I am unhappy she isnt romanceble by male. Poor execution
I would say that probably 95% of all games have historically catered mainly to heterosexual males. You have one optional character in one game who doesn't, and suddenly they're all losing their minds.
This is a roleplaying game - YOU are not charname. Instead, you create a role and, well, play it - some options are accessible to that role, some are not (you don't see people indignant because their chaotic evil assassin can't get the paladin stronghold). If you want the paladin stronghold, play a paladin. If you want to romance Viconia, don't play an elf. If you want to romance Hexxat, don't play a straight male.
I don't get why this is so difficult to understand.
While I was initially surprised that Hexxat was a lesbian, I realized that it kinda just made it even between male and female characters having an even amount of romances... actually scratch that; because if what I heard about Dorn is true, male characters get *5* romance options and female characters only get 4. So the male audience still wins out.
Male players just want to explore new openings I guess :P
Dorn is both. So lets see. Viconia, Jaheira, Aerie, Neera, Dorn -> Males Anomen, Hexxat, Rasaad, Dorn, -> Females This is what it appears these "poorly executed" people are demanding: Viconia, Jaheira, Aerie, Neera, Dorn, Hexxat -> Males Anomen, Rasaad, Dorn -> Females Go shove a sock in it.
A comapny lives and dies with its customers satisfaction.
Luckily, some of the customers are quite satisfied by the creative freedoms that the devs enjoy. That being said, there are limits to every other NPC in the game. And Hexxat will not date men. Get over it.
This is actually why I think that romance is a bad idea in games. Someone will always take it personal. Leave it to imagination. There was no romance option to Lara Croft but we all 'romanced' her right?
A comapny lives and dies with its customers satisfaction.
Luckily, some of the customers are quite satisfied by the creative freedoms that the devs enjoy. That being said, there are limits to every other NPC in the game. And Hexxat will not date men. Get over it.
This is actually why I think that romance is a bad idea in games. Someone will always take it personal. Leave it to imagination. There was no romance option to Lara Croft but we all 'romanced' her right?
That's an interesting comparison - I know it wasn't an RPG, but didn't she have romance plotlines in one or two of her games? Certainly in the movies.
Were gamers unable to play those games because they found her non-heterosexual-male romances too impossible to relate to? Put yourselves in the characters' shoes and use your imaginations, that's what role-playing is all about
Not every female you meet in life is 'romanceable'. While personally I find it to be poorly executed by nature that's how it is. We need to get over it.
On another note did I state how much great a Clara-dlc would be?
@LiamEsler: Early on in this thread you wondered about people's fascination for Clara. I think this can be easily explained. It's the old psychological phenomenon of something only hinted at, not actually given. People are fascinated by Clara because they have only the briefest of experiences with her, and after that, everything is taken away. This way, she is much more alluring than she would be if we actually knew everything about her.
J.R.R. Tolkien, for instance, knew this extremely well, as you can see from his posthumously published letters. He deliberately only hinted at certain things in his private mythology, because he knew that a mystery is more enduring than its solution. This is also the reason why many sci-fi novels begin extremely well but end in a let-down: creating a situation is much easier than resolving it satisfactorily.
I seriously don't understand the obsession with Clara. People complain about Hexxat's personality, and are clamoring for Clara DLC when frankly Clara had no personality at all.
I really feel people are mad that they got rid of a pretty white girl who had no personality to disagree with so they could instill their personal fantasies upon for a black vampire, despite Hexxat being beautiful in her own right and actually having an interesting story. Clara's stats were mediocre, and her voice frankly annoying. Her death is a tragedy as she is a victim, but also aren't we recruiting Hexxat for an evil party anyway. I feel like filling out Clara is unnecessary because first off, she clearly wasn't cut out for adventuring in the first place (her stats are throughly mediocre) and what little backstory we have for her implies she had a different sort of career she was aiming for before the whole mental domination thing. Being an actress doesn't necessarily equate to the bard/thief classes, and certainly doesn't equate to wanting to pursue an adventuring lifestyle.
I feel like people are more attached to the idea of Clara as a playable character, then the actual implementation or how it actually effects the story. Clara's death is a necessary thing, because it illustrates upon the first moment of actually meeting Hexxat, that she will do anything to survive, even if it means someone else has to die for it.
It's a character defining moment.
I think it's true that some things in recruiting Hexxat could be improved, but most of those have already been touched upon earlier in the thread. But I'd rather have Hexxat as she is without Clara DLC.
Also, I wasn't aware that the value of an NPC was based upon their looks, I guess I'll have to kick out every male character except maybe Valygar, Yoshimo, and possibly Haer' Dalis out of my party then. Or is it just the female characters that you feel this way about?
Funny how much you want my and many more peoples fun to be less. You make up all kind of excuses for it but im not convinced. It was a poor choice seen clearly by the complaints
Well, yeah. I believe she is just burn my eyes from their sockets by her ugly look. Although I must admit that this is a subjective term. As people say at my country, "there is no friend in matters of taste and colour"
From what I see so far, I definetly have negative feeling about this character appearence, voice and speech lines. On the other hand, the second girl have interesting resemblence with entropy-follower girl from BG1 ("Lantern" ship-tavern) - voice and such. I find that curious and worth exploring.
Wouldn't that neck stretching device count as body modification fetish?
As for her joining us, I don't know - it was rather strange for a clearly ill and confused woman to randomly take up arms and fight with a party of experienced adventurers
This is a roleplaying game - YOU are not charname. Instead, you create a role and, well, play it - some options are accessible to that role, some are not (you don't see people indignant because their chaotic evil assassin can't get the paladin stronghold). If you want the paladin stronghold, play a paladin. If you want to romance Viconia, don't play an elf. If you want to romance Hexxat, don't play a straight male.
I don't get why this is so difficult to understand.
Male players just want to explore new openings I guess :P
Viconia, Jaheira, Aerie, Neera, Dorn -> Males
Anomen, Hexxat, Rasaad, Dorn, -> Females
This is what it appears these "poorly executed" people are demanding:
Viconia, Jaheira, Aerie, Neera, Dorn, Hexxat -> Males
Anomen, Rasaad, Dorn -> Females
Go shove a sock in it.
This is actually why I think that romance is a bad idea in games. Someone will always take it personal. Leave it to imagination. There was no romance option to Lara Croft but we all 'romanced' her right?
Were gamers unable to play those games because they found her non-heterosexual-male romances too impossible to relate to? Put yourselves in the characters' shoes and use your imaginations, that's what role-playing is all about
On another note did I state how much great a Clara-dlc would be?
J.R.R. Tolkien, for instance, knew this extremely well, as you can see from his posthumously published letters. He deliberately only hinted at certain things in his private mythology, because he knew that a mystery is more enduring than its solution. This is also the reason why many sci-fi novels begin extremely well but end in a let-down: creating a situation is much easier than resolving it satisfactorily.
Hats off to a well-executed trick!
I really feel people are mad that they got rid of a pretty white girl who had no personality to disagree with so they could instill their personal fantasies upon for a black vampire, despite Hexxat being beautiful in her own right and actually having an interesting story. Clara's stats were mediocre, and her voice frankly annoying. Her death is a tragedy as she is a victim, but also aren't we recruiting Hexxat for an evil party anyway. I feel like filling out Clara is unnecessary because first off, she clearly wasn't cut out for adventuring in the first place (her stats are throughly mediocre) and what little backstory we have for her implies she had a different sort of career she was aiming for before the whole mental domination thing. Being an actress doesn't necessarily equate to the bard/thief classes, and certainly doesn't equate to wanting to pursue an adventuring lifestyle.
I feel like people are more attached to the idea of Clara as a playable character, then the actual implementation or how it actually effects the story. Clara's death is a necessary thing, because it illustrates upon the first moment of actually meeting Hexxat, that she will do anything to survive, even if it means someone else has to die for it.
It's a character defining moment.
I think it's true that some things in recruiting Hexxat could be improved, but most of those have already been touched upon earlier in the thread. But I'd rather have Hexxat as she is without Clara DLC.
You consider this woman an "ugly fetish"?
Also, I wasn't aware that the value of an NPC was based upon their looks, I guess I'll have to kick out every male character except maybe Valygar, Yoshimo, and possibly Haer' Dalis out of my party then. Or is it just the female characters that you feel this way about?
From what I see so far, I definetly have negative feeling about this character appearence, voice and speech lines. On the other hand, the second girl have interesting resemblence with entropy-follower girl from BG1 ("Lantern" ship-tavern) - voice and such. I find that curious and worth exploring.
So yes, definetly for Clara-DLC.
As for her joining us, I don't know - it was rather strange for a clearly ill and confused woman to randomly take up arms and fight with a party of experienced adventurers
She is an ugly fetish.