Well things were going well. I got me party through a lot of tough situations; fought red wizards and basilisks and arrogant adventurers; fought me tons of undead and ogre types and bandits galore. We fought a really tough ogre mage that almost got me and more mages and kobolds and ogrillons and such. We even took out some sirines and golems. We were doing well working on the bandit threat and had cleared one area of bandits and we were working on another area. We started heading north and the daft elf healer decided to take a slight detour to the south and got herself targeted by a bunch of black talon elite while she was all by her lonesome. We got the bandits, but lost the elf healer. I never thought I would say this, but I actually liked the elf. Will have to toast her the next time we come to an inn.
Picked up a human lass that can heal that somehow got stuck in stone. She likes to bash things in the head with her hammer and I think we will get along fine. She worked well while we stormed the main bandit camp. We got them all and got some good loot. The archer in the main tent nearly killed me thief with a poisoned arrow, but luckily we had an antidote or two left. Stupid poisoned arrows. May need to get some more in case we fight more dirty fighters like that. Not too much else to report except that we now need to go to another blasted forest to find a mine.
We fought through the forest without too much problem and ran throughout the mines without too much problem. Cleared out everything except the final mage without any casualties. He got off a lightning bolt that took a really weird series of bounces that killed the elf archer and nearly killed me own mage. He got a hold spell on me and me party had to finish him off. On the plus side I got me another dwarf in the party named Yeslick. Seems like a good sort. I am hopefully done with these blasted forests. Unfortunately it doesn't appear that I am done with stupid human schemes and stinking human cities.
It has been a long couple o' weeks. Me and me party went to Baldur's Gate to find the humans responsible for all o' this mess. We get there and find lots to do and lots o' loot to be had. It was a good time to be had by all killing all sorts of scum and getting all kinds of rich. I doubt we did everything that we could, but after a bit we continued on with our mission of finding out what's what with the Iron Throne. We don't learn much, but find that the leaders are back in me old home.
Are all humans this blasted stupid? One random guy accuses me and me party of murder and everyone assumes we did it. Don't they have any priests or paladins or some such to check the truth of the matter? Can't they see that the guy that accused me just took over the entire trading company after the deaths he accused me of? Can't they see that I've lived me entire life following the law here and have built me a reputation for doing good throughout the region. I may not be the brightest dwarf out there, but only a human can plumb such depths of stupidity. At least one old friend o' me foster father has a wee bit of common sense.
Well I failed. I got back to Baldur's Gate and find that guardsmen are looking for me everywhere. Then I find that the humans I've worked with/for in the guard are dead or dying and I have to rescue the old duke o' the flaming fist. I get him rescued and take out a few more o' Sarevok's lackeys only to find him already havin' taken the place of another duke. I get to the palace in time to see a bunch o' the mirrorkin attacking the other dukes and I charge into the fray, but I was too late. I manage to kill off the blasted things, but not before they kill off the other two dukes. So ends Carrack Stormfist.
Savilous had heard nothing about Cloakwood but how dangerous it is, so he decided to take his band of heroes out on an ankheg hunt in order to forge some better armor before heading there. They could certainly use the experience as well.
After they had collected the shell from one of the stronger specimen, they took it to Taerom Fuiruim, the blacksmith of Beregost, who agreed to forge it into a full plate for no more than 4000 gold pieces. The process took three days however, so they needed to find some adventure to kill time.
The party traveled east, past the Song of the Morning Temple, and Savilous was glad he was scouting ahead in stealth when he found a whole nest of basilisks. He used the protection from petrification scroll he had bought at the Nashkel Carnival earlier and needled the beasts with a barrage of arrows.
Nearby, they found a garden of statues which primarily consisted of the petrified bodies of former adventurers and wildlife. They also found the perpetrator of that crime nearby, a mad gnome wizard who had lured people into his basilisk-filled deathtrap. The heroes of Nashkel put him out of his misery.
They returned to town and Khalid got his new, lighter set of full plate armor that was very... green. His old set was inherited by Jaheira.
Now everyone was ready for Cloakwood.
Jaheira: 1 fighter level gained, rolled 3+1 for HP. Another entry in a long array of mediocre dice roles for this druid. Khalid: 1 level gained, rolled 4+2 for HP. Just like his wife, I've learned to expect very little from Khalid. Savilous: 1 level gained, rolled 1+1 for HP. Good thing he's an archer, or I'm guessing he'd already be dead at least thrice over.
Ok it's been a few months since I've played BG and I thought I would give this daunting challenge another run. I begun my journey with Lissandra, a female Skald in the hopes of finally conquering this challenge on the road to Sarevok. Imoen, Montaron and Xzar are acquired and we headed east of the Friendly Arm Inn to pick up our front line armor class magician Viconia. What happened next was a demonic encounter with a flaming fist mercenary from the firey pits of hell. He simply brutalized the party with some swift justice, but I will break down his tactical destruction. A crit for 20 damage opened up the skirmish and evaporated the poor drow Viconia striking fear into the hearts of Lissandras party. Montaron was slain as Imoen swiftly questioned her decision to leave Candlekeep and ran for the hills. A hold person spell was the nail in the coffin as the pit lord disguised as a flaming fist henchman knifed Lissandra in the gullet, ending her pathetic existence.
I recently found the motivation to attempt this challenge once again, and yet again I employed the use of a Skald which I hold in very high regard for this challenge in hopes that it will grant me the taste of sweet, sweet victory.
The charismatic Gaston makes his debut in Candlekeep and rakes up several minstrels to aid in his quest for adventure. Imoen, Montaron, Xzar, Viconia and Khalid are all swiftly under employ as the group makes there way south after a nice booze up and rest at the Friendly Arm Inn. Imoen actually didn't make it out of the pub at the FAI as Montaron challenged her to a duel and won in lopsided fashion. There was much rejoicing. Continuing southbound and down, the party dispatched some Ogrillons and made there way into the town of Beregost. A two faced mage named Silke was butchered when she tried to fool Gaston, who was far too wise for her cunning. The party also saved an annoying mage named Neera who sounded like she wanted to run off with Gaston and find an inn and show him her wild magic.. but Gaston ain't got no time for that right now and so he took a rain check and set up a future rendezvous at the Friendly Arm Inn. The party encountered a shop run by a Dwarf named Kagain and sent Khalid over to parley with the stout figure. Khalid was betrayed before he could even get a word in and his body was stuffed in one of the barrels in the shop. Luckily Kagain was evil and enthralled with what he just saw and he swiftly joined the ranks. Gaston looks out for himself and has no conscience, his charismatic charm is a beautiful tool of manipulation. Further exploration of the town revealed a pack of spiders in a random house who took Viconia to the brink of a cold death. They had stolen some wine and some boots. As the party made there way south a group of hobgoblins set up an ambush in the dead of the night. They were slain mercilessly but as the party closed in on the last hobgoblin who was trembling with fear of his impending doom, he swiftly shanked Xzar who toppled over and perished in a bloody heap. A ghoul was also encountered and Kagain summoned some herculean strength and smited the creature into the abyss.
As the charismatic Gaston proudly walked forth in front of his fortified band of minstrels a single hobgoblin emerged from the forrest, drew the string of his bow and aimed it at Gastons juggular. The party bum rushed the creature as Gaston ran for the hills, but the hobgoblin had his target on lock and took several steps in range of Gaston and let go an arrow that pierced his heart. The overconfident Gaston is no more. Too much gab, not enough jab.
Who says a three-months-long hiatus is too long a break for continuing a BG challenge playthrough? Not me, so let's do it!
At the edge of the forest, Savilous and company tried to settle a dispute between a group of hunters and the local druids. Sadly, even though the archdruid knew Jaheira, at the first sign of any opposition he decided to attack the party. The whole thing turned into a bloodbath, and the druids had to be slain.
The next stretch of the forest was spider city. If it weren't for Imoen's trapfinding skill the party would have stumbled into a spiderweb and been eaten by those nasty bugs a dozen times over. They also helped a young man search for his brother who, unfortunately, was already dead. It seemed like he was murdered by a bloated lady and her bizarre spider family.
As they pushed on, the heroes met even more druids and this time they were the crazy shadow kind. They all seemed to know Jaheira and attacked the moment they saw her. Their leader lived in a cool tree house, and even he turned out to be as unhospitable as his peers, but at least they found a magical club on his corpse that Jaheira could put to good use.
Later on they found a cave and decided to find out what lived down there. Dynaheir cast invisibility on the warriors and they scouted ahead, finding a whole nest of giant wyverns down there. With surprise on their side, the party had no particular trouble taking out the airborne beasts.
At the far end of the Cloakwood forest, the heroes of Nashkel had finally located the Iron Throne base. There were a couple of mercenaries guarding the gates, but so far their approach was met with minimal resistance.
Savilous had to wonder what they would find once they headed inside. Surely someone would eventually object to their presence there.
Minsc: 1 level gained, rolled 1+1 for HP. Congratulations, Minsc, now Boo has more HP than you do! Imoen: 1 level gained, rolled 6+2 for HP. That's right, show them boys how it's done, sis. Jaheira: 1 fighter + 1 druid level gained, rolled 6+2 for HP. I've figured out that she's doing this to try and make me keep her out of battle. Well, it's working. Dynaheir: 1 level gained, rolled 4+2 for HP. Right, the backliners always get max rolls while the frontliners roll 1s. Typical.
Decided to roll one up in memory of one of my first ever Original Baldur's Gate attempts (back before i was wise enough to use quick saves and reloads) where i basically lost the game because the main character was the only one left alive after the Centeol fight in Cloakwood and decided to equip a certain unidentified magic ring then had to save and quit before i realized what the ring did...
that 19 dex roll was too tempting to pass up i probably rolled about 20-30 times and ofc not every roll was 75 points, i wanted to go melee but now i think i will throw rocks at everybody.
And so begins the adventure of Balbo Littleman, being one of the few halflings in Candlekeep everyone calls him Littleman. After two assassination attempts by odd strangers, Balbo rests at the Inn. While practicing his lockpicking in the room he stayed in he found a really nice gem. At last he leaves with Gorion, eager to avoid any more assassins by being on the move.
They leave at night and are ambushed by a powerful armored figure. Gorion is cut down as Balbo flees in terror. In the morning he is comforted by his step-sister Imoen and on her advice makes his way over to where Gorion was slain to bury him and check for a certain letter. On the way back to the road we are attacked by a very hungry looking wolf and with some effort, manage to kill it.
We decided to take Xzar and Montaron along in payment of the potion they gave, though they seem a bit odd and start to make our way to the FAI. It is night when we finally arrive, but before we can get inside to get something to eat we are ambushed by another assassin! Fortunately a well aimed shot by Imoen breaks the assassin mage's concentration and we quickly dispatch him then head inside for a bit of R&R.
Accepting everybody's quests at FAI and taking Khalid and Jaheira along we get back Joia's Flamedance Ring and make our way south to hunt down the Belt Ogre. Our plan was to entangle him, but he rushed Jaheira she decided to run away and kite him. While we were all running Imoen somehow pathed out into the mountains to the north east and actually glitched off the map O_o
No Imoen, Yer the queer fellow this time.
despite that little engine hiccup (or perhaps freak wild surge by a nearby mage??) we were able to shoot the Ogre to death and take his little collection of belts. Back to FAI to tell the tale and then we continue on our way south
Not much else on the road to Beregost but a few Gibberlings, Xvarts and a Wolf. Arriving in Beregost we rest at Feldpost's and head to Landrin's house, where we let Xzar go inside and see how big the spiders were. Now i was pretty sure i knew what was going to happen and thats why we let Xzar go in. Well he goes in the spiders all rush him and he comes running out the door screaming.
Outside the house the spiders have somehow jumped in front of Xzar and cut him off from safety. The rest of the gang shooting and throwing everything they can at the spiders while Xzar is running around like the psycho he is (*micro*) before finally getting cornered against the fence. somehow his 8 AC managed to save him from at least 5 attacks before the spiders got dumb and went for Balbo stabbing at them from the other side of the fence. And we stoned them all to death. also Xzar now is convinced hes currently being favored by Tymora so we will see how far that takes him.
Rest of Beregost was relatively uneventful, got Silkie before she started casting Lightning. Almost lost Jaheira to the Dwarf Assassin in the Red Sheaf, and told Neera to wait for me at the Friendly Arm. Hopefully ill be coming back for her soon (a wild mage would be a great challenge for this). In the Morning we make our way south again toward Nashkel with a bit of nagging from Xzar.
Took care of the Ogrillons and continued down the road to a Flaming Fist Mercenary and managed to diffuse the situation. We continue along the road to defeat a small band of Hobgoblins and at the end of the day we arrive in Nashkel. Stopping off at the Inn were attacked by another assassin who almost manages to kill Xzar while he was entangled (come on lady hes got 4hp)
After talking to the mayor we come across Minsc and Boo and decide to rescue his lady! Goodbye Xzar and Montaron, who's constant complaining about the deeds we have already accomplished finnaly drove poor Balbo mad and he told them to get lost. After a bit of rest our adventurers will set out for the Gnoll Stronghold!
I accept this challenge, and if I am lucky, i will be done just in time for the new patch! Which means back to my 95 roll character.
Cripes...I accidentally rolled a 94 while generating an archer. Now, I have to form an "elf only" party.
My main died in the mines, I liked that party, I think I could beat the entire game with just those 3 elves.
Now for the REAL challenge! I am going to present this as sort of a book, with a few author notes thrown in. Enjoy.
Meet Zildjian, a frail human just 20 years of age (7 STR, 12 DEX, 7 CON). He's often sickly looking, but his reassuring smile can be very dismissive of those concerns, "One too many dust mites is all, I'm fine.". Despite being the object of many jests, he is very well liked by all, and very persuasive (18 CHA). Zildjian is more than just a charming personality, he is also well respected for his countless hours spent locked in his room studying difficult subjects (16 INT) and his devotion to Oghma the Lord of Knowledge (15 WIS). He is top of his class in every subject and soon to be the youngest monk ever appointed that position in Candlekeep. Gorion is very proud of him indeed.
Although eager to depart the confines of Candlekeep, Zildjian still can't pass up a chance to pick the brain of Old Firebead of Beregost. He thinks it best to get on his good side and runs a simple errand for him, quickly returning with the scroll he requested so that he can attend to a more pressing matter. Zildjian poisoned Dreppin's cow Nessie, deliberately. He knows exactly how Nessie is feeling, for he can now sense animals as if he were one of them, and they can sense him. They fear him. They sense what Zildjian has been doing to himself. The horses, the cows, the dogs, the chickens, they all grow more and more restless as his experiments take hold of him, as his secret shadow passes near them like a skulking panther. The experiment was a failure, but when you are creating something nobody ever has created before you, failures are simply options that you can now rule out. The path to success is a little brighter, and he has an idea upon how to improve this concoction of his. When it's ready, mass producing it will be tricky. Some of the ingredients are expensive, and it would draw too much attention to acquire them all. And then there is the dangerous task of poisoning the well water. Only the animals would be affected, and it would trick their senses into thinking that he is just another non-threatening beast. Not a caged animal that is starving to death. Not the predatory beast, that he is.
There isn't enough time to make the potion himself, so he buys a quarrel of bolts and takes off for the barracks. Hoping to not run into Fuller, and just get in and out with the vial quickly, he shuffles along the inside wall. While trying to figure out which foot locker is Hull's, Fuller notices him in there and begins questioning him. After a bit of parlaying supported by a gift of 20 bolts, he is able to convince Fuller that he is there to retrieve Hull's sword, so as not to draw attention to the real reason he is there. Zildjian feels that Fuller would be unable to comprehend things in his world of science, just as badly as Zildjian struggles to lift swords in the world of military training. Needless to say, there is very little that they have to talk about, so it comes as a surprise to see Fuller hand him his prized dagger. Surprise turns into paranoia, "What does he know about the journey ahead of me? What is this danger Gorion is concerned about? Is somebody on to me? Is Fuller in on it, does he look somehow regretful now?". Before he leaves, he notices the empty prison cell and the door open. "Am I ready to let the beast out?".
He runs for the main gate, avoiding the Gatewarden as he ducks into the priest's chambers. Zildjian accepts a vial of healing from a colleague who is busy nursing the sick. He isn't responsible for any of the sick people in here, he wonders if he would feel as concerned about poisoning a person. No time for this, he shuffles back out the door and finds Hull holding the wall up with his back. They exchange pleasantries and then it's off to find Nessie. Dreppin is a talker, good person but Zildjian really doesn't have time for small talk or to run book errands. "GIve him the entire contents of this vial, and then why don't you go run that book over for her, farethewell.". Dreppin stares at the vial, the hey, watches Zildjian run off into the courtyard, back at the vial, at the hey, and then watches in disgust as Nessie vomits on his nice clean boots.
Imeon starts to run after Zildjian, thinking that she has something urgent to tell him, he avoids her around the fountains and stumbles up the stairs to Gorion, his foster father. He shoots Imoen a stare that makes her slink away towards the Inn. They catch up on the days events and then they walk out of Candlekeep.
Together. For the last time.
Chapter One
Winded, Imoen catches up to Zildjian and they get up to speed on the nights events. She agrees to stay put while Zildjian backtracks to the ambush sight. Gathering what he can, he then rests his staff with Gorion and heads south.
A sickly gibberling shifts towards him, they are small but very strong. Zildjian feels the hunger trigger, and magically his human form is replaced with that of a werewolf! He strides forth and nearly decapitates the gibberling with one swipe of his claw. Alive with strength and power, he finally feels free, and there is no way he will put the beast back in it's cage after the appetizer. The scent of the entree is a sort run to the East. The stench of a halfling and a human leads him on, and he is ripping out the bigger preys sternum before either of them knew he was there. The halfling is quick, he lunges forth with his shortsword and sinks it deep, through the left lung. "Silver?!", he thinks, as he howls in pain and staggers back behind a road sign. Quaffing a potion of healing before springing forth and ripping out his enemies throat. He examines the blade, it's normal iron. "it didn't work, not exactly. But I am in control.". Imoen can be heard closing in, she must have heard the howling. Quickly he changes back, gets blood on the dagger and his buckler shield.
They head South to High Hedge, then East to Beregost. Zildjian feels alive for the first time, he was powerful. Fast. And tough. In control, and fearless. Not immune to non-magical weapons, this was a concern. Another option ruled out, but can it be corrected?
They arrive in Beregost, exhausted. Immediately they go to Firebead's house, Zildjian introduces Imeon before himself. "Say hello to your new apprentice!" After a night full of convincing them both that this is what must be done, talking an angry bar patron out of a brawl, reading books, and lamenting the loss of Gorion. They finally reach an understanding. Imoen will stay with Firebead and study magic in Beregost. Zildjian heads out North in the morning, after saying goodbye to Imoen.
Our hero meets Neera, he uses an Entangle spell to cover their tracks as they head North. On the road they meet a creepy old man and an even creepier Xvart! First, Neera silences the Xvart, and then she changes it's gender to female. Zildjian is certain that she is truly out of control as he blasts away with Imoen's wand. The rest of the journey North is calm.
At the base of the steps to the Friendly Arm Inn, our hero meets his match. A strange man approaches, Zildjian uses his Detect Evil spell after tossing the wand to Neera. The divination reveals his evil intent just as a battle ensues at the bottom of the stairs. Untrained with the dagger, Zildjian wails away wildly and feebly. Neera snickers at Zildjian as she starts unloading the wands magic missle spells. Two guards move in to attack the enemy mage. Tarnesh the mage gets up his defenses and casts Mirror Image, and then Horror. Deciding to change into a werewolf took a little too long, and Zildjian runs away in fear. Tarnesh hit him with a triple magic missile spells and Zildjian fell dead head first into a pile of cow dung.
War begins with Baldur's Gate and Amn. Sarevok ascends to the Throne of Bhaal, and the Sword Coast is crippled by war for over 30 years.
As Balbo and his company travel west we are waylaid by a Polar Bear. O_O Jaheira cast Doom and everyone shoots while its chasing Imoen. Managed to get him, phew. In the next area we encounter the Xvart village. Jaheira is sadly slain by a Cave Bear but Khalid and Balbo gain a level (Khalid rolled a 10!). Balbo decides to head back to Nashkel to find another Cleric.
Once we rescue Branwen, its back on the road to the Gnoll Stronghold. We head to the area south of the Xvart village, clear it out and pick up a few nice halberds. We make camp at the stronghold and then make short work out of the two Ogrillons guarding the bridge.
Balbo and friends scour the entire area, leaving no crevice untouched and rescue Dynahier from the Gnoll tribe. Now to make our way back to Naskell the way we came and finish looking into this little iron crisis. Khalid had a panic attack while fighting Greywolf but we managed to take him down. One more rest at the Nashkell Inn and we will tackle the mine.
I kind of want to try this! It looks like fun. But, I'm just starting an IWD2 run that I want to keep working on, and also, I'm thinking maybe I'll wait for the patch. Good luck to all the current players, and I will enjoy reading about your runs.
--After so many attempts and failures at this challenge, I permitted myself one metagaming advantage: Kivan from the start. I know I could RP justify it somehow, but in all honesty I wanted him along from the beginning. This playthrough has been my most successful and been the most fun, even if I am disqualified from the official challenge--
Guzzkle and Imoen after a wrong turn (darn map!) met up with a lonely and earnest Elven ranger named Kivan. Despite his rough demeanor, he seemed a good sort and he certainly seemed adept with a bow. So they invited Kivan along with no hesitation, especially after Kivan was so forthcoming about his motivation: revenge.
Next, they ventured east and arrived at the city of Beregost (where an extremely friendly chap provided a wealth of information!). While exploring the town they stumbled into a shop owned by a grumpy old Dwarf, Kagain. Guzzkle had some misgivings about aiding Kagain with his quest, but a careful assessment of the dangers that lay ahead convinced him to allow Kagain to join, even if only for a time.
Shortly after meeting Kagain, they were introduced to another person wishing help from the team. Garrick the young bard offered them a task with the promise of some coin. It seemed an easy enough task and a quick review of the coffers gave them the incentive to accept Garrick's job. Things aren't always as they seem however, and Garrick's employer was a most unscrupulous thespian named SIlke. Silke was not long for the world though after her ruse was discovered. The ranged weapons and Kagain's talent with the axe were enough to protect some obviously innocent men from SIlke's evil designs.
After some discussion, the group decided take Garrick along despite the awkward beginning of their relationship. As it turned out, Garrick was very helpful. His skill with the crossbow gave the party another valuable ranged attack and he seemed to know a great deal about magical items.
So after blowing through the Black Pits with an optimized party I got an itch to attempt this challenge again. I present to you Sir Gregor of Candlekeep:
He's not too bright, but he gets by on his intuition and natural charm.
Before leaving Candlekeep, Sir Gregor completed the normal tasks. He ran into a couple of assassins and hit one so hard he broke his sword while delivering a killing blow - quite exciting!
Sir Gregor came upon some questionable fellows, but they exploited his honor by giving him a healing potion in his time of need and then guilt tripping him into travelling with them to Nashkell as payment. He convinced them first to travel to the Friendly Arm Inn to meet some friends. Upon reaching Friendly Arm Inn they were beset by an assassin. Most of the group survived, but Xzar took a magic missile to the face.
The group met up with Jaheira and Khalid and agreed to travel with them. Sir Gregor felt much better about their company since they were friends of Gorion. He agreed to let Monteron stay in the group if he watched his behavior. As for Xzar, Sir Gregor felt little pity at his death and left his corpse to the innkeeper to deal with. The innkeeper would do well to not allow assassins to ambush potential guests.
Sir Gregor and team set out to do some questing in the area. He'd like to get to Nashkel right away, but Imoen talked him into common sense... they needed some funding first. They take a wrong turn and run into a fellow Paladin, Adjantis joins the team despite Monteron's protests
Sir Gregor insists on hunting down an Ogre rumored in the area. Unfortunately in his haste they run across a dire wolf at the same time, chaos ensues.
Luckily the group prevails with nary a scratch. They return victorious to the Friendly Arm Inn to claim their reward.
befor her adventure began in ernest Ela decided to help around the keep after a great struggle she managed to drag hulls longsword across the courtyard returning it to the forgetful watchmen. Elas beggining to feel that finding a stout companion with a strong back should be a priority
After a good night's rest at the Friendly Arm Inn, Sir Gregor and company began to make their way toward Beregost. They spoke with a child who mentioned a caravan and bandits and after finding two caravans that appeared to have been raided, they decided to scour the area for any bandits and bring them to justice.
Alas they found nothing but gibberlings, gibberlings, and more gibberlings.
Eventually they ran into some wolves, who oddly enough attacked the group unprovoked. Jaheira was quite saddened by their unnecessary deaths and grumbled that had they made their way to Nashkel instead of chasing imaginary bandits all over the countryside the tragedy could have been avoided.
Empty handed, the group finally decided to keep heading South. They stopped in Beregost and met a friendly resident.
Because I'm quite familiar with BG:EE I've decided to install SCS (24th) and try this 75-roll-no-reload-no-resurrection-challenge with SCS installed.
ASCE, an elven multiclass mage/thief, CN, STR 11, DEX 19, CON 8, INT 18, WIS 9, CHA 10 (I give a video of creating him below), having * in longswords and * in shortbows, all thieving points are spent on Move Silently, Find Familiar and Spook spells are known from the start.
Here's my log:
// Log of Currently Installed WeiDU Mods // The top of the file is the 'oldest' mod // ~TP2_File~ #language_number #component_number // [Subcomponent Name -> ] Component Name [ : Version] ~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #1000 // Initialise mod (all other components require this): v24.05 ~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4000 // Faster Bears: v24.05 ~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4010 // Grant large, flying, non-solid or similar creatures protection from Web and Entangle: v24.05 ~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4020 // More realistic wolves and wild dogs: v24.05 ~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4030 // Improved shapeshifting: v24.05 ~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4120 // NPCs go to inns: v24.05 ~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #5060 // Ensure Shar-Teel doesn't die in the original challenge: v24.05 ~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #5900 // Initialise AI components (required for all tactical and AI components): v24.05 ~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6000 // Smarter general AI: v24.05 ~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6010 // Better calls for help: v24.05 ~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6034 // Smarter Mages -> Mages cast short-duration spells instantly at start of combat on difficulty settings of Hard or higher: v24.05 ~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6044 // Smarter Priests -> Priests cast short-duration spells instantly at start of combat on difficulty settings of Hard or higher: v24.05 ~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6200 // Improved Spiders: v24.05 ~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6300 // Smarter sirines and dryads: v24.05 ~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6310 // Slightly harder carrion crawlers: v24.05 ~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6320 // Smarter basilisks: v24.05 ~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7000 // Improved doppelgangers: v24.05 ~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7010 // Tougher Black Talons and Iron Throne guards: v24.05 ~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7050 // Improved Ulcaster: v24.05 ~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7060 // Improved Balduran's Isle: v24.05 ~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7070 // Improved Durlag's Tower: v24.05 ~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7080 // Improved Demon Cultists: v24.05 ~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7090 // Improved Cloakwood Druids: v24.05 ~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7100 // Improved Bassilus: v24.05 ~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7110 // Improved Drasus party: v24.05 ~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7130 // Improved Red Wizards: v24.05 ~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7140 // Improved Undercity party: v24.05 ~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7200 // Tougher chapter-two end battle: v24.05 ~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7210 // Tougher chapter-three end battle: v24.05 ~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7220 // Tougher chapter-four end battle: v24.05 ~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7230 // Tougher chapter-five end battle: v24.05 ~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7250 // Improved final battle: v24.05 ~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7900 // Improved minor encounters: v24.05
To give the genuine evidence (that the roll hasn't been touched) here's a video of how the character has been created.
Peering off into the horizon, a human boy marveled at the lightning as it danced across the sky. Not yet dusk, the ominous black clouds swallowed the light rapidly, distant thunder started to grow louder and more frequent as the ocean storm moved towards his mighty keep. The thunder was terrifying, the lightning was beautiful, the waves were treacherous, the wind was powerful, and the darkness was controlling. First, he felt the calling as if he were experiencing a new emotion. At first like a wisp of wind, until it built up into a gust of wind that sent him sailing from his window and down to the floor. He was not afraid. He ran out of his room and up the stairs to the tower door. It took all of his strength to open the door as the wind howled outside, he squirmed through and the door slammed shut behind him. The salt water felt like blades of ice as it slashed upon him, he staggered to his feet. Then he heard it, and now he was afraid. The thunder sounded as if it originated from his heart, and he went deaf. Every hair stood on end, and then weightlessness. A bright flash. And then darkness. He had been chosen, and his life was changed forever.
Tacoma slept for 4 years, he was told that he was kept alive by magic, but today he knows that it was his faith that kept him in existence. His foster father Gorion had explained to him that his nerves had been damaged, and he will not ever walk again. Tacoma defied this news, and worked through unimaginable pain to become a somewhat normal young man. Constantly exercising, he retrained his muscles and after 6 years time he has recovered remarkably (STR 6/ DEX 9). The priests of Candlekeep marvel at his toughness (CON 18) and they say he is blessed by Oghma. Tacoma knows this is false, while he may be tougher than most, his blessings come from a much more powerful Being. Talos. In secret he prayed, and Talos granted him powers with the promise of so much more. His mission is to bring destruction upon the Sword Coast in the name of the Stormlord, for they have forgotten His power. They do not appease Him, and for this the city of Baldur's Gate must be annihilated. Tacoma wishes to one day return to Candlekeep, and bring it to ruin. Then rebuild it in the name of Talos.
Tacoma's reclusiveness has kept him from many of the normalcies for a young man, (CHA 12, WIS 13) often leaving him to study (INT 17) while his friends run off to play. Fueling his bitterness, day after day. Finally, the day has come for him to once again leave the keep, and he will return on his own terms. Not as the ward of the blasphemer Gorion. He served his purpose, but he now feels like an albatross existing only to hold him back and contain the storm building within him. "A dangerous game you play, Old Fool.".
Hastily he buys what he needs and rushes to meet Gorion. Tacoma often battles a limp that hinders his speed considerably, and because of this he is forced to parlay with Imoen. "Leave me be! I have no time to waste on you today, child!". Well, not exactly a parlay, per-say. Tacoma and Gorion stride out into the night, as the thunder begins to grow louder...
Chapter One
Hiding, Tacoma listens to the screams of the blasphemer Gorion as the thunder applauds his demise. The rain comforts Tacoma as he hides through the night. The morning arrives with many questions, and just as brightness of the sun sends rays of irritation, so does the annoying sound of Imoen's voice. She is a capable burglar, but too annoying for words. She refuses to leave, and so he sends her up the road to "scout ahead" as he backtracks to the ambush sight. After foraging what he can from the bodies, he covers his tracks and begins to head back to the road. "The Light in the Tree", a woman's voice whispered directly into his ear. Frantically he looks around, "What spell could...Hello?!". Then a growl from the north, a starving grey wolf has caught his sent. Tacoma flees, but he is no match for the beast. Then he sees it, a light from a tree! He runs to it and climbs up into the tree, just barely avoiding the sharp teeth. From there, he has time to cast Sanctuary, a divine gift from Talos that shields him from all senses. The light in the tree was a small diamond reflecting the suns rays, but who put it there and why? Talos does not work in this way, this is some other magic at work, yet another riddle.
He finds Imoen down the road talking to a man and a halfling, Tacoma remains hidden and spies on them. Clearly the man is a mage, and a rather insane one. The halfling is also a burglar of some sort. Useful tools for the Stormlord. Imoen convinces them to accompany them to the Friendly Arm Inn, as per Gorion's instructions. Tacoma plays along, and makes Imoen out to be the leader of the group as they head to the crossroads. On the way there, they encounter an old man. "'E', that was the signature on the letter, could that mean Elminster, was that him we just chatted with?". "Search the rabbit hole for protection." , the mysterious voice whispered again, followed by a hare running off to the south. He followed it, and watched as it descended into a hole in the ground. Tacoma broke off alone and followed it, he reached down into the hole and felt around. Just when he was about to accuse himself of insanity, his finger bumped something cold and metallic. He pulled forth a ring with a faint aura of magic to it. So many riddles, so little time.
The road to the north was dark and quiet, and then the deadly ambush unleashed like a rattlesnake. 'Where was that woman's voice that time." Tacoma later thought to himself. 8-12 bandits scurry out from the bushes and without a word loose arrows with deadly precision. The mad wizard was the first to get shot, he muttered something about his "mommy" and ran back the way he came. Next came the halfling, with his sword half drawn two arrows hit him in the chest, piercing his studded leather armor and dropping him to the ground with a gurgled cry. Another arrow lands in Imoen's leg, "Gettin' out alive I am!" she exclaimed as she hobbled into the darkness. Just then the wind picked up around Tacoma, the leaves and twigs and even the dirt circle him with powerful winds. Arrows are redirected harmlessly away as he coldly walks up to the halfling and takes his pouch as he bleeds out, his last thought before death was the knowledge that he was being robbed. Then he walks over to Imoen, now dead with a second arrow in her head, he takes her pouch as well and heads north. In the distance he hears the mad mage scream something about "never being loved", and then he falls dead as well. The bandits stare in fear as the priest of Talos walks into the darkness, out of sight.
Four hours later he arrives at the gate of the Inn, unharmed but alone. Knowing now that he is hunted by many, he decides to make camp outside of the Inn to gather his thoughts and pray. That night a raven lands on a rock beside his camp. It stares through him. "A path to a greater power lies under the stone.", she whispered. Calmly he approaches the stone, the bird flies away. Looking underneath, embedded into the stone is another ring, this one has a strong aura of magic. He stared at the ring for a time, wondering what path it is that she speaks of. What power?
In the morning he enter the Inn, watching as three bodies are carted in from the road. His fallen allies. They are sent to a temple, he watches at the base of the stairs until he is startled by a strange man, who taps him on the shoulder. "Hi friend, what brings you to the Friendly Arm Inn?". "I'm not your friend and my business is my own.". "If I weren't going to already, I'd kill you for being so uppity!". With that he casts Mirror Image, and Tacoma casts Sanctuary and sneaks into the Inn. He can hear a guard battle the mage outside....
Oh hell this is boring. Here's what happens next. Jeheira fails her save vs. Horror and gets toasted by magic missiles and dies. Khalid avenges her by chunking Tarnesh and Tacoma chipped in with Imoen's wand of magic missiles.
Well things were going well. I got me party through a lot of tough situations; fought red wizards and basilisks and arrogant adventurers; fought me tons of undead and ogre types and bandits galore. We fought a really tough ogre mage that almost got me and more mages and kobolds and ogrillons and such. We even took out some sirines and golems. We were doing well working on the bandit threat and had cleared one area of bandits and we were working on another area. We started heading north and the daft elf healer decided to take a slight detour to the south and got herself targeted by a bunch of black talon elite while she was all by her lonesome. We got the bandits, but lost the elf healer. I never thought I would say this, but I actually liked the elf. Will have to toast her the next time we come to an inn.
Picked up a human lass that can heal that somehow got stuck in stone. She likes to bash things in the head with her hammer and I think we will get along fine. She worked well while we stormed the main bandit camp. We got them all and got some good loot. The archer in the main tent nearly killed me thief with a poisoned arrow, but luckily we had an antidote or two left. Stupid poisoned arrows. May need to get some more in case we fight more dirty fighters like that. Not too much else to report except that we now need to go to another blasted forest to find a mine.
We fought through the forest without too much problem and ran throughout the mines without too much problem. Cleared out everything except the final mage without any casualties. He got off a lightning bolt that took a really weird series of bounces that killed the elf archer and nearly killed me own mage. He got a hold spell on me and me party had to finish him off. On the plus side I got me another dwarf in the party named Yeslick. Seems like a good sort. I am hopefully done with these blasted forests. Unfortunately it doesn't appear that I am done with stupid human schemes and stinking human cities.
Deaths – 4
Left party – Montaron
Carrack 6
Branwen 6
Imoen 7
Yeslick 4/5
Dynaheir 6
Minsc 6
It has been a long couple o' weeks. Me and me party went to Baldur's Gate to find the humans responsible for all o' this mess. We get there and find lots to do and lots o' loot to be had. It was a good time to be had by all killing all sorts of scum and getting all kinds of rich. I doubt we did everything that we could, but after a bit we continued on with our mission of finding out what's what with the Iron Throne. We don't learn much, but find that the leaders are back in me old home.
Are all humans this blasted stupid? One random guy accuses me and me party of murder and everyone assumes we did it. Don't they have any priests or paladins or some such to check the truth of the matter? Can't they see that the guy that accused me just took over the entire trading company after the deaths he accused me of? Can't they see that I've lived me entire life following the law here and have built me a reputation for doing good throughout the region. I may not be the brightest dwarf out there, but only a human can plumb such depths of stupidity. At least one old friend o' me foster father has a wee bit of common sense.
Well I failed. I got back to Baldur's Gate and find that guardsmen are looking for me everywhere. Then I find that the humans I've worked with/for in the guard are dead or dying and I have to rescue the old duke o' the flaming fist. I get him rescued and take out a few more o' Sarevok's lackeys only to find him already havin' taken the place of another duke. I get to the palace in time to see a bunch o' the mirrorkin attacking the other dukes and I charge into the fray, but I was too late. I manage to kill off the blasted things, but not before they kill off the other two dukes. So ends Carrack Stormfist.
Deaths – 4
Left party – Montaron
Carrack 7
Branwen 7
Imoen 8
Yeslick 5/6
Dynaheir 8
Minsc 7
Savilous had heard nothing about Cloakwood but how dangerous it is, so he decided to take his band of heroes out on an ankheg hunt in order to forge some better armor before heading there. They could certainly use the experience as well.
After they had collected the shell from one of the stronger specimen, they took it to Taerom Fuiruim, the blacksmith of Beregost, who agreed to forge it into a full plate for no more than 4000 gold pieces. The process took three days however, so they needed to find some adventure to kill time.
The party traveled east, past the Song of the Morning Temple, and Savilous was glad he was scouting ahead in stealth when he found a whole nest of basilisks. He used the protection from petrification scroll he had bought at the Nashkel Carnival earlier and needled the beasts with a barrage of arrows.
Nearby, they found a garden of statues which primarily consisted of the petrified bodies of former adventurers and wildlife. They also found the perpetrator of that crime nearby, a mad gnome wizard who had lured people into his basilisk-filled deathtrap. The heroes of Nashkel put him out of his misery.
They returned to town and Khalid got his new, lighter set of full plate armor that was very... green. His old set was inherited by Jaheira.
Now everyone was ready for Cloakwood.
Jaheira: 1 fighter level gained, rolled 3+1 for HP. Another entry in a long array of mediocre dice roles for this druid.
Khalid: 1 level gained, rolled 4+2 for HP. Just like his wife, I've learned to expect very little from Khalid.
Savilous: 1 level gained, rolled 1+1 for HP. Good thing he's an archer, or I'm guessing he'd already be dead at least thrice over.
Current Party:
Savilous: lvl 5
Imoen: lvl 5
Khalid: lvl 5
Jaheira: lvl F4/D4
Minsc: lvl 4
Dynaheir: lvl 4
Lissandra, the short lived.
Viconia, the also short lived.
The fall of Monty
The charismatic Gaston makes his debut in Candlekeep and rakes up several minstrels to aid in his quest for adventure. Imoen, Montaron, Xzar, Viconia and Khalid are all swiftly under employ as the group makes there way south after a nice booze up and rest at the Friendly Arm Inn. Imoen actually didn't make it out of the pub at the FAI as Montaron challenged her to a duel and won in lopsided fashion. There was much rejoicing. Continuing southbound and down, the party dispatched some Ogrillons and made there way into the town of Beregost. A two faced mage named Silke was butchered when she tried to fool Gaston, who was far too wise for her cunning. The party also saved an annoying mage named Neera who sounded like she wanted to run off with Gaston and find an inn and show him her wild magic.. but Gaston ain't got no time for that right now and so he took a rain check and set up a future rendezvous at the Friendly Arm Inn. The party encountered a shop run by a Dwarf named Kagain and sent Khalid over to parley with the stout figure. Khalid was betrayed before he could even get a word in and his body was stuffed in one of the barrels in the shop. Luckily Kagain was evil and enthralled with what he just saw and he swiftly joined the ranks. Gaston looks out for himself and has no conscience, his charismatic charm is a beautiful tool of manipulation. Further exploration of the town revealed a pack of spiders in a random house who took Viconia to the brink of a cold death. They had stolen some wine and some boots. As the party made there way south a group of hobgoblins set up an ambush in the dead of the night. They were slain mercilessly but as the party closed in on the last hobgoblin who was trembling with fear of his impending doom, he swiftly shanked Xzar who toppled over and perished in a bloody heap. A ghoul was also encountered and Kagain summoned some herculean strength and smited the creature into the abyss.
As the charismatic Gaston proudly walked forth in front of his fortified band of minstrels a single hobgoblin emerged from the forrest, drew the string of his bow and aimed it at Gastons juggular. The party bum rushed the creature as Gaston ran for the hills, but the hobgoblin had his target on lock and took several steps in range of Gaston and let go an arrow that pierced his heart. The overconfident Gaston is no more. Too much gab, not enough jab.
At the edge of the forest, Savilous and company tried to settle a dispute between a group of hunters and the local druids. Sadly, even though the archdruid knew Jaheira, at the first sign of any opposition he decided to attack the party. The whole thing turned into a bloodbath, and the druids had to be slain.
The next stretch of the forest was spider city. If it weren't for Imoen's trapfinding skill the party would have stumbled into a spiderweb and been eaten by those nasty bugs a dozen times over. They also helped a young man search for his brother who, unfortunately, was already dead. It seemed like he was murdered by a bloated lady and her bizarre spider family.
As they pushed on, the heroes met even more druids and this time they were the crazy shadow kind. They all seemed to know Jaheira and attacked the moment they saw her. Their leader lived in a cool tree house, and even he turned out to be as unhospitable as his peers, but at least they found a magical club on his corpse that Jaheira could put to good use.
Later on they found a cave and decided to find out what lived down there. Dynaheir cast invisibility on the warriors and they scouted ahead, finding a whole nest of giant wyverns down there. With surprise on their side, the party had no particular trouble taking out the airborne beasts.
At the far end of the Cloakwood forest, the heroes of Nashkel had finally located the Iron Throne base. There were a couple of mercenaries guarding the gates, but so far their approach was met with minimal resistance.
Savilous had to wonder what they would find once they headed inside. Surely someone would eventually object to their presence there.
Minsc: 1 level gained, rolled 1+1 for HP. Congratulations, Minsc, now Boo has more HP than you do!
Imoen: 1 level gained, rolled 6+2 for HP. That's right, show them boys how it's done, sis.
Jaheira: 1 fighter + 1 druid level gained, rolled 6+2 for HP. I've figured out that she's doing this to try and make me keep her out of battle. Well, it's working.
Dynaheir: 1 level gained, rolled 4+2 for HP. Right, the backliners always get max rolls while the frontliners roll 1s. Typical.
Current Party:
Savilous: lvl 5
Imoen: lvl 6
Khalid: lvl 5
Jaheira: lvl F5/D5
Minsc: lvl 5
Dynaheir: lvl 5
that 19 dex roll was too tempting to pass up
They leave at night and are ambushed by a powerful armored figure. Gorion is cut down as Balbo flees in terror. In the morning he is comforted by his step-sister Imoen and on her advice makes his way over to where Gorion was slain to bury him and check for a certain letter. On the way back to the road we are attacked by a very hungry looking wolf and with some effort, manage to kill it.
We decided to take Xzar and Montaron along in payment of the potion they gave, though they seem a bit odd and start to make our way to the FAI. It is night when we finally arrive, but before we can get inside to get something to eat we are ambushed by another assassin! Fortunately a well aimed shot by Imoen breaks the assassin mage's concentration and we quickly dispatch him then head inside for a bit of R&R.
despite that little engine hiccup (or perhaps freak wild surge by a nearby mage??) we were able to shoot the Ogre to death and take his little collection of belts. Back to FAI to tell the tale and then we continue on our way south
Not much else on the road to Beregost but a few Gibberlings, Xvarts and a Wolf. Arriving in Beregost we rest at Feldpost's and head to Landrin's house, where we let Xzar go inside and see how big the spiders were. Now i was pretty sure i knew what was going to happen and thats why we let Xzar go in. Well he goes in the spiders all rush him and he comes running out the door screaming.
Outside the house the spiders have somehow jumped in front of Xzar and cut him off from safety. The rest of the gang shooting and throwing everything they can at the spiders while Xzar is running around like the psycho he is (*micro*) before finally getting cornered against the fence. somehow his 8 AC managed to save him from at least 5 attacks before the spiders got dumb and went for Balbo stabbing at them from the other side of the fence. And we stoned them all to death. also Xzar now is convinced hes currently being favored by Tymora so we will see how far that takes him.
Rest of Beregost was relatively uneventful, got Silkie before she started casting Lightning. Almost lost Jaheira to the Dwarf Assassin in the Red Sheaf, and told Neera to wait for me at the Friendly Arm. Hopefully ill be coming back for her soon (a wild mage would be a great challenge for this). In the Morning we make our way south again toward Nashkel with a bit of nagging from Xzar.
Took care of the Ogrillons and continued down the road to a Flaming Fist Mercenary and managed to diffuse the situation. We continue along the road to defeat a small band of Hobgoblins and at the end of the day we arrive in Nashkel. Stopping off at the Inn were attacked by another assassin who almost manages to kill Xzar while he was entangled (come on lady hes got 4hp)
After talking to the mayor we come across Minsc and Boo and decide to rescue his lady! Goodbye Xzar and Montaron, who's constant complaining about the deeds we have already accomplished finnaly drove poor Balbo mad and he told them to get lost. After a bit of rest our adventurers will set out for the Gnoll Stronghold!
Cripes...I accidentally rolled a 94 while generating an archer.
Now, I have to form an "elf only" party.
My main died in the mines, I liked that party, I think I could beat the entire game with just those 3 elves.
Now for the REAL challenge! I am going to present this as sort of a book, with a few author notes thrown in. Enjoy.
Meet Zildjian, a frail human just 20 years of age (7 STR, 12 DEX, 7 CON). He's often sickly looking, but his reassuring smile can be very dismissive of those concerns, "One too many dust mites is all, I'm fine.". Despite being the object of many jests, he is very well liked by all, and very persuasive (18 CHA). Zildjian is more than just a charming personality, he is also well respected for his countless hours spent locked in his room studying difficult subjects (16 INT) and his devotion to Oghma the Lord of Knowledge (15 WIS). He is top of his class in every subject and soon to be the youngest monk ever appointed that position in Candlekeep. Gorion is very proud of him indeed.
Although eager to depart the confines of Candlekeep, Zildjian still can't pass up a chance to pick the brain of Old Firebead of Beregost. He thinks it best to get on his good side and runs a simple errand for him, quickly returning with the scroll he requested so that he can attend to a more pressing matter. Zildjian poisoned Dreppin's cow Nessie, deliberately. He knows exactly how Nessie is feeling, for he can now sense animals as if he were one of them, and they can sense him. They fear him. They sense what Zildjian has been doing to himself. The horses, the cows, the dogs, the chickens, they all grow more and more restless as his experiments take hold of him, as his secret shadow passes near them like a skulking panther. The experiment was a failure, but when you are creating something nobody ever has created before you, failures are simply options that you can now rule out. The path to success is a little brighter, and he has an idea upon how to improve this concoction of his. When it's ready, mass producing it will be tricky. Some of the ingredients are expensive, and it would draw too much attention to acquire them all. And then there is the dangerous task of poisoning the well water. Only the animals would be affected, and it would trick their senses into thinking that he is just another non-threatening beast. Not a caged animal that is starving to death. Not the predatory beast, that he is.
There isn't enough time to make the potion himself, so he buys a quarrel of bolts and takes off for the barracks. Hoping to not run into Fuller, and just get in and out with the vial quickly, he shuffles along the inside wall. While trying to figure out which foot locker is Hull's, Fuller notices him in there and begins questioning him. After a bit of parlaying supported by a gift of 20 bolts, he is able to convince Fuller that he is there to retrieve Hull's sword, so as not to draw attention to the real reason he is there. Zildjian feels that Fuller would be unable to comprehend things in his world of science, just as badly as Zildjian struggles to lift swords in the world of military training. Needless to say, there is very little that they have to talk about, so it comes as a surprise to see Fuller hand him his prized dagger. Surprise turns into paranoia, "What does he know about the journey ahead of me? What is this danger Gorion is concerned about? Is somebody on to me? Is Fuller in on it, does he look somehow regretful now?". Before he leaves, he notices the empty prison cell and the door open. "Am I ready to let the beast out?".
He runs for the main gate, avoiding the Gatewarden as he ducks into the priest's chambers. Zildjian accepts a vial of healing from a colleague who is busy nursing the sick. He isn't responsible for any of the sick people in here, he wonders if he would feel as concerned about poisoning a person. No time for this, he shuffles back out the door and finds Hull holding the wall up with his back. They exchange pleasantries and then it's off to find Nessie. Dreppin is a talker, good person but Zildjian really doesn't have time for small talk or to run book errands. "GIve him the entire contents of this vial, and then why don't you go run that book over for her, farethewell.". Dreppin stares at the vial, the hey, watches Zildjian run off into the courtyard, back at the vial, at the hey, and then watches in disgust as Nessie vomits on his nice clean boots.
Imeon starts to run after Zildjian, thinking that she has something urgent to tell him, he avoids her around the fountains and stumbles up the stairs to Gorion, his foster father. He shoots Imoen a stare that makes her slink away towards the Inn. They catch up on the days events and then they walk out of Candlekeep.
Together. For the last time.
Chapter One
Winded, Imoen catches up to Zildjian and they get up to speed on the nights events. She agrees to stay put while Zildjian backtracks to the ambush sight. Gathering what he can, he then rests his staff with Gorion and heads south.
A sickly gibberling shifts towards him, they are small but very strong. Zildjian feels the hunger trigger, and magically his human form is replaced with that of a werewolf! He strides forth and nearly decapitates the gibberling with one swipe of his claw. Alive with strength and power, he finally feels free, and there is no way he will put the beast back in it's cage after the appetizer. The scent of the entree is a sort run to the East. The stench of a halfling and a human leads him on, and he is ripping out the bigger preys sternum before either of them knew he was there. The halfling is quick, he lunges forth with his shortsword and sinks it deep, through the left lung. "Silver?!", he thinks, as he howls in pain and staggers back behind a road sign. Quaffing a potion of healing before springing forth and ripping out his enemies throat. He examines the blade, it's normal iron. "it didn't work, not exactly. But I am in control.". Imoen can be heard closing in, she must have heard the howling. Quickly he changes back, gets blood on the dagger and his buckler shield.
They head South to High Hedge, then East to Beregost. Zildjian feels alive for the first time, he was powerful. Fast. And tough. In control, and fearless. Not immune to non-magical weapons, this was a concern. Another option ruled out, but can it be corrected?
They arrive in Beregost, exhausted. Immediately they go to Firebead's house, Zildjian introduces Imeon before himself. "Say hello to your new apprentice!" After a night full of convincing them both that this is what must be done, talking an angry bar patron out of a brawl, reading books, and lamenting the loss of Gorion. They finally reach an understanding. Imoen will stay with Firebead and study magic in Beregost. Zildjian heads out North in the morning, after saying goodbye to Imoen.
Our hero meets Neera, he uses an Entangle spell to cover their tracks as they head North. On the road they meet a creepy old man and an even creepier Xvart! First, Neera silences the Xvart, and then she changes it's gender to female. Zildjian is certain that she is truly out of control as he blasts away with Imoen's wand. The rest of the journey North is calm.
At the base of the steps to the Friendly Arm Inn, our hero meets his match. A strange man approaches, Zildjian uses his Detect Evil spell after tossing the wand to Neera. The divination reveals his evil intent just as a battle ensues at the bottom of the stairs. Untrained with the dagger, Zildjian wails away wildly and feebly. Neera snickers at Zildjian as she starts unloading the wands magic missle spells. Two guards move in to attack the enemy mage. Tarnesh the mage gets up his defenses and casts Mirror Image, and then Horror. Deciding to change into a werewolf took a little too long, and Zildjian runs away in fear. Tarnesh hit him with a triple magic missile spells and Zildjian fell dead head first into a pile of cow dung.
War begins with Baldur's Gate and Amn. Sarevok ascends to the Throne of Bhaal, and the Sword Coast is crippled by war for over 30 years.
Jaheira cast Doom and everyone shoots while its chasing Imoen. Managed to get him, phew. In the next area we encounter the Xvart village. Jaheira is sadly slain by a Cave Bear but Khalid and Balbo gain a level (Khalid rolled a 10!). Balbo decides to head back to Nashkel to find another Cleric.
Once we rescue Branwen, its back on the road to the Gnoll Stronghold. We head to the area south of the Xvart village, clear it out and pick up a few nice halberds. We make camp at the stronghold and then make short work out of the two Ogrillons guarding the bridge.
Balbo and friends scour the entire area, leaving no crevice untouched and rescue Dynahier from the Gnoll tribe. Now to make our way back to Naskell the way we came and finish looking into this little iron crisis. Khalid had a panic attack while fighting Greywolf but we managed to take him down. One more rest at the Nashkell Inn and we will tackle the mine.
I'm curious what NPC's you finished with and what ones died. Oh and of course what your main character race/class and stats were
--After so many attempts and failures at this challenge, I permitted myself one metagaming advantage: Kivan from the start. I know I could RP justify it somehow, but in all honesty I wanted him along from the beginning. This playthrough has been my most successful and been the most fun, even if I am disqualified from the official challenge--
Guzzkle and Imoen after a wrong turn (darn map!) met up with a lonely and earnest Elven ranger named Kivan. Despite his rough demeanor, he seemed a good sort and he certainly seemed adept with a bow. So they invited Kivan along with no hesitation, especially after Kivan was so forthcoming about his motivation: revenge.
Next, they ventured east and arrived at the city of Beregost (where an extremely friendly chap provided a wealth of information!). While exploring the town they stumbled into a shop owned by a grumpy old Dwarf, Kagain. Guzzkle had some misgivings about aiding Kagain with his quest, but a careful assessment of the dangers that lay ahead convinced him to allow Kagain to join, even if only for a time.
Shortly after meeting Kagain, they were introduced to another person wishing help from the team. Garrick the young bard offered them a task with the promise of some coin. It seemed an easy enough task and a quick review of the coffers gave them the incentive to accept Garrick's job. Things aren't always as they seem however, and Garrick's employer was a most unscrupulous thespian named SIlke. Silke was not long for the world though after her ruse was discovered. The ranged weapons and Kagain's talent with the axe were enough to protect some obviously innocent men from SIlke's evil designs.
After some discussion, the group decided take Garrick along despite the awkward beginning of their relationship. As it turned out, Garrick was very helpful. His skill with the crossbow gave the party another valuable ranged attack and he seemed to know a great deal about magical items.
Next stop: northward to the Friendly Arm Inn!
He's not too bright, but he gets by on his intuition and natural charm.
Before leaving Candlekeep, Sir Gregor completed the normal tasks. He ran into a couple of assassins and hit one so hard he broke his sword while delivering a killing blow - quite exciting!
Sir Gregor came upon some questionable fellows, but they exploited his honor by giving him a healing potion in his time of need and then guilt tripping him into travelling with them to Nashkell as payment. He convinced them first to travel to the Friendly Arm Inn to meet some friends. Upon reaching Friendly Arm Inn they were beset by an assassin. Most of the group survived, but Xzar took a magic missile to the face.
The group met up with Jaheira and Khalid and agreed to travel with them. Sir Gregor felt much better about their company since they were friends of Gorion. He agreed to let Monteron stay in the group if he watched his behavior. As for Xzar, Sir Gregor felt little pity at his death and left his corpse to the innkeeper to deal with. The innkeeper would do well to not allow assassins to ambush potential guests.
Current Party:
Sir Gregor
Sir Gregor insists on hunting down an Ogre rumored in the area. Unfortunately in his haste they run across a dire wolf at the same time, chaos ensues.
Luckily the group prevails with nary a scratch. They return victorious to the Friendly Arm Inn to claim their reward.
Current Party:
Sir Gregor
befor her adventure began in ernest Ela decided to help around the keep after a great struggle she managed to drag hulls longsword across the courtyard returning it to the forgetful watchmen. Elas beggining to feel that finding a stout companion with a strong back should be a priority
Alas they found nothing but gibberlings, gibberlings, and more gibberlings.
Eventually they ran into some wolves, who oddly enough attacked the group unprovoked. Jaheira was quite saddened by their unnecessary deaths and grumbled that had they made their way to Nashkel instead of chasing imaginary bandits all over the countryside the tragedy could have been avoided.
Empty handed, the group finally decided to keep heading South. They stopped in Beregost and met a friendly resident.
Current Party:
Sir Gregor
It's been so tempting... So, I'm in too;)
Because I'm quite familiar with BG:EE I've decided to install SCS (24th) and try this 75-roll-no-reload-no-resurrection-challenge with SCS installed.
ASCE, an elven multiclass mage/thief, CN, STR 11, DEX 19, CON 8, INT 18, WIS 9, CHA 10 (I give a video of creating him below), having * in longswords and * in shortbows, all thieving points are spent on Move Silently, Find Familiar and Spook spells are known from the start.
Here's my log:
// Log of Currently Installed WeiDU Mods
// The top of the file is the 'oldest' mod
// ~TP2_File~ #language_number #component_number // [Subcomponent Name -> ] Component Name [ : Version]
~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #1000 // Initialise mod (all other components require this): v24.05
~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4000 // Faster Bears: v24.05
~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4010 // Grant large, flying, non-solid or similar creatures protection from Web and Entangle: v24.05
~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4020 // More realistic wolves and wild dogs: v24.05
~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4030 // Improved shapeshifting: v24.05
~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4120 // NPCs go to inns: v24.05
~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #5060 // Ensure Shar-Teel doesn't die in the original challenge: v24.05
~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #5900 // Initialise AI components (required for all tactical and AI components): v24.05
~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6000 // Smarter general AI: v24.05
~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6010 // Better calls for help: v24.05
~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6034 // Smarter Mages -> Mages cast short-duration spells instantly at start of combat on difficulty settings of Hard or higher: v24.05
~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6044 // Smarter Priests -> Priests cast short-duration spells instantly at start of combat on difficulty settings of Hard or higher: v24.05
~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6200 // Improved Spiders: v24.05
~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6300 // Smarter sirines and dryads: v24.05
~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6310 // Slightly harder carrion crawlers: v24.05
~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6320 // Smarter basilisks: v24.05
~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7000 // Improved doppelgangers: v24.05
~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7010 // Tougher Black Talons and Iron Throne guards: v24.05
~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7050 // Improved Ulcaster: v24.05
~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7060 // Improved Balduran's Isle: v24.05
~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7070 // Improved Durlag's Tower: v24.05
~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7080 // Improved Demon Cultists: v24.05
~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7090 // Improved Cloakwood Druids: v24.05
~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7100 // Improved Bassilus: v24.05
~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7110 // Improved Drasus party: v24.05
~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7130 // Improved Red Wizards: v24.05
~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7140 // Improved Undercity party: v24.05
~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7200 // Tougher chapter-two end battle: v24.05
~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7210 // Tougher chapter-three end battle: v24.05
~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7220 // Tougher chapter-four end battle: v24.05
~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7230 // Tougher chapter-five end battle: v24.05
~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7250 // Improved final battle: v24.05
~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7900 // Improved minor encounters: v24.05
To give the genuine evidence (that the roll hasn't been touched) here's a video of how the character has been created.
have a look - only 2 minutes;)
Peering off into the horizon, a human boy marveled at the lightning as it danced across the sky. Not yet dusk, the ominous black clouds swallowed the light rapidly, distant thunder started to grow louder and more frequent as the ocean storm moved towards his mighty keep. The thunder was terrifying, the lightning was beautiful, the waves were treacherous, the wind was powerful, and the darkness was controlling. First, he felt the calling as if he were experiencing a new emotion. At first like a wisp of wind, until it built up into a gust of wind that sent him sailing from his window and down to the floor. He was not afraid. He ran out of his room and up the stairs to the tower door. It took all of his strength to open the door as the wind howled outside, he squirmed through and the door slammed shut behind him. The salt water felt like blades of ice as it slashed upon him, he staggered to his feet. Then he heard it, and now he was afraid. The thunder sounded as if it originated from his heart, and he went deaf. Every hair stood on end, and then weightlessness. A bright flash. And then darkness. He had been chosen, and his life was changed forever.
Tacoma slept for 4 years, he was told that he was kept alive by magic, but today he knows that it was his faith that kept him in existence. His foster father Gorion had explained to him that his nerves had been damaged, and he will not ever walk again. Tacoma defied this news, and worked through unimaginable pain to become a somewhat normal young man. Constantly exercising, he retrained his muscles and after 6 years time he has recovered remarkably (STR 6/ DEX 9). The priests of Candlekeep marvel at his toughness (CON 18) and they say he is blessed by Oghma. Tacoma knows this is false, while he may be tougher than most, his blessings come from a much more powerful Being. Talos. In secret he prayed, and Talos granted him powers with the promise of so much more. His mission is to bring destruction upon the Sword Coast in the name of the Stormlord, for they have forgotten His power. They do not appease Him, and for this the city of Baldur's Gate must be annihilated. Tacoma wishes to one day return to Candlekeep, and bring it to ruin. Then rebuild it in the name of Talos.
Tacoma's reclusiveness has kept him from many of the normalcies for a young man, (CHA 12, WIS 13) often leaving him to study (INT 17) while his friends run off to play. Fueling his bitterness, day after day. Finally, the day has come for him to once again leave the keep, and he will return on his own terms. Not as the ward of the blasphemer Gorion. He served his purpose, but he now feels like an albatross existing only to hold him back and contain the storm building within him. "A dangerous game you play, Old Fool.".
Hastily he buys what he needs and rushes to meet Gorion. Tacoma often battles a limp that hinders his speed considerably, and because of this he is forced to parlay with Imoen. "Leave me be! I have no time to waste on you today, child!". Well, not exactly a parlay, per-say. Tacoma and Gorion stride out into the night, as the thunder begins to grow louder...
Chapter One
Hiding, Tacoma listens to the screams of the blasphemer Gorion as the thunder applauds his demise. The rain comforts Tacoma as he hides through the night. The morning arrives with many questions, and just as brightness of the sun sends rays of irritation, so does the annoying sound of Imoen's voice. She is a capable burglar, but too annoying for words. She refuses to leave, and so he sends her up the road to "scout ahead" as he backtracks to the ambush sight. After foraging what he can from the bodies, he covers his tracks and begins to head back to the road. "The Light in the Tree", a woman's voice whispered directly into his ear. Frantically he looks around, "What spell could...Hello?!". Then a growl from the north, a starving grey wolf has caught his sent. Tacoma flees, but he is no match for the beast. Then he sees it, a light from a tree! He runs to it and climbs up into the tree, just barely avoiding the sharp teeth. From there, he has time to cast Sanctuary, a divine gift from Talos that shields him from all senses. The light in the tree was a small diamond reflecting the suns rays, but who put it there and why? Talos does not work in this way, this is some other magic at work, yet another riddle.
He finds Imoen down the road talking to a man and a halfling, Tacoma remains hidden and spies on them. Clearly the man is a mage, and a rather insane one. The halfling is also a burglar of some sort. Useful tools for the Stormlord. Imoen convinces them to accompany them to the Friendly Arm Inn, as per Gorion's instructions. Tacoma plays along, and makes Imoen out to be the leader of the group as they head to the crossroads. On the way there, they encounter an old man. "'E', that was the signature on the letter, could that mean Elminster, was that him we just chatted with?". "Search the rabbit hole for protection." , the mysterious voice whispered again, followed by a hare running off to the south. He followed it, and watched as it descended into a hole in the ground. Tacoma broke off alone and followed it, he reached down into the hole and felt around. Just when he was about to accuse himself of insanity, his finger bumped something cold and metallic. He pulled forth a ring with a faint aura of magic to it. So many riddles, so little time.
The road to the north was dark and quiet, and then the deadly ambush unleashed like a rattlesnake. 'Where was that woman's voice that time." Tacoma later thought to himself. 8-12 bandits scurry out from the bushes and without a word loose arrows with deadly precision. The mad wizard was the first to get shot, he muttered something about his "mommy" and ran back the way he came. Next came the halfling, with his sword half drawn two arrows hit him in the chest, piercing his studded leather armor and dropping him to the ground with a gurgled cry. Another arrow lands in Imoen's leg, "Gettin' out alive I am!" she exclaimed as she hobbled into the darkness. Just then the wind picked up around Tacoma, the leaves and twigs and even the dirt circle him with powerful winds. Arrows are redirected harmlessly away as he coldly walks up to the halfling and takes his pouch as he bleeds out, his last thought before death was the knowledge that he was being robbed. Then he walks over to Imoen, now dead with a second arrow in her head, he takes her pouch as well and heads north. In the distance he hears the mad mage scream something about "never being loved", and then he falls dead as well. The bandits stare in fear as the priest of Talos walks into the darkness, out of sight.
Four hours later he arrives at the gate of the Inn, unharmed but alone. Knowing now that he is hunted by many, he decides to make camp outside of the Inn to gather his thoughts and pray. That night a raven lands on a rock beside his camp. It stares through him. "A path to a greater power lies under the stone.", she whispered. Calmly he approaches the stone, the bird flies away. Looking underneath, embedded into the stone is another ring, this one has a strong aura of magic. He stared at the ring for a time, wondering what path it is that she speaks of. What power?
In the morning he enter the Inn, watching as three bodies are carted in from the road. His fallen allies. They are sent to a temple, he watches at the base of the stairs until he is startled by a strange man, who taps him on the shoulder. "Hi friend, what brings you to the Friendly Arm Inn?". "I'm not your friend and my business is my own.". "If I weren't going to already, I'd kill you for being so uppity!". With that he casts Mirror Image, and Tacoma casts Sanctuary and sneaks into the Inn. He can hear a guard battle the mage outside....
Oh hell this is boring. Here's what happens next. Jeheira fails her save vs. Horror and gets toasted by magic missiles and dies. Khalid avenges her by chunking Tarnesh and Tacoma chipped in with Imoen's wand of magic missiles.
The guard also lived, moving on...