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Hexxat romance option

Hello everyone,

there is a very urgent thing I have to know now and which in fact will decide whether I spend my time this weekend playing the game: does Hexxat have a male romance path?

Thank you


  • TomeTome Member Posts: 466
    No, she does not.
  • Marcus01123Marcus01123 Member Posts: 21
    edited November 2013
    You... you cannot be serious or? Can I romance her as a male character regardless by using the girdle of feminity to trigger it or something, or are is the romance totally based on female-female?

    Come on this has to be a fucking joke I already pictured my neutral-evil war mage travelling around with Hexxat and his other friends and this just ruined it man.
  • marcerormarceror Member Posts: 577
    What if your male character is transgender? Would it work then?
  • Marcus01123Marcus01123 Member Posts: 21
    I'm at a loss of words now people... I'm forced now to roleplay myself as a female to embrace the romance path with Hexxat. I do not like this. I'm all for freedom of sexuality and all that but I would've prefered if this one would have been done oldschool.
  • Marcus01123Marcus01123 Member Posts: 21
    I mean please don't misunderstand - I purchased this game knowing nothing about Hexxat but this would have been an awesome addition which I was really hyped for after reading about her, knowing full well that new NPCs were romanceable in BG:EE... not sure what I'm going to do now really.
  • Rocky2HardRocky2Hard Member Posts: 7
    Can the console or the keeper thingie be used to edit the romance without messing anything up?
  • Marcus01123Marcus01123 Member Posts: 21
    edited November 2013

    Can the console or the keeper thingie be used to edit the romance without messing anything up?

    I suppose one could do this but if the romance is all based on the lesbian theme this will not work. This is lame and I'm very torn now because of it. I don't know about anyone else here but in my Faerûn there is no lesbian people (no offense to the lesbian people but this is just how I roleplay) and it makes me very sad having to play a female character now to enjoy the romance with Hexxat.
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    edited November 2013
    Heh, I'm with ya there. I was hoping she would be a hawt vixen lady* not a lesbian. Oh well, they made her character the way they did, so I'm sure it makes sense in terms of plot and character development.

    I don't mind playing a female character one bit but it *does* make the romances far less immersive for me. I very much enjoy Anomen's story but again, not nearly as immersive.

    Role-playing is hard. :P

    *Apparently we are never going to get one of these. Still want my Safana romance mod kthx :P
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    edited November 2013
    Yeahhh. In DnD where you can do whatever you want it's a lot of fun, but I will freely admit that in games such as these where your dialog options are of course limited, to me it feels like "ok based on my alignment and what I've set up, this option is how they should respond" so it's more an obligation than anything, to me. You can't really be terribly inventive.

    Especially a lot of those BG1:EE romances shoe-horned you into going a certain direction in the conversation. Bleh.

    I know I'm a harsh critic :)
  • Marcus01123Marcus01123 Member Posts: 21
    Ok let me try this... here I go with my badass female two katana swinging war mage girl who gets in a relationship with this mysterious female thief and might just get tempted by Dorn on the way. Turns out Haxxet figures out and slaps Dorn, who in turn stomps Haxxet and there is nothing my female character can do about it because well... she is not male so how could she take on Dorn to protect Haxxet?
  • Marcus01123Marcus01123 Member Posts: 21
    I do not like this.
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    edited November 2013
    Your character is a Bhaalspawn, @#%$ "she can't take on Dorn." Hell, Dorn straight up tells you over and over in BG:EE that you are stronger than him and that's why he stays with you.
  • SethDavisSethDavis Member Posts: 1,812
    edited November 2013

    she is not male so how could she take on Dorn to protect Haxxet?

    .... because she's a

    badass female two katana swinging war mage

    and not a tissue?

    *Ignoring the part where Hexxat is a [REDACTED] cause I'm not 100% sure how that works in DnD*
  • SharnSharn Member Posts: 188
    edited November 2013
    I would like for my female PC to romance Neera, good aligned female PC's get nada, but I deal with it, you should too.

    Edit, and never mind, you have some severe problems going on.
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    marceror said:

    Me, on the other hand, I LARP my way through the game, because I convince myself that my character and I are one in the same.

    I'm also clinically insane, by the way.

    I'm not crazy. My Mom had me tested.

    Seriously, hasn't the OP ever met some totally hot chick that they were completely in too, only to find out that she swung the other way? Or is that just me that's happened to?

  • Marcus01123Marcus01123 Member Posts: 21
    SethDavis said:

    .... because she's a and not a tissue?
    I'm actually starting to like the idea now thinking about it... maybe I can have them go love triangle with Dorn, this would be very interesting - is this possible without Dorn going apeshit and attempting to break bone?

  • Marcus01123Marcus01123 Member Posts: 21

    I'm not crazy. My Mom had me tested.

    Seriously, hasn't the OP ever met some totally hot chick that they were completely in too, only to find out that she swung the other way? Or is that just me that's happened to?

    Yeah, holy shit man and now it happens to me in video games as well fuck this.

  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853

    Yeah, holy shit man and now it happens to me in video games as well fuck this.


    btw I would censor the f-bomb, I believe these forums are "PG-13," so you can pull off the occasional "shit" but f-bombs aren't advised. ;)

    I'm actually starting to like the idea now thinking about it... maybe I can have them go love triangle with Dorn, this would be very interesting - is this possible without Dorn going apeshit and attempting to break bone?

    Do it anyway. If Dorn goes apeshit then that's all part of your story and legacy, now ain't it?
  • Marcus01123Marcus01123 Member Posts: 21
    edited November 2013
    I'm not sure why one should censor the f-bombs, I'm assuming the forum would do this automatically if it is not advised thing to do? I'm sorry in case it is forbidden, will not repeat.

    Wait a minute there, sir, ... we have same-sex relationships in this game and I'm not permitted to use f-bombs?
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    Hey, maybe her and Viccy will ahem.... strike up a friendship? (trying to keep it clean for this G rated site).
  • HandofTyrHandofTyr Member Posts: 106
    I was mostly hoping for a better reward evil romance on my blackguard play through, since the reward for Viconia's is changing her alignment to good. Jaheria gets a nice amulet as I recall. Loot!

    So basically it won't bother me overmuch about no romance with her unless there's an item involved.
  • Marcus01123Marcus01123 Member Posts: 21

    Hey, maybe her and Viccy will ahem.... strike up a friendship? (trying to keep it clean for this G rated site).

    It is been sometime since I last was into Baldur's Gate, but I recall Viccy is male-only remance? Correct me if I'm wrong, because then I will have a quadruple romance together with Dorn.

  • ShinShin Member Posts: 2,344
    It's easily moddable. With an editor like NI that lets you edit dialogue and script files, you can simply remove the lines that check if charname is female.
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018

    It is been sometime since I last was into Baldur's Gate, but I recall Viccy is male-only remance? Correct me if I'm wrong, because then I will have a quadruple romance together with Dorn.

    No. You are right. Male only. But she strikes me as adventurous.
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