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Unrealistic Fantasy Art



  • CoM_SolaufeinCoM_Solaufein Member Posts: 2,607
    edited October 2013

    Buttocks of Mesmerizing. The male gender automatically fail all saving throws and are under the spell mesmerize for twenty rounds. Those of the female gender fail 50% of the time.
  • BaldursCatBaldursCat Member Posts: 432
    Yeah, it's just the Whitesnake 'Lovehunter' album cover, isn't it.
  • BaldursCatBaldursCat Member Posts: 432
    LadyRhian said:

    @CoM_Solaufein So that's why she has the spinny-things on her bra cups! They act like spinning tire rims, attracting attention!

    Never mind the stitched on genitalia pants! Seriously, what on earth is that about?

  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    @BaldursCat No idea. But here are some more armor fails...

    image by Altana "My bust is too large and in charge to be contained by one of your so-called 'Bustiers'!"
    image by Wulfgarf "Sorry, your elf model got called away to another job- no, I don't like posing half-naked, but you rarely get what you want in life. Live with it."
    And Now, I have to go puke, because the ones I *can't* show are about 200 times worse.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    image by Malverro So, she has two bra cups lined in fur that don't appear to be held on in any way. HOW does this happen?
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    @BaldursCat I think she is supposed to be wearing buff leather pants. True that they look awfully "iffy", though. I'll agree on that.

    @Mortianna Damn me for not keeping up with all those hot new spells! ;)
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    Magic is the only explanation for most "armor" I've seen in this thread... Or a really good glue...
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    @minevese Soverign Glue. Along with a bunch of universal solvent to take it off at night.
  • CoM_SolaufeinCoM_Solaufein Member Posts: 2,607
    She's a Valkyrie. Its held together by magic.
  • The_Potty_1The_Potty_1 Member Posts: 436
    Well I've come to accept ludicrous steel bra and pantie combos, so the thing that annoys me the most here is the hat. Nothing says 'instant death' quite like absolutely no skull protection and a large metal spike between your eyes.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    image by ochopanteras An explosion of hair and armor only around one leg... from behind.
    image by rocktopus64 No matter what you think about the art, that armor is insane.
    image by aniamitura Eek. too much exposure- even being an angel doesn't let you get away with that!
    image by larrywilson Remember what I said about armor scraps? Yeah, this woman has sovereign glued them to her body. At least all the important bits are covered, I suppose.
    image even for a mage, this outfit is crazy. More "three straps gal".
    image by shadcarlos She's wearing armor that hardly covers anything, but looks upset she got hurt. Why? This must happen on a regular basis...
    image by Michael-C-Hayes Armor bikinis are ridiculous, no matter who they are on.
  • ArchaosArchaos Member Posts: 1,421
    edited October 2013
    All those half-naked warriors are actually Kensais, Kensais I tell you!

    And in all seriouness, if I was a female mage/Sorceress I would be walking around in whatever I liked, even bikinis or straps. All the better if I used my looks to my advantage.

    Who needs armor or robes when you have Mage Armor, Stoneskin, Mirror Image, Protection from Arrows/Weapons/Elements, Fly, Teleport, Polymorph, Shapechange and Domination/Charm Person?
  • TJ_HookerTJ_Hooker Member Posts: 2,438
    Archaos said:

    All those half-naked warriors are actually Kensais, Kensais I tell you!

    And in all seriouness, if I was a female mage/Sorceress I would be walking around in whatever I liked, even bikinis or straps. All the better if I used my looks to my advantage.

    Who needs armor or robes when you have Mage Armor, Stoneskin, Mirror Image, Protection from Arrows/Weapons/Elements, Fly, Teleport, Polymorph, Shapechange and Domination/Charm Person?

    If attire is to be chosen purely based on whether or not it is needed in combat, shouldn't we all be walking around naked? After all, how often are people engaging in mortal combat these days?
  • ArchaosArchaos Member Posts: 1,421
    edited October 2013
    We are walking around in clothes because
    1) Fashion
    2) Insecurity
    3) Warmth

    A Mage/Sorceress only needs to worry about the first, really and maybe the third if in cold lands or winter.
    And that's only if she's low level.

    A powerful mage can wear pretty much whatever they want and don't really care.
    Just look at Irenicus. (And I do know that he's wearing that out of necessity)
  • TJ_HookerTJ_Hooker Member Posts: 2,438
    edited October 2013
    Err, I don't see how being powerful or not would change any thing.

    1) Fashion would apply either way. Sure, a powerful mage wouldn't have to be concerned with fashion, but neither would a weak one. Really, nobody has to be concerned about fashion, but many people still are (to one extent or another).

    2) I'm pretty sure someone can be powerful and still have insecurities.

    3) You seem to be suggesting that a high level mage could use spells to deal with cold climates? I guess, but wouldn't it just be easier to, you know, wear appropriate clothing?

    Here's an example: Let's say you were rich and/or well connected and lived somewhere with a warm climate (and lax laws on indecent exposure). Are you saying that you would have no problem walking around in the skimpiest of underwear in this situation?
  • ArchaosArchaos Member Posts: 1,421
    edited October 2013
    Plus Bodhi says hi.

    She's basically walking around in a corset and "boots".
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    Irenicus- pay no attention to my chest, these aren't the nipples you are looking for. Move along. ;)
  • ArchaosArchaos Member Posts: 1,421
    I'm saying that if I was a powerful mage, I would be wearing what I think is sexy and what I like (personal fashion).

    Yes, they might have insecurities. Though not in the way they look, if they were pretty to begin with. Mostly true for women and sorceresses.

    What I'm simply saying is that if I was a pretty sorceress (that keeps sounding weirder and weirder) like the images, I would probably be walking around in whatever I thought was sexy or pretty.

    The weather or being judged wouldn't be much of an issue. And if looks distracted or swayed others to my desires, all the better.
  • TJ_HookerTJ_Hooker Member Posts: 2,438
    Fair enough.
  • AutequiAutequi Member Posts: 403
    Archaos said:

    And in all seriouness, if I was a female mage/Sorceress I would be walking around in whatever I liked, even bikinis or straps. All the better if I used my looks to my advantage.

    Except metal bikinis would be incredibly uncomfortable. Can you imagine the sores that would form from all that chafing? Not to mention the buildup of sweat and odor. And strap/pasties bras are no picnic either. Unless you have plastic Barbie doll breasts, you'd constantly be falling out/jiggling painfully.

    Can we just accept that these are pictures of hot babes wearing silly things, and not try to kid ourselves that these clothes have any practical application?
  • NonnahswriterNonnahswriter Member Posts: 2,520
    Archaos said:

    I'm saying that if I was a powerful mage, I would be wearing what I think is sexy and what I like (personal fashion).

    Yes, they might have insecurities. Though not in the way they look, if they were pretty to begin with. Mostly true for women and sorceresses.

    What I'm simply saying is that if I was a pretty sorceress (that keeps sounding weirder and weirder) like the images, I would probably be walking around in whatever I thought was sexy or pretty.

    The weather or being judged wouldn't be much of an issue. And if looks distracted or swayed others to my desires, all the better.

    And all the more power to you for it. However, many women have different tastes in clothes and what might be okay for you may not be the same for someone else. I know that if I was a female magic-user, (or can I just say magic-user? I'm already female) I would not want to strut around in bikini-cloth-armor-things, no matter how powerful I was. Why? Because I personally don't enjoy wearing that kind of clothing.

    "A mage can wear whatever she wants because she's not in melee combat." This is true. But where on Earth does it say that every single female mage would want to wear something sexy or provocative right out of the gate?

    You can be a beautiful sorceress and still wear clothes. Proof:


    (Courtesy of the Dragon Age wiki.)

    Look at that picture. Still has the sex-appeal, still has the curves. Her shoulders are exposed, but hey, maybe she likes to show off her shoulders? Point is, in this picture's time and place, this character chose not to wear something overly flashy or provocative, regardless of her "being a mage."

    Maybe it's not so much about "being a mage" or "being a fighter" and "what would be practical in a fighting situation?" Maybe it's more about "would my character with his/her personality really be okay wearing this?"
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    @Nonnahswriter Exactly. A lady mage could also wear this: image by LadyOwl
    or this
    image by SYoshiko

    Both completely covered, and both sexy as heck.

    Or this:
    image by MelanieDelon
    or this:
    image by Thaldir

    Being a sexy lady mage doesn't mean you have to go around with half your lady bits hanging out.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    Another favorite of mine:
    image by Threshthesky
  • CoM_SolaufeinCoM_Solaufein Member Posts: 2,607

    That would make for a good Mystra.
  • BaldursCatBaldursCat Member Posts: 432
    LadyRhian said:

    Ack, this! This here, is the absolute epitome of what really gets on my thrupennies about fantasy softcore art. Him = full plate protection. Her = practically nekkid. For goodness sake if you're going to have nekkidness at least make it equal opportunity nekkidness.

  • Mrpenfold666Mrpenfold666 Member Posts: 428

    this is a good one, granted it required a bit of digging but this image has it all for a mage, clothing, sex appeal, power this is a mage apart from the more common ones, and to keep the status quo and on topic here is another bad one


    i mean...really? i know clothing doesn't give you any AC bonuses gives you a modicum of mundane frost resistence. by the looks of it she can only fight in cloudy weather away from the sun, her skin tone proves it...or proves she is a guess is the former

    (also yay i got image posting down ^_^)
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    image by Gabriel-Verdon "Who needs armor? I have ABS." :P
  • ArchaosArchaos Member Posts: 1,421
    Some more examples of ridiculous armor/clothes in classic games.
    Does she seem familiar?
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