@Samiel - you mean a boxed set for both BG:EE and BG2:EE simultaneously? I would prefer a boxed set for each game, but if that was the only option, I would get it.
If you want to know how to do good collectors edition, then you have to take a page out of Blizzards book. They really know how to make an epic collectors edition. A fancy USB always makes me giggle like a school girl. Any ideas of what would make a cool USB? Maybe Sarevok's helmet with one of the horns coming out, and plugging into the USB? Something involving Boo would also be amazing in a collectors edition.
USB Flash Drive As I have already suggested earlier I would vote for the USB-stick version of the game instead of CD\ DVD Reasons: - A lot of modern notebooks do not have CD(DVD)-drive at all. This is extinct device. - USB-stick is more convenient and less susceptible to damage - USB flash (I hope it will be metal) can be customized by embedding\engraving BG skull logo onto it.
Maybe we can convince the Wizards of the Coast to release the AD&D Second rule book (the one the game is based) at a pocket size or some kind of special edition for the revival of BG.
It would be great to see such a product when you open the Collectors box set.
1) I am interesting can be posibble some kind INDIE production? For a close circles of fans, don`t matter 100 peoples, 1000 peoples or even going more.
By word "INDIE" i try to say about, not very mass product. In music there should be many examples of INDIE production.
2) And what the condition of box set publication from Publisher? Interesting.
3) Also, interesting, how all right goes into wrong? I mean, somekind of people creating, for example, videogames (Arcanum, for more detailed example), and then they failed with production, and their studio is going into dust, and another persons buy the "rights" for the game, and they going into "owners" of the game, because of they have money. Is it right? Of course, this my question is stupid, by i dont understand it. Just how to survive in all of this....................... I am in holliday during this week. )))) And get interesting in this. Dont pay attention to question 3, if it is realy stupid. Just, let me know, that i am little wrong about Q3.
I am holding off indefinitely until there is a rock-solid conclusion one way or the other on a physical copy/collector's edition of the game.
Frankly, it would be a shame to let a remastering of a game as important as BG in the realm of PC gaming go through without some kind of collector's set.
That being said, as was mentioned before, take a page out of the Blizzard book. They've had huge successes with all of their collector's editions because they know how to cater to just about everyone.
Though, to be honest...I would probably buy a physical copy even if it was just a cardboard box with some art on it, with zero goodies. There's just something nostalgic and important to me about opening boxes...even if it will be my third purchase of the game, heh.
Though, to be honest...I would probably buy a physical copy even if it was just a cardboard box with some art on it, with zero goodies. There's just something nostalgic and important to me about opening boxes...even if it will be my third purchase of the game, heh.
Maybe it's been proposed before but, why not use some crowdfunding platform like kickstarter for a boxed collector's edition? If there's enough interest in it, it gets funded, they get the money, make it and ship it. If it doesn't get enough money, no one loses anything. It looks like a win-win situation. I guess that at this moment it's more a problem of too many inolved parties and rights than just costs.
@Curunwe - IIRC, @TrentOster once mentioned on Twitter that their contract for BG:EE / BG2:EE and Kickstarter don't do well together (read: they are incompatible and mutually exclusive). I may be wrong, and hopefully so - but I'm afraid not.
A pretty box, a generous user manual (!), maybe a DVD with the game and soundtrack in mp3... I remember the Pool of radiance collector's edition: it contained the novel, the bag dice, a map, an adventure for D&D, the soundtrack... I spent a fortune for it!
A quick-reference (good card stock) plus a spiral-bound spell book would be FANTASTIC. BG2 had this, and the spellbook, specifically, was extremely helpful as a reference.
It would be great to see such a product when you open the Collectors box set.
By word "INDIE" i try to say about, not very mass product. In music there should be many examples of INDIE production.
2) And what the condition of box set publication from Publisher? Interesting.
3) Also, interesting, how all right goes into wrong? I mean, somekind of people creating, for example, videogames (Arcanum, for more detailed example), and then they failed with production, and their studio is going into dust, and another persons buy the "rights" for the game, and they going into "owners" of the game, because of they have money. Is it right? Of course, this my question is stupid, by i dont understand it. Just how to survive in all of this.......................
I am in holliday during this week. )))) And get interesting in this. Dont pay attention to question 3, if it is realy stupid. Just, let me know, that i am little wrong about Q3.
Frankly, it would be a shame to let a remastering of a game as important as BG in the realm of PC gaming go through without some kind of collector's set.
That being said, as was mentioned before, take a page out of the Blizzard book. They've had huge successes with all of their collector's editions because they know how to cater to just about everyone.
Though, to be honest...I would probably buy a physical copy even if it was just a cardboard box with some art on it, with zero goodies. There's just something nostalgic and important to me about opening boxes...even if it will be my third purchase of the game, heh.
I guess that at this moment it's more a problem of too many inolved parties and rights than just costs.
I want to hear the voices, ambient sounds etc. - sorry to whoever is doing the music for BG:EE...
Well now I don't feel so lonely