I've grown quite fond of Magpies, Crows and Ravens over the years. Mostly I'm amused by how well they work together and their tendencies to ''troll'' other animals so successfully.
Apprently the infra-red flash of the in-nature camera annoyed the wolverine feeding on an elk carcass. First it just eat back first to the camera. Then the cup ran over, and the beast attacked and stole away the device, never to be found again.
That's my kind of cute! ;-)
More seriously said: wolverines are magnificent, but endangered, and still illegally killed in Finland.
@typo_tilly Do get one. Or, preferably, a couple. They're much happier in groups. Nigerian dwarfs they're called. Really small, and manageable. The kids (the proper name for a baby goat) in the videos are a few weeks/months old, but they're normally no more than half a metre tall when fully grown anyway. Could easily fit a pen for them in a tiny flat. Also, make less mess than a dog. Less noise. Less smell. Less hair, and you can always make a cardigan out of it if you like. Might also give you some funny-smelling milk if female. This you can turn into some fine chèvre, or goat cheese, which can be sold at a premium. Or you could eat it. But I advise against kissing anyone within at least 6 heures afterwards, unless you want someone to tell you that you taste like a goat's teat, of all things. One major caveat, though. With goats at home, avoid any and all bath salts. Goats really like licking salty things and have strongly abrasive tongues. You know, a few centuries back, goats would sometimes be used as a means to rip flesh off people unwilling to confess their sins to the Inquisition. Don't do this at home And if you can't or don't feel like herding them yourself, find a farm, or perhaps a zoo, nearby where you could play with them. Goats are awesome creatures and very fun to hang out with.
If I ever had to muster an army (pray that I don't), they'd be the second choice mount for my cavalry. The first choice is always pygmy hippos. I have no idea why. I just like them. As much as I'm an entirely impartial creator, they're one of my favourite creatures of all time. When I was laying out their looks, I must have been thinking of the Goddess' most rounded hind curves. I mean, those lines are so damn perfect, so fine, and so cute. Yet, still, so awesomely sharp and deadly. A pinnacle of my character design skills, if I do say so myself. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-vbFA-s1vs
That's a pig with a trunk, not a goat with a trunk. Gods these days, sheesh...
Allow me to educate you on the nature of this creation A tapir is far from a pig with a trunk. I recommend not to think about pigs with trunks. That's not a valid species despite bogus reports of sightings in Cambodian farmlands at all, and might give you nightmares. A tapir is more of a horse with a trunk.
Here's a drawing of a horse. Somebody's drawn this drawing. They say it depicts a long-outdated horse version. The forehead should be more sloping but it's otherwise a fairly accurate image, if I do say so myself.
The tapir movement pattern, however, is often goat-like. The third video I posted has a little tapir bumping about in accordance with goat motion scripts.
@Kamigoroshi I kinda met this tiny eight-legged fellow recently. Was about as small as a newborn Hippocampus erectus. Also, looked a lot like Nicholas Cage this one crawler which reputedly bit Spiderman into wall-scaling
I don't see Ravens all that often though.
Rescue puppies instead of bouquets
Probably the cutest worms on earth.
Apprently the infra-red flash of the in-nature camera annoyed the wolverine feeding on an elk carcass. First it just eat back first to the camera. Then the cup ran over, and the beast attacked and stole away the device, never to be found again.
That's my kind of cute! ;-)
More seriously said: wolverines are magnificent, but endangered, and still illegally killed in Finland.
Do get one. Or, preferably, a couple. They're much happier in groups. Nigerian dwarfs they're called. Really small, and manageable. The kids (the proper name for a baby goat) in the videos are a few weeks/months old, but they're normally no more than half a metre tall when fully grown anyway. Could easily fit a pen for them in a tiny flat. Also, make less mess than a dog. Less noise. Less smell. Less hair, and you can always make a cardigan out of it if you like. Might also give you some funny-smelling milk if female. This you can turn into some fine chèvre, or goat cheese, which can be sold at a premium. Or you could eat it. But I advise against kissing anyone within at least 6 heures afterwards, unless you want someone to tell you that you taste like a goat's teat, of all things.
One major caveat, though. With goats at home, avoid any and all bath salts. Goats really like licking salty things and have strongly abrasive tongues. You know, a few centuries back, goats would sometimes be used as a means to rip flesh off people unwilling to confess their sins to the Inquisition. Don't do this at home
And if you can't or don't feel like herding them yourself, find a farm, or perhaps a zoo, nearby where you could play with them. Goats are awesome creatures and very fun to hang out with.
If I ever had to muster an army (pray that I don't), they'd be the second choice mount for my cavalry.
The first choice is always pygmy hippos. I have no idea why. I just like them. As much as I'm an entirely impartial creator, they're one of my favourite creatures of all time. When I was laying out their looks, I must have been thinking of the Goddess' most rounded hind curves. I mean, those lines are so damn perfect, so fine, and so cute. Yet, still, so awesomely sharp and deadly. A pinnacle of my character design skills, if I do say so myself.
Everything looks cuter with a trunk.
Yeah, I know. My Goddess and I, we're pretty much the best at this creation thing
A tapir is far from a pig with a trunk. I recommend not to think about pigs with trunks. That's not a valid species
despite bogus reports of sightings in Cambodian farmlandsat all, and might give you nightmares.A tapir is more of a horse with a trunk.
(starts at 05:17 min)
I kinda met this tiny eight-legged fellow recently. Was about as small as a newborn Hippocampus erectus.
Also, looked a lot like
Nicholas Cagethis one crawler which reputedly bit Spiderman into wall-scalingLovely long buggers.
Bearded lizard is the best wizard!