While right now a work-in-progress pack alfa female to a dreever (hunting dog) youngster, I would consider myself a cat fancier by default.
Hence I hope it's ok to post absolute cuties with terrible, dark odds, and request to educate / intervene.
If I knew anyone in my immediate vicinity that got a litter of unwanted kittens, I'd first help them ask around/ advertise for new owners, and then point them to an animal shelter, firmly if need be. I once came across a bucket of drowned kittens as a child in rural Finland, just curious why a bucket was covered in sauna with a weight on. This was my paternal grand-mother, and I had just played with those kittens before in our Lapland holiday.
I was maybe 7 or 8 then, and did not feel I could say anything. I was simply horrified. I can do otherwise now, and would.
These two kittens were rescued on Fri night (the dominant white coloured at back) and Sun night (the more dark pelted kitten on front) by volunteers.
This happened after a motorist spotted someone near Kotka throwing two litters of kittens in a sack from a moving car. Both kittens were found by playing a mother-cat call from a YouTube video, to which the kittens responded, and could be located.
One older kitten got pretty immediately run over by a car where the incident was originally spotted, another one with similar pelt was found dead near Hamina.
A person must have driven some 60 km or even more throwing unwanted kittens from a car, where I suspect logically there shall have been an accomplice to dispose of the kittens towards the curb.
At least in Finland, if you find yourself with unwanted kittens, you can hand them over humanely. Do so!
For everyone who likes what momma nature has provided in the way of non-human life, I just discovered this sweet gem; Bee Simulator: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NSEQIvAgH9o
This looks so cool to me...not your ordinary type of game
For everyone who likes what momma nature has provided in the way of non-human life, I just discovered this sweet gem; Bee Simulator: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NSEQIvAgH9o
This looks so cool to me...not your ordinary type of game
Heh. My brothers and I had to pick black leeches off us many a time after we went swimming in the lake on the farm. It didn't really hurt, just a little blood afterwards. I can't remember it bothering us at the time, but I reckon we were just used to it. Now if the big snapping turtles in there had gotten a hold of us I imagine it would have been a different story.
While right now a work-in-progress pack alfa female to a dreever (hunting dog) youngster, I would consider myself a cat fancier by default.
Hence I hope it's ok to post absolute cuties with terrible, dark odds, and request to educate / intervene.
If I knew anyone in my immediate vicinity that got a litter of unwanted kittens, I'd first help them ask around/ advertise for new owners, and then point them to an animal shelter, firmly if need be. I once came across a bucket of drowned kittens as a child in rural Finland, just curious why a bucket was covered in sauna with a weight on. This was my paternal grand-mother, and I had just played with those kittens before in our Lapland holiday.
I was maybe 7 or 8 then, and did not feel I could say anything. I was simply horrified. I can do otherwise now, and would.
These two kittens were rescued on Fri night (the dominant white coloured at back) and Sun night (the more dark pelted kitten on front) by volunteers.
This happened after a motorist spotted someone near Kotka throwing two litters of kittens in a sack from a moving car. Both kittens were found by playing a mother-cat call from a YouTube video, to which the kittens responded, and could be located.
One older kitten got pretty immediately run over by a car where the incident was originally spotted, another one with similar pelt was found dead near Hamina.
A person must have driven some 60 km or even more throwing unwanted kittens from a car, where I suspect logically there shall have been an accomplice to dispose of the kittens towards the curb.
At least in Finland, if you find yourself with unwanted kittens, you can hand them over humanely. Do so!
This looks so cool to me...not your ordinary type of game
Every appartment ought to have one of those dwarf caiman paludariums.
I hate dogs! But still, the extinct bone-crushing dog is kind of cute.
Turns out the bug/electric pokemon Joltik is real. And they fly!
Eyelash mites are such cutely little puppy-eyed parasites. D'aw~