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BG EE Mods and modding tutorials quick links



  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,440
    IWDification can be added--your choice of Spells, Items, and/or Tweaks.
  • MortiannaMortianna Member Posts: 1,356
    BG1-style Entangle spell for those who prefer the older version.
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    edited July 2013
    @CamDawg @Mortianna Both added, thanks :) Sorry for taking so long I'm currently traveling and depending on an unstable 3g connection on my IPad :)
  • DarkersunDarkersun Member Posts: 398
    I found out that Kit Revision is in Beta and should be bgee compatible:
    at least Beta 3 was mentioned by the mod creater to be compatible
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    @Darkersun Added under Kits, thanks :)
  • jfliederjflieder Member Posts: 115
    Has anyone had the chance to try both SCS and Dark Horizons in the same run? Are they compatible with each other?
  • StaglordStaglord Member Posts: 27
    edited September 2013
    I am running them right now and so far I have not have any troubles. The only issue is the morninglords did not respond to me attacking them they just stood and took the hits. When they died I did not get any rep loss

    Edit: I am now in chap 2 just after finishing the nashkel mines
  • StaglordStaglord Member Posts: 27
    Update to previous comment:

    The SCS seems to work on the DH NPC's but a place that seems untouched is the EE content, I just killed an NPc related to Dorn's personal quest and the AI was not up to scratch compared to SCS.

    Hope that answered your question @jflieder
  • jfliederjflieder Member Posts: 115
    Thanks @Staglord, that helps a bunch. It certainly doesn't sound significant enough to stop me from running both concurrently. Which of the two mods did you install first?
  • CoM_SolaufeinCoM_Solaufein Member Posts: 2,606
    Thanks for reminding me of that. That is an EE problem with the scripts that I assigned to the morning lords. I'll have to make my own custom scripts for them.
    Staglord said:

    I am running them right now and so far I have not have any troubles. The only issue is the morninglords did not respond to me attacking them they just stood and took the hits. When they died I did not get any rep loss

    Edit: I am now in chap 2 just after finishing the nashkel mines

  • StaglordStaglord Member Posts: 27
    @jflieder I follow the guides on for the BWS and BWP etc and i always install quests and content first then npc's after that kits and lastly AI and graphics, that is of cause a rough sketch

    So to answer your question DH first then SCS.
  • jfliederjflieder Member Posts: 115
    @Staglord thanks for the heads up.
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    edited October 2013
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    @CrevsDaak I didn't forget to add your mod. It's just that I've been away from computers for a few days and trying to edit a large html post in a phone or tablet isn't easy :)
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    edited October 2013
    mlnevese said:

    @CrevsDaak I didn't forget to add your mod. It's just that I've been away from computers for a few days and trying to edit a large html post in a phone or tablet isn't easy :)

    Sure, thank you!
    Yeah, html is a True Mess in mobile devices, but when getting into the forums from anywhere-but-not-home (aka Outside Candlekeep :P) is what truly matters, then you unleash all the power the Mobile Devices, mainly, by casting Dimension Door and entering the forums.
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    edited October 2013
    Added [Mod]: Beholder Invasion v1.2 under tweaks

    @CrevsDaak Finally got some time in front of a computer :)
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    @mlnevese, thanks, also (computers rock, especially OS X :P). I was going to ask if a category named "Useless mods that make you laugh" could be created (Ever heard of "The Sword of Noober" mod??? :P), but I think it fit fine in Tweaks.
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    @CrevsDaak If we get one more fun mod link I can always create a new category :)
  • enneractenneract Member Posts: 187
    Feel free to add Fixed Shadowdancer
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    edited October 2013
    @mlnevese I thought about creating a Nosferatu invasion in Candlekeep, the only change will be that, Nosferatu will be attacking you instead of just Beholders. I also thought about a Drow conspiracy, but I really want to add some interesting characters from books, like Elric of Melibone, and, obviously, his array of magical items (Stormbringer, The Chaos Shield, maybe some magical armors...), just what I really need is impossible to grant in real life: Time, to make the mods.

    I've been working on a "Potion o' Everlasting, but, some things were wrong, and, the potion were consumed, but had no charges, so, a potion drank 2 times became a stack of 655535 potions of 1Ibs. Also, I don't know what effect to give to it, so I gave it 10 different effects (10% of each one), but none of them triggers.


    And, is this off topic?? :S
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    edited October 2013
    @CrevsDaak Naah if this gets seriously off topic I'll just split the discussion. You could take a look in some of the links in the modding tutorial thread. They could help a lot. Also some of the modders who are now part of the development team are glad to help... When bug fixing and implementing new features does not take all of their time.
    Post edited by mlnevese on
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    @mlnevese Kaeloree helped me with the WeiDU version, as the mod wasn't requiring a string for the "Beholder" name (I think it was string number 25505 or 2550), he said it was very easy to install, but right now I have to focus on different things (da damned school) either than Infinity Engine Modding (which his one of the most focusing hobbies I've ever seen, you can add items, NPCs, quest and the liking to BG, PS:T, and all those great game you've played more then once).
    Also, about the Potion o' Everlasting, I'll just edit it to get replaced, and the chain they create won't be random, but it will be better than a bugged stack of 65550 potion that are useless (the description sees pretty, as well as the abilities, but a good luck nobody saw the results of those effects...).
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    @enneract Added under fixes, thankks :)
  • wojtekwojtek Member Posts: 311
    LiamEsler said:
    once again , i dont understand why this neera expansion pack, can't be officialy added to the game ?

  • sersafirsersafir Member Posts: 126
    Can we get some more tutorials?
  • fujisanfujisan Member Posts: 34
    Does anybody know of an up-to-date tutorial for adding inteerjections and banters for the NPC's?
  • MortiannaMortianna Member Posts: 1,356
    Wand Case for those who like to keep their inventories orderly.
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    @Mortianna Added under Equipment. Thanks and sorry for taking so long :)
  • LayneStaleyLayneStaley Member Posts: 40
    Hello guys i'am new entry of this forum and i 'am an italian player. I installed some of this kit mod but i have a problem, when i creating my character and i want to choose the kit, the kit have not a name and the descripition there isn't, and instead the name of the kit there is write "Missingstring 33225 " the number is change unlike the kit. Then can you help me please?
  • IsayaIsaya Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 752
    @LayneStaley Obviously the mods you installed are not using the latest version of WeiDU so the strings added by the mod were not added to your prefered language.
    You need to uinstall the mods first. Then apply the instructions given in step 1 of this reference topic, for all your mods, then reinstall them.
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