Well, my Pathfinder Barbarian can totally wrestle Huge-sized creatures...But that's neither here nor there. >.>
I can imagine, technically my Bone Knight (3.5) could persist miracle and attain Giant Size, then we had a nicer talk with dragons and the such but meh :P
You see, this is why I *love* games like BG. I can enjoy a great story by myself or chosen friends without having it ruined by dbags making stupid gender commentary and/or insults.
In terms of rpgs, catering to other audiences has been something of an evolution. As an earlier product, BG isn't going to get everything right, yeah there are stereotypes and some will continue to get written I'm sure, but the point is that they never stopped my PC from being a sword wielding badass if I wanted to. I can make her kind or selfish and any size / shape I envisioned her. Not many titles have given us that.
While you don't hear from female gamers (gee I wonder why), look up where much of the art/story support comes from. A ton of DA/ME fanart and other creativity comes from women and that is a form of product promotion in itself.
No one is a villain here, the same for those who act all righteous, this is not a subject for a forum where every cliché and made up sentence ever heard will be used as a weapon for some sort of ego game. enough of this.
Never fear fellow forum-ites! I have come to save the day! I have here 2 links that Are a must see! Quite pertinent to this debate on male vs female warriors
I know which one I'd want by my side in a Combat Fitness Assesment!
But in all seriousness, doesn't it say somewhere in d&d that the physical difference between male and female are negligible? Why argue about male/female attributes in a computer game? How sad is that? Argue about something important, like dr. Peeper vs Coke.... Or smiths crisps vs samboys!!!! Not an arrangement of pixels! displayed on your screen/monitor, it's just stupid
I dont understand the problem you have about being a male or female. Who cares as long everybody enjoys BGEE, or isnt this the reason we are here? Social media sites are somewhere else, this is a game related forum after all. And if you count all these very unrelated and offtopic discussions about genders and sexuall preferences i slowly feel embarrased to be here to be honest!
@Solyaris I was just pointing out that this may be why many women choose not to go into the armed forces. I know my wanting to join the army was blunted by these and other stories, even back in the 80's. I took the ASVABs my senior year in High School (85) And I got a 99 out of 99 on everything but math (92 out of 99). I was getting mail from every service out the yingyang, but a friend who had actually joined clued me in on the sexual bad stuff that seemed to be everywhere, and I lost interest in a big way. Service to my country did not include Rape for me. Would I have been a good soldier? I don't know. But I do know that all of that made me go from "Booyah!" to "Hell, no!"
@Dragonspear I have had a few playthroughs with my character, one in which she lost her bowstrings (the adventurers passed through a portal at the start of the adventure that destroyed most animal products- cuir boule leather being one of the few exceptions) and even without her bow, she still kicked ass in a major way. And at only 5th level.
@Aliteri At the same time AD&D 1e came out, there was another game- "Fantasy Roleplaying" that was in stores. It was geared towards men much more than AD&D. Women characters could only be one class- the courtesan (i.e. prostitute). Even in the bad old days, that made me make the Yuk!Face. I don't remember much more about it than that, except that the spine of the hardbound book had a cranberry-red color on the spine, and I saw it in Waldenbooks back in the day. And no, I haven't seen that particular strip. Is that the same guy who did Dork Tower (John Kovalik, I think)?
@Immagikman Is that a Finneous Fingers avatar I see?
I skimmed through this thread and noticed it's gotten quite heated. As a "man" myself, I'll just contribute this to the discussion: Most women could absolutely kick my ass.
Also, (this is isn't exactly relevant, but whatever) I find being a gamer to be a very attractive quality in females. Anyone listen to the Indoor Kids podcast?
@LadyRhian always glad to hear when characters can overcome the demonic machinations of the vaunted dungeon masters. Unfortunately I've always had issues finding D&D groups IRL so I just keep playing through BG, BG2, IWD and IWD2 in order to sate my D&D cravings.
@Dragonspear You can play P&P online at Playbyweb.com It's a mix of P&P and PBM (play by mail) where you play on a message board that allows dice rolling. Every day (or so), the GM posts, and then the players respond, just like a P&P game. You can choose the rules you play by as well 2e, 3e, 3.5e, 4e...
@LadyRhian Oh cool I'll have to look into that when I have some time. Of course BGEE is coming out soon and I think the Baldur's Gate series has about as much playtime as my 5.5 year old WoW account.
@Dragonspear Never played WoW as an MMORPG. I think I tried the original computer game when it came out, but I wasn't really into stuff like that, and it didn't make a big impression on me. I was always more of a RPG player. I was into the SSI Gold Box games (played Pool of Radiance series- Pool of Radiance, Curse of the Azure Bonds, Secret of the SIlver Blades, Pools of Darkness, and then Dark Queen of Krynn, which I got for cheap when it came out in a Republished edition. That gave me a ton of fun times.
I try to explain to my little sister how to play BG once. She killed a cow in candlekeep and everyone started attacking her. She freaked out and never played again (she was young, like 11 or 12, and innocent).
... But I'll try again with BGEE She did try a bit of p&p dnd since then, so she might be more open to this great game !
@Immagikman Is that a Finneous Fingers avatar I see?
LadyRhian you have a quality discerning eye, yes it is in fact our intrepid Thief Fineous Fingers. I have a signed copy of the collection of the entire Fineous Fingers run (The Fineous Treasury). Along the Same lines I also got to meet and talk with Another of my Favorite Dragon Magazine Contributors Phil Foglio and have the Entire "What New with Phil and Dixie" collection autographed. You win the D&D Historian award
Im sorry to hear you passed over what could have been a wonderful career in the Military, I joined up in 1980 and while there were incidents of abuse, for those women who entered the more elite fields (High ASVAB Required) such as Intelligence we were small corps of people who stuck together and had limited numbers of duty stations so met each other over and over, there were a high percentage of women in our specialty and the men and women in our group would never have allowed or stood for someone harassing our friends....or endangering them...tight knit brotherhood/sisterhood were we. From your posts I know you would have been an outstanding and happy member of the Naval Security Group.
And lastly you have great taste as atested to by the fact that you enjoyed playing the Gold Box games I played them all back in my Apple II days
You know real life statistics aside, this is a "FANTASY" role playing game, the Player Characters are not your AVERAGE representative of either gender, the Player Character is always someone exceptional and at the highest percentile cut of their kit type. In the Gold Box days picking female may have limited your strength stat but now Im not aware that Gender plays any role in the Stats of a Player Character. So obviously some headway has been made. As has been suggested several times, lets not bicker and argue over who killed who, lets all enjoy the game, and hope that as the decades roll on, the female roles get better writing and romance options.
@immagikman Well, I'm sorry I missed out on meeting you, then! I got my first Dragon Magazine with #54, and I think that was the last Finneous Fingers strip. And then I got my Dad, who worked in NYC to buy them for me, and somewhere around the 70's. I started subscribing. I have a pretty complete collection starting with #57, which has one of the first Phil and Dixie strips. As for Kaja and Phil, I'd love to meet them- I even have Phil's black and white art CD collection for using as pictures of your characters.
And those Gold Box games were great. I think Secret of the Silver Blades was the best... I found how to get through the Ice passages without being attacked if I needed to rest. Go right up to one of those little black arches- right up next to them, and stop there to rest. The computer couldn't fit your foes between you and that thing, so you couldn't be disturbed. The mines were fun, though. I pulled so much loot out of that game, I actually ran out of space in the town Vault and had to sell stuff. There was also the unintended consequence that stuff in the vault carried over into new games, and I played it so much that I got to start one game with literally all the best loot right at the start.
In terms of rpgs, catering to other audiences has been something of an evolution. As an earlier product, BG isn't going to get everything right, yeah there are stereotypes and some will continue to get written I'm sure, but the point is that they never stopped my PC from being a sword wielding badass if I wanted to. I can make her kind or selfish and any size / shape I envisioned her. Not many titles have given us that.
While you don't hear from female gamers (gee I wonder why), look up where much of the art/story support comes from. A ton of DA/ME fanart and other creativity comes from women and that is a form of product promotion in itself.
Rest of Party: "..."
ps. props to the guys who stood up for the few females who are actually here!
Yes, that's right, JAHERA IS A U.S. ARMY WOMAN!
I know which one I'd want by my side in a Combat Fitness Assesment!
But in all seriousness, doesn't it say somewhere in d&d that the physical difference between male and female are negligible? Why argue about male/female attributes in a computer game? How sad is that? Argue about something important, like dr. Peeper vs Coke.... Or smiths crisps vs samboys!!!! Not an arrangement of pixels! displayed on your screen/monitor, it's just stupid
Can't we all just get along
@Dragonspear I have had a few playthroughs with my character, one in which she lost her bowstrings (the adventurers passed through a portal at the start of the adventure that destroyed most animal products- cuir boule leather being one of the few exceptions) and even without her bow, she still kicked ass in a major way. And at only 5th level.
@Aliteri At the same time AD&D 1e came out, there was another game- "Fantasy Roleplaying" that was in stores. It was geared towards men much more than AD&D. Women characters could only be one class- the courtesan (i.e. prostitute). Even in the bad old days, that made me make the Yuk!Face. I don't remember much more about it than that, except that the spine of the hardbound book had a cranberry-red color on the spine, and I saw it in Waldenbooks back in the day. And no, I haven't seen that particular strip. Is that the same guy who did Dork Tower (John Kovalik, I think)?
@Immagikman Is that a Finneous Fingers avatar I see?
Also, (this is isn't exactly relevant, but whatever) I find being a gamer to be a very attractive quality in females. Anyone listen to the Indoor Kids podcast?
... But I'll try again with BGEE
but how many males said hey were female? just like in every mmo i've ever played.....oy
I have a signed copy of the collection of the entire Fineous Fingers run (The Fineous Treasury). Along the Same lines I also got to meet and talk with Another of my Favorite Dragon Magazine Contributors Phil Foglio and have the Entire "What New with Phil and Dixie" collection autographed. You win the D&D Historian award
Im sorry to hear you passed over what could have been a wonderful career in the Military, I joined up in 1980 and while there were incidents of abuse, for those women who entered the more elite fields (High ASVAB Required) such as Intelligence we were small corps of people who stuck together and had limited numbers of duty stations so met each other over and over, there were a high percentage of women in our specialty and the men and women in our group would never have allowed or stood for someone harassing our friends....or endangering them...tight knit brotherhood/sisterhood were we. From your posts I know you would have been an outstanding and happy member of the Naval Security Group.
And lastly you have great taste as atested to by the fact that you enjoyed playing the Gold Box games
I played them all back in my Apple II days
And those Gold Box games were great. I think Secret of the Silver Blades was the best... I found how to get through the Ice passages without being attacked if I needed to rest. Go right up to one of those little black arches- right up next to them, and stop there to rest. The computer couldn't fit your foes between you and that thing, so you couldn't be disturbed.