@Bjjorick I was GMing when you were just a gleam in your Daddy's eye! And "said so" doesn't count when one is delusional. So, sorry, here are the men in the white coats come to take you away for your own good. I'll be sure to write you when you get to the facility! ::Waves goodbye as he's put in a straightjacket and hauled to the van.:: It's so sad. He had such promise at the beginning, too...
Reminds me of a shirt I saw once in Dragon Magazine. Line of characters heading towards a group of trees, large, angry-looking dragon heading their way. Caption, "I think we made the DM angry."
@ladyrhian perhaps to prove my lack of sanity, whenever i would dm, i never used the cliches, like a sudden dragon, lightning bolt, or rocks fall. No, when i got annoyed, i would just point out that the party notices a group of cows off the side of the road that seems to take notice of the party. If things didn't get better, would have the cows attack, they got 3 hits per round and could wipe out a lvl 9 party in about 3 rounds. That gave them 2 rounds to realize that i'd gotten annoyed, and if they seemed to learn their lesson, would pull the 'the cows suddenly implode'.
After a few huh's?, i would make the old south park joke, "Cow turn themselves inside out all the time!!!" Heh, not sure why i choose that route, but they knew to take my mad cows quite serious.
@Bjjorick I used to use a sudden loosened bowel attack or failure of belt buckle. Hard to be heroic when your pants fall down around your ankles and trip you up, or you have to run to the bushes every minute or so.
@ladyrhian forgive me if i seem a bit odd, but that actually sounds like a fun challenge there. But the cow thing was also a humbling tactic, sure lightning and rocks and dragons, such a heroic death. Killed by cows? Not one most people would care to talk about.
@Bjjorick I tried not to kill people off. The only player I did it to was online. He raped an NPC who was in the party and saw nothing wrong with what he did. At first, he claimed he wanted his character to be redeemed, but when he said later on that he had no remorse and would do it again if he had the chance (and mind you, the character he was playing was supposed to be a CG barbarian), I killed him dead because he went from CG to CN after the rape (and he claimed he wanted to atone), to straight CE, and the level loss from changing alignments killed him.
@LadyRhian i somehow doubt you're talking about online rpg i've played, and surely no mmorpg currently out. The pvp got my interest, and i can see the npc rape as mmo, since most on there are around the age of puberty and know that no one knows who they are, but the alignment change is what made me realize that you're talking a whole different ball game.
And i won't lie, my first time playing dnd, i was a mage, and my first stop in town was to go to the bar, find the most attractive npc, and charm person. Wound up that my char fell in love with the npc, and my alignment changed from chaotic evil to chaotic good, guess a reverse of what you just said. Was a long and epic campign, and to this day, is the best i've ever played. I still have my Chaotic Good wizzy, Bjjorick. (Bjjorick goes back waaaaay before that game though)
@Bjjorick No, it was a pen and paper-type game played over a message board that allowed dice rolling. He had his own thread to atone in, and I had a feeling that it was the player who saw nothing wrong with what the character did. He got frustrated after that and quit the game. I mean, honestly, though. How can you walk up to a woman and just grab her and stick your, um, stick into her and not know that isn't a CG action? In the midst of the rest of the party, too? The female players wanted to conduct summary justice. I empathized with them, but I was determined to allow his character to atone... but only if the player wanted to. As it was, the female players, and their character drove him off at the points of their weapons.
I still don't get this guy's thinking... if he WAS thinking.
But, okay, enough of that. It's painful even to remember that part of the game.
@LadyRhian small attempt to offer understanding without getting into bad details. It's a fantasy world, and to alot of people, especially those younger/newer, fantasy means no rules, not DIFFERENT SET OF RULES. He honestly probably came in thinking that was what happened in these kinds of games, or played some very odd DnD in the past. I would assume he was teens to 25 max (i hope) and probably single. At least he didn't try it with any of the pc's, but that would have been a bit of a learning experience for him.
As far as my wizzy casting it, it was never his intention to do *that*, just to see what was capable with the spell. Found out natural charm is much more powerful then any spell, but wound up with a cleric char attached to my char sheet that got he same amount of xp as i did, and i controlled the spells/etc. It was a learning experience for me as well, but a much more profound one.
Although the gm did later tell me that the woman i charmed saved on her roll and was never charmed at all. Excellent GM, bit sad that i've no one to play with anymore, but who has the time? :P
Bjjorick, you could always just send her a message and avoid the public forums...not that I am offended or anything just saying there is a Direct message ability on this forum.
@immagikman yeah, but i was re reading through my convo and saw the question, so i answered, then saw the admin's post and decided better to go ahead and remove it. I gotta say though man, you seem quite level headed and wise in every post i've read of you so far.
Don't know about wise, but I keep in mind at all times, no matter what our differences we all, ALL the people here have one thing in common...we love this game so cannot be too different and have something in common.
amen to that, sadly i have a tendency to be quite stubborn. sadly i never mean to offend, but i truely hope no one does. and yeah, gotta love the game, the memory of good times with good friends (real or comp controlled). Of course, most of my bg games always include at least a little stupidity, but i think that's all just in the fun of the game.
@ladyrhian 'People are strange, when you're a stranger....'
Either way, at least you found out that the other people in your party carry things in common with you. Typically i found that rampant stupidity brings honorable people together, so there is always at least a small good to it.
BG2 made me pause, having used more female heroes in distress and 3 to 1 romance options.
Personally, Anomen seemed dull as dishwater.
Men had to love an elf, but they had three choices; good, evil, and half. I have sympathy for anyone stuck with Anomen. I couldn't stand to have him in my party. He brought little uniqueness in abilities, classes, or flare, and he came fully equipped with boring dialogue.
Also that stupid smug face of his. What is he so proud of? Being the only human with two classes? He can go specialize in a club for all I care.
Until you mentioned it I never made the connection between anomen being a human and a multiclass NPC [hangs head in shame]. Clearly he hasn't been accepted into the order yet because he is such a rebel.
Anomen is dual classed just like Imoen and Nalia are
Yea that was what I thought and for whatever reason I read ddubious's post incorrectly. To be honest I never use anomen myself. There are more useful fighter's in the game. The only time I ever did use him was during a paladin run through ages ago.
I just hope we have a more stable head as a group than COD fanboys who can't stop treating female gamers like *****. Makes the whole gaming group look bad personally.
On topic:
What surprises me is that usually story driven romances work well with females, but games like this aren't really all that popular. I guess the focus for a male written play style might have something to do with it.
@wariisop well, you have to think about it, in japan, one of the most popular games is dating sims or vitural gf. i tried one or two out of curiousity and they were fun for a day or two, but then i got bored. Was kinda like a tamagachi. And this was the male crowd going crazy for it.
myself, i love a good romance in a game, but i'm a romantic. most men are, they just won't admit it.
Edit: woot, thank you immagikman, i got my 25 agree badge. my comment to agree/like ratio is a bit low, but lol, guess that what happens when you randomly go from serious to silly.
Reminds me of a shirt I saw once in Dragon Magazine. Line of characters heading towards a group of trees, large, angry-looking dragon heading their way. Caption, "I think we made the DM angry."
After a few huh's?, i would make the old south park joke, "Cow turn themselves inside out all the time!!!" Heh, not sure why i choose that route, but they knew to take my mad cows quite serious.
And i won't lie, my first time playing dnd, i was a mage, and my first stop in town was to go to the bar, find the most attractive npc, and charm person. Wound up that my char fell in love with the npc, and my alignment changed from chaotic evil to chaotic good, guess a reverse of what you just said. Was a long and epic campign, and to this day, is the best i've ever played. I still have my Chaotic Good wizzy, Bjjorick.
I still don't get this guy's thinking... if he WAS thinking.
But, okay, enough of that. It's painful even to remember that part of the game.
As far as my wizzy casting it, it was never his intention to do *that*, just to see what was capable with the spell. Found out natural charm is much more powerful then any spell, but wound up with a cleric char attached to my char sheet that got he same amount of xp as i did, and i controlled the spells/etc. It was a learning experience for me as well, but a much more profound one.
Although the gm did later tell me that the woman i charmed saved on her roll and was never charmed at all. Excellent GM, bit sad that i've no one to play with anymore, but who has the time? :P
Oh it ended some time ago, we've just been kibitzing for the last few posts
Either way, at least you found out that the other people in your party carry things in common with you. Typically i found that rampant stupidity brings honorable people together, so there is always at least a small good to it.
BG2 made me pause, having used more female heroes in distress and 3 to 1 romance options.
Personally, Anomen seemed dull as dishwater.
Men had to love an elf, but they had three choices; good, evil, and half. I have sympathy for anyone stuck with Anomen. I couldn't stand to have him in my party. He brought little uniqueness in abilities, classes, or flare, and he came fully equipped with boring dialogue.
Also that stupid smug face of his. What is he so proud of? Being the only human with two classes? He can go specialize in a club for all I care.
On topic:
What surprises me is that usually story driven romances work well with females, but games like this aren't really all that popular. I guess the focus for a male written play style might have something to do with it.
myself, i love a good romance in a game, but i'm a romantic. most men are, they just won't admit it.
Edit: woot, thank you immagikman, i got my 25 agree badge. my comment to agree/like ratio is a bit low, but lol, guess that what happens when you randomly go from serious to silly.