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[BG:EE]Dark Horizons Released



  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    edited October 2022
    Mordekaie wrote: »
    The major things that need changing are:
    1) Who can use the items. They are often unusable by the very people that they are designed for.
    2) What category the weapon is in. (Swords, flail etc.)
    3) If you want to make them less powerful you might just want to remove some of their extra abilities.
    e.g. There is a +3 short sword (CMSWQ08) which holds the victim if it doesn't save after it is wounded. The +3 might be better as +2. That is debatable. It might also be better if there was only a 50% chance of holding.
    These sort of things are not set in stone but the opinion of the player/modder. If you change such things, you also need to change the description otherwise there will be complaints.
    Making all +3 weapons into +2 weapons is a good idea, either that or making the item undropable.
    There are also +3 sorcerer's staves CMSTAF01 with 25% chance to petrify targets and +3 katanas (MA1SW02) that have a 10% chance of petrification. Not sure which mod that last one comes from as I think the items from this mod all start with CM.
    What you need to remember is that whatever you do, there will be those who disagree with your choices. To reduce the number of complaints you could give players a choice as to how to change items.
    Whilst the petrification makes an item very powerful, you need to remember that if a target is petrified, you lose the loot from the body, so it is not quite as good a weapon as it at first seems.
    If you reduce the power of the weapon remember that you are also reducing the ability of the foe who was wielding it. It is these interrelationships that make modding difficult. You will NEVER please everyone.

    Does anyone has made a Fix to correct the broken items ?

    Not that I know of. The problem is that you would need to get the permission of the creators of the original. They might not even be alive anymore. However, you could modify them for your own use using Near Infinity.

    If you know who the original creators are you could send a bug report. That happened with the Tenya mod. There was a halberd for Tenya's use which she was unable to use. The modder rectified things. :)

    Given that there are so many broken items in Dark Horizons, my thinking is that the creators of the mod might not have the skillsets to rectify things. That's a shame as it is a most enjoyable mod.

    A hint on how to weaken the overpowered weapons. If you want to make a +3 weapon into a +2 weapon. Find a standard +2 weapon and in NearInfinity save it with the same name as the mod's +3 weapon and then drop it into the over-ride folder, over-riding any file with the same name that is already there. {You might want to copy the original to a safe place in case you want to revert back to the original} Clearly, only do this with items that have a unique name in the mod, otherwise you could foul up the standard game.

    You do not need to be an expert modder to use Near Infinity. A quick none-exhaustive tutorial in my next post. { I am only just beginning to learn it myself.}
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    edited October 2022
    I do NearInfinity modding in a folder only used for that purpose. I call it NearInfinity.

    Put the zip file in the folder and extract the jar file. Put the files that you want to edit in the same folder.

    Run NearInfinity.jar.

    Game-Open file-Browse to open the file that you want to edit and open.

    Click-Open in new window.

    Click on the edit tab after which you can edit the attributes that you want to change.

    After that, it is trial and error.

    Save as: To avoid over-writing the original.

    Drop the edited file in the override folder.

    P.S. If anybody wants to correct or add to anything in this post, feel free to do so. I am no expert, but am slowly rectifying things for my own game, one item at a time.

    Note that there are 261 items in Baldur's Gate - EE\Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition\DarkHorizonsBGee\items

    Not all of them will need changing though.
  • MordekaieMordekaie Member Posts: 269
    edited October 2022
    Mordekaie wrote: »

    Does anyone has made a Fix to correct the broken items ?

    The problem is that you would need to get the permission of the creators of the original. They might not even be alive anymore. However, you could modify them for your own use using Near Infinity.

    If you know who the original creators are you could send a bug report. That happened with the Tenya mod. There was a halberd for Tenya's use which she was unable to use. The modder rectified things. :)

    I think there is no problem to make a separate mod to "tweak" (patch/fix) some aspects of an another mod like Dark Horizons. The issue comes when you modify a mod and release your own version without the authorisation of its authors.

    I guess there would be two ways to achieve that purpose (but i don't know) :
    - Developp a fix to apply to the modfolder of DarkHorizons (in the same way the BWS fixpatch was working).
    - Developp a Tweak mod that has to be installed after Dark Horizons (as it is done by @ahungry Tweaks mod to Fix the missing Oversight HQ door).

    For sure getting the authorisation from the authors would be great but it may be difficult to reach them.

    @jastey Is it correct ? Any comment to see the whole picture ?

  • StummvonBordwehrStummvonBordwehr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,385
    I have seen mod fixes in tweak miss before.
    Just look at Klatu tweaks, which has several:
    As long as you respect the mod author and don’t do a Sandrahfication of the mod, a small fix should be in order. But Jastey knows best
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    If somebody does decide to do this, the best way might be to have the installation interactive.
    For instance:

    Do you wish to replace item X which is a +3 sword with this one which is +2? Yes/No

    That is something way outside my ability, but is probably not that difficult for a modder.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    edited October 2022
    I don't see a problem with a tweak to fix a mod if:
    -if the author cannot be reached via PM, Email, public posts
    -it is clearly posted about it publicly in the mod's official forum/thread
    -is offered to the author to be included into the mod
    -will be taken down if the mod author/maintainer requests
    -credits the original mod accordingly
    -only owrks with the original mod
    -does only fix bugs or tweaks OP items/ encounters without changing the actual content

    Also, I'd suggest making it a specific tweak for this mod, not include it into a tweak for several where it gets lost or outdated.

    Oh, yes, and:
    -include the mod version the fix is for
    -make sure to update the tweak accordingly in case the mod gets updated, i.e. make sure the tweak always will actually fix things and not break them. (EDIT: this is my beef with KLATU's fixes and also fixes included in Miloch's Unique container's mod and the BWP Fixpack in general: I have no idea whether these are still relevant, still needed, or whether they will break things instead.)

    This is my opinion on the matter. IE modding is a community effort, we respect IP but we also care for older mods so they get preserved for players to enjoy them. What I described above is caring for older mods imho.
  • StummvonBordwehrStummvonBordwehr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,385
    Cool. Thank Jastey

    Just adding. If a tweak is made, please break up the parts you tweak in sections…. So nerfing and balancing in one part, and fixes on another. So nerfing is optional not a requirement B)
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    @jastey @StummvonBordwehr

    Agree with both of you wholeheartedly. Now all we need is somebody with both the fervour and skillsets to actually do it. :)
  • ahungryahungry Member Posts: 29
    edited October 2022
    I'm having a lot of fun with deletefier and my global APR rebalancing - having a 1 (or maybe 5)% shot to find any of these great / overpowered items means it can actually be exciting (and different each play through).

    The deletefier now avoids removing items and simply setting then to undroppable (that way, the strength of the enemies is preserved, although I've thought about making this a user option so the user can choose if they want magic gear to be ultra rare even among enemies - aka, a little more game appropriate encounter strength).

    Since these are both global changes, that just happen to work well with a large amount of mods, I don't think it's really ruining the spirit of any mod - players can choose to use the tweaks/deletefier or ignore them.

    Although that's a bigger issue with IE modding in general - lack of clear licenses - compared to your standard FOSS - if you fork in FOSS, it's rare anyone gives a hoot, but mod authors seem much more possessive of their creative works, doubly so when it comes to dialogue, story, art or creative portions (a little more flexible with items and general game tweaks/balance) - although there is always a ripple effect/maintenance burden if you do create something popular that others put their spin on, and then come back to you when the derivatives malfunction.
  • MapekMapek Member Posts: 57
    @CoM_Solaufein Hi. I just got a little question. Does Nikita have any banters, interjections etc? I'm considering having her in my party. Like her portrait and I'm in need for a new thief. Just hoping she isn't too quiet
  • inethineth Member Posts: 749
    I published a walkthrough for this mod on the wiki:
    Dark Horizons walkthrough
  • StummvonBordwehrStummvonBordwehr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,385
    ineth wrote: »
    I published a walkthrough for this mod on the wiki:
    Dark Horizons walkthrough

    awesome. thanks
  • JohnBobJohnBob Member Posts: 233
    Hello @ineth,

    First thanks a lot for the new walkthrough, since TeamBG closure it was impossible to find the old one.

    I have some questions if you don't mind :

    Did you use The Gate Project version ? Master or v2.16 ?

    And if, did you encounter any issues or everything goes fine ?
  • inethineth Member Posts: 749
    edited July 2024
    I used the Gate Project version v2.15.

    I only encountered some minor issues:
    • Davenport drops the "Odd Looking Key" [CMKEY03.ITM], and a "Scroll" [SCRSEC7.ITM] which claims that the key is necessary to enter Section - but it's not, one can enter the Section hideout without the key.

    • On level 5 of the Section hideout [CM3374.ARE], Lillian Darkwater [CMSEC21.CRE] drops "Lillian's Wardstone" [CMKEY01.ITM]. Was this supposed to unlock something? Because as it is, it has no use at all.

    • I think there were one or two more weird item drops, where a second copy of a base-game quest item could be found in the mod areas, but I failed to write down what or where.

    • On floor 1 of the Oversight compound [CM0750.ARE], if the party doesn't have Nikita's poem scroll [SCRSEC6.ITM] on them, the butler turns hostile and calls for the guards to attack the party - but the guards don't react to this, they remain neutral. (The Butler's dialog sets `CmOsHostile` to 1, but no script ever checks that variable.)

    • On floor 3 of the Oversight compound [CM0752.ARE], if the party force-attacks anyone before Sir Jones had a chance to initiate dialog, then everyone on the level turns hostile - except for George, who just keeps standing there with a blue circle and no dialog options. There is no way to access the cellar in this case.

    • In the cellar of the Oversight compound [CM0753.ARE], the "Oversight War Wizard" doesn't turn hostile when everyone else does - he remains blue-circled.

    • The mod adds the ghost mage "Synthia Malivore" [CMGHST07.CRE] to the game files, but doesn't make her spawn anywhere.

    • Some characters initially stand with weird orientations, such as the oversight committee [CM3376.ARE] facing the wall:
      Or the elven assassins [AR0900.ARE] facing away from the bridge entrance:
  • JohnBobJohnBob Member Posts: 233
    Many thanks for your reports.

    I am gonna verify everything and correct where needed.

    It is possible, however, that some of them have simply not been implemented.

    Thanks again @ineth (You walkthrough will be very helpful)


    With the precious help of @Roberciiik and @GraionDilach an new version compatible BGEE, BGT and EET is in progress.

    There is no release date yet but the master is ready to try for those interested.

  • JohnBobJohnBob Member Posts: 233
    edited July 2024
    Hello @ineth,

    The issues you mentionned should be resolved.

    Is it okay for you if I link to your walkthrough here ?

    And are you willing to add the new informations in the spoiler ?

    Davenport Key, will be necessary to open this door.


    Lillian wardstone will be necessary to open this chest.


    The missing ghost will appear here in the empty room. (Nothing much, he attacks you at sight)

    Post edited by JohnBob on
  • inethineth Member Posts: 749
    edited July 2024
    Thank you for your continued work on this mod.
    Sure, feel free to link to the walkthrough.
    I'll update the walkthrough once the new version of the mod is released. Everyone else may also edit it; that's why it's on the wiki.
  • JohnBobJohnBob Member Posts: 233
    edited August 2024
    Hello @ineth,

    You was right to wait for the release at the end only the two keys items were implemented for the new version. (The ghost addition is not good enough for now, but maybe another time.)

    PS : I dont' feel confortable with editing the walktrouhg myself, since I am not a native english speaker.
  • inethineth Member Posts: 749
    edited August 2024
    I added the info about the two keys to the walkthrough.
  • JohnBobJohnBob Member Posts: 233
    Thanks !
  • Kensei_xXxKensei_xXx Member Posts: 183
    Thanks for still maintaining and updating this old classic!

    Are there any plans on tuning down some of the op items, like they did with DSotSC?
  • JohnBobJohnBob Member Posts: 233
    Not at the moment. (There is several others mods that need attention so it's not a top priority)

    Some items have been flagged as undroppable to avoid dropping too many powerful generic items into the section compound, and some duplicate items from the base game have been modified.

    But the mod-added items will remain untouched until we know more about @CoM_Solaufein's wishes.

    There are still things that can be toned down in the future, such as delaying certain encounters or reducing the effects, Tac0 or enchantment of items.

    But game balancing isn't my field of expertise, so I'll probably wait for other modders that participate to DarkHorizons update to think on these ideas.

  • Kensei_xXxKensei_xXx Member Posts: 183
    edited August 2024
    I once edited about 100+ of the items for my own playthrus, downgraded some to +2, made others undropable or gave them specific Requirements to be usable only late in game.
    If there is still any interest in toned down item settings, I could give it a try again, since I unfortunately lost them by accident.
  • JohnBobJohnBob Member Posts: 233
    edited August 2024
    Thanks for the proposal.

    But modify items will require a brainstorming to evaluate what and why need to be downgraded.

    And it will also need to add new descriptions for every languages.

    So don't bother editing items without a guideline, but I'll keep your proposal in mind for when the time come !
  • Kensei_xXxKensei_xXx Member Posts: 183
    edited August 2024
    Since I‘m going to try your new update on my recent playthrough, I might do some editing for my own runs anyway.
    Just tell me if there are any plans regarding items for future updates.
    Post edited by Kensei_xXx on
  • Kensei_xXxKensei_xXx Member Posts: 183
    edited September 2024
    Discovered a strange bug where the duergar clerics in the Nashkel Mine are healing my main Character during the fight?!? Has anyone else had this before?

    For those who don't understand german, it says duergarcleric casts healing medium wounds on Corvus, who is my main character.

    It happend on an EET run.
    WeiDU log attached, just in case.
  • JohnBobJohnBob Member Posts: 233
    edited September 2024
    Odd, indeed... Does this happen several times or is it an isolated case ?

    Maybe the fact that you fled the current area and they followed you may have an incidence on the script.
    This block doesn't exist in PRIEST4.BCS but another script can be set by a tweak like SCS
    	HaveSpell(CLERIC_CURE_MEDIUM_WOUNDS)  // SPPR315.SPL (Soins des blessures moyennes)
    	RESPONSE #100
    		Spell(LastSeenBy(Myself),CLERIC_CURE_MEDIUM_WOUNDS)  // SPPR315.SPL (Soins des blessures moyennes)

    I don't think it's related specifically to DarkHorizons. Your weidu.log got a lot of mods, kits and tweaks.

    You can take a look with NearInfinity to MADURC01.cre and MADURC02.cre. They should use original game PRIEST4.BCS (CLERIC_CURE_MEDIUM_WOUNDS is not used in this script), unless another mod assigns a different script to these creatures.
    Post edited by JohnBob on
  • Kensei_xXxKensei_xXx Member Posts: 183
    I played the Fight three times and it happened every time.

    Cure medium wounds is an iwd spell, so yeah, maybe scs or some other tweak mod screwed something up.
  • GraionDilachGraionDilach Member Posts: 603
    My best guess is a bad DSotSC-SCS interaction. Current version of DSotSC accidentally installs Cure Moderate Wounds as Cause Moderate Wounds for identification purposes if it doesn't detect the spell already existing, which can explain why the SCS script generator would use it that way. (The bug has been fixed a year ago, it just wasn't tagged for a release.)

    The German text within DSotSC uses Mittelschwere, so that matches.

    OTOH, if the IWD-in-BG mods also install IWD spells, then DSotSC shouldn't have attempted to install it's own duplicates either (except if IWD-in-BG doesn't share SPELL.IDS identifiers with SR/SCS/IWDification, but then SCS likely have complained about missing spells during spellbook generation as well). That might have been missed during all the install order issues and the likely warnings that led to though.
  • Kensei_xXxKensei_xXx Member Posts: 183
    edited September 2024
    Wow, good catch, thanks.
    What would you suggest me to do? Installing DSotSC after SCS?
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