I had quite a lot of the Dragon Magazines, but military life didn't fit with being able to accumulate personal affects for single people....so I was very very happy when the Mags were released on CD so I have the entire set up to btween #300 - #400. LOL I Envy your memory, While I know I played the Gold Box games till I wore out the floppies they came on....I really don't remember much about them...just as I played the bejesus out of the original Wizardry and Ultima games.
Anyway, I didn't notice that much imbalance between male and female quests. But there was only one female pc romance available.
I could go on and on about how crazy Anomen is, but none of the relationships are very healthy (at the start), and I imagine it would have been boring to have no drama.
I'd say men outnumber women. Here, in CS careers, video games, military. But I do not have the resources to say why. Maybe all women are Lurkers because of Nature or Nurture. Maybe its just a choice.
@Jean_Luc funny never hard of that show before...even if i did watch quite a few of thouse era fremch cartoon, being French Canadian myself, and it remind me of that where Aramis is a girl: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ghn8i8RyjyU
<< Male gamer, RP 3e or 4e twice a week with a 3 women and 3 men. Been playing twice a week, one edition or another, since 1996... in case any of this information "colors" my opinion.
There are 25 NPCs, 16 men, 9 women. I don't really want to counter your opening spiel, mainly because I prefer more gender diverse gaming, but I had a few comments.
Yeslick and Xan are both male rescue cases. You mentioned Skie, but her rescue is... (SPOILER ALERT) fake, to get the attention of Eldoth. Also, I was very impressed with Dynaheir, despite the fact she needed rescue and had a make bodyguard. I didn't feel cheated out of a story, and she certainly didn't act like a whimpering tool (like BG2's Aerie).
You also mentioned that they have simple fetch quests, which got me to thinking - who actually has an involved story or quest in this game? Imoen, Khalid and Jaheira, Xzar and Montaron, Minsc and Dynaheir / Edwin, and Kivan. Though everyone else has a 'story', its usually on the same map, three feet over, behind some ogres. In that light, Skie's quest was fitting to her class and character.
I will say this - many of the female characters (Viconia, Shar-Teel, Branwen, Safana, Skie) come late in the game or deep in the wilderness, where like Branwen they can be missed completely. Given the smaller number of female NPCs, it further hurts the availability of female characters.
I don't I think female characters were overlooked or underplayed, but I would love more quests for them (and male characters) to allow players to find out that these characters are in the game, and have a story to them too.
One more thing - it felt like the poll was just to supposed to ask our gender, rather than our opinion on the more populous gender of others on this site. In my case, same answer either way, but I hope I understood what you were asking.
I get the feeling that some people look at that statistic in the OP and feel offended or attacked in some way... and I think it is because there is so much paranoia about female discrimination that when you look at the numbers 90%, 10% you feel its discrimination, but it's not, it's a simple basic statistic.
nah, majority of guys play games, so the games are based around what brings in the most money. but BG:EE surprised me with the fact that in 3 new romances, one is for the guys, 2 is for the girls.
Would be nice if more girls played, my wife plays now that i've gotten her into it, but she does prefer the sims over combat games. it's just how God designed men/women. You can say it's how they evolved if that's your preference the end result is the same. Women are much better at multi tasking then men are on average, and men are much better at focusing on one thing then women are average. it's scientifically documented, and it doesn't make either superior, it just means each is better at different things NATURALLY. Life, experience, determination, etc change that though, but very rarely on a large scale.
@Bjjprick Perhaps it shouldn't have been such a big surprise that the additional romances favored the ladies...they were kind of short changed from the get go.
Never fear fellow forum-ites! I have come to save the day! I have here 2 links that Are a must see! Quite pertinent to this debate on male vs female warriors
I know which one I'd want by my side in a Combat Fitness Assesment!
But in all seriousness, doesn't it say somewhere in d&d that the physical difference between male and female are negligible? Why argue about male/female attributes in a computer game? How sad is that? Argue about something important, like dr. Peeper vs Coke.... Or smiths crisps vs samboys!!!! Not an arrangement of pixels! displayed on your screen/monitor, it's just stupid
@immagikman i agree, and i like the step they're going with offering different reasons for women to play. i just don't play female chars. Not in a story driven game.
@mch202 Lord, please don't tell me that they added bi sexual/gay relationships to the game. Call me intolerant, but i'm a man who seeks to serve and follow God, and so my opinion on it should be known. But the greastest commandment of all, Love the Lord your God with your heart, and the 2nd of these, Love others as you love yourself. Not my place to judge others, heck, i shouldn't judge myself as much as i do. Oh well.
@LadyRhian actually my personal favorite (but I really need to get a shaker so I can make it myself) is Unsweetened Black Tea/Lemonade. So happily refreshing.
Who care about us men being stronger (on average).. the first damn time you (at least as a male from europe) end up in a relationship.. you find out how outclasses you are when it comes to the power balance in a relationship.
Damn those women and their mean tricks!!! Crying is and always will be cheating!!
Ohh and concerning the cola wars.. Coca Cola wins!
Ladies please remember that sexually frustrated young adolescent males will tease you because they like you, not cuz they don't. They like you because you claim to be female.
My honest guess is that there are 45% women on this here board, but NFW are they gonna post to this thread and attract the attention of the aforementioned SFYAMs. Just lurking because they are more mature than boys.
"My honest guess is that there are 45% women on this here board, but NFW are they gonna post to this thread and attract the attention of the aforementioned SFYAMs. Just lurking because they are more mature than boys."
Now it's about being mature is it? God... will the justifications for the graph keep popping up? next someone will create triple accounts just to boost the female users in the graph... It doesnt matter, maybe there are few girls here but they are the best, better few and good than alot and ..well.
@immagikman i agree, and i like the step they're going with offering different reasons for women to play. i just don't play female chars. Not in a story driven game.
@mch202 Lord, please don't tell me that they added bi sexual/gay relationships to the game. Call me intolerant, but i'm a man who seeks to serve and follow God, and so my opinion on it should be known. But the greastest commandment of all, Love the Lord your God with your heart, and the 2nd of these, Love others as you love yourself. Not my place to judge others, heck, i shouldn't judge myself as much as i do. Oh well.
as a bisexual woman, i'm personally glad that they did... On god and homosexuallity... point me when jesus talked about same sex relationship.... And if you want to bring the Old Testament i would point out that the Old Testament also say that women should be subservent to men, that they should not be allowed to talk, and that men should be autorised to marry multiple women, and that a woman that got raped should get married to the rappist, are you in agreement with all thouse too?
The misogynist crap already annoyed me enough, if this topic turns into religion bashing or preaching there will be deletions.
I can understand, i didnt meant my post to be religion bashing... The guy isallowed to follow any religion he like i don't mind... But using his religion to justify homophobia, i really hate that... I was just pointing out that his religion had evolved in time and it was time it does so again
@Tanthalas Thank you. I thought about coming in here and asking for the religion to stop (now that for the most part we finally stopped the men versus women war). I mean why can't we settle for the classic internet arguments.
Coca Cola Wars, Pirates versus Ninjas, etc.
That said, I'm glad to hear relationship choices are expanding and for the most part this topic has become quite interesting to read compared to where it was a few days ago.
"According to another study conducted by the Entertainment Software Association in 2010, 40% of the game playing population is female, and women 18 or older now comprise 33% of all gamers. Also, the percentage of women now playing online has risen to 42%, up several percent since 2004. The same study shows that 46% of game purchasers are female (Entertainment Software Association)."
anyhow, 40%, 42%, 46% from those sources, and I pulled 45% out of me nethers. Gimme a break.
Your internet polling problem is a lot like the real life polling of likely voters. Republicans, commonly have productive things to do, and hang up on the pollsters, or never answer the call in the first place. Ds dont and dont. Thus the Rs are underweighted in the polls. Pollsters know this and toss in fudge factors derived from previous polls and actual election results. Consider systematic biases of your internet poll.
@Leronis Please do not bring politics up in the forums. We already had a close encounter with religion and those are 2 hot topics that really don't belong in a video game forum.
Anyone remeber Marianne?
Anyway, I didn't notice that much imbalance between male and female quests. But there was only one female pc romance available.
I could go on and on about how crazy Anomen is, but none of the relationships are very healthy (at the start), and I imagine it would have been boring to have no drama.
I'd say men outnumber women. Here, in CS careers, video games, military. But I do not have the resources to say why. Maybe all women are Lurkers because of Nature or Nurture. Maybe its just a choice.
There are 25 NPCs, 16 men, 9 women. I don't really want to counter your opening spiel, mainly because I prefer more gender diverse gaming, but I had a few comments.
Yeslick and Xan are both male rescue cases. You mentioned Skie, but her rescue is... (SPOILER ALERT) fake, to get the attention of Eldoth. Also, I was very impressed with Dynaheir, despite the fact she needed rescue and had a make bodyguard. I didn't feel cheated out of a story, and she certainly didn't act like a whimpering tool (like BG2's Aerie).
You also mentioned that they have simple fetch quests, which got me to thinking - who actually has an involved story or quest in this game? Imoen, Khalid and Jaheira, Xzar and Montaron, Minsc and Dynaheir / Edwin, and Kivan. Though everyone else has a 'story', its usually on the same map, three feet over, behind some ogres. In that light, Skie's quest was fitting to her class and character.
I will say this - many of the female characters (Viconia, Shar-Teel, Branwen, Safana, Skie) come late in the game or deep in the wilderness, where like Branwen they can be missed completely. Given the smaller number of female NPCs, it further hurts the availability of female characters.
I don't I think female characters were overlooked or underplayed, but I would love more quests for them (and male characters) to allow players to find out that these characters are in the game, and have a story to them too.
One more thing - it felt like the poll was just to supposed to ask our gender, rather than our opinion on the more populous gender of others on this site. In my case, same answer either way, but I hope I understood what you were asking.
Would be nice if more girls played, my wife plays now that i've gotten her into it, but she does prefer the sims over combat games. it's just how God designed men/women. You can say it's how they evolved if that's your preference the end result is the same. Women are much better at multi tasking then men are on average, and men are much better at focusing on one thing then women are average. it's scientifically documented, and it doesn't make either superior, it just means each is better at different things NATURALLY. Life, experience, determination, etc change that though, but very rarely on a large scale.
Perhaps it shouldn't have been such a big surprise that the additional romances favored the ladies...they were kind of short changed from the get go.
Coke is better than Dr. Pepper.
@Immagikman Ya I just hope they're better than the Anomen romance which got old real fast.
@mch202 I didn't even know they were all romancible and one was bi. Glad to hear that the new NPCs are and how things have changed over the years.
@Elminster Dr. Pepper>Sweet Tea>Coke>Pepsi (Just friendly teasing)
@mch202 Lord, please don't tell me that they added bi sexual/gay relationships to the game. Call me intolerant, but i'm a man who seeks to serve and follow God, and so my opinion on it should be known. But the greastest commandment of all, Love the Lord your God with your heart, and the 2nd of these, Love others as you love yourself. Not my place to judge others, heck, i shouldn't judge myself as much as i do. Oh well.
Damn those women and their mean tricks!!! Crying is and always will be cheating!!
Ohh and concerning the cola wars.. Coca Cola wins!
Note rule30.
Ladies please remember that sexually frustrated young adolescent males will tease you because they like you, not cuz they don't. They like you because you claim to be female.
My honest guess is that there are 45% women on this here board, but NFW are they gonna post to this thread and attract the attention of the aforementioned SFYAMs. Just lurking because they are more mature than boys.
Now it's about being mature is it? God... will the justifications for the graph keep popping up? next someone will create triple accounts just to boost the female users in the graph... It doesnt matter, maybe there are few girls here but they are the best, better few and good than alot and ..well.
They added bi sexual/gay relationships to the game.
And I'm not your Lord ;-)
On god and homosexuallity... point me when jesus talked about same sex relationship....
And if you want to bring the Old Testament i would point out that the Old Testament also say that women should be subservent to men, that they should not be allowed to talk, and that men should be autorised to marry multiple women, and that a woman that got raped should get married to the rappist, are you in agreement with all thouse too?
The misogynist crap already annoyed me enough, if this topic turns into religion bashing or preaching there will be deletions.
Coca Cola Wars, Pirates versus Ninjas, etc.
That said, I'm glad to hear relationship choices are expanding and for the most part this topic has become quite interesting to read compared to where it was a few days ago.
"According to another study conducted by the Entertainment Software Association in 2010, 40% of the game playing population is female, and women 18 or older now comprise 33% of all gamers.
Also, the percentage of women now playing online has risen to 42%, up several percent since 2004. The same study shows that 46% of game purchasers are female (Entertainment Software Association)."
anyhow, 40%, 42%, 46% from those sources, and I pulled 45% out of me nethers. Gimme a break.
Your internet polling problem is a lot like the real life polling of likely voters. Republicans, commonly have productive things to do, and hang up on the pollsters, or never answer the call in the first place. Ds dont and dont. Thus the Rs are underweighted in the polls. Pollsters know this and toss in fudge factors derived from previous polls and actual election results. Consider systematic biases of your internet poll.
Please and Thank You.