What? Don't believe me? Go check for yourself, not a word of this is misplaced. She called Shar-Teel a "beautiful person" several times in front of me. Had no effect, though. "Flattery will get you nowhere" indeed.
These are the Christmas gifts from 2009 at the gamefaqs forums. I smiled at the Lilacor (will be interesting to @tobajas I guess) and Viconia parts especially:
Huh. Kind of funny, actually. But, uh, who drew them? I've tried to track 'em down, but it seems the person who posted them didn't actually draw them. Odd.
@bengoshi Can you quote the dialogue? I'd love to see it but never want to romance Neera again.
It's in BG2EE and unfortunately I didn't make a save before the banter. Charname started romancing with both Neera and Dorn and after several dialogues Neera said that I have to choose between them. One answer option mentioned a risk of losing a head while telling Dorn about choosing Neera:)
In the end, I had to dismiss red Dorn from the party and then take him back.
I tried to romance Dorn and Hexxat at the same time once. They got into a tiff where Dorn got all possessive. My evil charname tried to be all, "Come now, I'm sure all three of us can reach an arrangement" but neither of them was willing. I chose Dorn and Hexxat said she was surprised; she didn't take me for the suicidal type.
Maybe someday I'll go back and choose Hexxat. Provoking Dorn is a lot of fun (I guess I AM the suicidal type.)
I tried to romance Dorn and Hexxat at the same time once. They got into a tiff where Dorn got all possessive. My evil charname tried to be all, "Come now, I'm sure all three of us can reach an arrangement" but neither of them was willing. I chose Dorn and Hexxat said she was surprised; she didn't take me for the suicidal type.
Maybe someday I'll go back and choose Hexxat. Provoking Dorn is a lot of fun (I guess I AM the suicidal type.)
No kidding. I remember the first time I romanced Dorn while in kind-of sort-of situations with Hexxat and Rasaad in a cross-alignment party. After I slept with Dorn the first time, Hexxat said she was surprised, because she thought I had taste (me-oow! I'd say cat fight, but Charname was the only other woman) and Rasaad broke up with me because he couldn't believe I would take that "monster" to bedroll (seriously, why can't anyone remember Dorn's name? He remember's Alorgoth's name just fine.).
I tried to romance Dorn and Hexxat at the same time once. They got into a tiff where Dorn got all possessive. My evil charname tried to be all, "Come now, I'm sure all three of us can reach an arrangement" but neither of them was willing. I chose Dorn and Hexxat said she was surprised; she didn't take me for the suicidal type.
Maybe someday I'll go back and choose Hexxat. Provoking Dorn is a lot of fun (I guess I AM the suicidal type.)
No kidding. I remember the first time I romanced Dorn while in kind-of sort-of situations with Hexxat and Rasaad in a cross-alignment party. After I slept with Dorn the first time, Hexxat said she was surprised, because she thought I had taste (me-oow! I'd say cat fight, but Charname was the only other woman) and Rasaad broke up with me because he couldn't believe I would take that "monster" to bedroll (seriously, why can't anyone remember Dorn's name? He remember's Alorgoth's name just fine.).
I'm sure they remember it just fine; they just pointedly refuse to use it...
I'm sure they remember it just fine; they just pointedly refuse to use it...
Ah, of course. Because calling him "blackguard" or "Dorn" would imply he was a person - an evil person, of course, but a person nonetheless - so calling him "half-orc" allows them to pretend he's a thing rather than a person.
Ironically, even the people who come after him call him by name. Seriously, if he hadn't worked hard on that NE alignment I'd be tempted to invoke Van Helsing Hate Crimes (but I do know better - I've played his quests)
I haven't caught up with this thread just yet, But @CrevsDaak suggested I post my latest 'meme' (made with paint) here. Remind me that I am on Page 44...
On to the meme! What do you get when you cross everyone's favorite shadow thief, Gaelan Bayle... with Raikou from the world of pokemon... You get a Rakshasan Gaelan Bayle with a slightly different catch phrase!
What? Don't believe me? Go check for yourself, not a word of this is misplaced. She called Shar-Teel a "beautiful person" several times in front of me. Had no effect, though. "Flattery will get you nowhere" indeed.
This was posted on https://twitter.com/swordcoast - this game's twitter is already cool : )
This is dedicated to all my fellow completionists out there. Leave no fog of war behind!
In Neverwinter Nights 2: Storm of Zehir. *sigh*
. . . and raise you a Breaking Bad meme . . .
In the end, I had to dismiss red Dorn from the party and then take him back.
Maybe someday I'll go back and choose Hexxat. Provoking Dorn is a lot of fun (I guess I AM the suicidal type.)
Ironically, even the people who come after him call him by name. Seriously, if he hadn't worked hard on that NE alignment I'd be tempted to invoke Van Helsing Hate Crimes (but I do know better - I've played his quests)
He who must not be named!
Okay, that's actually pretty funny.
On to the meme! What do you get when you cross everyone's favorite shadow thief, Gaelan Bayle...
with Raikou from the world of pokemon...
You get a Rakshasan Gaelan Bayle with a slightly different catch phrase!