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Translations are under way !



  • PainbringerPainbringer Member Posts: 17
    Can someone update current translations statuses? Last update was at September 11, and release is coming in a week!!!
    I wanna play it in my native language!
  • KharadorKharador Member Posts: 215
    edited November 2012
    @Medillen I don't signed nothing so...
    I'm just reporting. I don't understand why Beamdog not say anything.
    Many people will buy the game only if native language is included...
  • cherrycoke2lcherrycoke2l Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 1,085
    @Paibringer I think it would be best to ask a respective team leader about localization directly or on your language forum. Anyway, Polish translation is completed at approximately 96%.
  • ImperatorImperator Member Posts: 154
    If those few Finns in here are interest in making a Finnish translation, I'm up for translating. I'm an English student with a lot of spare time and love for the game world.
  • DogmatixDogmatix Member Posts: 25
    If anyone organizes a Finnish translation at some point, I'll help gladly. Although I don't have that much spare time.

    Anyhow, if there are enough people who would agree to make a few hundred/thousand lines of high quality translation, the idea should be possible (if only as a post ship endeavor).
  • reedmilfamreedmilfam Member Posts: 2,808
    I saw mention of a translation being stuck at a certain percentage, which made me want to ask where that information is posted. It isn't a big deal, but I'd definitely like to know where to look to see when particular languages show. The only time I've seen this is on page one of this forum.
  • Nemes_Nemes_ Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 4
    I would like to participate to the Hungarian translation.
    Is there any this kind of team? I did not find it.
    There is an unofficial translation for BG1. If the BG:EE contains the same English text than old BG1, then it can be used for starting point.
  • reemrdreemrd Member Posts: 1
    Hi guys,

    I'd love to help out with the russian translation. Seems like PlayUA was working on it, but the thread seems to be dead since July'12.
    I got plenty of time to work on that atm and I'd really appreciate if you could explain how can I participate.

    All the Best,

  • Uncle_JoeseUncle_Joese Member Posts: 1
    When the game will be transferred to Russian ?
  • CorianderCoriander Member Posts: 1,667
    @reemrd @Uncle_Joese We're currently working the kinks out of a translation tool. I don't know the current status of the Russian translation but I can let you know when we've made a project for it.
  • Archi8814Archi8814 Member Posts: 36
    Passed more than one year from the moment of a game exit, can be it should be taken into account possibility of transfer of rights to the Russian localization of more kompetetny studio, or the fan to community?
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    @Arch8814 - The people at PlayUA are actually quite competent, and they delivered an excellent Russian translation for BG:EE which they are still actively maintaining. As explained here, the reason for their translation not having been released yet is technical in nature, as the code changes required for the engine to handle Cyrillic script were far from trivial. PlayUA is now playtesting their translation to ensure everything works and reads as intended. We will include Russian and Ukrainian in the build as soon as they are green-lit.
  • Archi8814Archi8814 Member Posts: 36

    @Arch8814 - The people at PlayUA are actually quite competent, and they delivered an excellent Russian translation for BG:EE which they are still actively maintaining. As explained here, the reason for their translation not having been released yet is technical in nature, as the code changes required for the engine to handle Cyrillic script were far from trivial. PlayUA is now playtesting their translation to ensure everything works and reads as intended. We will include Russian and Ukrainian in the build as soon as they are green-lit.

    Many thanks for the detailed answer.
  • ThiagoFrodeThiagoFrode Member Posts: 7
    Any progress on BGII portuguese translation?
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,774

    We're aware the project has been stalled for some time and we're taking steps to find a team lead for the BG2:EE Portuguese.
  • Axenotis9Axenotis9 Member Posts: 15
    There is no Greek translation. Is it possible for me to volunteer and make it happen?
  • lolienlolien Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,108
    @Axenotis9 ,send a mail to . @PhillipDaigle is the current lead, he can set the necessary rights for you.
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