Started a new game, played for a few hours, didnt save, went to beregost, saved, then ctd, then save corrupted - worst defeat ever.
First time Kangaxx - worst defeat ever.
Went to Durlag's Tower on level 3-4, cleared the first underground level, buddies that guarded the entrance to the second lvl activated - PAMPAMPAM! worst defeat ever
First meeting with Szass Tam during Neera's "Destroying the Order of Eight Staves" quest.
I knew from Forgotten Realms lore he's a powerful lich but I felt cocky and refused his quest. What the heck, even if he gets pissed off I can handle him with a level 22-25 party, or so I thought... I wiped out other liches in less then 10 rounds. Even Kangaxx got his butt kicked without problems.
The fight went ok-ish in the beginning, though he killed Neera with a Power: Kill after his first timestop.
Then came his Limited Wish double-length timestop with Improved Alacrity and the next Wish, restoring his spells... Ouch.
When the dust settled Viconia, Jaheira, Sarevok and Imoen were gone, only my fighter/mage protagonist survived, with a depleted spell arsenal and no Wish...
So I cast Power Word: Reload and did the quest
At the next meeting - after wiping out Vicross and her henchmen in her home (congrats to the level designer, btw, awesome fight through and through ) - I fought quite well after his betrayal and got the dialog when he offers to teleport back my party.
Unfortunately (well, not really, I wanted him *dead*) some of my spells just fired after he finished the dialog, so the show went on. I got him near death again, despite his double-length timestop with IA (only Sarevok bit the dust) and had still plenty of firepower left (Project Images protected from Divination are nice ) but he started the Wishes again...
So I figured the devs made him intentionally unkillable. It was a bit of disappointment that I couldn't get my revenge...
My first-time encounter with adventuring party in "Helm and Cloak" inn in Baldurs Gate was the most humiliating for me (the party that appears after you speak to the "Merry Fools" leader). I came to the inn to recover after the fight in neigbouring mage's house (the one with invisible stalkers and battle horrors), the party was low on hitpoints, with mostly depleted spells, the party was scaterred, mainchair cut off from the rest (was standing near innkeep) and I foolishly decided to talk to the NPC's before resting... It was over so fast, at first I didn't even understand what has just happened
"Finally beating Tazok. This was way harder then it should have been but to be fair my party is all level one or two. Okay, Neera just go ahead and use your wreckless whatever up. Tazok is afraid and kobolds and skellies should go down quick en-GATE! GOD DAMMIT GATE! WHY DID YOU GATE! I hate everything *reload*"
My worst defeats are the countless embarrassing ones I've suffered (Shank, Kobolds, etc.) Also: the final showdown with Sarevok. His brute force against my nimbleness. We're both exhausted, at low health. I take my last invisibility potion to take him down with a backstab. Seconds later I pay the ultimate price for my strategy, as I discover that I still had my ranged weapon equipped at the moment of the failed backstab...
One more: on my first full playthrough of BG1 my ranger got his elven arse handed to him various times at the bandit camp. It's where I learnt to appreciate the art of stealth, the beauty of speed potions, and to swallow my pride and flee if the situation calls for it.
Edit: in BG2 I'm used to seeing my party get annihilated by dragons.
I'd like to call these my Memorable Moments of Frustration in Battle. My first time BGEE, a while ago, of course I had to get past that annoying furball Karoug. I guess I wasn't too well prepared because iirc I had exactly one measly dagger among my party that seemed to hurt him. The weird thing was, while my party didn't seem to hurt him much, his own swings were mostly misses. When he did hit though it was quite a whallop but it still took a long time for him to eventually kill everyone. Reloaded, read up on Karoug's resistances and this time made sure to pack appropriately.
In my last run in BG2EE (same character) during the Planar Sphere quest where you have to get a demon's heart to re-power the sphere. By this time I had fought demons before, and was confident enough I could navigate through that tiny pocket in the abyss to only take on one of those three demons I knew were around there and whatever imps/quasits it had with it. Sure enough, found one, killed a few tiny enemies and put a dent in the demon's health. Then, I don't remember exacly what ability it used, one of my party gets hit by it, and confusedly starts wandering off, right into range of demon no. 2...
I thought this was still doable so I try to finish off demon no. 1 while keeping no. 2 occupied. Then npcs start dying. And getting hit by the second demon's aforementioned ability. The party halved, with Charname confused, wandering off... and triggering demon no. 3 and a virtual army of imps/quasits. Even if I had the means to raise (legal or cheat) 3 people ... *gurgle* make that 4, they would not be able to don their armor and get back in the fight. Charname was eventually the last one standing, still confused, literally surrounded by imps/quasits. Being slowly picked off by them didn't sound like a glorious death, so I reloaded, got some extra protection, and eventually succeeded in killing all three demons, but this time one at a time.
"Finally beating Tazok. This was way harder then it should have been but to be fair my party is all level one or two. Okay, Neera just go ahead and use your wreckless whatever up. Tazok is afraid and kobolds and skellies should go down quick en-GATE! GOD DAMMIT GATE! WHY DID YOU GATE! I hate everything *reload*"
First time I played BG... (before TOSC ever came out) I was so unprepared through out the entire game. There were lots of battles I really struggled with. I finally got to the end .. but I never beat that final battle. It was so frustrating. I'm not sure that a lot of people did beat it in the beginning. There weren't any mods for bags or item stacking, your characters were about level 6 - 8. I had never played anything like this. I didn't know any tactics, I didn't know the right spells to use. I didn't know that I could have gone to areas that had no quests associated with them. The entire game was a confusing frustrating mess that first time through.
It wasn't until Dan Simpson came along and wrote an amazing walkthrough that I got through the entirety of the game. .. and it wasn't until IWD came along and taught me to use buffs and what spells were actually useful that I got through the game with some ease.
I would honestly have to say the basilisks in the dungeon under Candlekeep. This was back on the original BG when I was 8 years old in 2001. At that age I didn't read anything, everything needed to die like skyrim, and I literally thught you was supposed to look inside of every building in the city and hopefully you would find Sarevok to beat the game there.
Anyways, I didn't have any stone to flesh scrolls, mirror eyes potions, and everybody was a fighter. =P
My worst defeat... or rather, series of defeats... have always come from dragons. Always. Mind you, barring a fluke, I can always keep myself alive for a good long time; but sometimes, being the fastest and strongest just means you're the last to die.
For one simple reason: between the time when I stopped playing rpg's, and started playing them again via Baldur's Gate, the dragons were powered up. I'm not complaining; the mere mention of the word "dragon" should make anyone, even the most powerful, sit up and take notice.
But figuring those big buggers out... oh, I paid dearly. Over and over, too many times to mention.
I rarely die by the hand of dragons - one tends to be well prepared when picking a fight with these creatures. And that's playing with mods to increase boss fight difficuly.
My worst defeats? Well that must be the BG1 Ankheg. They keep popping up behind my lines killing off mages and such.
And for comic relief: I was checking the Nashkel graveyard with my superstrong party once...
BG1: Aec'letec is always a real pain to kill, as is Sarevok. Ankegs, too, for always popping up out of nowhere.
The most difficult, though, has to be that assassin when you first arrive at the FAI. I'm a Wild Mage with only two spells per day and a good chance of surging, Imoen's an archer, and by the time the guards get over one of us is usually dead.
BG2: Dragons. Definitely dragons. No more needs to be said. And Kangaax. My first fight with him went...badly.
TOB: The Ascension fight with Amellysan. The first time I did it, Imoen went Slayer and my Wild Mage had a negative surge for the first time in forever, and ended up Holding herself >_> Since she was standing next to Imoen-now-Slayer, and Imoen-now-Slayer got a critical hit...well, I think I have the dubious honor of being defeated in less than three rounds.
It was kind of amusing, in a morbid way. I've never had anything as unlucky as that happen again, but that fight is spectacularly hard.
I remember the first time I discovered that secret door in the Crooked Crane Inn (City Gate district in BG2). "Hmm, wonder what's in there? Ooohhh, shiny - a Lich! Never tried one of those before!"
Nobody in the party had a +3 weapon, and everybody was around level 9. It took me five or six reloads to figure out I would have to come back when I had gained some more levels and found some better weapons.
I have one word for my worst defeat. So horrible is this defeat that it continues to defeat me to this day. It is right up there with Noober and Saemon Havarian in the most hated names of BG: Tarnesh!
The realization that finished Throne of Bhaal, I can not go back in the Athkatla. Or Baldur's Gate ... But the hardest for me was the realization that the adventure is over. NwN & NwN2 (too stupid) and icewind dale (he made a better impression than Neverwinter Nights), but not allowed to take the old characters, without using cheats.
When I first started modding BG2 I found Weimer's Tactics Mod and installed 'Tougher starting dungeon'. Ten minutes after my first attempt I was thinking, "WTF, are you kidding me!". I think I lasted about two rounds when I ran into Zhivago's ass-kickers. My second time through I control-y'd my entire way out...
ohh god the sewers in the temple district was one of my worst deaths for sure i was a full party but i cant even remember who or what class mainchar was as this was ages ago.
down the sewers in the temple district you encounter a group hiding out and you either pay em gold or you get attacked by em for discovering their hideout. Back then i had no idea what mages could do so i just thought il kill the meele guys and the casters will die easily so i unload all the spells i have into em and i get one near death and one badly wounded... then the caster finishes casting the spell "Death".
... my whole party fell over dead....
i did not play for awhile after that
also had a rather embarassaing encounter on my F/M/T with the hidden mind flayer lair where i instead of sending a fireball into the last room i actually walked into view of the whole god damn room. Of course the important part was as i saw like 4 psi blasts head for my main character i realised my chaotic command had worn off and all the summons where behind him. the rest of my party and the 5 summons i had out all promptly got to watch my main characters brains get fought over by a bunch of mind flayers.
besides that i never did get far in bg1 i allways died to the first assassin just before meeting jaheira and khalid as i never prioritised con.
I don't know if this has been mentioned yet, but in the first game first play through I was very curious, so I clicked on all the gravestones at Nashkel to read all the funny inscriptions. I was chuckling at the latest one when this wizard appears for a moment and threatened me. I was so distracted that I fortgot which grave I clicked last, so I clicked the same one again and all the sudden glowing Amn soldiers called Phoenix Guards are after me. WHAT DID I DO WRONG!? I try to fight them AND THEN THEY ARE EXPLODING! Party about third level, worst defeat ever.
for the assassin at the FAI i usually spread out my guys very far apart, so a fear spell wont ever hit everybody. as for the guards, i wait until they are walking by, then i talk to them and they stand there for a little while. as Xzar walks to attract the assassin to talk, i keep spamming the guards to talk and they all stay close. RIGHT before he talks to me, i pause and make everybody attack him, cast spells, (minor drain is the only one) as attacking a blue NPC you get in trouble. by the time everything hits he already turned red after the conversation.
but my hardest ones would have to be either Aec'Letec for i never EVER fought him before, and i had to super-buff my tank to run in, tank his hits, haste and explosive arrows against ALL of his little cultists, and everyone ran in after and i spammed his ass with many MANY magic missles. some he resists and some hit him hard. this is during about chapter 5 or 6 by the time i cleared mostly the rest of the map, though.
as for some people with the demonknight, my go-around actually went pathetically easy. he is RESISTANT to magic, not immune. and i got a lucky shot off with chromatic orb, and stunned him. no dispels hit me, no fire balls, and it literally took about 3-4 shots from my melee guys to kill him. and i have a voice for my character when i tell him to do stuff, his usuall response is "A WASTE OF MY TALENT!" its his favorite phrase and anyone around me who listens to me play, knows how often he says it. they always tell me to fight something worth my talent.
Drizzt is very hard too, actually i change my first hardest to probably drizzt, RIGHT in second would be Aec'letec.
BG1: Aec'letec is always a real pain to kill, as is Sarevok. Ankegs, too, for always popping up out of nowhere.
The most difficult, though, has to be that assassin when you first arrive at the FAI. I'm a Wild Mage with only two spells per day and a good chance of surging, Imoen's an archer, and by the time the guards get over one of us is usually dead.
BG2: Dragons. Definitely dragons. No more needs to be said. And Kangaax. My first fight with him went...badly.
TOB: The Ascension fight with Amellysan. The first time I did it, Imoen went Slayer and my Wild Mage had a negative surge for the first time in forever, and ended up Holding herself >_> Since she was standing next to Imoen-now-Slayer, and Imoen-now-Slayer got a critical hit...well, I think I have the dubious honor of being defeated in less than three rounds.
It was kind of amusing, in a morbid way. I've never had anything as unlucky as that happen again, but that fight is spectacularly hard.
My worst defeat, well, not really a defeat, but it left my party in the worst shape it's been in in a while: The first battle with Irenicus. Minsc, Cernd, and Imoen were dead, Keldorn was stunned, Valygar was mazed, and the only way I won was to have my character change into the Slayer and charge Irenicus.
BG2: Neera's quest/red wizard stronghold. HOLY ****. (Yes, I know you can make it easier, I DID; that's what made it possible at all.)
Dishonorable mention goes to Hexxat's recruitment quest and some of it's sequels. New thief is supposed to be FUN. Not HARD.
Started a new game, played for a few hours, didnt save, went to beregost, saved, then ctd, then save corrupted - worst defeat ever.
First time Kangaxx - worst defeat ever.
Went to Durlag's Tower on level 3-4, cleared the first underground level, buddies that guarded the entrance to the second lvl activated - PAMPAMPAM! worst defeat ever
I knew from Forgotten Realms lore he's a powerful lich but I felt cocky and refused his quest.
What the heck, even if he gets pissed off I can handle him with a level 22-25 party, or so I thought...
I wiped out other liches in less then 10 rounds. Even Kangaxx got his butt kicked without problems.
The fight went ok-ish in the beginning, though he killed Neera with a Power: Kill after his first timestop.
Then came his Limited Wish double-length timestop with Improved Alacrity and the next Wish, restoring his spells... Ouch.
When the dust settled Viconia, Jaheira, Sarevok and Imoen were gone, only my fighter/mage protagonist survived, with a depleted spell arsenal and no Wish...
So I cast Power Word: Reload and did the quest
At the next meeting - after wiping out Vicross and her henchmen in her home (congrats to the level designer, btw, awesome fight through and through
Unfortunately (well, not really, I wanted him *dead*) some of my spells just fired after he finished the dialog, so the show went on. I got him near death again, despite his double-length timestop with IA (only Sarevok bit the dust) and had still plenty of firepower left (Project Images protected from Divination are nice
So I figured the devs made him intentionally unkillable. It was a bit of disappointment that I couldn't get my revenge...
It was over so fast, at first I didn't even understand what has just happened
Also: the final showdown with Sarevok. His brute force against my nimbleness. We're both exhausted, at low health. I take my last invisibility potion to take him down with a backstab. Seconds later I pay the ultimate price for my strategy, as I discover that I still had my ranged weapon equipped at the moment of the failed backstab...
One more: on my first full playthrough of BG1 my ranger got his elven arse handed to him various times at the bandit camp. It's where I learnt to appreciate the art of stealth, the beauty of speed potions, and to swallow my pride and flee if the situation calls for it.
Edit: in BG2 I'm used to seeing my party get annihilated by dragons.
In my last run in BG2EE (same character) during the Planar Sphere quest where you have to get a demon's heart to re-power the sphere. By this time I had fought demons before, and was confident enough I could navigate through that tiny pocket in the abyss to only take on one of those three demons I knew were around there and whatever imps/quasits it had with it. Sure enough, found one, killed a few tiny enemies and put a dent in the demon's health. Then, I don't remember exacly what ability it used, one of my party gets hit by it, and confusedly starts wandering off, right into range of demon no. 2...
I thought this was still doable so I try to finish off demon no. 1 while keeping no. 2 occupied. Then npcs start dying. And getting hit by the second demon's aforementioned ability. The party halved, with Charname confused, wandering off... and triggering demon no. 3 and a virtual army of imps/quasits. Even if I had the means to raise (legal or cheat) 3 people ... *gurgle* make that 4, they would not be able to don their armor and get back in the fight. Charname was eventually the last one standing, still confused, literally surrounded by imps/quasits. Being slowly picked off by them didn't sound like a glorious death, so I reloaded, got some extra protection, and eventually succeeded in killing all three demons, but this time one at a time.
It wasn't until Dan Simpson came along and wrote an amazing walkthrough that I got through the entirety of the game. .. and it wasn't until IWD came along and taught me to use buffs and what spells were actually useful that I got through the game with some ease.
Anyways, I didn't have any stone to flesh scrolls, mirror eyes potions, and everybody was a fighter. =P
Vampiric Wolf
For one simple reason: between the time when I stopped playing rpg's, and started playing them again via Baldur's Gate, the dragons were powered up. I'm not complaining; the mere mention of the word "dragon" should make anyone, even the most powerful, sit up and take notice.
But figuring those big buggers out... oh, I paid dearly. Over and over, too many times to mention.
My worst defeats? Well that must be the BG1 Ankheg. They keep popping up behind my lines killing off mages and such.
And for comic relief: I was checking the Nashkel graveyard with my superstrong party once...
BG1: Aec'letec is always a real pain to kill, as is Sarevok. Ankegs, too, for always popping up out of nowhere.
The most difficult, though, has to be that assassin when you first arrive at the FAI. I'm a Wild Mage with only two spells per day and a good chance of surging, Imoen's an archer, and by the time the guards get over one of us is usually dead.
BG2: Dragons. Definitely dragons. No more needs to be said. And Kangaax. My first fight with him went...badly.
TOB: The Ascension fight with Amellysan. The first time I did it, Imoen went Slayer and my Wild Mage had a negative surge for the first time in forever, and ended up Holding herself >_> Since she was standing next to Imoen-now-Slayer, and Imoen-now-Slayer got a critical hit...well, I think I have the dubious honor of being defeated in less than three rounds.
It was kind of amusing, in a morbid way. I've never had anything as unlucky as that happen again, but that fight is spectacularly hard.
Also, Demogorgon.
Nobody in the party had a +3 weapon, and everybody was around level 9. It took me five or six reloads to figure out I would have to come back when I had gained some more levels and found some better weapons.
worst defeat was Kangaxx the lich.I will never forget these.
Hooray, new things!
But the hardest for me was the realization that the adventure is over.
NwN & NwN2 (too stupid) and icewind dale (he made a better impression than Neverwinter Nights), but not allowed to take the old characters, without using cheats.
down the sewers in the temple district you encounter a group hiding out and you either pay em gold or you get attacked by em for discovering their hideout. Back then i had no idea what mages could do so i just thought il kill the meele guys and the casters will die easily so i unload all the spells i have into em and i get one near death and one badly wounded... then the caster finishes casting the spell "Death".
... my whole party fell over dead....
i did not play for awhile after that
also had a rather embarassaing encounter on my F/M/T with the hidden mind flayer lair where i instead of sending a fireball into the last room i actually walked into view of the whole god damn room. Of course the important part was as i saw like 4 psi blasts head for my main character i realised my chaotic command had worn off and all the summons where behind him. the rest of my party and the 5 summons i had out all promptly got to watch my main characters brains get fought over by a bunch of mind flayers.
besides that i never did get far in bg1 i allways died to the first assassin just before meeting jaheira and khalid as i never prioritised con.
but my hardest ones would have to be either Aec'Letec for i never EVER fought him before, and i had to super-buff my tank to run in, tank his hits, haste and explosive arrows against ALL of his little cultists, and everyone ran in after and i spammed his ass with many MANY magic missles.
some he resists and some hit him hard. this is during about chapter 5 or 6 by the time i cleared mostly the rest of the map, though.
as for some people with the demonknight, my go-around actually went pathetically easy. he is RESISTANT to magic, not immune. and i got a lucky shot off with chromatic orb, and stunned him. no dispels hit me, no fire balls, and it literally took about 3-4 shots from my melee guys to kill him. and i have a voice for my character when i tell him to do stuff, his usuall response is "A WASTE OF MY TALENT!"
its his favorite phrase and anyone around me who listens to me play, knows how often he says it. they always tell me to fight something worth my talent.
Drizzt is very hard too, actually i change my first hardest to probably drizzt, RIGHT in second would be Aec'letec.