@Shandyr, that's about the conclusion I drew from reading websites and forums. Thanks, I'll stay away from it, then. But also thanks for sharing the music.
I wish I could find a track of the short battle music motif that played when you had battle animations turned on. I think most people played with them turned off, to speed up the gameplay, but I always had them on. I loved those little cartoons - they really increased my immersion in the game.
BG BGII IWD One of the civ's had great intro music world of warcraft diablo diablo2 elderscrolls series Little nemo (nes) COD - which ever one Zimmer worked on Guild Wars DOOM (really loved the psx soundtrack) Unreal
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrDV6VksSRU - this is one of the best intro songs ive heard from a game called wild arms, a game i bought on a friends recommendation despite having heard nothing of it and it reached my top 5
Here's the original piece from Might and Magic 6:
There's also this one from Might and Magic 6:
I'm still thinking that one of these from MM6 was also used for a snow terrain theme in one of the HoMM games, but I can't pinpoint it.
Armer IX:
Holy crap, this music brings back memories!
I wish I could find a track of the short battle music motif that played when you had battle animations turned on. I think most people played with them turned off, to speed up the gameplay, but I always had them on. I loved those little cartoons - they really increased my immersion in the game.
Jesters of the Moon
Thing I must protect
Gurugu Volcano
amongst others
and if that didn't kill all credibility a lot of the World of Warcraft stuff is pretty great, new and old alike
Diablo II
To The Moon
Torchlight II
Fallout 2
Shadowrun (SNES)
Shadowrun Returns
Dragon Battle - Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter
The Mage Tower - Icewind Dale
Dragon Slayer - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Not sure who Rare's composer was in the 90s, but they did amazing work.
Stickerbrush Symphony - Donkey Kong Country 2
Forest Interlude - Donkey Kong Country 2
Not that big of a Skyrim fan but the soundtrack is an absolute masterpiece.
One of the civ's had great intro music
world of warcraft
elderscrolls series
Little nemo (nes)
COD - which ever one Zimmer worked on
Guild Wars
DOOM (really loved the psx soundtrack)
I'm sure there's much more...
as for character theme.... jecht!!
and best general music
Edit. Reminds me of Metallica's One.