Theres no real need to explain our levels. 2nd edition never had those leveling status. That was implemented in 4th editon to that extent. Theres just no point to it. Who really cares whose a demigod at level 30. Nothing exactly reflects why he/she should be. Otherwise every minor person who isnt considered godly but is level 30+ would have to be considered a demigod then. This part of D&D is more twoards a roleplay style rather than merit for hey you are 30 now. You are a god! it just doesnt have any point to the game of baldur's gate series. Of course you are a bhaalspawn. But theres just no point for it at all. Its way too minor of a thing to consider implementing.
Gotcha on the HLAs lol
Cloud Peaks are around Icewind Dales areas. But IWD is its own story not even connected with Baldurs Gate at all. Its Two different parallel universes so what happened in one story never existed in the other. Its like trying to say Baldur's gate is based off the books. Yes some of the lore is about Abdel Adrians pilgrimage to remove or become the taint of Bhaal. But it doesnt cannonly follow it. Yeah The combat in IWD was different than in BG series. But it had its own charm to still be a great part of biowares success.
It would not make sense for Baldur's gate to be based on the Baldur's gate novelisation as the latter was published after (and based on) the former. Do the forgotten realms books inform the games published after them? yes.
I have read all the novels. Yes the game is based on the lore. But isnt exatly following in Abdels footsteps as its been changed to be its own story so its not plagurizing off the book which wasnt allowed But Bioware was authorized to have permission to make their own spin off of his pilgrimage by allowing it to be within its own universe by allowing the player (you) to make a whole new person to make different choices based on what Abdel couldve done if he chose not to do what He cannonly followed in the book.
@Xezmeraude Yep, the monk HLAs were in Oversight. Some of them may seem a bit overpowered at first, but they're all pretty fun, and make the monk more interesting than just "hit it until it dies".
As for Rasaad, at least he sounds like he'll be recruitable pretty early (his bio mentions him being in Nashkel), so I'll probably give him a try in my first game and see if/how they changed anything. I hope the inclusion of a monk NPC means we'll get more specialized equipment (and not Rasaad-only, please).
Hard to say. Monks usually use whatever is logical to them within the games boundaries of gear. Im sure they will implement monk style weapons and armors specifically for them. But its hard to say as the IE is very limited to what it an have made in the game. We will have to see when the games out what can be done to keep monks from being a weaponless and weaker fighter.
@Moomintroll As a point of fact, the game came out November 30th, 1998 (source: Wikipedia), while the novel didn't come out until June of 1999 (also Wikipedia). So, the novel was based on the game, and not vice versa. Wikipedia also says the book was based on the game.
I wonder where they are going to place the areas related to Rasaad yn Bashir? I looked on my maps, but the Sword Coast, especially around Baldur's Gate, isn't that hilly and/or mountainous. There's the Far Hills (near Hillsfar) and some hilly/high areas near Boareskyr Bridge. I am guessing the Cloud Peaks, north of Athkatla.
@LadyRhian Philip Daigle said somewhere that that's because her romance is completely finished at the moment, the others are still being written and hence don't get listed. Just in case.
@Drugar I guess male romance options are easier to write? As long as Rasaad and Dorn don't insult me, I am willing to wait and see what comes of their romances...
@Trinit I know, but I was disappointed not to see the others listed as romanceable yet. Still hoping for a romanceable Minsc and Solaufein...
The cloud peaks is the mountain range south of Nashkel, but the old bg1 map cuts off right at that point. Maybe it is possible that they are making a more compact map that stretches a little farther southward to the cloud peaks?
I'm hopeful about the new romances in general. Granted Anomen set the bar so low... Just don't be a sexist jerk and it's an improvement. One character was described in a tweet as "romantically challenged", which could mean just about anything. But would still be better than a pompous ass who cannot believe a woman competent outside of the kitchen.
@trinit I'd love to see that it's Rasaad's romance as well. I think he'd be a nice surprise since a lot of people seem to think it will be Neera.
i really hope they prove us wrong. we have had enough of bad examples from industry handling such practices although lately situation is getting a bit better. please beamdog, lets skip the past 10 years and jump into 2012...
@Seeka Testify! When I first played through the romance with Anomen, I was grinding my teeth. That line about "How could you possibly have done all that, you're a woman!" made me want to smack him straight into next week (Or go super-snarky. "Yeah, Captain Obvious, I'm a woman. What gave it away? The breasts?") And then when you say "Well, I had help from my companions." and he concedes, "Okay, then I guess it's possible..." Argh! He would never be able to engender children. Ever. Because I'd knee him so hard they'd be lodged in the space where his brain should have been...
@LadyRhian lmao That would have been such an awesome response to him and his crap. And he will ask you for an opinio, then yell at you and berate you for it! Doesn't matter how you respond to him, he's going to flake the hell out on you. Several times, I believe. I hate that trend in romances and the mods anyway. It's like the relationship will progress to a certain point. Then the PC has to get yelled at for no reason, and forgive the man for acting a fool. Then the RomanceActive variable can be set to 2, and they can live happily ever after, providing all of Charname's opinions and statements do not offend the NPC.
Man, BG2EE should be great.... cannot wait to hear Rasaad/Dorn banter with Anomen. Dorn + Anomen conflict will be worth the price of the game alone for me.
@LadyRhian Man, BG2EE should be great.... cannot wait to hear Rasaad/Dorn banter with Anomen. Dorn + Anomen conflict will be worth the price of the game alone for me.
HOLY MOLEY, YES. To be fair, I'll enjoy ANY conflict with Anomen, but Dorn Vs. Anomen would tickle me pink. Someone needs to put that pompous idiot in his place.
I'm hoping the new NPCs and romances carry through to ToB. I enjoy a game that lets me (mostly) keep the same party & romance all the way through. Something about the continuity really appeals to me.
@Seeka I hate that. CHARNAME is a strong woman, no matter her class, and to be berated for her opinions and have to apologize to a fool- even as a Lawful Good character, that's just not happening. This isn't a bad 70's romance novel- I don't want an Alphole (Alpha/Asshole) to be my significant other. I want someone who appreciates my strengths for what they are, and appreciates ME on top of it. To be tolerable, Anomen would need to do a ton of apologizing and kissing my ass for his behavior and actions, and show me he really changed his attitude. Otherwise, it's "Here's the curb, let me kick you to it." And even then, that first impression really stayed with me. It's not something easily overcome. Note to the developers: Women have long memories. Making your male romance an ASS is something we don't forget, no matter how lovey-dovey you want us to feel later.
@Ichigo I know. The reason why the others aren't noted as such is because their romance scripts are still being finalized. I wonder why it is easier to write a romance for a male CHARNAME than a female one. Maybe because we women are picky...
They are both so mainstream that everyone should have some familiarity with them. Fifty shades is an erotic fan-fic derived from Twilight, google - gilbert gottfried 50 shades of grey - for a few nsfw extracts.
edit - @Coriander I just realised you were probably being humorous
Theres no real need to explain our levels. 2nd edition never had those leveling status. That was implemented in 4th editon to that extent. Theres just no point to it. Who really cares whose a demigod at level 30. Nothing exactly reflects why he/she should be. Otherwise every minor person who isnt considered godly but is level 30+ would have to be considered a demigod then. This part of D&D is more twoards a roleplay style rather than merit for hey you are 30 now. You are a god! it just doesnt have any point to the game of baldur's gate series. Of course you are a bhaalspawn. But theres just no point for it at all. Its way too minor of a thing to consider implementing.
Gotcha on the HLAs lol
Cloud Peaks are around Icewind Dales areas. But IWD is its own story not even connected with Baldurs Gate at all. Its Two different parallel universes so what happened in one story never existed in the other.
Its like trying to say Baldur's gate is based off the books. Yes some of the lore is about Abdel Adrians pilgrimage to remove or become the taint of Bhaal. But it doesnt cannonly follow it. Yeah The combat in IWD was different than in BG series. But it had its own charm to still be a great part of biowares success.
As for Rasaad, at least he sounds like he'll be recruitable pretty early (his bio mentions him being in Nashkel), so I'll probably give him a try in my first game and see if/how they changed anything. I hope the inclusion of a monk NPC means we'll get more specialized equipment (and not Rasaad-only, please).
I wonder where they are going to place the areas related to Rasaad yn Bashir? I looked on my maps, but the Sword Coast, especially around Baldur's Gate, isn't that hilly and/or mountainous. There's the Far Hills (near Hillsfar) and some hilly/high areas near Boareskyr Bridge. I am guessing the Cloud Peaks, north of Athkatla.
Philip Daigle said somewhere that that's because her romance is completely finished at the moment, the others are still being written and hence don't get listed. Just in case.
@Trinit I know, but I was disappointed not to see the others listed as romanceable yet. Still hoping for a romanceable Minsc and Solaufein...
I'm hopeful about the new romances in general. Granted Anomen set the bar so low... Just don't be a sexist jerk and it's an improvement. One character was described in a tweet as "romantically challenged", which could mean just about anything. But would still be better than a pompous ass who cannot believe a woman competent outside of the kitchen.
@trinit I'd love to see that it's Rasaad's romance as well. I think he'd be a nice surprise since a lot of people seem to think it will be Neera.
Man, BG2EE should be great.... cannot wait to hear Rasaad/Dorn banter with Anomen. Dorn + Anomen conflict will be worth the price of the game alone for me.
I'm hoping the new NPCs and romances carry through to ToB. I enjoy a game that lets me (mostly) keep the same party & romance all the way through. Something about the continuity really appeals to me.
@Ichigo I know. The reason why the others aren't noted as such is because their romance scripts are still being finalized. I wonder why it is easier to write a romance for a male CHARNAME than a female one. Maybe because we women are picky...
edit - @Coriander I just realised you were probably being humorous