Monsters need some love, too!

While the romance aspect of the Baldur's Gate franchise is not a main feature, I think we can all agree that it surely breathes fresh air into everyones gameplay. Currently, the player can enter a partnership with humans, elves, half-elves and also a single half-orc... but why should only they enjoy the wonders of love, even though Faerûn is filled with hundreds of different races for that matter? I say nay to that!
Long enough were monsters denied true love with Gorion's Ward! Vote here for your true love candidate. Together, we can protest against the current state of the games and their speciesism against lonely, romantic monsters!
Long enough were monsters denied true love with Gorion's Ward! Vote here for your true love candidate. Together, we can protest against the current state of the games and their speciesism against lonely, romantic monsters!
- Monsters need some love, too!125 votes
- Oozes12.80%
- Driders  4.80%
- Illithids13.60%
- Dragons28.80%
- Centaurs  4.00%
- Mummies  5.60%
- Beholders  6.40%
- Lizardfolk  4.00%
- Goblinoids  4.80%
- Others15.20%
Each intelligence point is a centimeter to a she-llithid.
But since that's not an option, I picked the one with beauty in her eyes.
You sexy rascal, you!
I mean what is there not to love?
And also love truly never dies and... errr... niether do Mummies...
i guess i can appreciate eyes most about a person, so I had to go with a beholder
Also one word that kills love instantly. Although I know Myconoids love to pass it around...
Also I can't believe Illithids are more loved than Mummies... Is it because they have more dangely bits?
Come to think of it @Southpaw is a little bit of a perverted name for an Illithid to have...
Come on people! Everyone loves to visit the Pyramids! Be the Daddie and vote MUMMIE!
@Anduin Not our fault you didn't scrub your feet after a swim in the public pool...
Anyway, guys, my sister is single, too. If you want to meet her and maybe be a good daddy to my adorable nephew Argh, I'm willing to arrange dates. NO BLIND DATES THOUGH. warm apple pie.