I don't know what is more interesting in most armors in this thread... That most armors have openings over vital areas that would get you killed in seconds in combat or that it has so many pointy things coming out of it you can't drink a cup of water without killing yourself...
by Shizen1102 Oh come on, really? You are going to leave a coverage gap that large? by radthorne It's titled "Don't Underestimate Me", but this "armor" makes me think you're an idiot. by LASAHIDO Bikini armor- done well, but don't rely on it to protect you. by mort1eg A female Paladin who uncovers her entire belly? by P-joArt Three images, same lack of coverage in all. by nadrojwobrek That's a little too low-cut for my taste. by Dhacxaahsvost Amazons with little protection for their midsections is just wrong. by thepastart "My arms and legs are too important to lose, but my midsection… Nah, I don't need too much coverage there!" by VictorBang Yeah… nothing sexy about that… no way. by TheBastardSon Do you *know* how to do armor? What it's supposed to be used for? by Subakzzang Keyhole armor is ridiculous.
Ah ha! After going through your other thread with much better artwork I was wondering if the bad art thread existed as a karmic counterbalance, and lo and behold, I was right!
I also am very tired of what passes for a lot of "fantasy" art, though my beef is with the larger trend that I call "Clown Suit Gothic." Qualities of the style include:
-Giant spiky pauldrons -Garishly colored armor and clothing -Totally unnecessary straps, belts, buckles, etc. -Boob window and other anti-functions
It's like, during the late 90s, there was that awful string of exaggerated "XXXtreme! Stuff" that infiltrated fantasy art; the mainstream quickly got tired of it and buried it but we kept on beating the dead horse all the way to the present, and it just won't go away. You even see this happen in Baldur's Gate: compare the restrained realism of BG1 in everything from armor to architecture to the grotesque alterations in BG2: that ridiculous spiky Helm of Balduran, the chunkier, spiky, plasticky appearance of some of the higher-level weapons in the description art.
Just because it's fantastic doesn't mean it can't or shouldn't be rooted in something practical and realistic.
It's not limited to painted fantasy art either. I've been looking for miniatures for a pen & paper game I'm playing, which in part just involves trawling through pages of pics looking for an appropriate Ranger type. For some reason there is apparently a huge market (or at least a load of minis) for both scarecely clad or butt-nekkid female adventurers, pirates, demons and so on. My WTF-o-meter probably needs recalibrating, it's been exposed to dangerous levels of strangeness.
If I wanted to play an exhibitionist female adventurer with any given species/class/weapon combo I could probably find one. Getting a human male ranger with a large sword (C'mon, it's a goddamn stereotype!) is surprisingly tricky.
@Corvino I have one from many years ago, a male ranger dressed like "Tarzan of the Apes". Yep, only a loincloth. I also have a female ranger in a leather bikini firing a bow. I'll take pictures of these so you can see them when I get home from work tonight. But I remember topless female minis from the 1970's. There was a display I remember from the "Compleat Strategist" with a number of these minis inside (along with an orcish (?) army, an elephant mounted Howdah with all sorts of minis inside… And these weren't "minis" as we know them today, as the female with the naked breasts was about 6 to 10 inches tall. And painted in a very lifelike manner, as well.
I understand to an extent that many artists learn to draw and paint the human form from nudes. Why they then feel the need to try and pass these off as RPG/wargaming minis though is beyond me.
By all means, just call it a sculpture or a study. The art establishment loves that sort of thing, they're not averse to the odd exposed breast, vagina or wang. Put it on display in the Louvre with a title like "Untitled study #6". Just don't give Mr & Mrs "I don't need clothes" a sword, call them Spartan Warriors or any other silly attempt at justification and claim they're wargaming minis.
I'm coming in a bit late to the discussion, but I have to say that @LadyRhian has nailed it. The common images of Women in fantasy art are aimed at men who will say "I wanna do her" whereas the common images of men in fantasy art are aimed at men who will say "I wanna be him!" What a woman will think is entirely irrelevant to the people who pay the artists.
It isn't just the silly cut outs and nudity that reveal this. Look at the number of images that show females in the "classic female primate offering sex to male primate" position. Body language is definitely language and what these "adopting the display position" images say to men is "I want to have sex with you."
What is even more disturbing is the thankfully less common genre of images where female displaying her assets is portrayed as vulnerable - knees and toes turned inward in a childlike position; weapons (if they have any) hanging uselessly down rather than being held in a "ready to fight" manner; body leaning forward slightly with hunched shoulders ; big, wide childlike eyes brimming with sorrow. They are usually showing signs of having been in a fight - so they have been naughty, and deserve whatever they are going to get. Yeah these aspect of the pics are usually subtle, no individual part screams out at you but the combined effect is definitely there. I can tell you that serial rapist, and/or sex murderers LOVE these pictures. If they can't collect sadistic porn because they are incarcerated they'll collect these "innocent" images.
And now for something on a much more lighthearted not. @LadyRhian while wading through all these daft images looking for halfway reasonable armor, I've been muttering away to myself and found myself using a new term to describe all those pics which have various amounts of upper breast, cleavage side breast etc
Is it just me, or is her right shoulder hanging a lot lower than her left? It doesn't look that heavy, but the poor dear could do with a couple of square meals.
What in the holy hell is that? Hideous though it is it would be kinda cool if armour became a mainstream fashion. . . I could wear chainmail outside. . . @bengoshi could wear his as well! (yoroi ? )
Is it just me, or is her right shoulder hanging a lot lower than her left? It doesn't look that heavy, but the poor dear could do with a couple of square meals.
Well, I tend to keep my shoulders pretty square as I walk or run. But I suppose I'm a male non-model, and I definitely couldn't pull off the dress-and-pauldron look that this designer is going for.
by CrisdeLaraStudio I sure hope this lady is an Enchantress… by Vermaen "My armor needs to show off my bosom." http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/229/5/e/xandrandthelana_by_fransmensinkartist-d6iigb7.jpg This guy has a giant scar bisecting his chest- that's what comes of not wearing, well, anything! (NSFW- conspicuous peen, teets and kitty) by Michael-C-Hayes Here's a picture emblematic of pretty much all fantasy art I am exceedingly tired of- Man in full armor, woman in bikini by SaraForlenza You know your bodice is too tight when (and I know I've posted this one before, but…) by ShawCJ Because an exposed belly increases your stealth! by AnthonyFoti And bare bellies are so protective, too! by CyrilBarreaux Are all druids naturists? by namesjames You do know armor is supposed to cover and protect you, right? by loztvampir3 Straps do not constitute armor. by JasonEngle Again, Male in full armor, woman in large belt and low-cut dress?
@Scriver Yeah, as if we didn't already get the symbolism. :P
by YamaOrce Yeah, that looks practical for shooting arrows in the trees… by JasonJuta Wouldn't corset armor make it harder to breathe normally in combat? by Scarypet Strap armor doesn't look very comfortable, either. by Velinov Nicely armored except for her chest, just in case we ever forget she's a woman! by AllenDouglasStudio Why, thanks for the look down this character's cleavage, artist! by UTTOTOR I don't get the point of having plate armor and exposed cleavage and belly ALL AT THE SAME TIME! by atomhawk A Woman warrior not show off her body and boobs? IMPOSSIBRU! :P
by gregmustache She's supposed to be a fire giant- from her proportions, she looks more like a dwarf. But aside from all that, what is her armor supposed to be covering, and why is she wearing a bikini and a weight belt? by liangxinxin Most uncomfortable boob cups ever! And kneecaps that will eat you. by liangxinxin How well does that armor move with your hips? Not very, I'd think. Also, DAT death's head on her crotch. :P by alexnegrea "My skills as a mage are no match for my +20 boobs." by alexnegrea "I haz de technobewbs!" by teiiku "I am Queen of the Sea! I also have a piece of leather cording protecting my buttcrack." by teiiku "My thighs and belly aren't important enough to cover." by M1keN "My armor is straps. All straps." by M1keN All sword, no armor. Apparently, that sword is just a prop to lean on. by eyardt Armor that comes with boob lace! by Angel5Art "Maybe my boobs will distract you from my huge glowing sword and the threat I pose." by CryptCrawler "I have two swords and armor only on my arms." also by CryptCrawler "More coverage, yet boobs still exposed on top." by alexnegrea Oh no. Oh HELL NO. by alexnegrea "I didn't have time to get dressed. I just rushed out to battle in my nightgown." by TylerEdlinArt "Rides a bear- still exposes boobs to air."
by ivany86- The armor equivalent of Pasties. by llacha That is some WTF armor. by maddekartist I think you misunderstand the purpose of armor. by WojciechFus Another person who misunderstands the purpose of armor… by somedude2 And here it is-quintessential bikini armor. by b03di I am not sure what is going on with this "armor", but it's a hot mess. Ugh.
OK this is not fantasy but oh my gods and goddesses it is one of the most stupid things I have ever seen .... high tech space armor, featuring full face, air tight helmet, and high support body suit to cope with low pressure or vacuum ... and with a CLEAVAGE KEYHOLE! I think I want to cry.
by rgus She seems to be protecting the guy(?) behind her… who also appears to be more armored than she is! by rugs Not only is is bikini armor… there isn't even padding under the armor! by throttled-hen The coverage gaps in this armor make me feel sad. by yuuva Half Demon, Half Angel, Completely WTF?! by arskaron Not exceptionally bad armor, but the pattern on the boob plates makes me think of Honey Buns. by avengerteja (No, my belly and abdomen don't need to be protected. Nosirree!) by miafka Okay, so she's a mage. This still looks damn uncomfortable to wear, cast and move around in. by jdelnido Nice way to cover your, um, nothing?! by Aaronflorento Another armor with so many coverage gaps you wonder why they even tried… also by Aaronflorento Now, this is just getting ridiculous… by Aaronflorento Dragon slayer with armor that barely covers her. Sure, why not? Oh, because she'd end up dead, that's why!
I also am very tired of what passes for a lot of "fantasy" art, though my beef is with the larger trend that I call "Clown Suit Gothic." Qualities of the style include:
-Giant spiky pauldrons
-Garishly colored armor and clothing
-Totally unnecessary straps, belts, buckles, etc.
-Boob window and other anti-functions
It's like, during the late 90s, there was that awful string of exaggerated "XXXtreme! Stuff" that infiltrated fantasy art; the mainstream quickly got tired of it and buried it but we kept on beating the dead horse all the way to the present, and it just won't go away. You even see this happen in Baldur's Gate: compare the restrained realism of BG1 in everything from armor to architecture to the grotesque alterations in BG2: that ridiculous spiky Helm of Balduran, the chunkier, spiky, plasticky appearance of some of the higher-level weapons in the description art.
Just because it's fantastic doesn't mean it can't or shouldn't be rooted in something practical and realistic.
If I wanted to play an exhibitionist female adventurer with any given species/class/weapon combo I could probably find one. Getting a human male ranger with a large sword (C'mon, it's a goddamn stereotype!) is surprisingly tricky.
By all means, just call it a sculpture or a study. The art establishment loves that sort of thing, they're not averse to the odd exposed breast, vagina or wang. Put it on display in the Louvre with a title like "Untitled study #6". Just don't give Mr & Mrs "I don't need clothes" a sword, call them Spartan Warriors or any other silly attempt at justification and claim they're wargaming minis.
It isn't just the silly cut outs and nudity that reveal this. Look at the number of images that show females in the "classic female primate offering sex to male primate" position. Body language is definitely language and what these "adopting the display position" images say to men is "I want to have sex with you."
What is even more disturbing is the thankfully less common genre of images where female displaying her assets is portrayed as vulnerable - knees and toes turned inward in a childlike position; weapons (if they have any) hanging uselessly down rather than being held in a "ready to fight" manner; body leaning forward slightly with hunched shoulders ; big, wide childlike eyes brimming with sorrow. They are usually showing signs of having been in a fight - so they have been naughty, and deserve whatever they are going to get. Yeah these aspect of the pics are usually subtle, no individual part screams out at you but the combined effect is definitely there. I can tell you that serial rapist, and/or sex murderers LOVE these pictures. If they can't collect sadistic porn because they are incarcerated they'll collect these "innocent" images.
Just when I thought I'd seen it all - now we've got armour as fashion!
@bengoshi could wear his as well! (yoroi ? )
Dude, she's walking. Well, cat-walking.
http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/229/5/e/xandrandthelana_by_fransmensinkartist-d6iigb7.jpg This guy has a giant scar bisecting his chest- that's what comes of not wearing, well, anything! (NSFW- conspicuous peen, teets and kitty)
Don't forget to mention the posing, the expressions and her playful fondling of his, erhm, "sword".