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Enhanced? Nope. Baldur's Gate I & II: Tweaked Edition is what we actually got.

First off this isnt a hate thread. I actually like what been done here,, but in no way are they deserving of the title "Enhanced". They are in no way bad. Far from it in fact, but both stand as prime examples of wasted opportunity.

- The UI is still clunky and absolutely no effort was put in to make it more functional and user friendly.
- The Graphics have seen very little work (actually did a side by side with my GOG editions, and the so called improvements are either so subtle as to be virtually unnoticeable, or actually non existent).
- Sound is virtually untouched (although env effects do seem slightly better)
- New NPCs are ok, but add no value and certainly dont improve the game in any way.
- The Black Pits are insulting. Vapid pointless garbage that was nothing but a waste of time, money, and effort. their inclusion is an embarrassment, and not worthy of anyone's time (either developer or player). The time wasted on these pieces of dross would be better spent on enhancing, bug fixing, and polishing the core game.

The things that should have been done have not even been attempted, and before anyone replies with "they couldnt", ALL of these things could be done.

1: New UI. Modular, and enhanced with a cleaner interface and improved functionality (e.g expanding widows, improved hover interaction, moveable segements, and resizable). Maybe animated portraits, or some other visual polish.

2: Improved sprites. While making them 3D meshes to work in game would be asking a bit much, someone actually redesigning and polishing the sprites should have been a no brainer. The omission is frankly unacceptable. Some new animations at LEAST should have been included.

3: Improved spell effects. See above.

4: Improved backgrounds. While the original artwork is still amazing, there could have been some additional work in adding some flair to the animated sections, again though nothing was done.

5: Improved FMV's. The utterly appalling low rent motion comics in BG1 were a real low point, and the untouched movies from BGII is just lazy (or maybe erring on the side of caution after the response to the first game). Having the team create new fully animated hi rez versions of the original movies should have been a priority.

5: Player Character assets. many more portrait and voice options should have been included.

I am extremely grateful that the game works "out of the box" on my Win8 machine, and the native widescreen support and the Zoom ability are fantastic. The new kits are great, and all the rule fixes and refinements are also hugely appreciated.

There are other minor things I would have loved to see, but they're a personal preference thing, and not things I would expect to see, despite being things I would have liked to see.

I reviewed BGIIEE for GP and gave it 9/10. 8.75 of that is because Baldur's Gate II is still an amazing game, the other .25 is for the tweaks made. This could have been more though, and no one should be looking at this as how to enhance a classic game. Failing to do the minimum should not be rewarded.

I understand that a lot of hard work and real effort went in to these games, and I sincerely appreciate it, for the most part what was included is exceptional. Its what isnt here that I take issue with. You had an opportunity to REALLY make an impact, and you didnt. Mine like many other positive reviews highlight that the majority of that positive score is due to the core game and not the "enhancements". In fact many share my opinion that there isnt actually enough in here to earn the title Enhanced Edition. This is just one man's opinion though, and many people love everything you've done, I only wish I could feel the same way. When you're charging over twice the asking price of the vanilla editions, you better be backing that up with something worth that extra cash... that sadly isnt the case at this time.

What we have here is a strong base, now build some enhancements on that base and deliver the Enhanced experience that the game deserves, and I know you're capable of.


  • kungfuhobbitkungfuhobbit Member Posts: 169
    There's just not the money for these things I imagine considering the EE game's demographic.

    I see how Black Pits is the kind of feature that would help market the game, tho it really wasn't my cup of tea either; hopefully it didn't cost relatively much manpower though.

    Considering the resources available to them, Im mostly happy n thankful for what the team has achieved.
  • KaltzorKaltzor Member Posts: 1,050
    The movies in BG:EE I personally kind of liked the replacements because the 3D of BG1's movies has not aged well at all... The BG2 movies still look cool to this day, so there was no reason to touch them.

    But on the topic of Improving things... The backgrounds, when they were told to leave the existing parts of the game as they were, I assume this carried over to the background images and all that...

    The sprites, I don't think they got their hands on the sprites to actually do anything with them, nobody kept that artwork around or something... And new animations for what exactly? They all already have all the animations they really need in terms of gameplay...
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited December 2013
    Lathlaer said:

    I know it's a matter of preference but I too would take additional content to the main campaign over Black Pits. No disrespect to the team that made it, it's just a system I don't particularly enjoy.

    To each their own I suppose. I'm glad they did it and I've enjoyed many of the battles (some of them were sort of meh but still better than most of what you get in vanilla).
  • CoryNewbCoryNewb Member Posts: 1,330
    Splitting hairs with defining a word. The Internet's oldest pastime.
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    I don't totally agree but yeahhhhh. Pretty much.

    IMO the biggest outrage is the new NPCs. Thankfully I can just ignore and/or kill them as I please.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited December 2013
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • ErgErg Member Posts: 1,756
    Quartz said:

    IMO the biggest outrage is the new NPCs. Thankfully I can just ignore and/or kill them as I please.

    Sometime I feel like the devs just gave us the game with their favourite NPC mods preinstalled and without the possibility to uninstall them if we want to :)

    While I don't think that the new NPCs are bad, as users, shouldn't we be the ones to decide which NPC mods to use?
  • EmptinessEmptiness Member Posts: 238
    As far as I know there is no industry standard that sets a requirement for the use of the term "enhanced". The meaning is completely subjective. Some people may agree that they expected more out of a game that has been "enhanced", some people might say they actually got more than they expected. Either way, there's no bar that had to be cleared or minimum level of addition in order to earn the right to use the term "enhanced", aside from the need to add at least something in order to meet the dictionary definition of the term. They could have added a cookie to the character creation screen (and nothing else) and still legitimately called it "enhanced".

    I feel that I got what I paid for (being able to run the game on modern hardware with ease) plus some extras (which are fairly substantial), so I'm happy.
  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239
    @Erg: Setting aside the simple truth that you don't have to use any particular character if you don't want to, it's disingenuous to claim that the EE NPCs are comparable to, say, Kelsey or Angelo (and I'm deliberately naming mod characters who are generally well-received by the player community). Even if you disregard personal opinions about their stories (which, obviously, vary), they're still better-implemented and, on the whole, better-written than your average NPC mod.
  • ErgErg Member Posts: 1,756
    shawne said:

    @Erg: Setting aside the simple truth that you don't have to use any particular character if you don't want to, it's disingenuous to claim that the EE NPCs are comparable to, say, Kelsey or Angelo (and I'm deliberately naming mod characters who are generally well-received by the player community). Even if you disregard personal opinions about their stories (which, obviously, vary), they're still better-implemented and, on the whole, better-written than your average NPC mod.


    1) I was semiserious (you can tell when I'm semiserious by the smiles :)

    2) This has nothing to do with the quality of the new NPCs. Besides, I said several time (including in this very discussion) that they are not bad and I quite like them.

    3) I'm more concerned about the new NPCs upsetting the balance of the original game (by adding overpowered NPCs, e.g Dorn, or overpowered items, e.g. Rasaad, etc.) than their quality. Yes, there are even more overpowered NPC mods out there, but they are not forced upon you.

    4) #3 it's not really a problem for me, because it would be quite easy to make a WeiDU mod to disable the new NPCs (e.g. for Dorn I could just replace 'HasDLC("DORN")' with 'False()' in the script AR2301.BCS, etc.). The only reason why I didn't write such mod yet is that I'm too busy playing the original games at the moment :)

    5) As alternative to #4, it is also very easy to make a mod to nerf their stats or items, or just ignore them altogether.

    6) Whether the new official NPCs are better or even comparable to some of the NPCs from mods, it depends on individual tastes. I don't think that Saerileth is better than Rasaad (or Chloe better than Dorn), but I wouldn't be too surprised if there was someone out there that prefers the former to the latter. My point is that liking or not an NPC is subjective and may even not have anything to do with how well they are implemented or written.
  • ShinShin Member Posts: 2,344
    @shawne Normally I would agree with you, but to my thinking the situation becomes different in cases like this when an abandoned game gets picked up. The vanilla BG series had a colossal amount of untapped potential - some of which has been realized as modding over the years, but also some of which for several years looked to be in a state of eternal rest. A developer picking the game up again and starting to dust it off, is in itself promising.

    I don't expect reviewers to hold off until the series is "finalized" though - their job is to call it as they see it - but on some level you also have to separate between 'reviewers' and players making relatively uninformed posts that in parts come close to trolling.

    That said, the evolving and renewed state of the game is, even on-going as it is, a boon. People who never played BG before have played it, and (maybe more important still), people who previously knew nothing about the Infinity Engine are coming out of the woodwork and learning how to create mods and discussing how they'd like to be able to customize their BG experiences. Good for the game; good for the community.
  • AnotherLifeAnotherLife Member Posts: 115
    cryocore said:

    I reviewed BGIIEE for GP and gave it 9/10.

    What is GP ?

  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    Planescape Torment has animated portraits, they don't look so bad, I like them, but they aren't needed after all.
  • DarkDoggDarkDogg Member Posts: 598

    What is GP ?

    Gameplanet I guess
  • mylegbigmylegbig Member Posts: 292
    Yes, there's more they could've done, though I don't agree with most of your recommended changes. For instance, very few people would care for a significantly new interface. Pretty much everyone who bought this game has been playing the old version for years. People aren't buying this game to get used to something new.

    As for the Black Pits, never played it and probably never will. Don't really see the point of it. If I wanted to create my own custom party and fight wave after wave of monsters, I'd just play IWD.

    yeah, as Adul said, I'd have preferred the new adventure content to have not been ALL linked to the NPCs

    Yes. Frankly, it's a decision that makes little sense to me. It reminds me of those games where you can't skip the cut scenes--the devs are so in love with their work they just can't let you miss it. So if you want to see any of the new content, you have to take the new NPCS!
    shawne said:

    @Erg: Setting aside the simple truth that you don't have to use any particular character if you don't want to, it's disingenuous to claim that the EE NPCs are comparable to, say, Kelsey or Angelo (and I'm deliberately naming mod characters who are generally well-received by the player community). Even if you disregard personal opinions about their stories (which, obviously, vary), they're still better-implemented and, on the whole, better-written than your average NPC mod.

    Not exactly high praise...

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