Everybody! Everybody I want you all to meet my cousin, Jones! She's eighteen years old, and I've known her since she was a baby! I think my sister and I are her favourite people, because she only pays any degree of attention to us. She recently did a standing jump over a wooden futon in bed configuration and my mother. She also break-dances when she wants belly rubs, and has a very harsh meow.
And here's my little brother, Lucky! He's about four and a half to five years old. Big big big ball of need. Whenever I'm on the phone with my mother, I can hear him meow, and he still sounds like a squeaky toy. Lucky must think I'm either a cat, or some sort of Human-Feline authority figure, because I was the best at understanding him when he was a baby.
I mean, I have people for family, too, but I like the animal family members, too.
Black! Yellow! Hot Pink! Blue! The rarest slug of all! NINJA GREEN!
(Seriously... There were very few good pictures of the ninja slug... Must be quite rare... On a related note: Can we please stop destroying Borneo? I do not understand how such a beautiful place can even be considered for deforestation! It is too amazing... Too beautiful... Pictures of the place alone are stunning and mesmerizing to me... Add to that the unique and amazing life there and I think you must be either insane or pure evil to destroy such a place!)
Not to derail... But I am serious about Borneo. I mean just look at this! Look at all that and tell me with a strait face that you are ok with that being destroyed...
And here's my little brother, Lucky! He's about four and a half to five years old. Big big big ball of need. Whenever I'm on the phone with my mother, I can hear him meow, and he still sounds like a squeaky toy. Lucky must think I'm either a cat, or some sort of Human-Feline authority figure, because I was the best at understanding him when he was a baby.
I mean, I have people for family, too, but I like the animal family members, too.
This one has yellow patterns on it! Looks like war paint! Very cool!
Black and shiny!
I love these guys! So cute!
Hot Pink!
The rarest slug of all! NINJA GREEN!
(Seriously... There were very few good pictures of the ninja slug... Must be quite rare... On a related note: Can we please stop destroying Borneo? I do not understand how such a beautiful place can even be considered for deforestation! It is too amazing... Too beautiful... Pictures of the place alone are stunning and mesmerizing to me... Add to that the unique and amazing life there and I think you must be either insane or pure evil to destroy such a place!)
Look at all that and tell me with a strait face that you are ok with that being destroyed...
I drink your milkshake...
My ex had one as a pet, really cute, kinda gross.
They piss on their hands to be able to stick to stuff better.
"Stop looking at those other things. Look at me instead!"
Aww, so cute! Guess I'm a sucker for leeches after all.
Since we already talking about giant animals, I have one right here: enter the African Giant Earthworm.
The fact that they can grow up to a length of 6.7 meters and be heavier than 1.5 kg makes them even cuter in my eyes~!