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[MOD] More Style for Mages (v1.56)



  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,222
    @Kaltzor: Hmm, I don't know how the Tweaks mod works, but I haven't modded circlets except giving them inventory animation. They already are within the game files, so the Tweaks mod should be able to adress them properly. I don't think I can do anything with this, so try to adress this issue in the Tweaks mod thread.
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,222
    So I finally found the courage to attempt to create a WeiDU install, something I've been dreading for a long time. Needless to say, it was no dreadful thing and it took me less than a day.

    Anyway, before I release it, I'd appreciate a native-english speaking volunteer (or anyone who speaks english really good), to check and correct descriptions, that I've written for those staffs.
  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    While weidu is cool, please have a non-weidu version still available too. I love the non-weidu version's wizard staves, since they don't add new string to dialog.tlk they are super safe to install, and work flawlessly on Ipad. (just by dropping staff related files into portraits folder, and High hedge's sto files.)
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,222
    @lunar: The override install will remain here unchanged, of course. I'm making WeiDU only to add correct description to those staffs. It will be another rar file in the OP.
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,222
    edited August 2013
    I finally added WeiDU installation (the fourth rar file), which contains correct descriptions of wizard's staffs. I'd like to thank @alannahsmith and @Grammarsalad for helping me with their corrections.

    So now I plan to make few non-generic staffs with some interesting effects, which will however be probably too strong for BG1, so they will be meant only for fun/non-traditional playthroughs.
    Post edited by Pecca on
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    Did the inventory image of those staffs was in the game?? When I import the Staff of the Magi, it gets the same look that one of those staffs, but only in the inventory, it looks like in BG2 in the main game screen.
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,222
    @CrevsDaak: Not for me. The inventory animation for the staff of the Magi is just a regular staff in my game, only the staff's icon is one of those that I use for this mod, because it uses the same file name. The inventory animation (which I drew) is tied to the world animation, which the game doesn't use. So it really shoudn't be possible, unless you mean the same icons...
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,222
    Alright, I updated both override and weiDU installs with proper tooltip displays for staff's melee and ranged attack. I thought I've done this a long time ago, but only recently I found out the it is stored in a 2DA file. So "tooltip.2da" was added in the wizard_staffs.rar file and few lines were added to WeiDU install. Note that override install will delete item tooltips introduced by other mods.
  • SharnSharn Member Posts: 188
    I am never able to open the rare files or follow the links to them when they are posted on this forum, what change do I need to make to gain access to them?
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,222
    @Sharn: You must have WinRAR installed on your computer to extract the files I posted. You can download it here:
  • VarwulfVarwulf Member Posts: 564
    This definitely is an intriguing mod, I might have to keep my eyes on it :)
  • kiaikiai Member Posts: 18
    I don't see the difference with the robes, but the staves and projectils are really nice
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,222
    @kiai: Robes have added item abilities, which allows them to change their visage. These abilities are accessed be clicking on "use item" button on the bottom bar, which is located right next to a "cast spell" button.
  • HelvenHelven Member Posts: 16
    edited September 2013
    Ok maybe I'm just still a 'tad' too noobish but,

    I can't download the .rar from what is posted at the begining of the thread. I tried clicking, double clicking and right clicking. My comp is recognizing them as photos.

    Any link for a normal Download or is there something I'm missing?

    This sounds awesome and my mage/cleric can't wait to shoot magic balls at the chins of his enemies! :-p

    Edit: Bahaha I'm an idiot! LOL

    Please competely disregard this and the post following!
    Post edited by Helven on
  • HelvenHelven Member Posts: 16
    Forgot to mention...

    I'm trying to get the WeiDU .rar (tried all though, just prefer WeiDU)

    and I'm running Windows Vista 34 Bit sevice pack 2
  • DragonRiderDragonRider Member Posts: 43
    I can't get the WeiDU to work either. I followed your instructions and extracted the rar file to my core directory (the one with chitin.key), but I get the following error when I run the .exe file:

    ERROR: Unable to find DIALOG.TLK in:

    Please run this program in your Infinity Engine game directory.

    FATAL ERROR: Failure("Unable to fin DIALOG.TLK")

    Press ENTER to exit.

    I checked, and my dialog.tlk file is in what I understand to be the correct location (COREDIRECTORY\lang\en_US)

    Please help.
  • ZoGarthZoGarth Member Posts: 48
    You need to move your Dialog.TLK out of (COREDIRECTORY\lang\en_US) into the main data 0766 folder. Now run the mod, and afterward don't forget to put the Dialog.TLK back into (COREDIRECTORY\lang\en_US).
  • ErgErg Member Posts: 1,756
    edited September 2013
    ZoGarth said:

    You need to move your Dialog.TLK out of (COREDIRECTORY\lang\en_US) into the main data 0766 folder. Now run the mod, and afterward don't forget to put the Dialog.TLK back into (COREDIRECTORY\lang\en_US).

    @ZoGarth, @DragonRider

    Luckily in few days this will not be required anymore, and people will be able to install mods without having to copy around the dialog.tlk

    In fact, it is almost ready for release a new stable version of WeiDU that will make just as easy to install mods in BG:EE as it was in BG1. After that, it will be just a matter of authors updating their mods to use the latest WeiDU.
    Post edited by Erg on
  • JediMindTrixJediMindTrix Member Posts: 305
    Is there a BG2 version? :) I want to carry them through the series.
  • xenophonxenophon Member Posts: 17
    Loving the idea behind this mod. Finally my sorc can get tricked out in non generic gear!
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,222
    @DragonRider: Were you able to install this mod with dialog.tlk moved to the main directory as suggested by @ZoGarth? The thing is that the mod already runs on updated WeiDU which recognizes dialog.tlk in lang directories, so your problem should not happen. Are you playing with english language as a default?

    @NineCoronas: I plan on making similar mod for BG2:EE which will contain more powerful versions of these staffs.
  • JoeyJoey Member Posts: 201
    Jesus Christ this mod looks amazing! Great work.
  • DragonRiderDragonRider Member Posts: 43
    @Erg and @Pecca

    Moving the dialog.tlk file allowed me to install the mod without any issues. Thank you for the workaround.


    I am playing with english as my default language, so I'm not sure why the WeiDU was not able to find the dialog.tlk file in the lang directories. Maybe it's a quirk with 64 bit Windows Vista...
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,222
    @DragonRider: I have updated WeiDU install with the latest WeiDU version, so it should now work for you.
  • MalicronMalicron Member Posts: 629
    Any chance some of the 1.2 beta testers use this mod? Do we know if it will work with the update?
  • enneractenneract Member Posts: 187
    It works fine with the update.
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,222
    edited October 2013
    Yeah, nothing changes here with the next update. Only that you will see improved icons. (I'm also a beta tester:)
  • MalicronMalicron Member Posts: 629
    Fantastic news! Downloading now :D
  • RaeyaRaeya Member Posts: 6
    This is a great mod, I especially like the staff selection. Have you thought about trying to implement it for BG2 EE, now that it's released?
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,222
    @Raeya: Thanks and yes, I'm going to implement it for BG2:EE, but I'm still thinking about the best way to do it. Having plain +X staffs would be a little boring in BG2:EE, so I want to make them more interesting.

    But in the meantime, if you want you can still use these staffs in BG2:EE if you use the non-WeiDU install and create them through console command C:CreateItem("wstaf01") -with 01 to 07 for each staff.
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