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Anyone Else Feel Like a Total Heel Kicking Imoen Out of the Party?



  • SouthpawSouthpaw Member Posts: 2,026
    Aye. Imoen, my kindred spirit...I maybe wouldn't be so invested (being a bit of a jerk in real life too), but she is so darn useful in BG.
    She fills the spot of a Thief - and if you dual her to a mage at level 5 or 6, you still get 100% locksmith and around 75% finding traps which is all you need for 95% of BG 1.
    That setup fills a mage and an utility thief spot in your group the rest of the group can focus on killing stuff. Her stats are great for a ranged thief/mage and her personality is quite fine too.

    I like to play in smaller groups, around 4 people, and having Imoen fills half the requirements and gives you much more freedom in choosing other NPCs. She tends to be my Token Good Teammate in my usual neutral-evil parties.

    ...and besides, she is your only link to your past, she was your friend and the chats you have with her do not allow you to let her run to protect her, just "be a friend" or "be a jerk".
    On some runs, where I have to lay her off, I let her standing in a cozy Inn and tell her that I will be back...
  • francofranco Member Posts: 507
    Imoen is like your (devoted) sister. There is so much emotional investment in her, and the overall atmosphere of the storyline has fewer threads without her. What's more, you don't just carry this kid with you for sentimental reasons. Her stats are some of the best of the game and she can be used so many ways. Must admit once or twice I replaced her with Coran or Safana, but thoughts of my sister always remained in the background, and I always made sure she was somewhere safe with the idea that we would come together some day again.
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  • SCARY_WIZARDSCARY_WIZARD Member Posts: 1,438
    edited May 2013
    Kilivitz said:

    Imoen is to Nalia as Han Solo is to Lando Calrissian.

    Lando's interesting and all, but he's no Captain Solo.

    But in this case, I take Lando along because of a raging crush on Lando's voice actress.

    I meant for that sentence to come out that way.

    But I also take Han along because Han Solo.
    franco said:

    When she gets more mature I imagine her sometimes like this, and I may use this portrait when she's a fully dualed mage/thief or in BG2.

    < pictar >

    That is an awesome build and an awesome portrait.
  • SylphSylph Member Posts: 210
    Nah. I kick her out at the Friendly Arm Inn so she can sit around nice and safe while Charname deals with all the dangerous painful stuff.
  • rexregrexreg Member Posts: 292
    BG2 - i feel weird if i leave her in Spellhold
    BG1 - she's the best wizard/thief in the game if i'm Good, if i'm Evil, she stands at the front of the party w/ no weapons & no armour as we wander least until she eats one too many arrows...i call her "Meatshield"
  • KilivitzKilivitz Member Posts: 1,459
    @franco any chance you can share the source picture with us?
  • francofranco Member Posts: 507
    edited May 2013
    @Kilivitz. Let's see if I can post it here. Thanks for liking it. It's my favorite. image<img src="" /
  • KilivitzKilivitz Member Posts: 1,459
    @franco Wow, I certainly didn't expect such a quick reply. Thanks a bunch!
  • francofranco Member Posts: 507
    @Kilivitz. You're welcome. I'm up a bit late tonight so I dropped by and saw your request. All the best.
  • GodGod Member Posts: 1,150
    Imoen. Kill it with arrows before it even speaks to you. +3 to bhaalspawn power.
  • MathmickMathmick Member Posts: 326
    The rescue moment in Spellhold is one of the few moments I've ever had in a game where I feel bad for making a decision I want to make. In BG2 if I'm not planning to grab her (i.e. I didn't keep Yoshimo with me), it hits me when I leave her there.

    However, in BG1 she's just another replaceable party member and I couldn't care less.
  • The_Shairs_HandbookThe_Shairs_Handbook Member Posts: 219
    sooo who is this Imoem charachter ppl are talking in here?? is she a secret follower hehe...
    anyway never liked or cared for Imoem... never had her in my party longer than 1 second (the time it takes to kick her out when she forcefully joins my party)...
  • BanexBanex Member Posts: 127
    Pity you can't recruit her in Candlekeep in the beginning.

    "Hey Immy,pop in there a minute."

    "I got a blade with your name on it"

  • AlexisisinneedAlexisisinneed Member Posts: 470
    I have a firm belief that Immy is one of the best characters in the game. The game just isn't the same with out her. It's too bad she's not able to be romance because Momma needs her Imoen bad.
  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    I don't understand... How can people be immersed enough to want a romance with a NPC and at the same time ignore immersion enough to not care she's charname's sister? It's a total contradiction to me. Yeah, I get it, it's just a game. But it's also still eww.
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    edited May 2013
    Bhaal is running around still as a deity sowing his seed, but presumably he'd have to assume a flesh and blood avatar to mate. Maybe the DNA for that physical form gets created differently every time? (If it was a PnP game that would be up to the DM, I guess.) We don't have any way of knowing whether there's any sort of physical resemblance among all the human offspring Bhaal sired. (That too would be up to the DM in a tabletop game.)

    But that said, the bond with Imoen feels very sibling-like to me anyway, even if the DNA Bhaal used to create her and CHARNAME was entirely different.

    On the other hand, if the DNA is not the same, I guess there's no reason to impose the sibling-like relationship onto her though. I read posts all the time of people who play evil and feel no affinity or bond with Imoen whatsoever, for example.
  • MalicronMalicron Member Posts: 629
    Not to mention we aren't talking "long lost, unknown relative" type thing like in Star Wars (which also makes me wince a bit in retrospect). You grew up with her, she was your closest friend. Even before BG2 she was practically CHARNAME's sister. Practically eery interaction they have speaks to that. I agree, these requests for a romance option are just epic eww.
  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    I have no particularly strong bond with my real life siblings either. They are still my siblings and it would still be eww to "romance" them (or if they had a romance with each other). Even if I hadn't seen them since birth. Even if they were half siblings I hadn't seen since birth. Even if they were cute, redheaded half siblings I hadn't seen since birth. Imoen grew up with charname; there aren't any other people their age mentioned, so they were likely raised like siblings. Rings all my eww bells.
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    edited May 2013
    Definitely if she is your blood relation, lol! I'm just speculating about in the case of a god assuming an avatar, whether the DNA would even be the same. Bhaal became corporeal and took the form all manner of creature in order to 'sow his mortal progeny'. Not sure about the mechanics of that, but he magically created bodies out of thin air, I would assume.

    It does raise a related issue of Imoen's biography imposing itself:
    When asked about her past, Imoen slaps your shoulder playfully. She says that you of all people should know, seeing as how you grew up together. Indeed, some of your fondest memories are of meeting this sprightly young lass. She apparently came to Candlekeep much as you did, though 10 years later in life, and she spent much more time with the gruff Winthrop than Gorion. "Puffguts" she would call him, much to the old innkeep's dismay.

    She seems the eternal child, and is quite content to play the part of little sister, though you are both of comparative ages. You can tell by her hearty smile that she will always be willing to travel with you, no matter what path you take.
    For many an evil character that hate her, would meeting her really be a fond memory?

    She's about 18 (?) and you are 20. She came to Candlekeep when you were 10 years old. She was more raised by Winthrop than Gorion. There are certain types of characters that would not see her a sister at all, I would think.

    Anyway, Immy's bio is slanted towards a Good aligned character (like so much of the rest of the game). I usually play CG, LN, LG, or NG types of characters that do have a fraternal bond with Imoen. But if I played evil I think I'd chafe a bit at her bio.
    Post edited by Lemernis on
  • CoM_SolaufeinCoM_Solaufein Member Posts: 2,607
    Ooh a hot sexy Imoen.
    franco said:

    @Kilivitz. Let's see if I can post it here. Thanks for liking it. It's my favorite. imageimage

  • francofranco Member Posts: 507

    Ooh a hot sexy Imoen.

    I like to imagine that this is how Imoen develops with experience; a no-nonsense adventurer and a beauty, but still with her heart in the right place. Nobody better mess with this gal anymore.

  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    'Epic' (level) Imoen. Nice.
  • AlexisisinneedAlexisisinneed Member Posts: 470

    I don't understand... How can people be immersed enough to want a romance with a NPC and at the same time ignore immersion enough to not care she's charname's sister? It's a total contradiction to me. Yeah, I get it, it's just a game. But it's also still eww.

    I believe in the Imoen mod out there they bring that up. Though I haven't gotten that far yet, but if they did do a Imoen romance mod that eww factor would have to be brought up. Also they would have to fully explain how the whole Bhaal created his children.
  • francofranco Member Posts: 507
    edited May 2013
    @Alexisisinneed. In the opera "Die Walkurie", Siegmund meets his half sister Sieglinde and they are both children of the god Wotan (pretty much the Germanic equivalent of Zeus). They immediately feel and profess undying love. The god Wotan seems ok with it. Interesting similar situation. Just saying.

    But wait, there's more. Wotan's wife, the goddess Fricka, gets her panties in a bunch because Sieglinde is already married and Fricka feels she is the protector of the institution of marriage, she doesn't seem upset that they are part siblings. She forces Wotan not to protect his son, so Siegmund dies in battle with Sieglinde's husband.

    And most interesting..... Wotan punishes his own daughter, the Walkurie Brunhilde for having disobeyed his orders not to protect Siegmund. He places her in a continual sleep spell, surrounding her with magical fires, and she must marry the first hero to overcome the fires and awaken her. It turns out, that Siegfried, the son of Siegmund and Sieglinde arrives years later to awaken Brunhilde. So Siegfried and Brunhilde , nephew and aunt, fall deeply in love with each other. Oh, those gods. There must be something different in their DNA. But the music was great.

    At least, that was my recollection of the whole thing.
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    This kind of marriage is quite common in mythology all over the world. The gods clearly don't care or are just not affected by genetics at all...
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