The 75 roll No-Reload/No Resurrection Challenge
Not sure how much interest there will be in this but I'm throwing it out there nonetheless!!!
- You must use a non-edited roll of 75
- You can re-roll as many times as you like
- You may not min/max any stats or edit any abilities at all
- You may not resurrect any party members
- Core rules
- Update your progress in this thread, whether it be death or success!
- Try to roleplay your character as much as possible
- Have fun
I'll start with Gwen, an Elven Priestess of Talos although I don't know how long she will live with her crippling low dexterity lol. She can barely equip herself and nearly takes her half an hour to do so. I took her first roll of 75, updates to come in the near future
- You must use a non-edited roll of 75
- You can re-roll as many times as you like
- You may not min/max any stats or edit any abilities at all
- You may not resurrect any party members
- Core rules
- Update your progress in this thread, whether it be death or success!
- Try to roleplay your character as much as possible

- Have fun
I'll start with Gwen, an Elven Priestess of Talos although I don't know how long she will live with her crippling low dexterity lol. She can barely equip herself and nearly takes her half an hour to do so. I took her first roll of 75, updates to come in the near future
Gwen's adventures begin. She starts out with a grizzly battle with Shank who gave her a pretty good run for her money. Finished some petty quests in Candlekeep and killed some rats who were playing with cats for Reevor. Gorion gets slain and Gwen embarks on an uncertain adventure, shortly joined by Imoen. Imoen and Gwen first encounter a Dire Wolf right out the gate, and after some serious micro management and near death the party is victorious. Not long after, we run into a regular wolf and Gwen decides to utilize her shock powers of Talos and summons a lightning bolt upon the foul creature.
2 wolves down and the duet have tasted some sweet victory. But an unexpected 3rd wolf appears and manages a fatal bite at Imoen's neck to Gwen's horror.
Gwen runs away Monty Python style and encounters some much needed aid in the form of a few charismatic and evil adventurers
The party dispatches a few Gibberlings and makes its way to the Friendly Arm Inn for some much needed rest. A surprise assassin by the name of Tarnesh assaults the party and just before Monty can slit his throat he lands a crippling magic missile on Gwen and she goes down hard. It's all over. Gwen has been vanquished. NOooooooooooo!!!!
More to come as one adventure closes, another must begin....
I have been setting myself a limit of around 85-89 with my recent games, though, to prevent Uber characters, and a minimum of 7 in any stat. Imoen has 87 points (admittedly one of the highest of any NPCs) so I don't think it's unreasonable for CHARNAME to have something similar, but more than that is just makes everything too easy IMHO. A blade I recently rolled is 18/18/15/13/7/15 (86 points), which is certainly viable with potion use for scribing scrolls.
You depend more on the quality of your party more then your own abilities
I now pre roll my character with dice PnP style
use a D20 and D6 to determine race and gender
then I go straigth down the line ( old house rules ) for stats
STR first DEX second the CON, INT , WIS CHA
So when I get one I like , I use that as a guide lline
when rolling up one that I will use in the game
pulled the Dice out of my desk 2 nights ago
roll for an hour or so 2 nights ago
here is one that I plan to use
Human Female ( no alignment yet )
STR 17
DEX 12
CON 16
INT 11
WIS 18
CHA 13
87 points , Same as Imoen.
Plan to start this one off as a fighter
then duel class to cleric when I import over
after BG2:EE comes out
Also, there are a few occasions to gain stats points across the game.
Therefore, the so called "choices" are very easy to be made...
Intelligence and dexterity to 9.
And average constitution ...
I killed a black bear, a gibberling and a dread wolf with charname jester & Imoen. Then I got cocky and took on a regular wolf... High-tailing it out of their after it slaughtered Imoen with casual ease, I ran into another wolf, whom I managed to confuse into killing the first wolf (my crossbow helped). Unfortunately that same wolf then killed me. It wasn't glorious.
10 18 16 10 10 10 is a 74 point roll (unpossible!) that in fact gives you the max stats you need for this role unless you demand max shorty saves. Additional str/cha/whatever would be nice for carry weight and adjustment reaction but is not necessary.
, as there were guards.
I stuck pretty much to the main quest line, taking all NPCs along the way (Imoen, Xzar, Montoran, Khalid, Jaheira). I lost my first party member in the Nashkel mines, Montoran got hit with hold person and got killed by Mulahey, no biggie so I picked up Xan. We then made it back to Nashkel and then to Beregost where we did a few minor quests and met Tranzig. We then went to the FAI and did the quests there. I took a detour at this time and went after Brage, and lost Jaheira in the fight against the hobgoblin leading the kobold commandos. I replaced her with Kivan from High hedge, who I had encountered while locating Perdue's short sword. We then went to Peldvale and tried to join the bandits, no dice. We were seen as too weak, so we had to fight. We won that battle and continued north to the bandit's camp. With little to do but assult the camp head on, we somehow made it into Tazok's tent (we lost Khalid and Kivan outside to the numerous bandit archers and the leader of the Black Talons). The remainder of the group got killed in Tazok's tent as we were mostly bereft of magic and had no front liners.
I wanted to make this the most like playing as a new player. We went strait to the FAI after acquiring Imoen, Xzar, and Montoran, and only stopping to retrieve the items from Gorion's corpse. We then met up with Khalid and Jaheira and went south, staying on the road to get to Nashkel. We stopped in Beregost, long enough to ask about an affordable inn, the red sheaf inn was recommended, and we fought the assassin there and rested and continued south. In Nashkel we went to the mayor ans then collected rumors around town, eventually fighting the assassin here as well. We went to the mines, rested outside, and took the you have one day the mine overseer gave us to explore the mines seroiusly. We made it through the mines in a few hours and came out the back entrance. We travelled west from there to get back to Nashkel, where we took our reward from the mayor and killed yet again another assassin. Back to Beregost we did the minor quests in the town and spent some of our meager gold on a new sword for Khalid (long sword +1) and armor for Jaheira (plate mail). The rest is above.
**Of note here is that I left all the ester egg items alone, so we didn't get the hidden diamond, ring of princes, the ever memory ring, the ankeg plate, or the wand of frost. We also didn't keep any items that were to be returned for quests (belt of elvish bane/girdle of piercing).
Furthermore, spells like command and sleep are SO good. My main character had recahed level 3 just before going to Pelvdale, but Kivan and Xzar were level 2, and Xan, Imoen and Khalid leveled to 3 in the bandit camp. Most of these fights were way over our heads, but were rendered easy due to the use of these disabling spells. Also using consumables helps greatly as well. In the Nashkel mines, using Montoran to sneak past the melee kobolds to assault their archers made the mines a breeze, as it negated the ranged factor from the enemies. About ranged... it is awesome, but can be used against you as well... enemes you don't want to see/fight until later or who are the most annoying in the early game are 1)hobgoblin archers, 2)kobold archers, 3)kobold commandos, 4)bandits, and the worst are 5)black talon elites.
The party arrived tired at the Friendly Arm inn and were confronted by an assassin, a lucky critical hit from Imoen's bow and Xzar's fast Larloch's draining spell interrupted his casting and Gwyn got a final shot with her bow, killing him. That could have been much messier, since I didn't prep or position my party like I usually do for that guy.
Inside they spoke to Khalid and Jaheira and agreed to all travel together to the Nashkel mines. The party rested and then equipped themselves in preparation for the journey.
I hope to have more time to play this one out. So far, so good...
I've just started my Char (Elf thief/mage). I am going to meet Gorion.
stats are :
Str: 16
Dex : 14
Con : 9
Int : 17
Wis : 6
Cha : 13
I will update my journal here after doing a little bit more
Next the went to Beregost where they ran into Neera the wild mage, they saved her from the red wizards but did not have room for her in the party, so they sent her on her way. Next they took a trip to the temple for a potion of antidote to have on hand for when they cleared out the spider infestation. They did a bit of wandering curious about the area and came across some war dogs. Crazy Xzar ran in screaming about how he was death or something wielding his dagger, and well, he became dead! The group was shocked to lose a member of the party but he was a crazy one. They passed the cursed belt to Khalid ignoring Jaheira's protests:
The group then explored a bit more and ran into a bunch of hobgoblins that they had less trouble with than the dogs - go figure. Then they returned to Beregost and took out the spiders, good thing they had the potion because Khalid was poisoned, but he chugged it down and was fine. Next was Nashkel, they arrived at the inn tired and injured from some skirmishes along the way (Orgillions, Hobgoblins and Bandits). Just before entering however they spotted a monk putting on a show, they talked to him a bit and then recruited him to their party. Inside the inn they were met by an assassin. It was a tough fight, first Khalid and Jaheira were held in melee against her, then she held Rasaad who tried to go in with a stunning blow. Monteron rushed into melee to try and draw her off, but she would have none of it and bashed Rasaad's skull in with her club. After that she cast entangle which tied her up and allowed Monteron to retreat and the party finished her off with ranged weapons.
The party rested, saddened that their new friend fell so quickly. Gwyn had her dream and learned cure light wounds. After resting they spoke with the Mayor and learned about the trouble in the mines, they also learned of a bounty on a man named Brage and another on the sculptor Prism. The group headed to the mines and was ambushed by some brigands, but a half-orc named Dorn came to their rescue, they recruited him as well, mostly because they could use a strong fighter and he looked the part. The group tracked down Prism and agreed to defend him, they tried to reason with Greywolf but he was an ass and attacked them. Things started off ok, but then got messy real fast. First Khalid went down in a single blow. Surprised at the swiftness of the blow, Dorn drank a potion of speed and poisoned his weapon, hoping to finish the bounty hunter off quickly. Before he could strike the injured man however, he too was felled in single strike and the Jaheira (now level 2/2) was injured, she retreated and switched to a sling, and Monteron rushed into melee. Greywolf laughed at their valiant attempt, he was badly injured but still in the fight. Then he gutted Monteron and rushed toward Imoen. Imoen drank the other potion of speed and ran away while Jaheira and Gwyn finished him off. Staggered by their heavy losses, they retreated to Nashkel to regroup.
There they recruited Minsc and agreed to rescue the wizard Dynaheir. They returned to their fallen comrades to gather their equipment, which they could not carry before. Then they headed to the Friendly Arm inn to turn in the spider quest and rest before heading to the Gnoll fortress. And that is where our heroes are now.
The Fallen
Rasaad - Level 1
Khalid - Level 1
Dorn - Level 1
Monteron - Level 1/1
Current Party
Gwyn - Level 1/1
Imoen - Level 1
Jaheira - Level 2/2
Minsc - Level 1
Just moved into a new place and will be starting another run soon
I had made a similar purposal a few weeks ago that wasn't successful.
It was a joke initially (same as you but with no pause, solo and hardcore rules).
But now I'm happy to see that people are thrilled by this one ;-)
Here's the thread :
Minsc was not amused, but Boo found it quite hilarious. With that out of the way, they headed toward the Gnoll Fortress, stopping in Nashkel along the way. As they traveled to the fortress they came across a man being assaulted by a white bear. Not wanting to leave the man to his fate, they engaged the bear, though a badly timed entangle spell by Jaheira made the task much more difficult than it should have been. In the end though they were victorious and rewarded with gold, Imoen also gained a 3rd thief level.
Finally they were close to the Fortress, they could see it in the distance across a bridge. They first rested for the night since they were exhausted, and then headed across the bridge. They were accosted by some giants demanding a toll, with their funds running very low the group decided they could not afford it and were going to find another path to the fortress. Unfortunately the giants weren't happy with missing out on income and attacked them and died surprisingly easily. They were carrying some nice gloves which Gwyn identified with a scroll. Minsc and Jaheira keep fighting over them though. After they crossed the bridge, Gwyn suggested they explore the cave system South of the fortress first, in case Dynaheir was being held in one of the caves. If so, this would allow them to rescue her without a direct assault on the fortress. They didn't find her in the caves, but did find an interesting tome - they have no idea what it is yet, but looks important.
Next they headed to the Gnoll fortress and fought their way through hordes of Gnolls and Xvarts (ok not hordes, but enough to strain a low level party). Luckily many areas offered convenient choke points and the party only suffered some injuries. At last they rescued Dynaheir, who did not recognize Minsc at first due to the belt. We're not so sure she's very keen on the change. Minsc wanted to purge the rest of the fortress of any remaining evil, but the rest of the party felt they were nearing their limits and did not want to press their luck. In the end they convinced him that rescuing Dynaheir was enough and they headed back to Nashkel for rest and resupply before investigating the mines.
The Fallen
Xzar - Level 1 Necromancer
Rasaad - Level 1 Monk
Khalid - Level 1 Fighter
Dorn - Level 1 Blackguard
Monteron - Level 1/1 Fighter/Thief
Current Party
Gwyn - Level 1/2 Mage/Thief
Imoen - Level 3 Thief
Jaheira - Level 2/2 Fighter/Druid
Minsc - Level 1 Ranger
Neera - Level 1 Wild Mage
Dynahier - Level 1 Invoker
After gaining permission to delve into the mines they did so, working their way down several levels. Eventually they were confronted by kobolds in packs of 2 or three, nothing they couldn't handle. They could feel they were getting closer to solving the mystery as they discovered some tainted ore and a vial of strange liquid. Luckily they they had the foresight to have Imoen scout ahead looking for traps, because they found several. She did miss one though, but survived the magic missile flung at her. The adventurers grew bold as they moved onward, slaying spiders and kobolds, then all of sudden it happened. Just one kobold confronted them, nothing to worry about... except that this kobold had good aim. Thwap, he loosed his arrow and the group flung their projectiles toward him and also loosed arrows from their bows. Thud, the kobold lay dead on the ground, but his arrow still in flight found it's mark. Poor Gwyn took an arrow to the eye and fell dead on the ground, her life ended. Indeed it was sad, her foster father murdered in an ambush during a hurried flight in the night, and now Gwyn felled by a lowly kobold seeking to avenge her Gorion's death. To end ... like this.
((In my shock I forgot to grab a screen shot, I really enjoyed this run, but I think I grew over confident, especially at such a low level.. I mean kobolds... really?))
The Fallen
Gwyn - Level 1/2 Mage/Thief
Xzar - Level 1 Necromancer
Rasaad - Level 1 Monk
Khalid - Level 1 Fighter
Dorn - Level 1 Blackguard
Monteron - Level 1/1 Fighter/Thief
Former Party
Imoen - Level 3 Thief
Jaheira - Level 2/2 Fighter/Druid
Minsc - Level 1 Ranger
Neera - Level 1 Wild Mage
Dynahier - Level 1 Invoker
I will likely attempt this again in the future, after I play out my other two current games.
Here's the thread :
enter Prada the totemic druid. More to come soon
The Fallen
Xzar - Level 1 Necromancer
Imoen - Level 1 Thief
Montaron - Level 1 Fighter/Thief
Kagain - Level 1 Fighter
Current Party
Prada - Level 1 Totemic Druid
Khalid - Level 1 Fighter
Jaheira - Level 2 Fighter/Druid
Garrick - Level 1 Bard
Neera - Level 1 Wild Mage
The Fallen
Prada - Level 2 Totemic Druid
Xzar - Level 1 Necromancer
Imoen - Level 1 Thief
Montaron - Level 1 Fighter/Thief
Kagain - Level 1 Fighter
Neera - Level 1 Wild Mage
Jaheira - Level 2 Fighter/Druid
Khalid - Level 1 Fighter
Kivan - Level 2 Ranger
Former Party
Prada - Level 2 Totemic Druid
Khalid - Level 1 Fighter
Neera - Level 1 Wild Mage
Kivan - Level 2 Ranger
Garrick - Level 1 Bard
Really hope I can last longer if I do another run... my runs have been really short, sad and pathetic.
So far I have felt an immediacy and a genuine concern for the characters that I have never experienced before. No res/no reloads certainly makes it more tense and quite a lot of fun. Strict roleplaying has only added to the immersion, no secret stashes, no raiding every chest, not entering locked houses, etc.
Between spook and sleep I was able to handle the Candlekeep assassins. I didn't feel right about killing them incapacitated as they were, but the thought of them causing trouble in my home gave me the nerve to finish the job. After Gorion's death, Imoen was a sight for sore eyes. We decided to stick to the road as much as possible and make it to the FAI where help might be found. We came across an unsavory pair, and despite their offer of aid we decided something didn't seem right with them so we went our separate ways.
Between my sleep spell and Imoen's bow we managed to overcome a wolf attack and made it to the outskirts of the FAI. However, just when we thought we were safe, we were caught by surprise by a seemingly friendly fellow, Tarnesh. I only had one more sleep spell left and he resisted! After a magic missile knocked Imoen down to 1 hp, thank goodness a guard came in to help. Imoen managed to fire the killing arrow and we made it safely inside.
After meeting with Jaheira and Khalid, good people btw, we decided to head south and investigate the trouble near the Nashkell Mines. We have been lucky so far, but we will see how long that lasts...