Re: off-topic discussion about WeiDU for OS X. To build WeiDU for Mac, you need a Mac and up until recently there has been limited interest from Mac users. It is not modders who are failing to give you your due.
@Nifft If there is something specific that is giving you trouble I will try to answer as best I can. If you'd like, I can also post something general about building WeiDU in the OS X forum. Perhaps @mlnevese would be interested as well.
Couldn't I just run the PC version of Weidu in Wineskin on a PC installation of BG:EE, then copy the data folder over to a Mac installation of BG:EE? Aren't the data files the same?
Couldn't I just run the PC version of Weidu in Wineskin on a PC installation of BG:EE, then copy the data folder over to a Mac installation of BG:EE? Aren't the data files the same?
Wineskin has its own directory structure, and the Win32 executable doesn't see the main OS/X file system, but with enough symlinks it might be possible.
That's how I've been running NearInfinity and EEKeeper on my Wineskin'd Win32 BGEE.
@Wisp will need to tell you where to get the BGEE'ified Weidu source.
Caveat - I haven't tested any of this together...I'm sure there will need to be tweaking. I really want to dig into this, but I've got a couple of other projects that I need to finish up first.
Irrelevant; the iPad isn't a terminal-based POSIX-compliant system with a conveniently liberal file system.
Actually, with a jailbroken iPad, all of the above is true. We don't need to build WeiDU on iPad, oCaml and Xcode can cross compile it. Did you have to do anything special to get the Mac build working? If so, pass the details along so the iPad hackers can benefit.
I'll start doing my work in Mac-land with this build and let you know if I have any trouble.
Irrelevant; the iPad isn't a terminal-based POSIX-compliant system with a conveniently liberal file system.
I would say its completely relevant, though you are right about the lack of convenience. If it WERE possible to make WeiDU iPad compatible (something which is over my head at this time) it would then be possible to make Cydia installers for mods. Then iPad users would have convenient Cydia Repo's to just download/install their favorite mod.
Maybe I am being idealistic, but I would say with ideas like that it would be completely relevant.
Irrelevant; the iPad isn't a terminal-based POSIX-compliant system with a conveniently liberal file system.
Actually, with a jailbroken iPad, all of the above is true. We don't need to build WeiDU on iPad, oCaml and Xcode can cross compile it. Did you have to do anything special to get the Mac build working? If so, pass the details along so the iPad hackers can benefit.
I'll start doing my work in Mac-land with this build and let you know if I have any trouble.
Oh yeah? Cool!
Well my iPad isn't jailbroken, but I could cross-compile if you tell me how.
I didn't do anything special to the WeiDU source code, just picked up the latest version from git and it built.
EDIT: ... and of course fix the paths in weidu/Configuration to suit your system. If you do a MacPorts install of ocaml, that means /opt/local/... instead of /usr/local/... for pretty much everything in weidu/Configuration
Now run './configure' in the "elkound-2009.01.26" [sic] directory, then 'make && sudo make install'. This will install the 'elkhound' executable as "/usr/local/bin/elkhound".
If you use my pre-compiled elkhound.gz, it goes in "/usr/local/bin/".
To build WeiDU: - Install OS/X developer tools - Install MacPorts - Use MacPorts to install 'ocaml': sudo port install ocaml +labltk - Get the source using 'git' and the URL above. - Edit the file "weidu/Configuration"; look for the section starting with Darwin and change /usr/local/... to /opt/local/... for the 'ocaml' paths. - At this point 'make' should just work.
The beta WeiDU version Nifft posted contains a new feature with some parts specific to OS X. To ensure it works right across a variety of systems, I would appreciate if it could undergo some testing. I have had it reported that it works on OS X 10.6, but verification that it also works on more recent versions would be welcome.
Testing it is easy. All you need is BGEE and at least one save. Download and install the attached mod. If it installs successfully the test was a success and you can safely uninstall the mod. It will make no changes to your game.
@Nifft@Wisp I'm getting a permission denied when trying to execute the setup. Also OSX seems to think it's a text file, not an executable for some reason.
You probably need to flip the executable-bit on it (chmod +x file in a terminal; there's probably some way to do it with the OS X gui as well). Dunno about the text-file stuff, though.
@Nifft Sigh... I just discovered I can only add new files to my own posts... You'll have to make a new post and I can delete the previous one to avoid confusion...
New WeiDU binary! Contains fixes, get it now!
--- original message --- @Wisp, I'm looking at this.
I've got some bits of the git trunk compiling already, but not all of it.
I'm more of a general UNIX genius than a Mac guy in specific.
If there is something specific that is giving you trouble I will try to answer as best I can. If you'd like, I can also post something general about building WeiDU in the OS X forum. Perhaps @mlnevese would be interested as well.
It fails installing ocaml in my machine even after updating MacPorts.
Also I'm splitting this discussion as it has gone way off topic.
EDIT: huh, looks like I'm already in the new topic. Well then.
That's how I've been running NearInfinity and EEKeeper on my Wineskin'd Win32 BGEE.
Wisp gave a link to the elkhound source here:
@Wisp will need to tell you where to get the BGEE'ified Weidu source.
Caveat - I haven't tested any of this together...I'm sure there will need to be tweaking. I really want to dig into this, but I've got a couple of other projects that I need to finish up first.
Putting elkhound in the right place fixed it.
The makefile might want to give a better error for that condition.
I had previously installed the Hellhound mod, and that remains working.
Don't use this one! Use the new one, which is here:
--- original message ---
Did more testing, no problems so far. I think this executable is good.
Let me try to upload the executable here...
EDIT: Looks like it uploaded okay.
I've tested this on OS/X 10.6 only.
Can people with 10.7 and 10.8 please download and test this?
EDIT part DEUX: source of code (for GPL compliance):
git:// revision e9c84d0332e352dd8abdfb768abd701d82a0e32b (branch 'master')
I'll start doing my work in Mac-land with this build and let you know if I have any trouble.
Maybe I am being idealistic, but I would say with ideas like that it would be completely relevant.
Well my iPad isn't jailbroken, but I could cross-compile if you tell me how.
I didn't do anything special to the WeiDU source code, just picked up the latest version from git and it built.
The one slightly tricky part was getting Elkhound to compile and putting it in the right place; these instructions were helpful for that:
EDIT: ... and of course fix the paths in weidu/Configuration to suit your system. If you do a MacPorts install of ocaml, that means /opt/local/... instead of /usr/local/... for pretty much everything in weidu/Configuration
To install mods, all you need is the attached 'weidu-osx-intel' binary.
You need Elkhound installed in order to build WeiDU. You do not need Elkhound if you just want to use WeiDU to install mods.
- - -
The above version of 'elkhound' was built using source from here:
Make the changes described here for '(int)' casts and 'int' return types of pointer variables:
Now run './configure' in the "elkound-2009.01.26" [sic] directory, then 'make && sudo make install'. This will install the 'elkhound' executable as "/usr/local/bin/elkhound".
If you use my pre-compiled elkhound.gz, it goes in "/usr/local/bin/".
- - -
The above version of 'weidu-osx-intel' was built using source from here:
To build WeiDU:
- Install OS/X developer tools
- Install MacPorts
- Use MacPorts to install 'ocaml': sudo port install ocaml +labltk
- Get the source using 'git' and the URL above.
- Edit the file "weidu/Configuration"; look for the section starting with Darwin and change /usr/local/... to /opt/local/... for the 'ocaml' paths.
- At this point 'make' should just work.
- - -
EDIT: updated links with current builds.
Testing it is easy. All you need is BGEE and at least one save. Download and install the attached mod. If it installs successfully the test was a success and you can safely uninstall the mod. It will make no changes to your game.
Some downloaders do this for you, some don't.