@Jolanthus I don't know if you know this, but "50 Shades" started out as a fanfiction for Twilight. The main female character is actually Bella, and the businessman guy is actually Edward. The original title of the fic was "Master and Commander", and I believe you can still find it on the internet. It was slightly rewritten, but not very much. And honestly, I read Twilight. That is one sick relationship. I knew it wasn't for me when Edward broke into her house in the first book to watch Bella sleep. Dude, that is sick, creepy and you are a stalker- stay far, far away from me. And Bella sickened me, too. I did read the first three books before I called it quits. She's a limp paper doll. When Edward leaves her for her own safety at the end of the first book, she becomes suicidal and cries constantly. The exact opposite of a strong female character. I hated both of them. And when I heard that Jacob discovers in the fourth book it wasn't Bella who was for him, but her newborn baby girl, I just wanted to puke.
Obviously, I am not a fifteen year old girl (3x that, actually), and I don't want a useless pretty boy. I want a MAN. Like I said, someone who appreciates my strength, who loves me for me, not what I can do for him or what he can turn me into, someone who will support me when I need it, and who I can support in turn when he needs the help. I don't want an asshole or a fool or someone who disrespects me to my face. None of that is sexy.
I know, all too well. I read the first page in the book store and couldn't go on. It's enough to make me want to give up on writing all together, or to continue and hope that people will read any old crap.
My main female characters are like that. Some of them fight side by side with their partners, and the ones that don't are not subserviant to them. If they were belittled they would leave in a heart beat (some of them would probably take his heart and crush it beneath their heal... litterally.)
Anyway, were diverging from Rasaad and it's probably my fault. So to bring us back on topic I'll say, he looks interesting, but I dont know if I have room for him in my party.
@Jolanthus You could always write the most derivative, insulting dross you can think of. Do it as an intellectual excercise, a thinly-veiled satire or a joke. Then market it successfully, plant a few high rated reviews implying it gets better in the second book of the series. Then retire to your own Mediterranean island before anyone catches on. Seems to work for some people.
@Jolanthus I'm a writer, too. Some of my fanfic is on Deviantart, but it's mainly slash for the Devil and Ezekiel Stone from Brimstone. I've done lots of het stuff, but only one other story like that is up there, and it's for a Highlander (movies) story. Connor meets a good vampire, sexy times ensue on the way to save her people from raiders.
Any thoughts on Rasaad's alignment? His bio suggests Neutral Good (the bit about shining his inner light on people in need) but the whole "monk seeking enlightenment" background would suggest True Neutral or Lawful Neutral, wouldn't it?
[spoiler=Monk High Level Abilities]This component will give monks their own set of High Level Abilities instead, most of which should be quite familiar to anyone who has played through Throne of Bhaal before.
Shadowless Kick This kick throws the target back, knocks the target unconscious, and deals 4d8 points of damage.
Tiger Strike A more powerful form of Shadowless Kick, this power ensures every blow for the next round is a critical hit. In addition, every blow for the next two rounds throws the target back and knocks the target unconscious. Prerequisite: Shadowless Kick.
Dragon Fist With a blow, the monk strips away the magical protections of the target.
Faster Than The Eye By concentrating briefly on another area within 4000 feet, the monk can instantly transport herself there. Prerequisite: Feet of the Wind.
Flip Resistances The monk's magic resistance converts into physical damage resistance for a number of rounds equal to twice the monk's level. The monk also becomes immune to backstab for the same duration.
Solar Stance Solar Stance renders nearby enemies more vulnerable, reducing the saving throws of any within 60 feet of the monk by 4. It creates a cloud of glittering golden particles that fill the air for twenty feet around the monk, revealing invisible creatures. All enemies in the cloud must roll a successful saving throw vs. spell or be blinded (-4 to attack rolls, saving throws, and Armor Class) until the dust fades, after 4 rounds. Also, a blast of fire emanates from the monk, scorching and throwing back everyone in a 30-foot radius, though the stance protects the monk from the flames. Prerequisite: Tiger Strike.
Lunar Stance A monk who strikes this stance gains a +5 bonus to Saving Throws vs. Death, a + 2 bonus to luck, and becomes immune to Slay, Imprisonment, Petrification, Level Drain, Disintegrate, and Time Stop. The duration of this power is four rounds. Prerequisite: Solar Stance.
Shadow Stance This stance causes the monk to instantly become both invisible, as per the spell Improved Invisibility, and immune to divination spells such as True Seeing. This power lasts for 23 rounds. Prerequisite: Lunar Stance.
Feet of the Wind Each time this ability is chosen, it greatly and permanently increases the monk's movement rate.
Second Wind By concentrating briefly, the monk can shrug off even the worst of wounds, once per day. The effect of this power is to fully heal the monk instantly. Prerequisite: Flip Resistances.
Stunning Blow The monk has one more use of the Stunning Blow ability per day.
Quivering Palm The monk has one more use of the Quivering Palm ability per day.[/spoiler]
Any thoughts on Rasaad's alignment? His bio suggests Neutral Good (the bit about shining his inner light on people in need) but the whole "monk seeking enlightenment" background would suggest True Neutral or Lawful Neutral, wouldn't it?
The background references a monk of the Order of the Sun Soul (LG/LN order) but also then also a monastery to Selûne (CN/CG/NG) so who knows...Monks are always Lawful-aligned though. Fingers crossed for LN then.
Obviously, I am not a fifteen year old girl (3x that, actually), and I don't want a useless pretty boy. I want a MAN. Like I said, someone who appreciates my strength, who loves me for me, not what I can do for him or what he can turn me into, someone who will support me when I need it, and who I can support in turn when he needs the help. I don't want an asshole or a fool or someone who disrespects me to my face. None of that is sexy.
Off Topic: Romance with minsc would have been amazing...and the option for a PC mage/sorcerer to become minscs new witch (instead of that whiney aerie) would have been awesome as well.
Off Topic: Romance with minsc would have been amazing...and the option for a PC mage/sorcerer to become minscs new witch (instead of that whiney aerie) would have been awesome as well.
Not personally sure about romancing Minsc, but a PC mage becoming his witch would be awesome. Wonder it would take to make a mod for something like that? I've only dabbled a bit at modding myself.
Also hoping for LN Rasaad. Based on the text, it looks like he'll be recruitable in Nashkel, so fairly early on. Yay for that.
@Delvarian You haven't been reading the "New Romance for female PCs" thread over in feature requests. I did indeed ask for a Romanceable Minsc, and Solaufein as well
as far as i am concerned, either LG or LN are good, as far as he isn't preachy, self-righteous or blabbers about the duty all the time. it would be really nice to see a kit for him instead of being a generic monk, if possible.
i also just realized, if rashaad is bisexual, then boys get two options (neera, rashaad) and girls get two options (dorn, rashaad). talking about being fair! :hinting strongly:
Off the top of my head, there is one notable canon monk in the region and that is Danica Maupoissant who resides at Spirit Soaring in the Snowflake Mountains.
@Bobby_Singer There is an entire monastery in the Bloodstone Lands, run by Kane (From the H series of Modules)
Oh I know. They ride the remorhaz out on the glacier, but the bloodstone lands are quite a distance from the region that Baldur's Gate takes place in. I was just thinking monks in the areas of Baldur's Gate, Amn, Calimshan and Tethyr.
Danica is the only monk that I know of in that region (I do not know where her master Penpahg d'ahn hails from.) As a side note, her lover Cadderly did make a cameo in Baldur's Gate so I don't think it would be unreasonable to see her have a cameo.
@LadyRhian Ivan and Pikel? That would be awesome. I do sort of doubt that we will see either them or Danica. I'm guessing that they would have to negotiate with Salvatore to add his characters and that is probably an additional expense that they do not want.
@Bobby_Singer I'd donate to that. I'd want to see Jaheira's reaction to the Dwarf who wants to be a Druid. Equal money whether she soils herself laughing or is ultra offended.
@Maciak87 if you talk about conflict arising from questioning his dogmas, and by preaching you mean resolve i agree. in other words, i hope his will be a strong character with his own will, but not a rigid one.
I once tried playing a PC monk in BG1 via Tutu and found that monk level 1 is rough. They're fighting mano a mano without armor, and can't do a lot of damage yet. They're pretty darned vulnerable. I wonder how the devs will address this in BG:EE given that they're including the monk class among joinable NPCs.
I once tried playing a PC monk in BG1 via Tutu and found that monk level 1 is rough. They're fighting mano a mano without armor, and can't do a lot of damage yet. They're pretty darned vulnerable. I wonder how the devs will address this in BG:EE given that they're including the monk class among joinable NPCs.
Now you know what I felt when I tried a SOLO run with a monk in BGT... that was brutal, I've never bought so many sling bullets.
@Maciak87 i still fail to see how a strong character, sticking to your beliefs or being interesting connects with preachiness (in this case being the typical trait of LG characters). and as far as i can remember there are three characters you can influence to a greater degree- viconia, sarevok and anomen.
IMO, if rashaad is unable to question himself and events around him from bg to totsc through soa till the tob, than something is seriously wrong with his basic perception skills. even more as a romantic interest- i dont see how it is possible to remain unchanged or uninfluenced going through any kind of strong emotional relationship.
that said, i hope for interesting and unique character, and i see being a zealot (all the time) as hardly refreshing or unique in given conditions.
(but if the blackguard is gay i'll mangle him O_o lol
Obviously, I am not a fifteen year old girl (3x that, actually), and I don't want a useless pretty boy. I want a MAN. Like I said, someone who appreciates my strength, who loves me for me, not what I can do for him or what he can turn me into, someone who will support me when I need it, and who I can support in turn when he needs the help. I don't want an asshole or a fool or someone who disrespects me to my face. None of that is sexy.
My main female characters are like that. Some of them fight side by side with their partners, and the ones that don't are not subserviant to them. If they were belittled they would leave in a heart beat (some of them would probably take his heart and crush it beneath their heal... litterally.)
Anyway, were diverging from Rasaad and it's probably my fault. So to bring us back on topic I'll say, he looks interesting, but I dont know if I have room for him in my party.
*Edit* Cynical, me?
Here's my gallery: http://ladyrhianwriter.deviantart.com/gallery/
Also hoping for LN Rasaad. Based on the text, it looks like he'll be recruitable in Nashkel, so fairly early on. Yay for that.
@LordDarkKnight185 Asked for that, too. http://forum.baldursgate.com/discussion/comment/19653/#Comment_19653
@Zarffyn Tattoos of Selune almost certainly mean good.
And here's the post where I speculated on what a Romance with Minsc would be like: Funny, but sweet, because he's a good guy. http://forum.baldursgate.com/discussion/comment/22923/#Comment_22923
...Now i wish he was a member of the yellow rose D<
i also just realized, if rashaad is bisexual, then boys get two options (neera, rashaad) and girls get two options (dorn, rashaad). talking about being fair! :hinting strongly:
Danica is the only monk that I know of in that region (I do not know where her master Penpahg d'ahn hails from.) As a side note, her lover Cadderly did make a cameo in Baldur's Gate so I don't think it would be unreasonable to see her have a cameo.
We could take up a collection. :-)
and as far as i can remember there are three characters you can influence to a greater degree- viconia, sarevok and anomen.
IMO, if rashaad is unable to question himself and events around him from bg to totsc through soa till the tob, than something is seriously wrong with his basic perception skills. even more as a romantic interest- i dont see how it is possible to remain unchanged or uninfluenced going through any kind of strong emotional relationship.
that said, i hope for interesting and unique character, and i see being a zealot (all the time) as hardly refreshing or unique in given conditions.
I really want to have him in my party but i'm afraid he will become somewhat of a liability.
Are any special items planned for him?