@EnterHaerDalis Wow, I didn't know basilisks can waylay you - that's pretty hardcore. Also, that's a pretty cool presentation format for this challenge, I've enjoyed reading it.
Nice run @EnterHaerDalis. Being waylaid by basilisks is exactly why I always carry a stone to flesh scroll on my main PC in every game.
Yeah ... prevention is not good enough. Although I got through the area with a protection from petrification spell and korax it was still stupid to not have stone to flesh scrolls on me. I have no excuses, they are sold at every temple and are pretty cheap
@EnterHaerDalis Wow, I didn't know basilisks can waylay you - that's pretty hardcore. Also, that's a pretty cool presentation format for this challenge, I've enjoyed reading it.
cool thanks. I think basilisks can only waylay you on your way out of the basilisk area - I'm not 100% sure though
I decided to give this a try and using the random character generator created a neutral good elven fighter/thief.
Things were going well. Went to friendly arm inn, fought a few beasties on the way. There have been loses; Imoen, Jaheria and Monterron. Now I said things were going well, that's because just as the party (Jaheria Xzar, Garrick and myself) approached Nashkel there was a random attack with a group of bandits.
I actually have the game paused, looking at the screen helplessly as a volley of arrows are flying at my group. I doubt I'll survive this.
I'm on another really good run, had a freaklishly amazing roll after trying to get a 95+ for a normal game I just beat Davaeorn with ease and will be tackling Baldurs Gate tomorrow. First time I've ever even made it there doing this challenge. Will do a full run down when it's concluded
This run was gong rather well, I had just downed Bassilus and was off to wrap up some quests before heading to Nashkel mines, when it came to a sudden and abrubt end. Xzar used his lighning wand in a WIDE OPEN SPACE, but somehow it managed to bounce back and kill my cleric
The sudden violent end of my character in an otherwise great run is exactly why I like this challenge!
I am very proud to say that I have finally conquered this challenge. After many failed attempts I have finally figured out a formula for complete success. Sarevok was defeated quite easily in comparison to other altercations. This is a tale of Davian Hawklight, a Blackguard who conquered the sword coast and avenged his foster father. ( screenshots in order - http://imgur.com/a/GzNfB )
Kagain was the first in the employ of Davian. He was stout and fortified and was a staple in the early successes of the crew. His untimely end came at the hands of Narcillus' mustard jellies. The most profound axe wielder on the sword coast was no more.
Xan was picked up sulking in the Nashkel Mines but didn't last long at all. His negativity was seeded out by the gods and he was cast down by a mustard jellie alongside Kagain. Davian truly had no intentions of aligning with a whining, sniveling and highly frail creature in the long term.
Xzar was a formidable companion for Davian; His magics were quite useful for a time until it was decided his usefulness had run it's course. The party betrayed the necromancer and left him for the wolves in cloakwood.
The crew of Minsc, Kivan, Viconia, Montaron and Baeloth were the core of Davian's travels and success. A halflings skill with a sling and blade combined with the prowess in the art of stealth provided a tactical combination. A masterful bowman with unerring consistency is simply irreplaceable. Doubling down on drows with uncanny and destructive powers proved completely essential. And how can we forget a childish brute with crushing force. Maces in his hands and a hamster by his side, many foe were bludgeoned into oblivion. The companions stayed strong and unified all the way to the last fleeting traces of Sarevok
Minsc and Montaron had been feverishly loyal and had followed Davian to the final motions of Sarevok. While tracking the satanic bhaalspawn a deadly trap was sprung in the Thieves Warrens which nearly claimed the lives of the entire party. Fortunately sufficient members survived to ensure success but Montaron was evaporated by a fireball and Minsc was struck down by a surge of lightning. Although highly loyal and useful, they were both fortunately replaceable despite having to leave their equipment behind. With no thief left to combat the deadly traps, the party retracted out of the thieves warrens the same way they got in, with a Invisibility 10' spell courtesy of Baeloth.
After narrowly surviving death, the party healed up and scanned the sword coast for fit replacements. The wondrous Coran was employed and his trapping skills were polished after a necessary amount of wyverns were slain in their cave in cloakwood. To supplement the front line after a loss of the brutalizer Minsc, Davian turned to fellow Blackguard Dorn. Luckily he is always ready for battle and the party geared up and headed back below Baldurs Gate for a rendezvous with fate.
Sneaking past the jellies, hellish skeleton warriors and doom guards with the magics of Baeloth, the party tread carefully through the maze putting Coran to good use taking out the fatal traps that lie ahead. Sarevok's 'partner' lay beaten and betrayed but was strangely content with himself. The party left him to his fate and continued to face the final frontier.
In the Undercity a party hired by the Iron Throne were dispatched using a wide variety of tactics. Explosive potions, spider spawn scrolls and baeloths ice storm were more than enough to annihilate the foes.
For the finale and the confrontation of Sarevok in the Temple of Bhaal, all the treasures and magics plundered along the sword coast were utilized to their full capacity. Many potions were consumed, many scrolls were cast and many spells were provided by the party's drow to prepare for the confrontation.
The battle itself went quite smooth since all the fruit of the sword coast was utilized in full form. Every soldier of Davian used explosive potions while Viconia called the aid of several undead and Baeloth summoned hobgoblins with a magic wand. The finest arrows in all the sword coast were readied by Coran and Kivan, the greatest bowmen in the land. Davian and his Blackguard brethren readied their poison weapons while Sarevok approached the group. The party threw everything but the kitchen sink at Sarevok. Arrows pierced his armor, Dorn and Davian were able to land significant blows and trigger a poison effect upon him while the drow duo tried to keep his lackeys at bay. Eventually Sarevok fell to the might of Davian and his comrades after taking a sustained volley of arrows and poison damage.
OK. Was going to start a new char to carry over into BG2:EE, but this seems more interesting... Going to use my first 75 roll, and see where fate takes me.
It's hard being a druid when you're confined to the stone walls of Candlekeep. Still, Asherah has made the best of what she had. She's read all the nature books, knows Ninian Drest's "The Call of Nature" off by heart and can identify every plant in the keep and every bird overhead. And now, for the first time, she'll be able to experience the wilderness for herself. Before setting off, Asherah equips herself at the Elven Arse Inn.
Winthrop: There you go miss, one leather armor. Looks good on ya! Asherah: Uff.. very funny, do you have one that isn't made of bricks? Winthrop: That's the lightest one we've got, miss. Maybe ye should have spent more time training and less time running naked about the orchard? Asherah: I was communing with nature! Communing with nature! It's an important part of the druid training! It's right there in Ninian's book! Ugh... Winthrop: Whatever ye say. I've got some lighter stuff for ya, if yer interested.
Sheepishly she returns the leather armor, and replaces her quarterstaff with a pile of darts. She stocks up on sling bullets and arrows as well, just in case. Despite her strength, she manages to force one lock upstairs and then goes off to meet Gorion. We all know what happens next - disaster! Let's fast forward a little bit, to where she meets an odd-looking pair by the side of the road.
Asherah: We'd be glad for any help, Montaron. You look strong, do you mind carrying my pack? Imoen: Mine too. Xzar: Great idea! Here you go, Montaron! Montaron: Go suck yer blade. All of you.
The party kills an ogre on their way to the Friendly Arm Inn. They grab a ring of wizardry from a rock and sleep outside to avoid a confrontation with Tarnesh.
Asherah: Ninian says inns are unclean. Do you realize how many parasites those bedsheets could have? It's much healthier to sleep out here, under the open stars. I didn't expect the ground to be so hard, though. Montaron: Sleep lightly, taskmaster. Parasites are the least of yer worries.
In the morning, the party clears out some hobgoblins north of the Inn and travels to Peldvale. It's a dangerous area, but I want to recruit Viconia to take down Tarnesh. Unfortunately, as they're stumbling through the underbrush a frost arrow hits Xzar and kills him instantly. The rest of the party turns to run but a second shot from the Blacktalon Elite takes down Monty. Imoen and Ash flee into the wilderness but they have barely left Peldvale behind when they are ambushed by wild dogs. The pack doesn't seem to care about Asherah's attempts to bark in their language, and Imoen and Ash are forced to flee that encounter as well. In the chaos they run in the wrong direction and end up back in Peldvale. The Blacktalon Elite is nowhere in sight but they spy a dark-skinned elf who cries out for their help, pursued by an armored soldier.
Asherah: Leave that poor elf alone! Flaming Fist: But she's a -ow-! If you could just -ow- stop and let me -ow-! That's it. Animate Dead!
The skeleton goes after Imoen who leads it away. Viconia Commands the mercenary but without Monty and Xzar they don't have enough damage to finish him and he rises to his feet, angrier than ever and downing an extra healing potion. But he doesn't attack them - he casts a Hold Person at Imoen who's still kiting the skeleton around.
Flaming Fist: Save your friend or save the drow. Your choice, druid. Asherah: Imoen, no! Face me, you undead monster!
But the skeleton is relentless. Asherah beats on it uselessly as it swings its massive sword and cuts Imoen down. There's a moment of silence and then, with all of her companions dead, Asherah flees into the wilderness alone and friendless and with nowhere to go.
Asherah: I swear, by the old gods and the new, you will all be avenged.
OK. Was going to start a new char to carry over into BG2:EE, but this seems more interesting... Going to use my first 75 roll, and see where fate takes me.
After equipping myself at the inn, I ignored a few requests for help - deciding instead to head directly to the steps of the keep. Gorion is rarely urgent...clearly I don't have time to waste on errands today. Despite my haste, shortly after we left...Gorion was struck down. I ran...Imoen followed me. With heavy hearts, and little to do besides heed our father's last words, we set our sights on the friendly arm, hoping to meet with Khalid and Jaheira.
Along the way, we met some curious (but clearly dubious) adventurers who were looking to band together and travel South. I told them I would head there after stopping by the Friendly Arm; I anticipated that they, too, would appreciate the companionship. They agreed, and brought with them several healing potions and spell scrolls. The mage, rambling incoherently, proved his worth that first night when the group was ambushed by a wolf - I just hope never to be on the receiving end of his ire.
After a few more skirmishes, we started feeling comfortable enough fighting as a group - and we were being tested more frequently. Before the steps to the Inn, an attempt on my life was the first of several notable encounters, where we (with the help of Gorion's friends) earned some much needed gold and equipment before heading South.
Imoen, growing confident in her abilities, attempted to scout an ogre's camp for us - despite my protests. An ogre, a wild ogre no less, can have keen senses, particularly at night. Sure enough, he spotted her quickly, and we had to mobilize quickly to take him down.
After gaining some strength, and no casualties, we head south to nashkell. (in pt. 2)
Once we arrived in Nashkell, we were asked to investigate the nearby mine. While in town, I was pulled aside by Jaheira, who questioned the motives of Xzar and Montaron. After confiding in Imoen, and meeting a powerful yet loyal man named Minsc, I came to the decision that I would part ways with Xzar and Montaron...for now. I didn't quite trust them either. Speaking of not trusting my companions... a second large man, or orc, named Dorn joined our ranks. Dark. Clearly evil. but STRONG.
Imoen insisted on scouting the front; I sent my spirit animal to protect her. Khalid, showing uncharacteristic courage, successfully challenged several kobold bowmen. The party was growing together, fighting together, with nary an injury to show for it.
Imoen, ever eager to show off her knowledge and smarts, remembered reading about kobolds being trained to set rudimentary traps; she told us to stay behind her, and she was right. She is growing up, alongside me, faster than I thought.
We knew the traps meant we were close. A dark cave. The source of this chaos must be in there.
But we are tired. We are out of healing and offensive spells. We need to rest. Because whatever is behind that door...
I awaken to a blood-curdling scream. I know that scream...I've heard it before, in my dreams. No, not this scream...but one like it.
He's dead, taken down with a hail of arrows in his sleep. Stupid choice, Resting down here. What were we thinking?
Dorn takes an arrow to his throat. I guess I never really will get to know his story...at least not from him. This is bad. Is Imoen OK? Where is Imoen? It's so dark down here. Why are the Kobolds not yipping anymore? did we kill them? No, I don't remember any Kobolds.
I don't remember it being this quiet...why did we sleep here...I guess we can go back to sleep, just for a few minutes...You still awake, Imoen?
I can't believe I missed your post @EnterHaerDalis! Belated congratulations!!!
It's funny how this challenge grows on my mind. It's time for another shot. Apologies for the wall of text to follow and for covering the same ground we always do from the beginning
Introducing Leosc, the Dragon Disciple:
I've never been one for keeping a journal, but so much has happened recently I need to get my thoughts in order.
Day 1: My life was turned upside down today. Everyone has an urgency about them today. I was told to prepare for a journey and that my father wants us to leave right away. I made my usual rounds, running errands, but the atmosphere was very different. Something was definitely in the air. I visited the bunkhouse and was attacked by a "sewer rat" looking for a golden ticket. He did fall for my blindness trick thank goodness, but who wants me dead? What the hell is going on here!?! I am just going to get my things, say my goodbyes and leave ASAP. I am relying on Gorion to tell me what's really going on once we leave...
Day 2: This isn't real. This must be a nightmare. My father is dead, ambushed by a heavily armed squad. And they were looking for me. And I ran, left him there to die. I can't even describe the next sequence of events. It was so surreal. When I regained some amount of composure, I was some distance away from the ambush, the scene of my shame. I need time to think. My next move needs to be the right one. Dad mentioned friends at the Inn to the north. I may find some answers there. But first, I have a duty to perform.
Who should I run into on my way back to the ambush? Imoen. I always got along with her, but she was different today. She was very nonchalant, making jokes. She also seems to know a lot more about what's going on than I. When I prompted her for more information, she asked me to tell her a story about trollops and plugtails?!? On the way to bury my father??? What a sick twist!! I think I need to go at this alone until I find the friends my father spoke of...
On the way to the ambush site, I ran across a couple of seemingly friendly people. They offered me a healing potion! Nice! However, after about 90 seconds with them, I realize that these are decidedly NOT the friends I was looking for. I was grateful for the potion, but I question the motive behind the gift. I wished them well and went my own way.
I found my father's body. I gathered his belongings and built a cairn to mark his final resting place. Among his possessions was a note from a mysterious person named "E." It seems that these events have been anticipated to some degree. I noted a faint, barely legible watermark on the reverse of the letter, alluding to something buried under a tree outside the Friendly Arm Inn. I wonder what that might be? Obviously "E" felt it important enough to inform Gorion, but was careful to ensure others would not find it. Hmmm...very interesting.
What should my next move be? Back to Candlekeep to inform them of the tragedy or onward to the FAI?
@Blackraven Thank you kindly! I know this is a roleplay challenge, but I thought I'd permit myself that one stash and it seemed a plausible enough story
Day 3: After some thought, I decided to head back to Candlekeep to let them know what occurred and the loss of the great man. I felt it was only right. However, I was denied access at the gate! I need a book to enter!?!?! My father is dead outside the gates and I need a freaking book to get back to my home???
Swallowing my rage, I decide to head to the FAI as planned. I set up camp just outside the gate and will try to get an early start tomorrow.
Day 4: I stuck to the road and had an uneventful journey to the FAI. I found a ring under the tree alluded to in E's note! I am unsure of its powers, but it is clearly magical. Despite my hunch that it is something E meant for us to find, I had better find someone who knows more than I about such things to ensure it is safe to use. Maybe someone in the Inn can help with that? Onward then to safety and friendship at the good Inn!
My life has just passed before my eyes. Another bounty hunter was waiting outside the Inn pretending friendship. He attacked me and I was totally unprepared. I tried to use my old blind trick on him but, to my shame, I could not even cast the spell. I just stood there, frozen as he split into 4-5 people! I will need to learn that trick. I will forever be indebted to the fine guard at the FAI for saving my life from certain doom. A one-shot critical hit from the guard ended Tarnesh's life. If I make it through this alive, his family will never want for anything again!
On the body was a bounty notice indicating that this nightmare is only just beginning. There are going to be dozens, hundreds after me. I could use one (or five) of Winthrop's ales right about now. I sure hope the people I am here to meet can shed some light on this situation and are worth their salt in combat...
Damn, this thread makes me want to join this challenge. Meaning I would have three games running... Maybe I'll do this in vanilla BG:EE. @JLee and others: are you playing with any mods? I have the Steam version of EE, and haven't tried to install any mods. Last time I checked installing mods was difficult with Steam.
@Blackraven I am playing vanilla bgee. If you scroll back a few pages, I believe one or two tried it with SCS.
I've had a lot of fun with these and normally they don't last long, if you use minimal meta-knowledge. It makes you realize how this game sort of railroads you into a difficult path for no reload, if you take the course of least resistance.
Day 5: I finally met Khalid and Jaheira. They were very upset to hear what befell Gorion and graciously offered to travel with me. Jaheira was quite adamant however about setting off to Nashkell in the south as quickly as possible. It is good to share company with those that knew Gorion well.
I could not find out about the ring at the FAI, but Bentley Mirrorshade directed me to his wife at the temple. For the price of 100 gold I found out that it is an incredible treasure! I am sure E meant it for Gorion's use, but I will keep it as an heirloom.
Onward to Nashkell...
The road south was uneventful all the way to Beregost. Although we did see signs of banditry along the way.
Day 6: Beregost. We didn't spend much time in Beregost. We did meet an extremely helpful fellow who pointed out the sights. But since we have a mission, we continued our journey south while it was still light.
We stuck to the road as we headed south, but for the first time we did run into trouble. 2 Ogrillons were right in the road. Man, they hit hard!! Poor Jaheira had to quaff two potions of healing to survive. Thankfully my sleep spell put them both under and it was easy work to finish them off.
From the experience gained during the encounter, Jaheira leveled up in both classes and received some much needed hit points. We found a note that contained good tidings for someone named Mirianne. We will definitely have to keep a lookout for her and give her this welcome piece of news.
Continuing south, we encountered a band of Hobgoblins. I was able to most of them to sleep, but Jaheira continues to take a beating. It was a close thing but we prevailed. On the negative side, Jaheira and I are out of spells. I hope we can make it to Nashkell where we can rest.
What a day...it is shortly after dark, but we finally made it to Nashkell. Now to find an inn, a mug of ale, and a good night's rest.
Well, BIG surprise! Another bounty hunter was waiting for us, this time inside the inn. Her name was Neira and this time there were no guards to help. Jaheira and Khalid engaged her in melee and I remembered the wand of magic Missiles Imoen was so generous to give me. With some well timed shots, I interrupted all of her casting attempts. I am not at all curious to know what devilry she had in store for us! However, that will remain a mystery, for she fell to Khalid's long sword and never rose again.
One good thing, Jaheira now has much needed new armor and a nice shield, only slightly worse for wear.
I am tired and can only crawl into bed. One last thought before sleep, inns should be approached with caution. It seems they are all under watch of the enemy.
@Blackraven Thank you kindly! It's definitely invigorating when any kobold can one shot charname! We haven't been waylaid yet (knock on wood). That's always touchy at level 1.
Knock knock (on wood). True roleplaying (rather than metagaming) is asking for trouble... I think Thalantyr doesn't sell Find Familiar, or does he? Hope you'll soon gain a level or two.
Things were going well. Went to friendly arm inn, fought a few beasties on the way. There have been loses; Imoen, Jaheria and Monterron. Now I said things were going well, that's because just as the party (Jaheria Xzar, Garrick and myself) approached Nashkel there was a random attack with a group of bandits.
I actually have the game paused, looking at the screen helplessly as a volley of arrows are flying at my group. I doubt I'll survive this.
Amazingly survived with everyone intact. Neato.
This was fun, like playing a survival RPG. I was actually getting invested in the game, only for it to be put to a violent quick end.
The sudden violent end of my character in an otherwise great run is exactly why I like this challenge!
Kagain was the first in the employ of Davian. He was stout and fortified and was a staple in the early successes of the crew. His untimely end came at the hands of Narcillus' mustard jellies. The most profound axe wielder on the sword coast was no more.
Xan was picked up sulking in the Nashkel Mines but didn't last long at all. His negativity was seeded out by the gods and he was cast down by a mustard jellie alongside Kagain. Davian truly had no intentions of aligning with a whining, sniveling and highly frail creature in the long term.
Xzar was a formidable companion for Davian; His magics were quite useful for a time until it was decided his usefulness had run it's course. The party betrayed the necromancer and left him for the wolves in cloakwood.
The crew of Minsc, Kivan, Viconia, Montaron and Baeloth were the core of Davian's travels and success. A halflings skill with a sling and blade combined with the prowess in the art of stealth provided a tactical combination. A masterful bowman with unerring consistency is simply irreplaceable. Doubling down on drows with uncanny and destructive powers proved completely essential. And how can we forget a childish brute with crushing force. Maces in his hands and a hamster by his side, many foe were bludgeoned into oblivion. The companions stayed strong and unified all the way to the last fleeting traces of Sarevok
Minsc and Montaron had been feverishly loyal and had followed Davian to the final motions of Sarevok. While tracking the satanic bhaalspawn a deadly trap was sprung in the Thieves Warrens which nearly claimed the lives of the entire party. Fortunately sufficient members survived to ensure success but Montaron was evaporated by a fireball and Minsc was struck down by a surge of lightning. Although highly loyal and useful, they were both fortunately replaceable despite having to leave their equipment behind. With no thief left to combat the deadly traps, the party retracted out of the thieves warrens the same way they got in, with a Invisibility 10' spell courtesy of Baeloth.
After narrowly surviving death, the party healed up and scanned the sword coast for fit replacements. The wondrous Coran was employed and his trapping skills were polished after a necessary amount of wyverns were slain in their cave in cloakwood. To supplement the front line after a loss of the brutalizer Minsc, Davian turned to fellow Blackguard Dorn. Luckily he is always ready for battle and the party geared up and headed back below Baldurs Gate for a rendezvous with fate.
Sneaking past the jellies, hellish skeleton warriors and doom guards with the magics of Baeloth, the party tread carefully through the maze putting Coran to good use taking out the fatal traps that lie ahead. Sarevok's 'partner' lay beaten and betrayed but was strangely content with himself. The party left him to his fate and continued to face the final frontier.
In the Undercity a party hired by the Iron Throne were dispatched using a wide variety of tactics. Explosive potions, spider spawn scrolls and baeloths ice storm were more than enough to annihilate the foes.
For the finale and the confrontation of Sarevok in the Temple of Bhaal, all the treasures and magics plundered along the sword coast were utilized to their full capacity. Many potions were consumed, many scrolls were cast and many spells were provided by the party's drow to prepare for the confrontation.
The battle itself went quite smooth since all the fruit of the sword coast was utilized in full form. Every soldier of Davian used explosive potions while Viconia called the aid of several undead and Baeloth summoned hobgoblins with a magic wand. The finest arrows in all the sword coast were readied by Coran and Kivan, the greatest bowmen in the land. Davian and his Blackguard brethren readied their poison weapons while Sarevok approached the group. The party threw everything but the kitchen sink at Sarevok. Arrows pierced his armor, Dorn and Davian were able to land significant blows and trigger a poison effect upon him while the drow duo tried to keep his lackeys at bay. Eventually Sarevok fell to the might of Davian and his comrades after taking a sustained volley of arrows and poison damage.
sweet, sweet victory...
How could I pass up these godly stats?
She can carry a whopping 15 lbs.
It's hard being a druid when you're confined to the stone walls of Candlekeep. Still, Asherah has made the best of what she had. She's read all the nature books, knows Ninian Drest's "The Call of Nature" off by heart and can identify every plant in the keep and every bird overhead. And now, for the first time, she'll be able to experience the wilderness for herself. Before setting off, Asherah equips herself at the Elven Arse Inn.
Winthrop: There you go miss, one leather armor. Looks good on ya!
Asherah: Uff.. very funny, do you have one that isn't made of bricks?
Winthrop: That's the lightest one we've got, miss. Maybe ye should have spent more time training and less time running naked about the orchard?
Asherah: I was communing with nature! Communing with nature! It's an important part of the druid training! It's right there in Ninian's book! Ugh...
Winthrop: Whatever ye say. I've got some lighter stuff for ya, if yer interested.
Sheepishly she returns the leather armor, and replaces her quarterstaff with a pile of darts. She stocks up on sling bullets and arrows as well, just in case. Despite her strength, she manages to force one lock upstairs and then goes off to meet Gorion. We all know what happens next - disaster! Let's fast forward a little bit, to where she meets an odd-looking pair by the side of the road.
Asherah: We'd be glad for any help, Montaron. You look strong, do you mind carrying my pack?
Imoen: Mine too.
Xzar: Great idea! Here you go, Montaron!
Montaron: Go suck yer blade. All of you.
The party kills an ogre on their way to the Friendly Arm Inn. They grab a ring of wizardry from a rock and sleep outside to avoid a confrontation with Tarnesh.
Asherah: Ninian says inns are unclean. Do you realize how many parasites those bedsheets could have? It's much healthier to sleep out here, under the open stars. I didn't expect the ground to be so hard, though.
Montaron: Sleep lightly, taskmaster. Parasites are the least of yer worries.
In the morning, the party clears out some hobgoblins north of the Inn and travels to Peldvale. It's a dangerous area, but I want to recruit Viconia to take down Tarnesh. Unfortunately, as they're stumbling through the underbrush a frost arrow hits Xzar and kills him instantly. The rest of the party turns to run but a second shot from the Blacktalon Elite takes down Monty. Imoen and Ash flee into the wilderness but they have barely left Peldvale behind when they are ambushed by wild dogs. The pack doesn't seem to care about Asherah's attempts to bark in their language, and Imoen and Ash are forced to flee that encounter as well. In the chaos they run in the wrong direction and end up back in Peldvale. The Blacktalon Elite is nowhere in sight but they spy a dark-skinned elf who cries out for their help, pursued by an armored soldier.
Asherah: Leave that poor elf alone!
Flaming Fist: But she's a -ow-! If you could just -ow- stop and let me -ow-! That's it. Animate Dead!
The skeleton goes after Imoen who leads it away. Viconia Commands the mercenary but without Monty and Xzar they don't have enough damage to finish him and he rises to his feet, angrier than ever and downing an extra healing potion. But he doesn't attack them - he casts a Hold Person at Imoen who's still kiting the skeleton around.
Flaming Fist: Save your friend or save the drow. Your choice, druid.
Asherah: Imoen, no! Face me, you undead monster!
But the skeleton is relentless. Asherah beats on it uselessly as it swings its massive sword and cuts Imoen down. There's a moment of silence and then, with all of her companions dead, Asherah flees into the wilderness alone and friendless and with nowhere to go.
Asherah: I swear, by the old gods and the new, you will all be avenged.
Level 1 Avenger
Useful items: Ring of Wizardry, Wand of Magic Missiles, big stack of darts, dagger.
Companions: None!
Deceased: Gorion, Xzar, Montaron, Imoen.
Along the way, we met some curious (but clearly dubious) adventurers who were looking to band together and travel South. I told them I would head there after stopping by the Friendly Arm; I anticipated that they, too, would appreciate the companionship. They agreed, and brought with them several healing potions and spell scrolls. The mage, rambling incoherently, proved his worth that first night when the group was ambushed by a wolf - I just hope never to be on the receiving end of his ire.
After a few more skirmishes, we started feeling comfortable enough fighting as a group - and we were being tested more frequently. Before the steps to the Inn, an attempt on my life was the first of several notable encounters, where we (with the help of Gorion's friends) earned some much needed gold and equipment before heading South.
Imoen, growing confident in her abilities, attempted to scout an ogre's camp for us - despite my protests. An ogre, a wild ogre no less, can have keen senses, particularly at night. Sure enough, he spotted her quickly, and we had to mobilize quickly to take him down.
After gaining some strength, and no casualties, we head south to nashkell. (in pt. 2)
Imoen insisted on scouting the front; I sent my spirit animal to protect her. Khalid, showing uncharacteristic courage, successfully challenged several kobold bowmen. The party was growing together, fighting together, with nary an injury to show for it.
Imoen, ever eager to show off her knowledge and smarts, remembered reading about kobolds being trained to set rudimentary traps; she told us to stay behind her, and she was right. She is growing up, alongside me, faster than I thought.
We knew the traps meant we were close. A dark cave. The source of this chaos must be in there.
But we are tired. We are out of healing and offensive spells. We need to rest. Because whatever is behind that door...
He's dead, taken down with a hail of arrows in his sleep. Stupid choice, Resting down here. What were we thinking?
Dorn takes an arrow to his throat. I guess I never really will get to know his story...at least not from him. This is bad. Is Imoen OK? Where is Imoen? It's so dark down here. Why are the Kobolds not yipping anymore? did we kill them? No, I don't remember any Kobolds.
I don't remember it being this quiet...why did we sleep here...I guess we can go back to sleep, just for a few minutes...You still awake, Imoen?
It's funny how this challenge grows on my mind. It's time for another shot. Apologies for the wall of text to follow and for covering the same ground we always do from the beginning
Introducing Leosc, the Dragon Disciple:
I've never been one for keeping a journal, but so much has happened recently I need to get my thoughts in order.
Day 1:
My life was turned upside down today. Everyone has an urgency about them today. I was told to prepare for a journey and that my father wants us to leave right away. I made my usual rounds, running errands, but the atmosphere was very different. Something was definitely in the air. I visited the bunkhouse and was attacked by a "sewer rat" looking for a golden ticket. He did fall for my blindness trick thank goodness, but who wants me dead? What the hell is going on here!?! I am just going to get my things, say my goodbyes and leave ASAP. I am relying on Gorion to tell me what's really going on once we leave...
Day 2:
This isn't real. This must be a nightmare. My father is dead, ambushed by a heavily armed squad. And they were looking for me. And I ran, left him there to die. I can't even describe the next sequence of events. It was so surreal. When I regained some amount of composure, I was some distance away from the ambush, the scene of my shame. I need time to think. My next move needs to be the right one. Dad mentioned friends at the Inn to the north. I may find some answers there. But first, I have a duty to perform.
Who should I run into on my way back to the ambush? Imoen. I always got along with her, but she was different today. She was very nonchalant, making jokes. She also seems to know a lot more about what's going on than I. When I prompted her for more information, she asked me to tell her a story about trollops and plugtails?!? On the way to bury my father??? What a sick twist!! I think I need to go at this alone until I find the friends my father spoke of...
On the way to the ambush site, I ran across a couple of seemingly friendly people. They offered me a healing potion! Nice! However, after about 90 seconds with them, I realize that these are decidedly NOT the friends I was looking for. I was grateful for the potion, but I question the motive behind the gift. I wished them well and went my own way.
I found my father's body. I gathered his belongings and built a cairn to mark his final resting place. Among his possessions was a note from a mysterious person named "E." It seems that these events have been anticipated to some degree. I noted a faint, barely legible watermark on the reverse of the letter, alluding to something buried under a tree outside the Friendly Arm Inn. I wonder what that might be? Obviously "E" felt it important enough to inform Gorion, but was careful to ensure others would not find it. Hmmm...very interesting.
What should my next move be? Back to Candlekeep to inform them of the tragedy or onward to the FAI?
Day 3:
After some thought, I decided to head back to Candlekeep to let them know what occurred and the loss of the great man. I felt it was only right. However, I was denied access at the gate! I need a book to enter!?!?! My father is dead outside the gates and I need a freaking book to get back to my home???
Swallowing my rage, I decide to head to the FAI as planned. I set up camp just outside the gate and will try to get an early start tomorrow.
Day 4:
I stuck to the road and had an uneventful journey to the FAI. I found a ring under the tree alluded to in E's note! I am unsure of its powers, but it is clearly magical. Despite my hunch that it is something E meant for us to find, I had better find someone who knows more than I about such things to ensure it is safe to use. Maybe someone in the Inn can help with that? Onward then to safety and friendship at the good Inn!
My life has just passed before my eyes. Another bounty hunter was waiting outside the Inn pretending friendship. He attacked me and I was totally unprepared. I tried to use my old blind trick on him but, to my shame, I could not even cast the spell. I just stood there, frozen as he split into 4-5 people! I will need to learn that trick. I will forever be indebted to the fine guard at the FAI for saving my life from certain doom. A one-shot critical hit from the guard ended Tarnesh's life. If I make it through this alive, his family will never want for anything again!
On the body was a bounty notice indicating that this nightmare is only just beginning. There are going to be dozens, hundreds after me. I could use one (or five) of Winthrop's ales right about now. I sure hope the people I am here to meet can shed some light on this situation and are worth their salt in combat...
@JLee and others: are you playing with any mods? I have the Steam version of EE, and haven't tried to install any mods. Last time I checked installing mods was difficult with Steam.
I've had a lot of fun with these and normally they don't last long, if you use minimal meta-knowledge. It makes you realize how this game sort of railroads you into a difficult path for no reload, if you take the course of least resistance.
I finally met Khalid and Jaheira. They were very upset to hear what befell Gorion and graciously offered to travel with me. Jaheira was quite adamant however about setting off to Nashkell in the south as quickly as possible. It is good to share company with those that knew Gorion well.
I could not find out about the ring at the FAI, but Bentley Mirrorshade directed me to his wife at the temple. For the price of 100 gold I found out that it is an incredible treasure! I am sure E meant it for Gorion's use, but I will keep it as an heirloom.
Onward to Nashkell...
The road south was uneventful all the way to Beregost. Although we did see signs of banditry along the way.
Day 6:
Beregost. We didn't spend much time in Beregost. We did meet an extremely helpful fellow who pointed out the sights. But since we have a mission, we continued our journey south while it was still light.
We stuck to the road as we headed south, but for the first time we did run into trouble. 2 Ogrillons were right in the road. Man, they hit hard!! Poor Jaheira had to quaff two potions of healing to survive. Thankfully my sleep spell put them both under and it was easy work to finish them off.
From the experience gained during the encounter, Jaheira leveled up in both classes and received some much needed hit points. We found a note that contained good tidings for someone named Mirianne. We will definitely have to keep a lookout for her and give her this welcome piece of news.
Continuing south, we encountered a band of Hobgoblins. I was able to most of them to sleep, but Jaheira continues to take a beating. It was a close thing but we prevailed. On the negative side, Jaheira and I are out of spells. I hope we can make it to Nashkell where we can rest.
What a day...it is shortly after dark, but we finally made it to Nashkell. Now to find an inn, a mug of ale, and a good night's rest.
Well, BIG surprise! Another bounty hunter was waiting for us, this time inside the inn. Her name was Neira and this time there were no guards to help. Jaheira and Khalid engaged her in melee and I remembered the wand of magic Missiles Imoen was so generous to give me. With some well timed shots, I interrupted all of her casting attempts. I am not at all curious to know what devilry she had in store for us! However, that will remain a mystery, for she fell to Khalid's long sword and never rose again.
One good thing, Jaheira now has much needed new armor and a nice shield, only slightly worse for wear.
I am tired and can only crawl into bed. One last thought before sleep, inns should be approached with caution. It seems they are all under watch of the enemy.
none, knock on wood
Khalid 1
Jaheira 2/2
Leosc 1
Level ups:
Jaheira +9 hp, you go girl!
True roleplaying (rather than metagaming) is asking for trouble...
I think Thalantyr doesn't sell Find Familiar, or does he? Hope you'll soon gain a level or two.