When the trolls invade... The D'Arnise Keep... Who ya gonna call?
I have a feeling that she might just blow up the entire keep... Would take care of the trolls though.
I am too old to get these references! You kids and you anime! When I was young we watched fat Albert! And we liked it! Grumble grumble...
My after-school line-up consisted of Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers, Family Feud, and In the Heat of the Night.
My Saturday mornings included Hopalong Cassidy, Roy Rogers (& Dale Evans), Sky KIng, & Popeye! My after school line-up was almost always "outside" - anyone recall these books?
Where did you go? Out! What did you do? Nothing! & How to do nothing with nobody all alone by yourself.
Surely the main issues with having GRRM as your DM would be that: 1) All the PCs get split up across continents and never meet. 2) In some sessions your character isn't mentioned at all. 3) Any mythical swords are either fakes, destroyed as part of the plot or only mentioned in passing. 4) The party druid can only shapeshift while asleep. 5) The party assassin is only 10 years old (this sounds more like World of Warcraft than D&D...) 6) You never get to take part in any battles, you hear about them from someone else. 7) There are 5 year gaps between each stage of the adventure.
At least if your character did get killed off it would either be a fairly badass way to go, or you would have roleplayed yourself into a corner and basically forced him to do it.
I do love A Song of Ice and Fire but the wait for each book is driving me slightly mad.
You need only watch the first couple minutes.
My after school line-up was almost always "outside" - anyone recall these books?
Where did you go? Out! What did you do? Nothing!
How to do nothing with nobody all alone by yourself.
Is it just me... or are Mae'Var's pants pink? Like. REALLY pink.
1) All the PCs get split up across continents and never meet.
2) In some sessions your character isn't mentioned at all.
3) Any mythical swords are either fakes, destroyed as part of the plot or only mentioned in passing.
4) The party druid can only shapeshift while asleep.
5) The party assassin is only 10 years old (this sounds more like World of Warcraft than D&D...)
6) You never get to take part in any battles, you hear about them from someone else.
7) There are 5 year gaps between each stage of the adventure.
At least if your character did get killed off it would either be a fairly badass way to go, or you would have roleplayed yourself into a corner and basically forced him to do it.
I do love A Song of Ice and Fire but the wait for each book is driving me slightly mad.
A+++, would read again.
And cry. Don't forget the crying.