Fighter/Cleric or Fighter/Mage who would win???
Member Posts: 92
It's an interesting thought if you could put a Fighter/cleric and Fighter/mage in a arena and see who comes out. Who do you think would win????
Duals would be 13/28 v 13/38, btw...
All in all, I'd say the Fighter/Mage would come out on top.
Again, gear will make a big difference. Having a Belt of Inertial Barrier would make a big difference to the F/C against offensive spell damage, and an amulet of power would protect the F/M against possibly the most dangerous effect to get thrown at them.
These are very likely to be average results of course, because fights like this can hinge entirely on one save being made or failed, so even if a F/M would normally beat a F/C they wouldn't always.
Pure mage -> Everything
he would just cast something like pfmw and chaincontingency horrid wiltig ezpz roflstomp gg wp
while cleric could cast maybe 1 spell
Seriously though it depends on the level and what spells are available and who is prepared and what items they have on (if the mage has something that give him vocalization and it is game set and match). And finally, who gets the first spell off.
Fighter lvl 9/Mage 20 dual wielding longswords or two-handed (Equalizer, daystar, or hallowed redeemer)
Fighter lvl 9/cleric 23 dual wielding hammers (crom-fraer, Rune hammer Lvl 5)
Both classes buffed with spells to the extreme no special items.