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[MOD] More Style for Mages (v1.56)



  • FlashburnFlashburn Member Posts: 1,847
    I love this mod but there is a rather big problem with your each and every one of your mage staves: They don't have an enchantment level on them! Each one of them strikes as a mundane weapon instead of a +3 or +5!

    I was wondering why Neera could hit stuff that needed magic weapons with the Staff of the Magi and not her Staff of Wild Magic +5. I went into NearInfinity and it turns out all the staves added by your mod have an enchantment level of 0! Normally I'd fix them myself but there are a huuuuge number of them because of all their different colors. Sounds like its time for an update.
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,222
    @Flashburn: I'm on it. I was kind of hoping nobody would notice before I update it.:)
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,222
    New version is released. Enchantment level is now correct.
  • BlakeDrapetaBlakeDrapeta Member Posts: 21
    Very nice work :)

    May I ask what tools you used to add these to the game? I'm interested in adding new equipment (black glass swords, new armors/styles, new shield designs, etc). I do some 3D modelling as a hobby so it wouldn't be hard for me to make renders that fit the resolution of the game and add them to sprite animations.
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,222
    @BlakeDrapeta: Thanks. All you need to make new items is Near Infinity. I used DLTCEP for icons editing, but the latest version of Near Infinity can easily convert images and make bam files. Check out this thread:
  • comebackhomecomebackhome Member Posts: 254
    Fantastic :) Hopefully this is still being worked on.
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,222
    @comebackhome: Thanks, but not really. I've been working on GUI mods recently, I consider this mod quite finished. I have some ideas though, mostly for new spells, that I can implement in the future, but no plans for now.
  • BaptorBaptor Member Posts: 343
    This mod is amazing except for one thing. Putting everything in the merchant at WK. I went there to buy a staff and the priests told me I was too low level. Since the quest won't start, the merchants won't sell either. I have plenty of gold to get a staff for my mage. So sad.
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,222
    @Baptor: with right dialog choices, you can convince them it doesn't matter and the quest will start.
  • BaptorBaptor Member Posts: 343
    Any possibility of a modification to this mod where the staves don't look like glowsticks? I love the mod but I'd love it more if the staff on the game screen (not inventory) didn't glow. If it is a simple fix and someone can provide a few steps I can take to do this that would also be cool.
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,222
    @Baptor: You can do that in Near Infinity Editor. When you're there, you press ctrl+f, you select to find items and type the name of the staff (there will be more staffs of the same name, one for each color set). When you select a staff, press edit and on the ninth row called "Equipped appearance" you must change value "GS" to value "QS". Obviously, if you don't want to change all 160 staffs, find only the ones you're using and change only those, you can see the weapon icon in Near Infinity to see exactly which one.
  • BaptorBaptor Member Posts: 343
    Pecca, you are a genius once again. Thanks!
  • AkashanAkashan Member Posts: 3
    is there a way to make a staff usable by druids? i would love the green one for my pure druid (only to use it melee, but the green glow is quite cool). oh, and btw, how do i change from ranged to melee staff?
    ty a lot for the mod ;)
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,222
    @Akashan: You can change range to melee by right-clicking on the staff icon in the quick menu bar, and selecting the second icon representing melee.

    As for the usability by druids, see the post above. Only instead of changing "equipped appearance", change the row above "Unusable by" and unselect druid (and fighter/druid).
  • AkashanAkashan Member Posts: 3
    thx, it worked ^^
  • ZakharonZakharon Member Posts: 72
    Hi, I saw your mod and it looks great I wanted to know if you take mod requests?
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,222
    @Zakharon: Depends on the request. What do you want?
  • ZakharonZakharon Member Posts: 72
    @Pecca I have always thought that a player playing as an elf should be able to have a Moonblade, I read the forgotten realms books and I love Moonblades, I was thinking maybe a usable Moonblade for the player character, when you start a elf or half-elf character a monk will come to you with your Moonblade that was left to you by your mother (since obviously your father wasn't a elf lol) the blade will be in a dormant state and as you progress through the game you can unlock all the enchantments that were placed on the blade by your ancestors (maybe being able to pick which enchantments it gets to fit your play style) along with it being a + whatever weapon (maybe a BG:EE and BG2:EE version and when you transfer a character you can continue increasing its power along with adding your own enchantment) I haven't found any mods that lets the player do this and I thought it would be a great addition to the game not only for game play but in a RP point of view. Thank you for your time
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,222
    @Zakharon: That is a good idea for a mod, but it's too much work for me now. However, I'm using Xan's moonblade in my BG2 playthrough with my elven fighter/mage (I just removed the restriction and changed proficiency to long sword), so I attach it here if you want to use it. You must use console to create it, it's code is "SWMOON".
  • ZakharonZakharon Member Posts: 72
    edited August 2014
    Pecca said:

    @Zakharon: That is a good idea for a mod, but it's too much work for me now. However, I'm using Xan's moonblade in my BG2 playthrough with my elven fighter/mage (I just removed the restriction and changed proficiency to long sword), so I attach it here if you want to use it. You must use console to create it, it's code is "SWMOON".

    Ah I see, well thank you anyways, I will try it out
  • ZakharonZakharon Member Posts: 72
    @Pecca Did you have any mods in the work? Its hard to keep track of mods on these forums
  • ZakharonZakharon Member Posts: 72
    Pecca said:

    @Zakharon: That is a good idea for a mod, but it's too much work for me now. However, I'm using Xan's moonblade in my BG2 playthrough with my elven fighter/mage (I just removed the restriction and changed proficiency to long sword), so I attach it here if you want to use it. You must use console to create it, it's code is "SWMOON".

    You said this was for BG2 can this be used in BG1? EE of course
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,222
    @Zakharon: Yes, it should be same in BG:EE.
    As for the other question, I released several smaller mods (you can see them in my profile under discussions) and lately I was working on GUI mods.
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,222
    Added polish translation, thanks to @Cahir.
  • CahirCahir Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 2,819
    Thanks @Pecca for uploading new version:)
  • Gel87Gel87 Member Posts: 280
    I saw staffs like theese in EEkeeper for bgee. But when i equip it and use it as ranged everything works as it should exept that i get -84 to defense :S Whats the problem then? :P
  • Gel87Gel87 Member Posts: 280
    Well, it was taco, never mind ;d
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,222
    @Gel87: Yeah, Narbucchad's Demise uses an extreme boost to THACO to ensure you hit everytime, like an actual magic missile. Staffs in my mod use usual THACO +1(+3 and +5) though.
  • Gel87Gel87 Member Posts: 280
    Pecca said:

    @Gel87: Yeah, Narbucchad's Demise uses an extreme boost to THACO to ensure you hit everytime, like an actual magic missile. Staffs in my mod use usual THACO +1(+3 and +5) though.

    Ye i noticed that, althought it can still be blocked by magic resistance it looks like. Its also very slow, i made it faster until it was Speed: 2. Its still slow, but does it get advantage from staff profience when used as ranged? What i really would like would be that when that "magic missle" hits it shows entangle roots effect on enemy, without actually entangle them, just do the magic dmg from missle, is that possible? :)

    You seem like you know what your doing :D So I'll just ask you here since there is no repleies in my other topic:
    - How can i make Cleric/Mage gain 1 bonus to taco with staff each cleric lvl, and making elf starting with 1 bonus taco with staff. And also make Cleric/Mage be able to get 3stars profience in 2 handed wepons and staff?
    - Im making malifience(like in the movie, i got the wings, but im not able to add horns, i tryed to copy stuff from kiel's helmet, both into a ring and into the wings, but im not able to get horns ;d Do you know how? :)

    I know a little how to use near infinity ;d
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,222
    @Gel87: Staff gets bonuses even when used as ranged, but magical damage of the missile is fixed to a certain amount and doesn't get bonus from proficiency. If you want to use entangle effect, just find that effect in the entangle spell (effect 154) and copy it over to the staff's ranged ability (and adjust duration).

    -I'm not sure if making specific weapon thaco progress is possible. I guess it's possible to create these effects via scripting, but that would be quite complicated and might not work properly anyway (you can try to edit THAC0.2DA file to set the progression, but that works only for all weapons). But starting bonus is easy, just edit RACETHAC.2DA file. Also you can edit WEAPPROF.2DA file to set maximum stars for specific weapons and class.

    -Wings are considered as helmet and their animation too. I don't know how it works exactly, but the only way I can see this done is by combining each frame of wings and horned helmet bams into a single one. That would require a lot of work unfortunately.
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