Indignity after indignity, indeed - and yet, a silken strand of truth to be found within such jests. How very apt, these last few. You've my approval, for the moment.
@Aristillius: After you have inserted the picture with the Attach a file command, hover the mouse over it and click Insert Picture.
Once you have done that, you can click Delete - this will only remove the thumbnail picture from your post, not from the server.
OMG u can do that?!
I CAN'T BELIEVE I have spent all this time painstakingly uploading everything to Imageshack and then linking it manually for every portrait/pic I have shared! MAN I wish I knew this sooner!
I dunno, maybe I just role-played the best character type for Dorn's storyline, but I never had these complaints. Except for the awkwardness that was Firkraag's quest.
I mean... (spoiler tags for the sake of length)
Garren Windspear: "Oh no! You've been framed for the murders of the Radiant Heart! Your honor is tarnished, and they'll never believe you!"
Evil!Charname: "Um... And it wasn't already?"
Garren Windspear: "It is all right, I too have been disgraced by this foul dragon. I will consult the Order. I will put a good word in for you and clear your name!"
Evil!Charname: "Ha! Good luck with that one."
*sometime later, in front of Firkraag's dungeon...*
Garren Windspear: "Wait! My daugher's been taken from me by the evil Firkraag! You must help to rescue her!"
Evil!Charname: "Well that sucks for you. And I should care...why?"
Garren Windspear: "Care? Care!? You fiend! I helped you! I've cleared your name with the Order, and you do nothing to help a friend in return!?"
Evil!Charname: "Whoa. Back up. You talked to them... And they actually believed your testimony? I don't know whether to laugh or kill something..."
(For the record, I was laughing my butt off. My Charname was not. :P )
On-Topic: I just finished Cernd's quest for the first time...
iz thiz reaaal????? gutz! it'z realitie! It took me a long time to believe that, I knew who Demogorgon was so I was like WTF, I have to kill the Prince of Demons? What in the Abyss.......... WARNING! Planescape Torment spoilers ahead!
Shadows of Amn
Throne of Bhaal
Edit: Thought I'd add a PS: T meme for good measure. Beware: Planescape: Torment endgame spoilers!
If you think about it, the BG1 tutorial is evil, very evil.
EDIT: How do I make the image larger?
Once you have done that, you can click Delete - this will only remove the thumbnail picture from your post, not from the server.
I CAN'T BELIEVE I have spent all this time painstakingly uploading everything to Imageshack and then linking it manually for every portrait/pic I have shared! MAN I wish I knew this sooner!
That last one can be taken multiple ways. All of them are correct.
And, finally, a little fun-poking at Firkraag for...not being very smart. ._.;
I mean... (spoiler tags for the sake of length)
Evil!Charname: "Um... And it wasn't already?"
Garren Windspear: "It is all right, I too have been disgraced by this foul dragon. I will consult the Order. I will put a good word in for you and clear your name!"
Evil!Charname: "Ha! Good luck with that one."
*sometime later, in front of Firkraag's dungeon...*
Garren Windspear: "Wait! My daugher's been taken from me by the evil Firkraag! You must help to rescue her!"
Evil!Charname: "Well that sucks for you. And I should care...why?"
Garren Windspear: "Care? Care!? You fiend! I helped you! I've cleared your name with the Order, and you do nothing to help a friend in return!?"
Evil!Charname: "Whoa. Back up. You talked to them... And they actually believed your testimony? I don't know whether to laugh or kill something..."
(For the record, I was laughing my butt off. My Charname was not. :P )
On-Topic: I just finished Cernd's quest for the first time...
empty version.
I've done this:
No offense intended, @Sylvus_Moonbow, I just had to.
Rasmad >:s
I played BG2 long before I got into Dungeons and Dragons. Upon replaying BG2 this just happened to me.
iz thiz reaaal????? gutz! it'z realitie!
It took me a long time to believe that, I knew who Demogorgon was so I was like WTF, I have to kill the Prince of Demons? What in the Abyss..........
WARNING! Planescape Torment spoilers ahead!
And this one is just for @mlnevese (idea is shamelessly stolen from @Metalloman).