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[MOD] [BETA] Monastic Orders of Faerun



  • CahirCahir Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 2,819
    neuroghast wrote: »
    On a side note, a suggestion: I really don't see why monks can't use staff. Unless it's an engine limitation, I'd suggest that Monastic Orders made staff a weapon avaliable to monks.

    Artemius' House Rules does have a tweak that let you do exactly that.

  • neuroghastneuroghast Member Posts: 13
    Cahir wrote: »
    neuroghast wrote: »
    On a side note, a suggestion: I really don't see why monks can't use staff. Unless it's an engine limitation, I'd suggest that Monastic Orders made staff a weapon avaliable to monks.

    Artemius' House Rules does have a tweak that let you do exactly that.

    Thanks, haven't heard of this mod before. Will take a look into it!
  • matrix145matrix145 Member Posts: 1
    Well in IWD EE when I installed the mode I can't choose a Monk for anyone :D I tried change sex/race and everywhere Monk bar is disabled. Any suggestions?
  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,072
    edited July 2020
    @matrix145 , Monk appears in the Thief kit menu if you install this mod. If it doesn't appear there, then something has gone wrong.
  • AWizardDidItAWizardDidIt Member Posts: 211
    edited September 2020
    I didn't see this in the readme for either mod but this mod combined with grammarsalad's fatihs and powers mod, I was able to play a multiclass druid/monk. Crazy good to combo monk inherent abilities with druid shapechanging. There were a few issues though related to (no doubt) this not being officially supported by this mod. These include not being able to use monk specific items, getting full backstab/sneak attack progression, and getting 25 thief skill points per level. Not really expecting these to be 'fixed' but thought I'd report them anyway (I remarked as well on the F&P thread on G3)!
  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,072
    @AWizardDidIt , so this mod by intention should play nice with other mods (especially the other Unearthed Arcana mods), but tbh the making Monks a Thief kit is pretty hacky and it's unsurprising it's caused errors. I'll take a look at this when I get a chance. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.
  • AWizardDidItAWizardDidIt Member Posts: 211
    edited September 2020
    haha thanks for giving it a look. I'm enjoying playing the character a lot anyway since it's definitely a bit overpowered even without being able to use monk items.
    Post edited by AWizardDidIt on
  • AWizardDidItAWizardDidIt Member Posts: 211
    Actually another issue I'm finding when you create a new character for use in Siege of Dragonspear or BG2 is my monk isn't starting out with the unarmed attack this mod should add to their weapon 1 slot. Tried a straight class monk (found in the rogue kit menu) as well as a few multi-class varieties. All of them lacked the unarmed attack.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    How compatible is this mod with Unearthed Arcana mods (Tome & Blood, Might & Guile, Faiths & Powers, Will to Power)? If it isn't already compatible with these, may we get cross-mod compatibility?

    One of my friends would love to play a Psion/Monk and another would likely want to play a Druid/Monk. May we also get a Monk/Sor compatible with Tome & Blood's Multiclass Sorcerers?

  • Lily_EvilDMLily_EvilDM Member Posts: 2
    edited August 2021
    @Aquadrizzt Sorry to bother you after such a long time. I was wondering if this mod still functions, as I have great memories of it from the past. I am about to do a new install with Faith and powers, Tome and blood and rogue rebalancing, and I was hoping to be able to include Monastic orders in that list ^^ In any case thank you for the awesome work you have done thus far <3
    Post edited by Lily_EvilDM on
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    The latest version of this mod was released for 2.3. I'm telling you what I've been told: Make a separate test installation and try it on your chosen version with your mod wad. Let us know how well it works.

  • Lily_EvilDMLily_EvilDM Member Posts: 2
    While it did manage to install the unarmed attack seems to not work at all. Doesn't overcome immunity to normal weapons and when it (finally) hits it is nonlethal damage and very low. This problem seems to affect both single classed monks and multiclassed ones.
    Aside from that a minor thing is that some multiclassed monks still have access to all thievery skills. For those kits that do only have limited thievery I run into the issue that at high levels I have more thievery points than I can spend and thus get stuck in the levelup screen :(

    Does anyone know of a way to fix these problems? Or is it not really possible?
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    SubtleDoctor on G3 has done crossmod with this mod. He's a better person to ask.
  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,072
    @Lily_EvilDM , this mod should be compatible with all of my other mods (most of which now exist under the Unearthed Arcana team site on GitHub). As for why the fist damage is low, monk fists are notoriously poorly behaved, so I'd assume that the item got lost somehow and overwritten by the vastly inferior default fist.

    I don't know if this is caused by a new game version or some bug I didn't catch, but I'll try to check it out when I have a spare moment. Truth be told, this mod probably needs to be recoded but I unfortunately haven't had a week recently where I can afford to delve into my old projects.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    Thankee! Alleluia!
  • ahungryahungry Member Posts: 29
    edited December 2021
    While it did manage to install the unarmed attack seems to not work at all. Doesn't overcome immunity to normal weapons and when it (finally) hits it is nonlethal damage and very low. This problem seems to affect both single classed monks and multiclassed ones.
    Aside from that a minor thing is that some multiclassed monks still have access to all thievery skills. For those kits that do only have limited thievery I run into the issue that at high levels I have more thievery points than I can spend and thus get stuck in the levelup screen :(

    Does anyone know of a way to fix these problems? Or is it not really possible?

    I dug through it (an amateur to IE modding, but gaining more knowledge daily).

    Looks like override/qdmfist.itm has bits set in a way where it doesn't get equipped in BGEE 2.6 (well, EET install for me - not sure if relevant).

    I got it working by opening in Near Infinity and making the following changes (I believe this is comprehensive), then re-saving:

    - Changed Two-Handed to EE Fake Two Handed (this causes it to be wielded with monk 2h animations, aka the flying kick + double fist punch)
    - Change category from Hand-to-Hand-Weapons (I think this is IWD only) to Greatswords (probably could have been any weapon category, but required changing to be able to re-equip after un-equipping it per the next change)
    - Removed Non-Droppable attribute (I could only get the game to register it by un-equipping + re-equipping it after making the other tweaks) - sorta funny to un-equip one's own fist, but not too bad

    With these changes, I can wield it with the 2 APR and 1d6 magic (lethal) damage as expected - side-effect is I can also equip an OH if I want - if that isn't desired, change EE Fake Two Handed into actual Two Handed.

    if I can attach a file (oops, says file format is not allowed), I'll add my modified one, you would just add it into override/qdmfist.itm and it should work as desired.

    I'll include the fixed file here: (github fork of @Aquadrizzt main repo, i could PR as well, but not sure if it'd break anything else).

    Edit: Also, great mod! Having a ton of fun playing a Broken One monk dual classed with the Mist cleric path.

    Edit 2:

    Direct link to updated file:
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    Does your update also work on 2.5?
  • ahungryahungry Member Posts: 29
    edited January 2022
    @Endarire I don't know, I don't have a copy of that version - one thing to note is the best way to apply fix is including the updated file as part of the MonasticOrders distribution/directory and letting weidu install it - otherwise if my provided file is added to override/ as is, the strref will be wrong and tooltip incorrect on a different copy of the game.

    Or, just open the file in NearInfinity and make the updates I reference on your own copy.
  • orchidMantisorchidMantis Member Posts: 17
    edited March 2022
    Hi, i have this line error when trying to install this mod.

    ERROR: Failure("resource [RASAAD.*\\.cre] not found for 'COPY'")

    I attach the debug file.

    if you can help me , thankyou

    I follow this order to install

    [quest mods]
    [NPC mods]
    [item mods including Item Revisions]
    [spell mods including Spell Revisions]
    [small kit mods]
    Divine Remix
    Song & Silence
    Monastic Orders of Faerun
    Tome & Blood
    Faiths & Powers
    Might and Guile
    [tweak mods including Tweaks Anthology]
    Scales of Balance
    [end-of-order mods like LevelOneNPCs, NPC_EE, Randomiser, etc.]
  • MordekaieMordekaie Member Posts: 269
    Planning to include this mod in my next EET install.

    Is it still relevant or/and recommended to :

    - to replace QDMFIST.ITM with the one porposed by @ahungry (as indicated in post above) ?

    - To install a D2 mod fix which includes some fixes listed below for MOoF V0.41 ? (Found here: :

    Monastic Orders v0.41 - by Aquadrizzt
    - fixed resists for Broken One Monk
    - was gaining double piercing resist and no slashing resist

  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    Checking in with you on the status of this mod. Do multiclassed Monks still work, for example? If not, what would be involved in fixing them for 2.5/2.6?

  • Emardon_LareousEmardon_Lareous Member Posts: 61
    Sadly it seems this doesn't work with 2.6.6. Would be nice if we could fix it as it certainly expands monks in the most interesting way of all the mods out there. Just it seems in BG1 the fists don't work, in #2 they don't appear and in SOD the monk sprite is broken entirely
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