I've been playing Cassandra, a female Skald for quite a few days off and on now...I don't have the greatest screenshots and missed a shit ton of stuff I did but I will try to recollect her story in a brief and simplistic manner...
Xzar and Montaron are employed with Viconia and Imoen early on. Xzar proves semi useful but is eventually slain in favor of Edwin later on. Imoen gets killed by some thayan mages and there was much rejoicing. Garrick is used as a meat shield to deal with Karlat and he goes down rather quickly. A drunken dwarf named Kagain is employed and was quite a useful partner. Heading south we meet up with a Monk who rubs the party the wrong way and he is slain. His boots are sold and there was much rejoicing. Dorn joins the party and his brute strength is put on display. Prism is 'saved' and Greywolf is slain with relative ease. The nashkel mines are plundered without much of a challenge and Mulahey is commanded down to his knees and slain before his minions are called to fight. Xan is employed in favor of Edwin and Edwin is slain. Heading back to Nashkel, an assassin named Nimbul is slain and the party rests. Deciding to further explore the coast turns up miscreants such as Bassilus and a talking chicken and other groups of lackeys. The gnoll fortress is raided and Dynaheir is set free but slain shortly after. Eventually they make there way north and raid the forests of Peldvale and Larswood, running into an evil drow named Baeloth. His powers are immense and he is employed into the party. Heading further north the bandit camp is annihilated and Enter Sai is set free. Deciding to continue with further exploration, they head south and employ a female brute named Shar-Teel. Kagain is kicked out of the party but is not slain because he was highly useful. Deciding to explore the ancient school of Ulcaster, the party encounters several wolves before setting off a fateful trap half way through the abandoned school. A fireball explodes in the center of the party and Viconia, Dorn and basically everybody but Cassandra is dead. A Vampiric wolf bites her head off and the adventure is over.
Sadly, Helm didn't help Rastac when a stupid Flaming Fist stopped me on the road to Nashkel, mistook me for a bandit and slayed my poor priest in one (!) hit. Not even had the chance to drink a potion or run, pffffffffff.
well that's a fail. Deleting old pictures doesn't even free up bandwidth, apparently they calculate it by every time somebody views your picture... zzzz
Just use the forum to upload and embed the pictures
just tried it doesn't work ; just stays stuck on 'Uploading'
Ah well. This challenge has been completely full of utter failure for me - it's only fitting that the screenshots don't work in the run I get the farthest in
Dogwood Haffpants, male halfling Shadowdancer (CN) Str 14 Dex 19 (!) Con 11 Int 15 Wis 6 Cha 10
So the good news is Gorion says we're leaving this stupid town. The bad news is, apparently I'm adopted.
As long as we're leaving I loot the inn (except for one of the dressers upstairs, which has some kind of mithril lock). Then I say goodbye to everyone. Fuller wants me to get him some bolts. I don't know why he can't just get them himself, but I don't mind, I'm happy to help the Guard for the measly, pittance reward of that shiny, shiny dagger he carries.
Except when I return with the bolts, Fuller gives me a handful of coin, and FORGETS to give me the dagger. So rather than bother him, I just try to reward myself with it. But alas! He detects my pickpocket and, after much chasing and shadow-dancing and hiding in plain sight and Yakety Sax, he splorts me. Stupid 6 Wisdom...
Savilous and gang arrived to the Nashkel Mines, but before heading in they decided to snoop around first. They met an artist named Prism, and a bounty hunter named Greywolf who was after the man because he stole some emeralds that he was planning to use for a statue he made of some elf woman. Savilous decided to protect Prism, and so they were forced to fight and kill the bloodthirsty bounty hunter. Sadly, Prism didn't survive the commotion. They took the emeralds for returning to their owner.
After that unfortunate incident, the adventurers ventured down into the mine shafts. The miners, as well as the guards, were nervous and fearful, raving about demons haunting the depths. The party soon found out that the demons were no more than a company of lowly kobolds, through which they cut a path with ease. From the evidence they found, it was apparent that the kobolds were using some kind of magical poison in order to spoil the iron.
At the deep end of the mines, they've found a secret kobold base and a nervous half-orc priest named Mulahey, who attacked the adventurers as soon as he realized his operation had been discovered. He summoned a small army of kobolds and skeletons to his side, and yet he still wasn't a match for Savilous and his companions. The letters on his body confirmed that he was behind the miners' disappearances, as well as the iron poisoning, and they also mentioned he was under the orders of someone named Tazok. Apparently, a mage named Tranzig, who was staying at the Feldepost Inn in Beregost, was his contact.
It was time to pay this Tranzig fellow a visit.
Yay, Nashkel Mines done! Pretty much every fight here was pretty easy at this point because at level 3 my party was rather overpowered for this area. Still, I dread meeting the amazons, which I will do at the start of the next play session. I'll be sure to buff up like crazy before approaching them, though.
Dynaheir: 1 level gained, rolled 4+2 for HP. Way to go, Dynaheir! Your chances of surviving this campaign have increased from 10% to 15%!
Okay, I couldn't bear the suspense anymore and went ahead and fought the amazons. I started off by casting invisibility on Minsc and Khalid and moving them in position, then sneaked and moved close by with Savilous, and have Imoen aggro them while Dynaheir Magic Missiled one of the casters. I fudged up and nearly got both Imoen and Savilous killed, because I was late attacking with the tanks and they were still invisible while my squishies were being destroyed. I also may have forgotten I had Slow Poison memorized on Jaheira and so my protagonist almost died of poison. The fight itself was very short and very intense. In the end, everyone survived, but only because I got really lucky.
After that horrible but also quite fun experience, the adventurers scouted the area. They had several fun adventures, including promising to return a dagger and then not doing it and killing a tough zombie instead, and killing an eccentric wizard and his mustard jelly companions.
After they were done cleaning the area from monsters, dogs, ghouls, and goblins kobolds, they returned to Nashkel and received the reward from the mayor for their heroic deeds. As they were moving on, a strange man named Nimbul approached them. It turned out he was an assassin sent by Tazok. Savilous had no idea why Tazok thought one man could kill six, but they proved him wrong. Nimbul had several useful magic items on his body that the adventurers took for their own use.
It was finally time to head back to Beregost and see what that Tranzig fellow was up to.
Khalid: 1 level gained, rolled 9+3 for HP. There you go Khalid, it wasn't that hard now, was it? Savilous: 1 level gained, rolled 3+1 for HP. He was my creation, and he has betrayed me. Imoen: 1 level gained, rolled 1+2 for HP. Et tu, Imoen?
Hi everyone, it's my first time on the forum and I really liked the sound of the 75 so I gave it ago.
Kithum the dwarves defender left Candle Keep with high hopes. Straight out of CK his step father Gorrion is slain; Kithum is disappointed he could do nothing to help. He is thankful that Imoen snuck out to give him company.
Later down the road they meet Xzar and Montaron who they welcome into their party, strength in numbers tis all.
After joining up with Khalid and Jahera the party encounters an ogre south of the FAI, Khalid take a mighty blow, he chugs a potion and Jahera hastily heals him, all seems to be going well until the ogre cleaves Khalid in one blow!
Jahera screams out in distress and Kithum finishes the ogre.
After mourning Khalid in the FAI temple the party makes their way to Bergost, a mage named Neera asks for their help against some bandits, after they are dispatched with no injuries Neera askes to join us; she performed well in battle so we accepted.
Wanting to recoup ourselves after the battle they made their way to the Red Sheaf inn where a dwarf assassin confronts them, six against one seems like good odds to me.
Thinking on her feet Neera uses Nahal's Reckless Dweomer aiming to cast sleep the dwarf, unfortunately the magic flows to willingly from her fingers and forms a FIREBALL!
Only Kithum, Xzar and Montaron are left in the ashes of their friends and enemies... Now they really need a drink.
I think I'll give this a spin. Anyone mind if I try going "super-hardcore" and just play BG+TotSC (i.e. no BG:EE or Tutu/BGT)? That will up the ante a bit (no kits, game automatically unpauses on inventory screen, etc). Of course, it will also bring back things like super-cheesy PfE... But I promise not to abuse that too much
Enter Berney, a shadowdancer that lacked intelligence to get through a journey.
STR 12 Dex 18 Con 14 Int 6 Wis 12 CHA 13
This naive fellow travels around Candlekeep doing chores here and there, but it was filled with danger. Two would-be assassins attacked him on two different sides of the castle. Carbos and Shank! Both were handled in similar fashion....running and screaming in circles until escaping view and plunging a knife into their backs.. With a few tears to the monks, he continued on, fighting of an army of rats....but they were dangerous...honest. Soon, he looked around for Thethoril to obtain a scroll for Firebead. Once found, after being hassled by Imoen, Thethoril disregarded the fool that is Berney, who kept pointing at the scroll in an attempt to obtain it (seriously the scroll conversation never started, just the hurry up and talk to Gorion one). Berney saw the scroll just hanging on Thethoril's person, and since it wasn't Thethoril's in the first place Berney decided to make a grab for it.....but Thethoril noticed and apparently thought that Berney (having been reporting killing two others in the keep) was attempting to kill him as well and blasted the little halfling into oblivion with an unknown death spell. Poor Berney.
I'd place screenshots...but they all come up as black bordered white squares
haven't been on here in a while, will take time to recover from my last run. The nostalgia sadly wears off after a while, I need to rekindle it so I can appreciate my favorite game more
It's been a while, and it's time once again for Savilous and gang to continue their investigations into the iron shortage.
For a mage who had been quite full of himself, Tranzig went down quickly. On his corpse were some documents that indicated Tazok had a base of operations in the Larswood/Peldvale area.
Before leaving town, the adventurers visited the local blacksmith Taerom Fuiruim, whose art with the hammer was famous throughout the Sword Coast. They ended up spending all of their saved-up money and buying new armor for Khalid and Imoen.
They reached Larswood, and after a bit of searching found a band of bandits moving through the forest. They managed to convince the bandits that they were seeking to join them, and so the outlaws lead them back to their camp where they met Tazok the half-ogre. Savilous convinced him they were actual recruits, so they were granted access to the entire camp without bloodshed.
After some looking around, they found what was likely Tazok's tent, and they decided to take a look inside.
Inside the large tent, the adventurers were confronted by guards who could tell they were not recruits. It was time to fight, so Khalid and Minsc left their magical invisibility disguise and attacked the mage and archer at the back. Jaheira took the role of distracting their leader and his large gnoll bodyguard, while Imoen and Savilous needled them with arrows. Dynaheir stood in the back and fired magic missiles at the enemy caster.
Although Jaheira was close to dying at one point, the element of surprise and the well-organized approach landed the adventurers victory over the bandits, and they suffered no losses. After they searched the tent for documents, they found out that a merchant guild named Iron Throne was issuing Tazok's orders, and that they had a base in the Cloakwood. It looked like that was to be their next destination.
Before leaving, Savilous and his companions decided to clear out the bandit camp in order to make the roads safer and collect more scalps for the bounty on them. One of the bandit leaders even had a nice suit of full plate mail on him, which Minsc put to good use.
Minsc: 1 level gained, rolled 7+1 for HP. Meh, I'll take it. Jaheira: 1 druid level gained, rolled 1+1 for HP. Next time do make an effort, dear. Dynaheir: 1 level gained, rolled 1+2 for HP. *sigh* This is no lucky day for any of us.
I thought I would get in on this, though my first attempt was rather short lived.
So begins the adventure of Kat the elven archer.
It seemed a morning like any other in the dreary halls of Candlekeep. Running around the keep doing chores for random people. Winthrop making bad jokes, fetching scrolls for forgetful mages or finding books for dear old Phlydia. Then I stepped into the northern guest house and I was attacked. Some random guy lunged at me with a knife and I had to kill him. He wasn’t hard to kill, but I think it should have been harder to take another sentient life. After this it did seem like life got back to some semblance of normalcy. Dreppin needed a potion for a sick cow, Jondalar wanted to continue on with training, Reevor wanted some rats dead, and Hull wanted me to fetch his sword. Then I got to southern guest house and I was attacked again by some knife wielding mad man. He managed to cut me, but he too died by my hand. I then finished up my errands before going to my (foster) father. One bright spot in an otherwise horrid day is my little sister Imoen, who is always cheerful, stopped and chatted for a bit curious about whatever secret adventure Gorion wanted to go on. After talking to Gorion we left our home.
Who am I? Just a short distance from Candlekeep and again I am attacked. This time it is some armored man with ogres and archers and some caster. It was amazing to watch Gorion take down the ogres as if they are nothing, but he dies defending me. Somehow Imoen finds me the next morning. At least I don’t have to do this alone. We head north to see if by some miracle Gorion survived and are attacked by a gibberling. We manage to fill it with arrows before it gets too close. It feels wrong, but we end up looting the dead, even Gorion. We need this stuff so badly. We head back to the road and are attacked by a wolf. The creature closes so quickly despite our arrows racing towards it. We manage to defeat the beast and move on to the road. There we found an odd pair. They don’t seem too trustworthy, but we need all the help we can get. Heading east along the road we encounter nothing more dangerous than an xvart that is easily felled by arrows before it reaches us. We follow the road north towards the Friendly Arm Inn thinking that friends and safety await us. How horribly we misjudged things. We grew careless and were ambushed by bandits on all sides. Xzar, the mad wizard, and my dear sister Imoen fell to arrows before we were able to escape. Montaron also took an arrow, but survived. His survival did not last long. A wizard awaited us at the steps to the inn. Quicker than we could blink the wizard protected himself with multiple images of himself and we knew not which one to attack. He cast horror, but we resisted the fear caused by his images. The guards from the keep also swarmed the mage, but a single magic missile spell laid Montaron low. Between the guards and myself we managed to take out his false images and even hurt him a little, but luck was not with me and he was able to get off another magic missile that killed me.
Stupid bloody humans and their stupid stupidity. First me foster tells me to go get equipped for our journey and then he doesn’t give me enough gold to get equipped properly. Then the old skinflint Winthrop won’t give me no stinking discount. So I have to go around town doing jobs for stinking humans to get enough money to get what I need. A couple o’ pasty white humans thought to attack me with their puny little daggers. I fixed them right up with an axe to the face. Finally I can get out o’ this human infested, miserable excuse for a keep. I’ve got to hand it to Gorion. I thought humans were weak willed pansies, but he fought against overwhelming odds and even took down a couple ogres. Not bad for a dwarf, much less a human. Maybe they aren’t quite as bad as I thought. I guess I can put up with the human lass Imoen for a while. Safety in numbers and all that rubbish. Not much going on in the area. A pathetic little gibberling and a wolf attacked. Not a scratch on me. Stupid animals. Met another crazy human traveling with a halfling. Didn’t think too much of them, but they want to travel to some mine or some such. That sounds better than hanging around some stupid human village. Got attacked by an xvart. Weak little thing. Made it to the Friendly Arm Inn without any other encounters. Another bloody human attacked me as I was going in to the inn. Stupid mage thought he was all superior. Ha! Didn’t even get a spell off before we killed him. Serves him right for thinking he could beat a dwarf. Met Gorion’s friends. The only thing worse than a human is a pansy elf and I gots to put up with a pair of ‘em. Stupid humans and pansy elves and last requests of the dying. Heard about an ogre that needs killing and some giant spiders and some hobgoblins. Finally something worth doing. No more killing rats and fetching crap for pansy humans in robes. Took out the hobgoblins with nary a scratch on me. Maybe the ogre will be more of a challenge. Mark my words. Soon all will know the name Carrack. Hmm. Gorion never did give me clan name. I think I will need to start my own clan once I get me enough gold. I will need a good clan name when the time comes. I’ll have to think about that.
Finally found something that could put a scratch on me. A dire wolf was out wondering around where the ogre is supposedly at. The skin might make me a good blanket or cloak or some such. Found the ogre and he was definitely a better foe than those hobgoblins. Hit me a couple times, but it will take more than that to stop me. Had a couple belts on him; had the pansy human mage try one on. He complained it changed him into a woman, but he looks and sounds the same to me. Stupid humans. There were a few more gibberlings in the area, but nothing else worth mentioning. Looks like a caravan was hit by some bandits. Got me to some human town called Beregost. Met a dwarf intent on killing me. He put up a good fight, but at the end the pansy tried running away. Didn’t do him any good. Looks like plenty of people are lining up to kill me. Hopefully more of them are worthy foes. Met another pansy mage wanting us to murder random people for a measly 300 gold. Stupid idiot attacked me when I refused and another mages falls without getting a single spell off. Cleared out the spiders from the home of the old widow. Why she would want to live in this stinking human town is beyond me. Crazy old gnome. Delivered the spider carcass and other stuff she wanted and got me some more gold. Trip back and forth was uneventful. Time to move on to the mine. As we travelled along the road south we ran into some ogrillons waiting to ambush anyone on the road. Stupid buggers thought they could take me, but I showed them me axe up nice and close. They had a letter from some pansy human they must have killed earlier. I delivered it to his widow. Bah! Stupid elves and human pansies are rubbing off on me. I need a drink, and something to kill. The trip south did provide some opportunity to kill, but sadly no ale was found. I got me a ghast as well as more hobgoblins, gibberlings, and even a human bandit or two. I never thought I would say this, but I’m glad to have the elfling lass. She does a good job o’ patching me up after the battle over. Saved me some good coin in buying healing potions.
Within a time of 89 minutes I managed to get my character as far as the ceremony where you need to protect the Dukes against the Doppleganger assassins. Sadly my heroic Bard lacked the strength to help Belt and thus Sarevok was victorious.
Wow, I forgot about the Duchal Palace. Now I'm terrified. I really need to work out a strategy or something before I reach there.
Tried this out tonight. Lasted about all of an hour and a half....
Rolled a neutral evil half-orc barbarian. Was lucky enough to get 19 strength. S: 19 13 C: 12 I: 10 W: 7 C: 14
Kagain was killed by the fastest dart thrower of all people and Montaron was met his demise at the Gnoll Stronghold. Before hitting the Nashkel Mine I wanted to buy a couple spells for Edwin and went to High Hedge. Unfortunately, as soon as I entered the door, I came upon a very hostile flesh golem. He one-shot me before I even had a chance to speak to Thalantyr
@Samus: Yeah, I thought so from reading your post. Even with a fully leveled and equipped party the Duchal Palace is rather iffy, though. it generally takes me 1-3 tries in my usual types of games to get through it, but then I'm not really using any bulletproof strategies in those cases.
I believe this time around I will do it the most cheesy way I can think of, and that is surrounding belt with my party and a ton of summons, hasting everyone, and hoping for the best.
So we get to Nashkel and find another inn and another crazy human trying to kill me. If I didn’t know better I would think humans have a death wish. Maybe they just think they are superior because I’m short. Stupid prejudiced humans. Speaking of prejudice, we met a human mage that was prejudiced against magic users. Idiot. Maybe there is something wrong with the air up there and they can’t get enough oxygen to their brains or some such. The exploding ogre was funny though and we even got to kill it at the end. What a great show. They need more shows that end in fighting. What else? Well I had me some weird dream and now I can heal a wee bit. Hopefully I won’t be getting pointy ears or anything like that. All the running around and fighting has done me good. I am already beginning to feel stronger. Encountered the self-proclaimed fastest dart in the west who tried to rob me. Maybe if he tossed axes or something it might have been impressive. Also ran across a group of pompous idiot human hunters that think it is fun to insult dwarves. They won’t be doing that again. Did find a shiny sword in the mix, but I think I’ll stick to me axe. Found a couple more idiot humans wanting to chop down a tree and all they had was a club and a flail. You’d think even humans would be smart enough to use an axe. Also got me a fine winter wolf pelt, an ogre mage and half-ogre. Well I lost me first companion today. We encountered a village of xvarts. There were swarms of the pathetic little things, but they weren’t too much problem. They summoned a bear, but the first one fell without too much problem. We encountered a second one and it focused on the skinny elf for some reason. We got the bear just a wee bit too late. Let’s toast an ale to the pansy elf who never ran from battle. Khalid! Me trusted axe broke fighting a mountain bear while on the way back to Nashkel. Had to resort to using a sword for a bit, but I got me a shiny new axe now. Picked up another elf archer to replace the one we lost. Hopefully this one will last longer. I been fighting lots o’ monsters lately. Xvarts, gibberlings, gnolls, hobgoblins, bandits, wolves, bears, ogrillons and ogre berserkers have all fallen before me these last few days. Been a couple o’ close calls, but everything has been going well. I think we are ready for the mines and the so called demons infesting them.
So outside the mine I encounter another human bounty hunter going after some human sculptor guy. I’m not much into prettying rock or any of that rot, but for a human the sculptor ain’t bad with rock and stone. Anyway some bounty hunter shows up wanting to kill him in front o’ me. I tell him that it ain’t the lawful thing to do so the guy goes all crazy and attacks me. After killing him I get some emeralds and another new shiny sword. Makes me almost wish I had someone that could use swords. Anyway the mine turned out to be a bit of disappointment. The demons that the humans were yapping about turned out to be kobolds. Something really must be wrong with the air up there if they can’t tell the difference between a demon and a kobold. There were a few other interesting things here and there in the cave, but the leader of the kobolds was another crazy human caster. Outside the mine we ran into some more human bounty hunters. These wenches were actually pretty good. The one caster got of a spell that held me in place despite being hit multiple times. I thought I was a goner, but the other caster did some sort o’ damaging spell that killed one o’ her companions and hurt the other two. Me companions were able to finish them all off and we decided to head back to Nashkel to rest and recuperate and sell off the excess loot. Once back we met another bounty hunter and he got off a fear spell that took me and the wizard out of the fight. We managed to get him, but not before he hurt Kivan pretty bad and killed off the mad wizard. I don’t think even his companion will miss him all that much, but now I got to get me another crazy caster. Decided to get the one I rescued from the gnolls. I figure she might be a bit less annoying than some o’ the others. Have been doing monster hunting and exploring a bit. Lots more monsters have been killed including gnolls, flinds, skeletons,zombies, woves, half-ogres, bandits, ghasts, and ankhegs. Went ankheg hunting for a bit after finding out the smith in Beregost would pay a mite for each shell. Made a fair bit of coin, though could always use more. Equipping a full party is rather expensive. Also met a crazy wizard who turned himself into a chicken and a crazy caster who thinks skeletons and zombies are relatives that tell stories. To tell the truth I am not sure which is crazier. Took the chicken back to his master in the hopes of getting a reward, but unfortunately he died and we got nothing. Did get a nice chunk of change for the crazy cleric. Almost lost me healer and me trapper to the cleric. Montaron left me because I be doing too many good deeds. I guess he doesn’t like getting stuff cheaper from the stores. Need to decide who I want to replace him with.
Xzar and Montaron are employed with Viconia and Imoen early on. Xzar proves semi useful but is eventually slain in favor of Edwin later on. Imoen gets killed by some thayan mages and there was much rejoicing. Garrick is used as a meat shield to deal with Karlat and he goes down rather quickly. A drunken dwarf named Kagain is employed and was quite a useful partner. Heading south we meet up with a Monk who rubs the party the wrong way and he is slain. His boots are sold and there was much rejoicing. Dorn joins the party and his brute strength is put on display. Prism is 'saved' and Greywolf is slain with relative ease. The nashkel mines are plundered without much of a challenge and Mulahey is commanded down to his knees and slain before his minions are called to fight. Xan is employed in favor of Edwin and Edwin is slain. Heading back to Nashkel, an assassin named Nimbul is slain and the party rests. Deciding to further explore the coast turns up miscreants such as Bassilus and a talking chicken and other groups of lackeys. The gnoll fortress is raided and Dynaheir is set free but slain shortly after. Eventually they make there way north and raid the forests of Peldvale and Larswood, running into an evil drow named Baeloth. His powers are immense and he is employed into the party. Heading further north the bandit camp is annihilated and Enter Sai is set free. Deciding to continue with further exploration, they head south and employ a female brute named Shar-Teel. Kagain is kicked out of the party but is not slain because he was highly useful. Deciding to explore the ancient school of Ulcaster, the party encounters several wolves before setting off a fateful trap half way through the abandoned school. A fireball explodes in the center of the party and Viconia, Dorn and basically everybody but Cassandra is dead. A Vampiric wolf bites her head off and the adventure is over.
Photobucket fail. Sigh
Ah well. This challenge has been completely full of utter failure for me - it's only fitting that the screenshots don't work in the run I get the farthest in
Str 14 Dex 19 (!) Con 11 Int 15 Wis 6 Cha 10
So the good news is Gorion says we're leaving this stupid town. The bad news is, apparently I'm adopted.
As long as we're leaving I loot the inn (except for one of the dressers upstairs, which has some kind of mithril lock). Then I say goodbye to everyone. Fuller wants me to get him some bolts. I don't know why he can't just get them himself, but I don't mind, I'm happy to help the Guard for the measly, pittance reward of that shiny, shiny dagger he carries.
Except when I return with the bolts, Fuller gives me a handful of coin, and FORGETS to give me the dagger. So rather than bother him, I just try to reward myself with it. But alas! He detects my pickpocket and, after much chasing and shadow-dancing and hiding in plain sight and Yakety Sax, he splorts me. Stupid 6 Wisdom...
Savilous and gang arrived to the Nashkel Mines, but before heading in they decided to snoop around first. They met an artist named Prism, and a bounty hunter named Greywolf who was after the man because he stole some emeralds that he was planning to use for a statue he made of some elf woman. Savilous decided to protect Prism, and so they were forced to fight and kill the bloodthirsty bounty hunter. Sadly, Prism didn't survive the commotion. They took the emeralds for returning to their owner.
After that unfortunate incident, the adventurers ventured down into the mine shafts. The miners, as well as the guards, were nervous and fearful, raving about demons haunting the depths. The party soon found out that the demons were no more than a company of lowly kobolds, through which they cut a path with ease. From the evidence they found, it was apparent that the kobolds were using some kind of magical poison in order to spoil the iron.
At the deep end of the mines, they've found a secret kobold base and a nervous half-orc priest named Mulahey, who attacked the adventurers as soon as he realized his operation had been discovered. He summoned a small army of kobolds and skeletons to his side, and yet he still wasn't a match for Savilous and his companions. The letters on his body confirmed that he was behind the miners' disappearances, as well as the iron poisoning, and they also mentioned he was under the orders of someone named Tazok. Apparently, a mage named Tranzig, who was staying at the Feldepost Inn in Beregost, was his contact.
It was time to pay this Tranzig fellow a visit.
Yay, Nashkel Mines done! Pretty much every fight here was pretty easy at this point because at level 3 my party was rather overpowered for this area. Still, I dread meeting the amazons, which I will do at the start of the next play session. I'll be sure to buff up like crazy before approaching them, though.
Dynaheir: 1 level gained, rolled 4+2 for HP. Way to go, Dynaheir! Your chances of surviving this campaign have increased from 10% to 15%!
Current Party:
Savilous: lvl 3
Imoen: lvl 4
Khalid: lvl 3
Jaheira: lvl 3/3
Minsc: lvl 3
Dynaheir: lvl 3
Okay, I couldn't bear the suspense anymore and went ahead and fought the amazons. I started off by casting invisibility on Minsc and Khalid and moving them in position, then sneaked and moved close by with Savilous, and have Imoen aggro them while Dynaheir Magic Missiled one of the casters. I fudged up and nearly got both Imoen and Savilous killed, because I was late attacking with the tanks and they were still invisible while my squishies were being destroyed. I also may have forgotten I had Slow Poison memorized on Jaheira and so my protagonist almost died of poison. The fight itself was very short and very intense. In the end, everyone survived, but only because I got really lucky.
After that horrible but also quite fun experience, the adventurers scouted the area. They had several fun adventures, including promising to return a dagger and then not doing it and killing a tough zombie instead, and killing an eccentric wizard and his mustard jelly companions.
After they were done cleaning the area from monsters, dogs, ghouls, and goblins kobolds, they returned to Nashkel and received the reward from the mayor for their heroic deeds. As they were moving on, a strange man named Nimbul approached them. It turned out he was an assassin sent by Tazok. Savilous had no idea why Tazok thought one man could kill six, but they proved him wrong. Nimbul had several useful magic items on his body that the adventurers took for their own use.
It was finally time to head back to Beregost and see what that Tranzig fellow was up to.
Khalid: 1 level gained, rolled 9+3 for HP. There you go Khalid, it wasn't that hard now, was it?
Savilous: 1 level gained, rolled 3+1 for HP. He was my creation, and he has betrayed me.
Imoen: 1 level gained, rolled 1+2 for HP. Et tu, Imoen?
Current Party:
Savilous: lvl 4
Imoen: lvl 5
Khalid: lvl 4
Jaheira: lvl 3/3
Minsc: lvl 3
Dynaheir: lvl 3
Kithum the dwarves defender left Candle Keep with high hopes. Straight out of CK his step father Gorrion is slain; Kithum is disappointed he could do nothing to help. He is thankful that Imoen snuck out to give him company.
Later down the road they meet Xzar and Montaron who they welcome into their party, strength in numbers tis all.
After joining up with Khalid and Jahera the party encounters an ogre south of the FAI, Khalid take a mighty blow, he chugs a potion and Jahera hastily heals him, all seems to be going well until the ogre cleaves Khalid in one blow!
Jahera screams out in distress and Kithum finishes the ogre.
After mourning Khalid in the FAI temple the party makes their way to Bergost, a mage named Neera asks for their help against some bandits, after they are dispatched with no injuries Neera askes to join us; she performed well in battle so we accepted.
Wanting to recoup ourselves after the battle they made their way to the Red Sheaf inn where a dwarf assassin confronts them, six against one seems like good odds to me.
Thinking on her feet Neera uses Nahal's Reckless Dweomer aiming to cast sleep the dwarf, unfortunately the magic flows to willingly from her fingers and forms a FIREBALL!
Only Kithum, Xzar and Montaron are left in the ashes of their friends and enemies... Now they really need a drink.
STR 12
Dex 18
Con 14
Int 6
Wis 12
CHA 13
This naive fellow travels around Candlekeep doing chores here and there, but it was filled with danger. Two would-be assassins attacked him on two different sides of the castle. Carbos and Shank! Both were handled in similar fashion....running and screaming in circles until escaping view and plunging a knife into their backs.. With a few tears to the monks, he continued on, fighting of an army of rats....but they were dangerous...honest. Soon, he looked around for Thethoril to obtain a scroll for Firebead. Once found, after being hassled by Imoen, Thethoril disregarded the fool that is Berney, who kept pointing at the scroll in an attempt to obtain it (seriously the scroll conversation never started, just the hurry up and talk to Gorion one). Berney saw the scroll just hanging on Thethoril's person, and since it wasn't Thethoril's in the first place Berney decided to make a grab for it.....but Thethoril noticed and apparently thought that Berney (having been reporting killing two others in the keep) was attempting to kill him as well and blasted the little halfling into oblivion with an unknown death spell. Poor Berney.
I'd place screenshots...but they all come up as black bordered white squares
haven't been on here in a while, will take time to recover from my last run. The nostalgia sadly wears off after a while, I need to rekindle it so I can appreciate my favorite game more
Good luck to all who dare attempt this challenge
For a mage who had been quite full of himself, Tranzig went down quickly. On his corpse were some documents that indicated Tazok had a base of operations in the Larswood/Peldvale area.
Before leaving town, the adventurers visited the local blacksmith Taerom Fuiruim, whose art with the hammer was famous throughout the Sword Coast. They ended up spending all of their saved-up money and buying new armor for Khalid and Imoen.
They reached Larswood, and after a bit of searching found a band of bandits moving through the forest. They managed to convince the bandits that they were seeking to join them, and so the outlaws lead them back to their camp where they met Tazok the half-ogre. Savilous convinced him they were actual recruits, so they were granted access to the entire camp without bloodshed.
After some looking around, they found what was likely Tazok's tent, and they decided to take a look inside.
Inside the large tent, the adventurers were confronted by guards who could tell they were not recruits. It was time to fight, so Khalid and Minsc left their magical invisibility disguise and attacked the mage and archer at the back. Jaheira took the role of distracting their leader and his large gnoll bodyguard, while Imoen and Savilous needled them with arrows. Dynaheir stood in the back and fired magic missiles at the enemy caster.
Although Jaheira was close to dying at one point, the element of surprise and the well-organized approach landed the adventurers victory over the bandits, and they suffered no losses. After they searched the tent for documents, they found out that a merchant guild named Iron Throne was issuing Tazok's orders, and that they had a base in the Cloakwood. It looked like that was to be their next destination.
Before leaving, Savilous and his companions decided to clear out the bandit camp in order to make the roads safer and collect more scalps for the bounty on them. One of the bandit leaders even had a nice suit of full plate mail on him, which Minsc put to good use.
Minsc: 1 level gained, rolled 7+1 for HP. Meh, I'll take it.
Jaheira: 1 druid level gained, rolled 1+1 for HP. Next time do make an effort, dear.
Dynaheir: 1 level gained, rolled 1+2 for HP. *sigh* This is no lucky day for any of us.
Current Party:
Savilous: lvl 4
Imoen: lvl 5
Khalid: lvl 4
Jaheira: lvl F3/D4
Minsc: lvl 4
Dynaheir: lvl 4
So begins the adventure of Kat the elven archer.
It seemed a morning like any other in the dreary halls of Candlekeep. Running around the keep doing chores for random people. Winthrop making bad jokes, fetching scrolls for forgetful mages or finding books for dear old Phlydia. Then I stepped into the northern guest house and I was attacked. Some random guy lunged at me with a knife and I had to kill him. He wasn’t hard to kill, but I think it should have been harder to take another sentient life.
After this it did seem like life got back to some semblance of normalcy. Dreppin needed a potion for a sick cow, Jondalar wanted to continue on with training, Reevor wanted some rats dead, and Hull wanted me to fetch his sword. Then I got to southern guest house and I was attacked again by some knife wielding mad man. He managed to cut me, but he too died by my hand.
I then finished up my errands before going to my (foster) father. One bright spot in an otherwise horrid day is my little sister Imoen, who is always cheerful, stopped and chatted for a bit curious about whatever secret adventure Gorion wanted to go on. After talking to Gorion we left our home.
Who am I? Just a short distance from Candlekeep and again I am attacked. This time it is some armored man with ogres and archers and some caster. It was amazing to watch Gorion take down the ogres as if they are nothing, but he dies defending me.
Somehow Imoen finds me the next morning. At least I don’t have to do this alone. We head north to see if by some miracle Gorion survived and are attacked by a gibberling. We manage to fill it with arrows before it gets too close. It feels wrong, but we end up looting the dead, even Gorion. We need this stuff so badly.
We head back to the road and are attacked by a wolf. The creature closes so quickly despite our arrows racing towards it. We manage to defeat the beast and move on to the road. There we found an odd pair. They don’t seem too trustworthy, but we need all the help we can get.
Heading east along the road we encounter nothing more dangerous than an xvart that is easily felled by arrows before it reaches us. We follow the road north towards the Friendly Arm Inn thinking that friends and safety await us. How horribly we misjudged things. We grew careless and were ambushed by bandits on all sides. Xzar, the mad wizard, and my dear sister Imoen fell to arrows before we were able to escape. Montaron also took an arrow, but survived.
His survival did not last long. A wizard awaited us at the steps to the inn. Quicker than we could blink the wizard protected himself with multiple images of himself and we knew not which one to attack. He cast horror, but we resisted the fear caused by his images. The guards from the keep also swarmed the mage, but a single magic missile spell laid Montaron low. Between the guards and myself we managed to take out his false images and even hurt him a little, but luck was not with me and he was able to get off another magic missile that killed me.
Cool writing, though.
Stupid bloody humans and their stupid stupidity. First me foster tells me to go get equipped for our journey and then he doesn’t give me enough gold to get equipped properly. Then the old skinflint Winthrop won’t give me no stinking discount. So I have to go around town doing jobs for stinking humans to get enough money to get what I need. A couple o’ pasty white humans thought to attack me with their puny little daggers. I fixed them right up with an axe to the face. Finally I can get out o’ this human infested, miserable excuse for a keep.
I’ve got to hand it to Gorion. I thought humans were weak willed pansies, but he fought against overwhelming odds and even took down a couple ogres. Not bad for a dwarf, much less a human. Maybe they aren’t quite as bad as I thought. I guess I can put up with the human lass Imoen for a while. Safety in numbers and all that rubbish.
Not much going on in the area. A pathetic little gibberling and a wolf attacked. Not a scratch on me. Stupid animals. Met another crazy human traveling with a halfling. Didn’t think too much of them, but they want to travel to some mine or some such. That sounds better than hanging around some stupid human village. Got attacked by an xvart. Weak little thing. Made it to the Friendly Arm Inn without any other encounters.
Another bloody human attacked me as I was going in to the inn. Stupid mage thought he was all superior. Ha! Didn’t even get a spell off before we killed him. Serves him right for thinking he could beat a dwarf. Met Gorion’s friends. The only thing worse than a human is a pansy elf and I gots to put up with a pair of ‘em. Stupid humans and pansy elves and last requests of the dying.
Heard about an ogre that needs killing and some giant spiders and some hobgoblins. Finally something worth doing. No more killing rats and fetching crap for pansy humans in robes. Took out the hobgoblins with nary a scratch on me. Maybe the ogre will be more of a challenge. Mark my words. Soon all will know the name Carrack. Hmm. Gorion never did give me clan name. I think I will need to start my own clan once I get me enough gold. I will need a good clan name when the time comes. I’ll have to think about that.
Finally found something that could put a scratch on me. A dire wolf was out wondering around where the ogre is supposedly at. The skin might make me a good blanket or cloak or some such. Found the ogre and he was definitely a better foe than those hobgoblins. Hit me a couple times, but it will take more than that to stop me. Had a couple belts on him; had the pansy human mage try one on. He complained it changed him into a woman, but he looks and sounds the same to me. Stupid humans. There were a few more gibberlings in the area, but nothing else worth mentioning. Looks like a caravan was hit by some bandits.
Got me to some human town called Beregost. Met a dwarf intent on killing me. He put up a good fight, but at the end the pansy tried running away. Didn’t do him any good. Looks like plenty of people are lining up to kill me. Hopefully more of them are worthy foes. Met another pansy mage wanting us to murder random people for a measly 300 gold. Stupid idiot attacked me when I refused and another mages falls without getting a single spell off. Cleared out the spiders from the home of the old widow. Why she would want to live in this stinking human town is beyond me. Crazy old gnome. Delivered the spider carcass and other stuff she wanted and got me some more gold. Trip back and forth was uneventful. Time to move on to the mine.
As we travelled along the road south we ran into some ogrillons waiting to ambush anyone on the road. Stupid buggers thought they could take me, but I showed them me axe up nice and close. They had a letter from some pansy human they must have killed earlier. I delivered it to his widow. Bah! Stupid elves and human pansies are rubbing off on me. I need a drink, and something to kill.
The trip south did provide some opportunity to kill, but sadly no ale was found. I got me a ghast as well as more hobgoblins, gibberlings, and even a human bandit or two. I never thought I would say this, but I’m glad to have the elfling lass. She does a good job o’ patching me up after the battle over. Saved me some good coin in buying healing potions.
Deaths – 0
Carrack – Dwarven Defender Level 1
Jaheira 2/2
Imoen 2
Khalid 1
Xzar 1
Montaron 1/1
Rolled a neutral evil half-orc barbarian. Was lucky enough to get 19 strength.
S: 19
C: 12
I: 10
W: 7
C: 14
Kagain was killed by the fastest dart thrower of all people and Montaron was met his demise at the Gnoll Stronghold. Before hitting the Nashkel Mine I wanted to buy a couple spells for Edwin and went to High Hedge. Unfortunately, as soon as I entered the door, I came upon a very hostile flesh golem. He one-shot me before I even had a chance to speak to Thalantyr
I believe this time around I will do it the most cheesy way I can think of, and that is surrounding belt with my party and a ton of summons, hasting everyone, and hoping for the best.
So we get to Nashkel and find another inn and another crazy human trying to kill me. If I didn’t know better I would think humans have a death wish. Maybe they just think they are superior because I’m short. Stupid prejudiced humans. Speaking of prejudice, we met a human mage that was prejudiced against magic users. Idiot. Maybe there is something wrong with the air up there and they can’t get enough oxygen to their brains or some such. The exploding ogre was funny though and we even got to kill it at the end. What a great show. They need more shows that end in fighting. What else? Well I had me some weird dream and now I can heal a wee bit. Hopefully I won’t be getting pointy ears or anything like that. All the running around and fighting has done me good. I am already beginning to feel stronger.
Encountered the self-proclaimed fastest dart in the west who tried to rob me. Maybe if he tossed axes or something it might have been impressive. Also ran across a group of pompous idiot human hunters that think it is fun to insult dwarves. They won’t be doing that again. Did find a shiny sword in the mix, but I think I’ll stick to me axe. Found a couple more idiot humans wanting to chop down a tree and all they had was a club and a flail. You’d think even humans would be smart enough to use an axe. Also got me a fine winter wolf pelt, an ogre mage and half-ogre.
Well I lost me first companion today. We encountered a village of xvarts. There were swarms of the pathetic little things, but they weren’t too much problem. They summoned a bear, but the first one fell without too much problem. We encountered a second one and it focused on the skinny elf for some reason. We got the bear just a wee bit too late. Let’s toast an ale to the pansy elf who never ran from battle. Khalid!
Me trusted axe broke fighting a mountain bear while on the way back to Nashkel. Had to resort to using a sword for a bit, but I got me a shiny new axe now. Picked up another elf archer to replace the one we lost. Hopefully this one will last longer.
I been fighting lots o’ monsters lately. Xvarts, gibberlings, gnolls, hobgoblins, bandits, wolves, bears, ogrillons and ogre berserkers have all fallen before me these last few days. Been a couple o’ close calls, but everything has been going well. I think we are ready for the mines and the so called demons infesting them.
Deaths – 1
Carrack 3
Jaheira 3/3
Imoen 4
Kivan 2
Xzar 3
Montaron 2/3
So outside the mine I encounter another human bounty hunter going after some human sculptor guy. I’m not much into prettying rock or any of that rot, but for a human the sculptor ain’t bad with rock and stone. Anyway some bounty hunter shows up wanting to kill him in front o’ me. I tell him that it ain’t the lawful thing to do so the guy goes all crazy and attacks me. After killing him I get some emeralds and another new shiny sword. Makes me almost wish I had someone that could use swords. Anyway the mine turned out to be a bit of disappointment. The demons that the humans were yapping about turned out to be kobolds. Something really must be wrong with the air up there if they can’t tell the difference between a demon and a kobold. There were a few other interesting things here and there in the cave, but the leader of the kobolds was another crazy human caster.
Outside the mine we ran into some more human bounty hunters. These wenches were actually pretty good. The one caster got of a spell that held me in place despite being hit multiple times. I thought I was a goner, but the other caster did some sort o’ damaging spell that killed one o’ her companions and hurt the other two. Me companions were able to finish them all off and we decided to head back to Nashkel to rest and recuperate and sell off the excess loot. Once back we met another bounty hunter and he got off a fear spell that took me and the wizard out of the fight. We managed to get him, but not before he hurt Kivan pretty bad and killed off the mad wizard. I don’t think even his companion will miss him all that much, but now I got to get me another crazy caster. Decided to get the one I rescued from the gnolls. I figure she might be a bit less annoying than some o’ the others.
Have been doing monster hunting and exploring a bit. Lots more monsters have been killed including gnolls, flinds, skeletons,zombies, woves, half-ogres, bandits, ghasts, and ankhegs. Went ankheg hunting for a bit after finding out the smith in Beregost would pay a mite for each shell. Made a fair bit of coin, though could always use more. Equipping a full party is rather expensive. Also met a crazy wizard who turned himself into a chicken and a crazy caster who thinks skeletons and zombies are relatives that tell stories. To tell the truth I am not sure which is crazier. Took the chicken back to his master in the hopes of getting a reward, but unfortunately he died and we got nothing. Did get a nice chunk of change for the crazy cleric. Almost lost me healer and me trapper to the cleric. Montaron left me because I be doing too many good deeds. I guess he doesn’t like getting stuff cheaper from the stores. Need to decide who I want to replace him with.
Deaths – 2
Left party – Montaron
Carrack 4
Jaheira 4/4
Imoen 5
Kivan 4
Dynaheir 4
Minsc 4