@nsris it is more or less open source, but I decided that if people want to view the code you just send a PM and I will put you down as a either a member or developer - depending on your interest. There is no restriction on who can view it, the PM requirement is just a matter of wanting to keep an eye on the project itself so that I know who is doing what. The source code is not the same as it was since we are remaking it using Qt, and since it is incomplete I didn't feel that it would be best to release it entirely. Once we get a working Qt version, all source will be completely open.
That said, if you have an interest in helping convert the original code to Qt then send me a PM .
As for the Documents directory - there will be a way, but the currently released version doesn't have that. There will be a way once we release the cross-platform version.
@ShapiroKeatsDarkMage, I'm not sure what you mean by upload. Do you want to change the portrait of a character in Keeper? If that's the case, then click on the Change Portrait button. As long as the basic rules for portraits are followed, the image should display in the list of selectable portraits. Select both portraits you want to use and press OK.
@Troodon80 Something that would be "nice-to-have"--when you filter any list, there's an option to "Export List", which creates a .txt file with the list in it. It would be great to be able to export it as a csv (or, ideally, xcl) so that it can be viewed and sorted in Excel.
It'd also be nice to be able to filter by level (1-9), type (Innate, Priest, Wizard), and school.
@Aosaw, I'll see about doing something like that in a future build.
Right now, in between work and stuff, I'm trying to finish off the conversion to Qt; mainly the item and spell browsers. I have no time-frame for a release, however. It'll be nice to have support for multiple languages.
CSV, either tab-delimited or comma-delimited, would be easy enough to implement. I could implement it with the changeover .
I'm finally gonna do a let's play of BGEE but I'm really picky I rarely play with the NPCs because I can't stand not having a perfect party but I'd really like to experience the NPC dialog, so With BEEKeeper (I love that name) Is it possible to one of the following
1) Completely rebuild NPCs to be entirely different classes complete with kits
Quick Example Party
PC - Sorceror (Dragon Disciple) Minsc - Fighter/Cleric (Priest of Helm), Fighter (Vanilla), Monk (Vanilla or Sun Soul) Imoen - Mage/Rogue (Illusionist) Coran - Ranger (Archer) Dynaheir - Bard (Skald) w/ a far less infuriating portrait One of the New guys or Yeslick - Paladin (Cavalier)
One fun thought is going totally against their archetypes...Minsc the Sorceror, Imoen the Barbarian, etc.
2) Create a full custom party (doable by making a multiplayer game than transfering the save file to single player) and applying the NPC stuff (custom responses, quests,etc.) to the custom characters
I've tried the first one a few times but there seems to be issues with getting first level abilities from Classes/Kits also Multi-class builds don't seem to take kits at all.
Side-Question: If I take a ranger kit (ie. Archer) on say a Rogue or fighter would it work?
@zeusbenedict, no problems my end, sorry. Can you give me some details about your computer? The operating system, version of the game (Steam or Beamdog), and basic hardware?
@Jackal, likewise, there is no problem on my end. Have you made sure that the language setting is set to the appropriate language (otherwise, if it is left blank, it looks for the dialog.tlk in the games' root directory)? Is the game also the Steam version or the Beamdog version? As far as I am aware, the Steam version called the executable BGEE.exe instead of Baldur.exe (but you should be able to bypass that when it asks if it is the correct directory).
1) Completely rebuild NPCs to be entirely different classes complete with kits
Quick Example Party
PC - Sorceror (Dragon Disciple) Minsc - Fighter/Cleric (Priest of Helm), Fighter (Vanilla), Monk (Vanilla or Sun Soul) Imoen - Mage/Rogue (Illusionist) Coran - Ranger (Archer) Dynaheir - Bard (Skald) w/ a far less infuriating portrait One of the New guys or Yeslick - Paladin (Cavalier)
One fun thought is going totally against their archetypes...Minsc the Sorceror, Imoen the Barbarian, etc.
I've tried the first one a few times but there seems to be issues with getting first level abilities from Classes/Kits also Multi-class builds don't seem to take kits at all.
Yes. However, I will warn you now: when setting up a dual class, the character then becomes a multi-class instead. Meaning that it can still level up in both classes.
This is probably something to do with EE Keeper, but I'm not sure at the moment.
There shouldn't be any problems getting the abilities, but for a particular kit you will need to add the abilities you want by pressing the Kit button on the Innate tab. I'll look into automating it in the future based on your current level. When you level up with a particular kit, it should work as normal.
For kit bonuses (e.g. +1 to hit and damage rolls with any missile weapon every 3 levels - Archer), I'm not sure, I can't say I've tested that out much (read: at all), but it should/could be handled by the 2DA files in-game.
2) Create a full custom party (doable by making a multiplayer game than transfering the save file to single player) and applying the NPC stuff (custom responses, quests,etc.) to the custom characters
You can do this normally simply by copying the multiplayer savegame folder, labelled similar to the standard single player games, something like 000000001 - [Save Game Name], this is not currently handled by EE Keeper so you will have to do it manually. I'll look into it giving a choice in the future.
@callimachus, I haven't updated it since I released it.
It is still being worked on, though, but as of right now I have no idea on a time frame for the next update. I'm looking at some of the features that have been requested as well as any issues that I can find regarding crashes, etc.
@Troodon80 I'm on Windows 8, using a laptop with the E-350. Might this have something to do with Visual Studio? I didn't really know which one to download.
@zeusbenedict, I've tested basic functionality with Windows 8 and can't find any problems. Is there any sort of error message accompanying the crash? E.g.: EE Keeper has encountered a problem and needs to close.
@Lynius, I am aware. It will be fixed in a future build. When we're ready to test the next build I'll send you (and anyone else who has mentioned it) a PM to make sure it is compatible with the Steam version.
Is anyone else having the problem of when trying to open EEKeeper.exe it says: Shadowkeeper was unable to locate or open some of the .ULD files. And anyone know a fix?
Is anyone else having the problem of when trying to open EEKeeper.exe it says: Shadowkeeper was unable to locate or open some of the .ULD files. And anyone know a fix?
As long as the three ULD files are in the same directory as the Keeper executable, it should be fine. The three ULD files are: Affects, Kits, and NumAttacks. Can you verify that this is the case?
@Troodon80 The error window just says EE Keeper... has stopped working. From what I've searched on Google it's an unhandled exception (c0000005). I plan on reformatting the hard drive in a week or so after a short vacation, and I haven't really found myself needing the tool yet so if this comes up again I'll tell you. Hopefully not.
@zeusbenedict, unfortunately an unhandled exception could be any number of things unrelated to EE Keeper, so I shall await any updates you have in the future .
And when I go to File ->Open CRE File there are no CRE files on the list.
CRE files will only show up when there is a CRE file in the override folder. It doesn't currently scan through the BIF files for additional creature objects.
@failedlegend I just tried that. It acts like when you apply "True Class". I applied Kensai kit to Mage class and got a mage class. Even when you go to "Kit description" in the character sheet it says you have a Mage "kit" (True Class), so it completely ignores applied incorrect kit.
@failedlegend I just tried that. It acts like when you apply "True Class". I applied Kensai kit to Mage class and got a mage class. Even when you go to "Kit description" in the character sheet it says you have a Mage "kit" (True Class), so it completely ignores applied incorrect kit.
Ok so it's not just me though I was doing it wrong...Thanks
First time using kEEper. I tried to make Imoen a swashbuckler instead of a pure thief and it seems that it doesn't apply the level 1 AC bonus from the kit to her. Am I doing something wrong? Because it does apply level 5 AC bonus for example. I edited a saved game, not the character or CRE files. Anyone can help me? Thank you!
@Dexter When changing a character's class always set level to 0. You'll need to edit the game again to remove any extra HP you get for levelling up again
However, the utility of NRD is pretty low for a "wild sorcerer." He/she can already cast known spells at will. NRD can only try to cast known spells and sorcerers only get new spells at level up (i.e., can't learn from scrolls). So, the only use of NRD is to cast a spell of a level (higher than 1st) you've run out of for the day.
With a wild mage like Neera, she can scribe Cloudkill (5th level spell) at level 1, and then try to cast it with NRD - and probably fail spectacularly, but a wild sorcerer can't even try.
At higher levels, NRD might be more useful for a wild sorcerer. Imagine a high level sorcerer with Evermemory equipped able to use NRD to cast over a dozen 9th level spells per day.... ;-)
That said, if you have an interest in helping convert the original code to Qt then send me a PM
As for the Documents directory - there will be a way, but the currently released version doesn't have that. There will be a way once we release the cross-platform version.
Something that would be "nice-to-have"--when you filter any list, there's an option to "Export List", which creates a .txt file with the list in it. It would be great to be able to export it as a csv (or, ideally, xcl) so that it can be viewed and sorted in Excel.
It'd also be nice to be able to filter by level (1-9), type (Innate, Priest, Wizard), and school.
Right now, in between work and stuff, I'm trying to finish off the conversion to Qt; mainly the item and spell browsers. I have no time-frame for a release, however. It'll be nice to have support for multiple languages.
CSV, either tab-delimited or comma-delimited, would be easy enough to implement. I could implement it with the changeover
1) Completely rebuild NPCs to be entirely different classes complete with kits
Quick Example Party
PC - Sorceror (Dragon Disciple)
Minsc - Fighter/Cleric (Priest of Helm), Fighter (Vanilla), Monk (Vanilla or Sun Soul)
Imoen - Mage/Rogue (Illusionist)
Coran - Ranger (Archer)
Dynaheir - Bard (Skald) w/ a far less infuriating portrait
One of the New guys or Yeslick - Paladin (Cavalier)
One fun thought is going totally against their archetypes...Minsc the Sorceror, Imoen the Barbarian, etc.
2) Create a full custom party (doable by making a multiplayer game than transfering the save file to single player) and applying the NPC stuff (custom responses, quests,etc.) to the custom characters
I've tried the first one a few times but there seems to be issues with getting first level abilities from Classes/Kits also Multi-class builds don't seem to take kits at all.
Side-Question: If I take a ranger kit (ie. Archer) on say a Rogue or fighter would it work?
@Jackal, likewise, there is no problem on my end. Have you made sure that the language setting is set to the appropriate language (otherwise, if it is left blank, it looks for the dialog.tlk in the games' root directory)? Is the game also the Steam version or the Beamdog version? As far as I am aware, the Steam version called the executable BGEE.exe instead of Baldur.exe (but you should be able to bypass that when it asks if it is the correct directory).
@failedlegend Yes. However, I will warn you now: when setting up a dual class, the character then becomes a multi-class instead. Meaning that it can still level up in both classes.
This is probably something to do with EE Keeper, but I'm not sure at the moment.
There shouldn't be any problems getting the abilities, but for a particular kit you will need to add the abilities you want by pressing the Kit button on the Innate tab. I'll look into automating it in the future based on your current level. When you level up with a particular kit, it should work as normal.
For kit bonuses (e.g. +1 to hit and damage rolls with any missile weapon every 3 levels - Archer), I'm not sure, I can't say I've tested that out much (read: at all), but it should/could be handled by the 2DA files in-game. You can do this normally simply by copying the multiplayer savegame folder, labelled similar to the standard single player games, something like 000000001 - [Save Game Name], this is not currently handled by EE Keeper so you will have to do it manually. I'll look into it giving a choice in the future. Not as far as I am aware, but I haven't tested it. If this is handled by the 2DA files, then it's possible.
It is still being worked on, though, but as of right now I have no idea on a time frame for the next update. I'm looking at some of the features that have been requested as well as any issues that I can find regarding crashes, etc.
@Lynius, I am aware. It will be fixed in a future build. When we're ready to test the next build I'll send you (and anyone else who has mentioned it) a PM to make sure it is compatible with the Steam version.
Shadowkeeper was unable to locate or open some of the .ULD files.
And anyone know a fix?
And when I go to File ->Open CRE File there are no CRE files on the list.
I hope this is not just my case...
That will be addressed in the future.
Thank you!
However, the utility of NRD is pretty low for a "wild sorcerer." He/she can already cast known spells at will. NRD can only try to cast known spells and sorcerers only get new spells at level up (i.e., can't learn from scrolls). So, the only use of NRD is to cast a spell of a level (higher than 1st) you've run out of for the day.
With a wild mage like Neera, she can scribe Cloudkill (5th level spell) at level 1, and then try to cast it with NRD - and probably fail spectacularly, but a wild sorcerer can't even try.
At higher levels, NRD might be more useful for a wild sorcerer. Imagine a high level sorcerer with Evermemory equipped able to use NRD to cast over a dozen 9th level spells per day.... ;-)