Most embarassing defeat: Carbos. Second most embarassing defeat, since I should have learned something from the first defeat: Shank Mind you, that was 20 years ago.
Most embarassing defeat: Carbos. Second most embarassing defeat, since I should have learned something from the first defeat: Shank Mind you, that was 20 years ago.
Most embarassing defeat: Carbos. Second most embarassing defeat, since I should have learned something from the first defeat: Shank Mind you, that was 20 years ago.
Howwwwwwww ..... ???
Yes, he killed me too, yes feels like 20 years ago. I did not count that in this context because it's almost tutorial. When you start the game as greenhorn, you all of a sudden learn that this is about danger and that you can die here. You haven't even learned to fight or use weapons, this is the indicator you better do. Before that, you search books for old ladies and potions to heal cows. Now you know better. First time you see the *hand*.
All sorts of people have killed me in Candlekeep. I remember wondering about Gorion's apparent use of improved alacrity in the vanilla cutscene with Sarevok and testing to see if he would do the same in fighting the PC (he did ).
I've had so many embarrassing deaths they all tend to merge together, but a wild mage imprisoning himself while fighting Abazigal was a new one on me ...
All sorts of people have killed me in Candlekeep. I remember wondering about Gorion's apparent use of improved alacrity in the vanilla cutscene with Sarevok and testing to see if he would do the same in fighting the PC (he did ).
I've had so many embarrassing deaths they all tend to merge together, but a wild mage imprisoning himself while fighting Abazigal was a new one on me ...
All sorts of people have killed me in Candlekeep. I remember wondering about Gorion's apparent use of improved alacrity in the vanilla cutscene with Sarevok and testing to see if he would do the same in fighting the PC (he did ).
I've had so many embarrassing deaths they all tend to merge together, but a wild mage imprisoning himself while fighting Abazigal was a new one on me ...
Okay, but Carbos and Shank?
One lucky crit is all it takes. I've lost at least one bard to one of them.
All sorts of people have killed me in Candlekeep. I remember wondering about Gorion's apparent use of improved alacrity in the vanilla cutscene with Sarevok and testing to see if he would do the same in fighting the PC (he did ).
I've had so many embarrassing deaths they all tend to merge together, but a wild mage imprisoning himself while fighting Abazigal was a new one on me ...
Okay, but Carbos and Shank?
Indeed - quite a few times. In vanilla they're not likely to kill a properly equipped fighter type, but I might not have got around to buying proper equipment by then! If the game is modded they can be extremely dangerous - for instance in my LoB/SCS installation Carbos is coded as an assassin and needs a lot of care to defeat (due to his use of hide in shadows and poison weapon).
I play no-reload and lost a lot of runs to avoidable mistakes in the Infinity Engine games. But in all honesty, I'd have to say my worst defeat was in a no-reload Paper Mario run, when I died to Tubba Blubba of all people because I didn't want to use a healing item. Even though I had tons of them and knew a trick to duplicate them easily. It wasn't even Tubba Blubba's invincible form...
Okay, those are fair points. I don't use mods much since I find my iPad much more convenient and I can't recall the last time I played a single class mage. Put those two together and it makes sense.
There was also that time when I had found a scroll of Incendiary Cloud and figured I'd use it on Aran Linvail & Co since I was working for Bodhi that day.
One of Aran's pet mages responded with Fear, causing Charname to run straight into his own incendiary cloud and get roasted.
There was also that time when I had found a scroll of Incendiary Cloud and figured I'd use it on Aran Linvail & Co since I was working for Bodhi that day.
One of Aran's pet mages responded with Fear, causing Charname to run straight into his own incendiary cloud and get roasted.
Aaaaand it's reload time!
Aahh, yes, fear vs area of effect. Had this with cloudkill, rebounding lightning bolts, and spike growth/stones/thingy. Also with thieves' traps.
Second most embarassing defeat, since I should have learned something from the first defeat: Shank
Mind you, that was 20 years ago.
I've had so many embarrassing deaths they all tend to merge together, but a wild mage imprisoning himself while fighting Abazigal was a new one on me ...
So when I left Candlekeep, I was killed in one shot by a wolf.
Let's not forget when I had to cheat in 30 Drizzts just to beat Sarevok (He somehow still killed most of them)
*sigh* I was such a moronic noob back then.
Now I can beat Sarevok without too much issue on Core Rules, though I always require at least one reload.
It wasn't even Tubba Blubba's invincible form...
One of Aran's pet mages responded with Fear, causing Charname to run straight into his own incendiary cloud and get roasted.
Aaaaand it's reload time!