valeero turned undead and killed them all instantly.
Now, Anaialee had to go back into the forest, to leave this village, and to go after Isair and Madae.
Anaialee - Sorceress/Ranger - 10/2
Sir Nord - Paladin of Helm - 13
Rizdaer - Fighter/Rogue - 8/2
Valeero - Morninglady of Lathander - 13
Nikosh - Rogue/Wizard - 8/4
Hildury - Barbarian/Battleguard of Tempus - 4/8
Reloads: 0
Notes: Almost done with Chapter 3. Ugh, the Monastery isn't a fun place either, especially if you aren't a monk. Also, at this point, I'm going to say if you haven't played through IWD2 all the way, I would suggest to do that now, for funsies, because spoilers.
My knight will learn and grow as he adventures through the Tales of the Sword Coast, just as William Thatcher learns more and more about himself, and the world, as he progresses through the movie.
Like the William Thatcher in the movie, my PC William will not be a ‘trained knight’ nor will he carry nobility in his heritage. In the movie, William drops his façade, Sir Ulrich von Liechtenstein, only after the Black Prince of Wales bestows true knighthood on him & dubs him, ‘Sir William Thatcher.’ Likewise, I will orient my PC toward Baldur’s Gate II/Shadows of Amn, where I intend him to marry Nalia de’Arnise and become Lord of de’Arnise Keep & its surrounding lands. At this juncture, he would/will become Sir William Thatcher just as the movie protagonist does when he is knighted. This is a storyline I’ve always wanted to pursue, but never carried thru unless I started the PC in BGII.
I will plan on my knight dual-classing to Cleric @ the outset of BGII so I have to think ahead on his abilities to make sure he has the requisite Wisdom to make the switch. Remembering that somewhere in BGI (I have Randomizer installed so I don’t know where) my PC will have the use of the Tome of Understanding I need to make sure he has at least a 16 Wisdom. I am only giving myself two rolls for abilities, allowing myself to store one and reroll one mulligan, before choosing the better of the two. I’ve not decided yet whether to allow myself to manipulate the abilities or not but I likely will. I have a minimum stats cheat set-up to make 11 my lowest possible ability score.
My PC will initially be a bit brash & overconfident, so I expect some early reloads as he bites off more than he can chew w/his limited skills, cheap armor, overconfidence, low hit points etc. I will endeavor to have him become more mature personally & as a leader as he gains levels. Much of this will be determined by the dialogue choices I make for him & decisions ‘he’ makes about entering battle & what to do once he gets there.
Key Event: Gorion has directed William to prepare immediately for a journey but he will not say where we are going. He seemed troubled.
Treasure of note: William has nothing save a staff to begin with. He will buy some equipment from the Candlekeep Inn before joining Gorion.
Current Disposition: preparing to depart Candlekeep w/Gorion.
Next Steps: Roll my new PC!
Level Up: None
Current Party: (Reputation: 11 - Average)
William Thatcher, Staff (2HWS**, 2HS*, Flail*)
Mods Used: HardTimes-v2; BG1UB_v12; bg1npc-v20; level1npcs-v1.7; bg2_tweaks-v11; Randomizer-v68; scs-v21 (- Tactical Challenges)
Reloads: 0
Cleared FAI area and made our way down to Nashkel with a few stops in between for a fowl deed, a visit with Firebead a couple encounters with evil mages the party simply executed once Malone determined their evil taint (Silke & Edwin) and a few other smaller chores clearing Knobgoblins and lower monsters from the countryside.
Weapon situation is doing nicely - Malone has a +1 Two handed Sword from the half-ogre, the dwarf WS a +1 axe, Milli a +1 staff, Buulo the stupifier (thanks to Billicans lockpicking skill and nose for treasure), and Sierra has a composite longbow. We considered getting her the +1 composite but she can wait until we "find" another bow later. Billican will get Varscona soon altho we forgot to grab the +1 sling for him and may make a trip north to grab it before we enter the mines.
Billican and Sierra are doing ranged atm while everyone else does melee and they are a force to be reckoned with - perhaps I should have called them Magebane Malones Munchkins...LOL
Milli is level 2 now and I am uncertain when I will dual her and beginning to wonder if there is any compelling reason to make her a druid (as originally planned) rather than a cleric (since she qualifies for either) -
I am also trying to recall whether BGEE allows you to continue to boost your inactive class weapon profs once you get your skills back - if so I could dual her now if I wished - if not I will at least wait until I get her a third pip in staff. (any input on this is welcome)
At the moment all are still level 1 except the two fighter types Milli & Toolate - here's a copy of the original stat breakdown.
Leader & main PC -Magebane Malone - M Human LG Inquisitor
18/99-18-16-8-13-18/ Two handed sword**, Longbow*, THWS*
Buulo the Bear - M half-elf NG Cleric/Ranger
18/00-18-16-8-18-12 Mace**, Sling**, TWS**
Millini Madstaff - F Human TN Beserker (dual to druid level 2 - 4)
18/78-18-14-6-17-17, Staff**, Dart*, THWS*
Toolate Tempersnap - M Dwarf LN Wizard Slayer
18/95-16-19-12-8-8 Axe**, S&S**
Sierra Spidersbane - F Elf NG Archer
18/95-19-16-12-14-10, Halbred*, Longbow**, THWS*, TWS**
Billican Bigblade - M Halfling NG Fighter/thief
17-19-18-10-10-8, Longsword**, Sling**
William came to Beregost from Candlekeep on the Sword Coast. In 10 days, William has lost the only father he ever knew after leaving behind the only home he ever knew. William is accompanied by Imoen, his lifelong friend. She is fiercely loyal to William & travelled w/him from Candlekeep thru Lion’s Way & Coast Way to the Friendly Arm Inn (FAI). Along the way, he accepted Montaron & Xzar in service despite Imoen’s protestations. Nonetheless, evil as they obviously were, they helped him overcome an assassin on the very steps of the FAI & then, after joining up w/Khalid & Jaheira @ the FAI, served him well on the return thru Coast Way battling Gibberling’s, Kobold’s & Bandits to get to Beregost.
William is young & brash, ready to brawl @ a moment’s notice but Montaron lost favor when he almost started a deadly fight in Feldepost’s Inn. William was ready to release Montaron & Xzar when he crossed my path in front of the Burning Wizard. The gods were surely smiling on William, having kept Montaron in his service long enough to defeat my evil mistress.
From that time on I travelled w/William from Beregost thru S Beregost Rd & N Nashkel Rd to Nashkel, where I sit now in my comfortable room in the Inn. Life is exciting in service to William. I’ve had the honor of battling Ogrillons, Hobgoblins & Bandits at his side & finally, yesterday a battle w/a Cleric assassin we fought on the main street of Nashkel...
I think William is loyal to me also, b/c when he fell in a duel on the road between Beregost & Nashkel, the five of us carried his belongings back to the temple of the Morning where he was raised by Nalin, a Priest of Helm. He shouldn’t have fought the duel, as he was already wounded from an earlier encounter w/monsters. He will learn.
On a personal note, I have ample opportunity to entertain William & his entourage. They all seem to enjoy my minstrel talents w/the harp – even Kivan the Elf Ranger, who joined w/William shortly after I did.
Treasure of note: Lord Foreshadows Ring of Human Influence (William); Elven Spear of Entanglement (Kivan); Br of Def AC8 & Scroll, Prot/Evil (Garrick)
Current Disposition: Resting @ the Nashkel Inn.
Next Steps: William seems determined to head south to investigate the Nashkel Mines.
Level Up: My own skills as a Bard have improved & I am now a Lyrist (Bard/2). I’ve learned to cast the only spell I know, Armor.
Current Party: (Reputation: 11 - Average)
William Thatcher: Ftr/1 SpMail, 2HSwd*/Fl* (2HWS*, 2WS*)
17 16 16 11 11 18 (RoHI)
Khalid: Rgr (Arch)/1 StLthr, LBow**/BSwd* (2WS***)
Jaheira: Ftr/Drd//1/1 StLthr/MShld, Sl*/Scm*/QSt*/Cl*
Kivan: Rgr(Arch)/1, StLthr, LBow**/Spr*/LSwd*(2WS**)
Imoen: Thf (Swbkl)/1 StLthr, SBow*/SSwd*
Garrick: Bard/2, Br of Def A*, LCBow*/SSwd*
Mods Used: HardTimes-v2; BG1UB_v12; bg1npc-v20; level1npcs-v1.7; bg2_tweaks-v11; Randomizer-v68; scs-v21 (- Tactical Challenges)
Reloads: 1 (Shar-Teel)
Also, found that my version of bg2_tweaks, 11 was old and that there is a 14 out now. This one added an option for '2 Handed Axes' which I thought was cool. It also added an option for 'Sensible Entrance Areas' which makes some 'sensible' adjustments to where party's enter on various maps.
Only have Randomizer V68 & SCS V21 to go, then finally I can play again. Same PC, I think, since I didn't plan to quit before, just had to get up to date.
Master Thatcher accepted me into service two days ago after defeating my former mistress, Silke Rowena, who tried to double cross him into murdering innocent men. When William saw thru her scheme & refused to act, it brought her wrath on him & she attacked. At that time William was accompanied by Imoen, his oldest friend, a Swashbuckler; Khalid, an Archer; Jaheira, an Avenger; Montaron, an Assassin & Xzar, a Necromancer. When Silke attacked they pelted her with arrows & spells like Larloch’s Minor Drain, Doom, and Chromatic Orb. But Silke, knowing she was injured, escaped the onslaught using Invisibility. When she reappeared she blasted Montaron w/a Magic Missile & took him out of the fight. She followed doing the same to Imoen & Xzar. Protected by Ghost Armor, at times augmented by Mirror Image, Silke attacked William, Khalid & Jaheira w/a vengeance. They gave her space & waited on her spell protections to fail, trying to damage her w/arrows & sling stones. William moved in to melee w/her but w/her protections he was unable to land a blow w/his Flail & eventually took a blow from her Quarterstaff & had to back off. When her protections did wear off, Khalid started landing arrows. Then three of them then closed on her to melee, Khalid landing the deciding blow w/his Bastard Sword. Afterward, William accepted me into his service & released Montaron & Xzar.
I have travelled w/him since. He added another Ranger/Archer to our company, Kivan, who we met on the road to High Hedge Manor to identify an enchanted crossbow recovered from the battle w/Silke. That trip led us into an ambush of 12-16 skeleton’s w/throwing daggers that ripped us up, killing Khalid, Jaheira & Kivan. William showed his loyalty to his followers by going ‘Gibberling hunting’ to raise money to have the three of them raised. In so doing, he himself was victimized by Kobold arrows. Imoen & I took his belongings to The Temple of the Morning where Kelddath Ormlyr raised him. Eventually, William was able to raise enough gold to bring Kivan, Khalid & Jaheira back to us w/o selling the enchanted crossbow to do so & since I’m the only one who uses a crossbow, I feel good about my place here. Our journey from there took us thru the S Beregost Rd and the N Nashkel Rd to Nashkel. As soon as we arrived, we were attacked by yet another assassin, Neira by name, who appeared to be a Cleric of some type. William defeated her easily enough, drawing her into the street to keep from harming anyone in the inn, or worse yet, getting hemmed up in there.
Treasure of note: Heavy Crossbow of Accuracy +2 (Garrick)
Current Disposition: Resting @ the Nashkel Inn
Next Steps:[/b] William hasn’t said where we go from here. There has been talk of the Nashkel Mines.
Level Up: My skills as a Bard have improved. I am now a Lyrist (Bard/2). I’ve learned to cast the spell, Armor
Current Party: (Reputation: 12 - Average)
William Thatcher: Ftr/1 ChMail, 2HSwd*/Fl* (2HWS*, 2WS*)
18/19 11 18 11 11 11
Khalid: Rgr (Arch)/1 StLthr, LBow**/BSwd* (2WS**,SWS*)
Jaheira: Ftr/Drd-Avg//1/1 Lthr/MShld, Sl*/Scm*/QSt*/Cl*
Kivan: Rgr(Arch)/1, StLthr, LBow**/Spr*/LSwd*(2WS**)
Imoen: Thf (Swbkl)/1 StLthr, SBow*/SSwd*
Garrick: Bard/2, LCBow*/SSwd*
Mods Used: HardTimes-v2; BG1UB_v12; bg1npc-v20; level1npcs-v1.9; bg2_tweaks-v14; Randomizer-v68; scs-v21 (- Tactical Challenges)
Reloads: 1 (Kobold)
My master, William led us to the Nashkel Mines, at the behest of Berrun Ghastkill, to investigate the disappearance of local miners & the source of tainted ore that the mine is producing. Williams first goal was to secure the area outside the mines which led us into a challenging battle w/a bounty hunter, Greyhawk, who we defeated using ranged attacks. We were all moved by the plight of Prism & were glad to defend him. I was lucky enough to help William & my companions by shooting the bolt that killed Greyhawk.
William led us easily thru the 1st level of the mines but Jaheira was snuffed out in a battle w/Kobolds early on the 2nd so we had to return to Nalin @ the Temple of Helm in Nashkel to have her raised. We struggled through the 2nd & 3rd levels, continuously encountering groups of Kobolds w/their pinpricking, but deadly arrows. We used Potions of Healing (PoH) regularly & returned to Nashkel to purchase more or raise one or the other of us at The Temple of Helm frequently. William was insistent on the fall of any one of us that we return immediately to the Temple to bring them back to us. When we didn’t have the gold, William had us go Gibberling, Kobold & Bandit hunting in the Coast Way to find the necessary gold. When William once fell to their arrows the group did the same for him w/o hesitation.
William lead us to the 4th & final level where we dusted off a few more Kobolds, a couple of Grey Oozes & a Ghast before heading into a cave where William, Jaheira & Khalid fell in a battle w/an Evil Orc Cleric, Mulahey & what remained of his army of Kobolds & some skeletons. Imoen, Kivan & I were able to collect their personal items & make a trip to Nashkel where we had them raised. William then led us back & the second time was a charm. Kivan landed the arrow that killed Mulahey & then the mop up of Kobolds & Goblins was easy.
Holy Smoke! My Splint Mail has crumbled, my followers are all slain, & this guy has spells & Throwing Axes & I don't even use ranged weapons!! Not good. Not good @ all.
Jaheira, loyal follower of William Thatcher of Candlekeep @ the Nashkel Inn. I take up quill now in Garrick’s stead as he is no more. Our party was ambushed on returning from the Nashkel Mines by an assassin armed w/spells & axes. He laid all of us, but William, down in the dirt. While William was scrambling to survive his Splint Mail Armor crumbled & he was particularly vulnerable to Nimbul’s Throwing Axes but luckily by this point Nimbul was down to spell protections only as his offensive spells were apparently spent. William enlisted the aid of a Berserker, Minsc, who shortly after word smashed Nimbul & killed him w/his two-handed sword. William immediately took our personal belongings to Nalin but Garrick could no longer be raised.
Treasure of note: Bracers of Defense AC6 (William); Bracers of Archery (Khalid); Scrolls – Ch Orb, ID, Strength, Armor, H Person, C Person (TBD); Potions, Gems (TBD); Enchanted Halberd +1, Emeralds (sold)
Current Disposition: Nashkel Inn resting and preparing for our next advneture
Next Steps: Help Minsc rescue ‘his witch Dynahier’ in return for his aid against Nimbul. We were ambushed by some Amazon’s in the Valley of the Tombs but William chose to avoid that confrontation then. I’m sure we’ll head back there after we aid Minsc.
Level Up: William promoted to Warrior & then Swordsman (Ftr/2&3); Imoen advanced to Footpad & Catpurse (Thf-Swklr/2&3) & improved her thieving skills. Garrick made Sonnateer (Bard/3) & learned Charm Person before he died. Kivan & Khalid were both promoted to Strider (Rgr-Arch/2)
Current Party: (Reputation: 16 - Popular)
William Thatcher: Ftr/3; SMail, 2HSwd*/Fl* (2HWS*, 2WS*); 18/19 11 18 11 11 11
Khalid: Rgr (Arch)/2; SLthr, LBow**/BSwd* (2WS**,SWS*)
Jaheira: Ftr/Drd-Avg//1/1; Lthr/MShld, Sl*/Scm*/QSt*/Cl*
Kivan: Rgr(Arch)/2; SLthr, LBow**/Spr*/LSwd*(2WS**)
Imoen: Thf (Swbkl)/3; SLthr, SBow*/SSwd*
Minsc: Berserker/3; 2HS***(2HWS**)
Mods Used: HardTimes-v2; BG1UB_v12; bg1npc-v20; level1npcs-v1.9; bg2_tweaks-v14; Randomizer-v68; scs-v21 (- Tactical Challenges)
Reloads: 3 (Kobolds, Coast Way & Nashkel Mines); Mulahey
I'd already planned to give Garrick a 'sabbatical' to go write songs & poems so I could help Minsc w/Dynahier but I was pretty sure I was going to release Minsc after that & take Garrick back in. Oh well, don't have to worry about that now, do I?
Also, I love A Knight's Tale.
Still, I'll look into Good or Neutral male Bards - need a Chaucer type like from the movie. Garrick was perfect.
Dumb me! Dumb! Dumb! Dumb! Dumb!
I changed the major colors to the one that Jan (Yawn Yawnsen) has in BG2, and leather and all the other ones to black.
I've done all the quests in Candlekeep (I forgot to killed the damned rats!), raising my XP to more than 300, I talked to my foster father to get out from this boring citadel, but he gets killed by Armored Figure and told me to go to FAI to met with some friends of him that we are no going to recruit because this will be (your tomb! :P Kangaxx) a solo run.
The things that Kvothe (yeah, that's the name of my elven sorcerer) was carrying at the time of exiting candlekeep were:
2 Potions of Healing (one from the Priest of Oghma and the other on from Firebead)
160 plain Bullets (from the innkeeper)
1 sling
And 34 GP.
After Gorion's death and the intro to chapter one, Imoen losses her 3 Potions of Healing, her wand of MM and the prized Potion of Speed, the same happens to Montaron and the mad wizard Xzar, increasing our Potions of Healing to 7, but before Kvothe manages to get the Diamond hidden in the tree, a wolf deals out 4 points of damage, nearly killing him. He picks up the Diamond and escape the area trough the east.
I forgot to say I grabbed Xzar's scrolls and that I picked up the treasure the ogres drop.
Then, a man dressed in red talks to us and we choose the dialog option number two, to be polite and fast.
Then Kvothe rests for 8 hours and heals 1 HP and rememorizes his spells (he casted a MM both on Shank and on Carbos). Then we pick up a ring that seems to be a Ring of Protection +1, but our lore is not too damn high so we left it in our inventory because it might be cursed, then we head up to FAI.
In the FAI, we pick up the best ring in this game: Evenmemory, and we sleep again, to heal some HP and memorize the additional spells we get from Evenmemory, then we head up to the battle against Tarnesh, a pesky mage that losses his life trying to kill us for 200 GP. A fast MM interrupts his spell casting and the guards deal some damage to him, we shoot another MM to kill him and we get the XP and pick up his scrolls. We pick both Jaheira's and Khalid's potions and we sell what we do not need (the Diamond, and some other stuff) to get like 750 or more, but we spend 200 in Identify at the temple. (Evenmemory & Ring of Protection +1), then we sleep (AGAIN!) and talk to Joia about a ring, the first group of hobogoblins fail their save vs death at -3 penalty (Sleep!), so we send the to hell using our plain sling & bullets, the group w/Joia's ring is a little bit resistant to Sleep, 2 of them made their saving throw and started to pursue Kvothe, who casted MM on one of them, that realized the elven sorcerer was more powerful than him and started to run away (this can be shortened into "his morale failed"), and our 19 DEX THAC0 modifier told us why elves are THE ranged weapon masters by killing him in one shot, Kvothe moved from the other Hobogoblin's way and casted another Sleep, this time nobody saved and he killed them with his plain sling and bullets, we were lucky and one of them dropped an Angel Skin Ring and the other a Waterstar gem, we headed to the south, to kill the rogue ogre, but before, we lose another 8 hours sleeping.
Before doing anything in the LIon's Coast Way, we drink the potion of Invisibility Jaheira had, so no Dire Wolves spawn nearby the ogre. We cast MM on him and run away to the south, when a Xvart attacked us besides a Glibbering (a hungry one :P), but the round had passed away and, with a sleep that, only the glibbering saved against (I didn't that ogre would fall to sleep), we moved till the round pased away and used one charge from Imoen's wand of MM on that-horrible-little-blue-thingie (Da Glibbering), who didn't died (OK, the wand only dealt 3 damage), but, again, our lucky arse saved us with a critical hit.
The ogre and the Xvart weren't SOOOO difficult to hit while sleeping, so they both died, but it took Kvothe a MM on the ogre so it don't wakes up.
Beregost: While here, we pick the gold in Kagain's shop and sell our the gems we had, increasing our GPs to almost 1000, we talk to Marl for the 900 XP that is given to you if you select 1,1,3,3,1, increasing ours to 2257. Then I identify both belts and sell the cursed one for some coin, we equip the other one and, we go to the inn in the south (where Bjornin is) and sleep. Then we go for Landarin's possessions, and, with, again, help of our luck, all the spiders fall to the effect of sleep, when we kill one of them, we've level up, getting another lvl1 spell (to cast) and an HP increase to 10. Then, Kvothe managed to kill the spiders using 4 charges from the Wand of MM and all his MM, sleep, and lots of plain, boring, non-magical bullets, before killing the spiders we drink a potion of healing by accident (that's what happen if you play in iPad and put your fingers nearby some things, but we had 1 of 10 HP, so it came handy), then we've gave a book to Firebread Elvenme for a great scroll container and a book we sold for 1 GP.
Then, after sleeping in the inn nearby (again), we travel to "South of Beregost" area, where we kill some ogrillions and hobgoblins, for a pair of nice boots (that we cannot use) and a scroll of "Letter to Mirianne", we take those items to Beregost for a reward and, move to the next area, everything done with 2 sleep and a MM., but, before going anywhere, we take Joia her beloved ring.
In this area, I don't know any way of calling it, so we'll call it "area at the south from the area of the south of Beregost", we kill the hobgoblins with 3 sleep and a MM (and picked up a Zircon gem), we walked till we saw a VERY POOR AND ISOLATED MAN, there I saved and went to sleep (in real life).
Our inventory in the moment I've saved, the unidentified ring is Mirianne's reward.
Are you planning a solo run then or just running solo to start in order to level faster?
No, a total solo.
just to clarify, the only "mod" I'll be using is the XP cap remover.
After ignoring the old man, Kvothe ran towards Nashkel, where we talked to the mayor, Berrun Ghastkill, and survived another assassin named Neira, but the killing blow was delivered to her by an Amnish Soldier, so we didn't get any XP from her. We talked 35 or more times to Noober to get XP, and, we leveled up, and chose "Spook" as an another lvl1 spell. I picked up the Ankheg Plate and the Pearl, and sold the besides the helmet that was named "The Eyes of Truth", we couldn't get into the Inn because a commoner was blocking the way. Kvothe met a wizard dressed in red, who joined the party to loss his gold and mark the fortress in our map.
As the Wand of MM and our spells were comsumed during the fight again Neira, we went to the Carnival to sleep, but before doing so, I talked to that guy that explodes the ogre, but only one time, then we slept, and we've got a new ability, Cure light wounds, but as it was late in the night, we went inside a tent were a wizard was threatening a witch, we killed him after he killed the bitch *cough* witch *cough* with his "magic word", to kill him, Spook made a perfect work besides MM, but he hitted us with Larloch's MD and Kvothe lost 3 HP of his total of 15. We sold the things we found and identified everything.
The Items Kvothe has in his inventory are:
8 Mage scrolls, all of them lvl1.
86 plain bullets.
A sling.
Landarin's possesions:
the boots, the spider's body and the wine.
Elves Bane (belt +3 against missile).
Ring of the princess+1
2 Oils of speed.
12 Healing Potions.
Knave robe.
My reputation is Popular, of 13 points.
Starting up my own playthrough of the game.
Here is my character:
Got those stats after seven roles. :P
// Log of Currently Installed WeiDU Mods
// The top of the file is the 'oldest' mod
// ~TP2_File~ #language_number #component_number // [Subcomponent Name -> ] Component Name [ : Version]
// Recently Uninstalled: ~BGEE_CUSTOMIZE.TP2~ #0 #0 // BG:EE Customize v1.0
~BGEE_CUSTOMIZE.TP2~ #0 #0 // BG:EE Customize v1.0
Difficulty: Normal
Jaheira, loyal follower of William Thatcher of Candlekeep @ Nashkel Inn. After defeating Mulahey @ the Nashkel Mines it seems William has grown in stature & reputation. True to his word, William set his sights on rescuing Dynahier in payment of his debt to Minsc for his aid against the assassin Nimbul. He got Minsc to agree to a detour to Beregost/High Hedge/Temple of the Morning to try & get some enchanted items identified. Good thing too b/c William ended up w/Gauntlets of Ogre Power & a Ring of Protection +1. While in High Hedge, bands of animated skeletons gave us fits w/their throwing knives, @ one point we were fighting at least a score of the things on all sides of us (Editor’s Note: darned SCS Better Calls for Help option?). I am beholden to William, who had me raised after I fell to the throwing knives.
William completed his mission to repay Minsc for his aid. Our adventure to the Gnoll Stronghold was divided into two forays. He returned us to Nashkel only once, to sell the booty we had obtained defeating the bands of Xvarts who serve the Gnolls & their Chieftain & to buy arrows for the archers. The Xvarts live in caves in the cliffs below the stronghold as the Gnolls don’t allow the ‘lesser’ Xvarts to actually live in the stronghold. We moved through the Xvarts easily only taking a scratch or two, using maybe two Potions of Healing (PoH) just in case (JIC).
Key Event: Following the short diversion to Nashkel, William led us back to the Gnoll Stronghold. The Gnolls were more of a challenge, what w/their Halberds which, when they connect, cause ugly wounds. Still, w/the deadly backup provided by Khalid & Kivan & less so by Imoen & I, Minsc & William tore thru the Gnoll Tribe & killed their Chieftain w/little trouble, although the final battle against a score or more of various Gnolls required our best.
We rescued Dynahier but William decided against adding her to his entourage. He contends that six is the right size and, as such, he chose to keep Kivan & dismiss Minsc since Minsc & Dynahier choose to travel together or not at all. Minsc’s blade has been brutal & once saved William & I fear William’s decision may haunt us yet. Still Kivan has been w/us since our first visit to the Beregost area, so he does have seniority & his arrows are deadly!
Treasure of note: Gauntlets of Ogre Power, Ring of Protection +1, Boots of the North (William); Quarter Staff +1 (Jaheira)
Current Disposition: Nashkel Inn
Next Steps: After completing two challenging adventures @ the Nashkel Mines & Gnoll Stronghold, William is allowing us some R&R @ the Nashkel Carnival before we pursue Tranzig
Level Up: Kivan to Scout (Ranger-Archer/3); Khalid to Scout (Ranger-Archer/3); Jaheira to Warrior/Ovate (Fighter/Druid-Avanger)/2/2; Imoen to Robber (Thief-Swashbuckler/4)
Current Party: (Reputation: 16 - Popular)
William Thatcher: Ftr/3; SMail, 2HSwd*/Fl* (2HWS*, 2WS*); 18/19 11 18 11 11 11
Khalid: Rgr (Arch)/3; SLthr, LBow**/BSwd* (2WS**,SWS*)
Jaheira: Ftr/Drd-Avg//2/2; Lthr/MShld, Sl*/Scm*/QSt*/Cl*
Kivan: Rgr(Arch)/3; SLthr, LBow**/Spr*/LSwd*(2WS**)
Imoen: Thf (Swbkl)/4; SLthr, SBow*/SSwd*
Mods Used: HardTimes-v2; BG1UB_v12; bg1npc-v20; level1npcs-v1.9; bg2_tweaks-v14; Randomizer-v68; scs-v21 (- Tactical Challenges)
Reloads: 3 (Kobolds, Coast Way & Nashkel Mines); Mulahey
R&R @ the Carnival actually led William to the Priestess Branwen who was petrified. I was still w/him @ that time & was able to secure a Stone to Flesh scroll from a Gnome who was selling the scroll for 500gp. My quarterstaff got him to reduce it to free. Branwen joined us there as did Quayle.
From the Carnival William moved north to Beregost in search of Tranzig while Khalid & I continued on the FAI. Tranzig’s name & location were on the parchments William captured after killing Mulahey. Tranzig was quick & used a sleep spell as they were moving up the stairs & immobilized all but Kivan who was left to protect the rest who were defenseless. Unfortunately, Kivan alone was no match for Tranzig & William was killed. After visiting Kelddath @ the Temple of the Morning, William returned for his revenge but Tranzig was prepared again. This time though, Kivan & Imoen together, outlasted Tranzig. Branwen, who Tranzig had petrified, was avenged, although she preferred the revenge be @ her own hands.
Key Event: In the Coast Way, William led his followers in a near perfect battle against 12 bandits including Deke & a second Bandit Leader. He & his followers absolutely slaughtered the bandits. All were dead in only a few moments. It was a brilliant victory & raised morale in the group after their disappointing performance versus Tranzig earlier.
From there, William led his followers through some live training as he cleared the rest of Coast Way, Lion’s Way & the FAI of all monsters & bandits. The toll of the dead included an Ogre, a dozen or so Xvarts, scores, it seemed, of Gibberling’s, Dire Wolves/Wolves, & Hobgoblins who were bothering travelers on the roads near FAI & had stolen a ring from a woman who lived there. William exacted revenge for her & returned her ring & his reputation for benevolence grows. When William asked Khalid to rejoin his group w/o me, I relented & so my love travels w/o me but I know he is safe w/William.
Treasure of note: An Identify Scroll that Quayle was able write to his spellbook after 2 earlier failures. William took no chances this time & purchased a Potion of Genius to make certain Quayle learned the spell this time. This will save William GPs needed to identify enchanted items, gems, etc. Also, Splint Mail x2 (William, Branwen); Finally Imoen has created an artifact that actually increases her Thieving skills once a day. Darned if I know how she managed that but it’s connected to her constant studying of Tarnish’s spellbook.
Current Disposition: William & my beloved Khalid, along w/the rest of William’s followers are visiting the FAI so I get to visit my husband & learn of William’s adventures. There’s plenty to tell & plenty for me to capture in journal.
Next Steps: At this time William is preparing to follow the Bandit trail to the Northeast into Peldvale &/or Larswood although William leans toward additional training, wanting to train in/around High Hedge & the Temple of the Morning before venturing NE. Not sure what he’ll choose yet.
Level Up: William to Hero (Fighter/4)
Current Party: (Reputation: 16 - Popular)
William Thatcher: Ftr/4; SMail, 2HSwd*/Fl*/Axe*/(2HWS*, 2WS*); 18/19 11 18 11 11 11
Khalid: Rgr (Arch)/3; SLthr, LBow**/BSwd* (2WS**,SWS*)
Kivan: Rgr(Arch)/3; SLthr, LBow**/Spr*/LSwd*(2WS**)
Branwen: Cleric/3; SMail, WHammer, Mace, Slg
Imoen: Thf (Swbkl)/4; SLthr, SBow*/SSwd*
Quayle: Mage(Ill)/3; slg
Mods Used: HardTimes-v2; BG1UB_v12; bg1npc-v20; level1npcs-v1.9; bg2_tweaks-v14; Randomizer-v68; scs-v21 (- Tactical Challenges)
Reloads: 4 (Kobolds, Coast Way & Nashkel Mines); Mulahey; Tranzig
I also require him to memorize Illusion Spells in his spell slots first. THEN he can learn others if he has learned the illusions, e.g. @ 1st level Quayle has Blindness, Spook & Reflected Image memorized now. NEXT he can learn Magic Missile.
Just a way to ensure that my illusionist, or Enchanter or Invoker stays true to their discipline. CT
They battled bands of skeletons, 12 & 16 @ a time. The battles were long & arduous as William directed his team as they eliminated 1 throwing dagger wielding skeleton @ a time. In the end they’d destroyed maybe 50 of the monsters, to the point where they couldn’t even carry off all the skulls, daggers & short swords the skeletons left behind.
After returning to town to sell the booty, William returned his followers to High Hedge & defeated more skeletons, maybe 36 more, 3 Huge Spiders, a Giant Spider, 6 Ghouls & 3 or 4 Gnolls. Finally High Hedge was cleansed as much as it can be, although the skeletons & spiders return over & over. More than once William & his party battled scores of Skeletons, Spiders & even cave Bears near High hedge Manor. Each time they fought their way to victory behind Williams Sword & his wicked Archers.
Key Event: Williams foray into the area around the temple wasn't as successful. Coming upon a pack of wolves, including 2 Vampiric Wolves the party was w/o the necessary enchanted weapons to defeat the latter. William fell victim to an immobilizing bite & had to be taken to Keldaath @ the temple of the morning. Once he was raised, & had rested, William returned the party to the same area intent on defeating all the non-Vampiric Wolves, which they did before retiring to Beregost to rest & plan further strategy.
Treasure of note: None
Current Disposition: resting @ the Red Sheaf.
Next Steps: William wants to clear the area around the Temple but has only Imoen's Short Sword & Kivan's Elven Spear of Entanglement to battle the two Vampires Wolves found leading a pack. William firmly believes the party needs further training before heading northeast after the bandits.
Level Up: Kivan to Courser (Ranger-Archer/4); Quayle to Master Trickster (Mage-Illusionist/4)
Current Party: (Reputation: 16 - Popular)
William Thatcher: Ftr/4; SMail, 2HSwd*/Fl*/Axe*/(2HWS*, 2WS*); 18/19 11 18 11 11 11
Khalid: Rgr (Arch)/3; SLthr, LBow**/BSwd* (2WS**,SWS*) w/Br of Arch
Kivan: Rgr(Arch)/4; SLthr w/Br of Def AC6, LBow**/Spr*/LSwd*(2WS**)
Branwen: Cleric/4; SMail, Mace, Slg, WHammer
Imoen: Thf (Swbkl)/4; SLthr, SBow*/SSwd*
Quayle: Mage(Ill)/4; slg
Mods Used: HardTimes-v2; BG1UB_v12; bg1npc-v20; level1npcs-v1.9; bg2_tweaks-v14; Randomizer-v68; scs-v21 (- Tactical Challenges)
Reloads: 5 (Kobolds, Coast Way & Nashkel Mines); Mulahey; Tranzig; Vampiric Wolf (Temple area)
Curious why not equip your archers with a quiver of +1 arrows for the vampiric wolves? Do the mods you are using limit or make them too scarce or is it just an RP choice you are making?
It's a much harder game w/Hard Times & now that I've added SCS w/Better Calls for help, Smarter Wizards & Clerics, etc. I'm getting my butt kicked. Even the skeletons you run into near High Hedge, nromally 4, maybe 6, were like 12 & 16 @ a time. Ugh.
I thought I recalled Hard Times messing with items - so then it's just a matter of feeding your masochistic tendencies a bit? Seems to be working for you! Good luck!
Guess it is masochistic now that you say it. Maybe they could mod in a character class for 'Flagellants!' lol
Today was training day we had just finished the Nashkel mines last time so today we cleared out some of the southern maps - helped, Albert, dryad and catgirl, took out Amn's finest and dart-boy, cleared a path through Xvart village (twice), Gnashed some gnolls and sent the witch packing, rescued Brage, bashed Bassilus and buddies, hacked the half-ogres helped Drizzt, met Officer Vai and had a bit of lunch on the patio of the Temple after picking up Bassilus loot. Bought Billi the shadow armor - now everyone wants something cool & expensive...
Probably going to clear temple grounds next then maybe a trip to the coast before heading to the bandit camp.
Malone, Toolate, and Sierra are all level 4 (recent).
Bear (R/C),
Madstaff (Beserk->Druid),
and Billican (F/T) are all 3/3
with Bear less than 2K from Cleric 4,
Madstaff 2.2K from Druid 4 and getting Beserk back,
and Billican only a couple hundred from T-4.
all performing well no reloads today - one death to Bear from the dartmaster with a couple lucky crits in a row.
(here's a copy of the original stat breakdown - with profs updated
Leader & main PC -Magebane Malone - M Human LG Inquisitor
18/99-18-16-8-13-18/ Two handed sword**, Longbow**, THWS*
Buulo the Bear - M half-elf NG Cleric/Ranger
18/00-18-16-8-18-12 Mace**, Sling**, TWS**, Hammer*
Millini Madstaff - F Human TN Beserker (dual to druid level 2 - 4)
18/78-18-14-6-17-17, Staff***, Dart*, THWS* (druid- spear*, sling*)
Toolate Tempersnap - M Dwarf LN Wizard Slayer
18/95-16-19-12-8-8 Axe***, S&S**
Sierra Spidersbane - F Elf NG Archer
18/95-19-16-12-14-10, Halbred*, Longbow***, THWS*, TWS**
Billican Bigblade - M Halfling NG Fighter/thief
17-19-18-10-10-8, Longsword**, Sling** , dagger*
Thief profs (with current gear) - OL-65 FT-65 PP-35 MS-70 HIS-65 DI-0 ST-10
Key Event: Subsequent forays into Ulcaster proved disastrous. William, trying to lead his followers on a second successful foray to capture gold to have Quayle raised, proved instead to bring down everyone but Kivan & William himself. At times the party faced, in a single battle roughly a score of zombies, which in & of themselves are a picnic but these were supported by nearly a dozen skeletons, half of which were armed w/longbows & a half dozen Kobold Commando’s w/Arrows of Fire. The party was torn apart & despite Williams’s efforts to escape & evade & collect all of the party’s equipment, time & again the weakened party was overwhelmed. Branwen fell first & in an effort to collect her splint mail & other equipment, Imoen fell when she suddenly slipped from Hiding in Shadows to picking up Branwen’s gear. She couldn’t carry the armor w/o being slowed & fell to the undead & Kobold Commandos in the north of Ulcaster canyon. William, severely wounded knew that if he slept, the equipment they were trying to salvage would be lost so they tried again from the south. Once again, Kivan, Hidden in Shadow was suddenly visible & had to run back toward William & Khalid. He got there but then Khalid was killed by a band of about 8 Hobgoblins w/poison arrows. When William & Kivan left, William knew it was useless to continue. Painfully, he sold Bracers of Defense AC6 &, even more, Bracers of Archery, in order to raise the gold to raise his party & resupply them.
Treasure of note: None
Current Disposition: Resting @ the Red Sheaf
Next Steps: William wants to return to Ulcaster but fears his party is not strong enough for the hordes that await him there
Level Up: Khalid to Courser (Ranger-Archer/4); Imoen to Burglar (Thief-Swashbuckler/5) increased her thieving skills in F/Traps & H/Shadows to 55%; P/Locks & M/Silently to 50%
Current Party: (Reputation: 16 - Popular)
William Thatcher: Ftr/4; SMail w/RoP+1,2HSwd*/Fl*/Axe*/(2HWS*, 2WS*); 18/19 11 18 11 11 11
Khalid: Rgr (Arch)/4; SLthr, LBow**/BSwd* (2WS**,SWS*)
Kivan: Rgr(Arch)/4; SLthr, LBow**/Spr*/LSwd*(2WS**)
Branwen: Cleric/4; SMail, Slg, WHammer
Imoen: Thf (Swbkl)/5; SLthr, SBow*/SSwd*
Quayle: Mage(Ill)/4; slg
Mods Used: HardTimes-v2; BG1UB_v12; bg1npc-v20; level1npcs-v1.9; bg2_tweaks-v14; Randomizer-v68; scs-v21 (- Tactical Challenges)
Reloads: 5 Kobolds (Coast Way & Nashkel Mines); Mulahey; Tranzig; Vampiric Wolf (Temple area)
Weapon Proficiency: *Quarterstaff
Spells Memorized: Identify, and Sleep.
Paint BG for BGEE
Some components from BG2 Tweaks.
Difficulty: Normal
That's all I have so far.