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New versions of NearInfinity available



  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,520
    edited June 2023
    barker262 wrote: »
    G'day Argent 77,

    I've been having trouble with some modded kits from Bardic wonders. I can't get the revised blade abilites to work as advertised. Been trying to use Nearinfinity to modify the SPCL521 and SPCL522, to either fix the behavior or just change them entirely.

    As a quick overview, SPCL522 defensive spin, is supposed to hold the character inplace, prevent spell use, improve his AC by one per level, and if hit activate a reposte style attack that disarms the striker. At first level the observed behaviour is; movement unchanged, AC unchanged on the character display (including radar) however on the inventory screen it shows -10 AC to all damage types.

    Ofcourse I'd love to change the ability a bit further myself, but that will come after I've fixed it with your program if at all possible. Is there a video or similar I can access to teach me how to use the it? I find the readme on the Gibberlings 3 sight of no use as the instructional screen shots bare no resemblance to the program I have access to.

    It sounds like you're trying to fix a mod-specific issue. I can't really help you with the specifics since I've never used that mod myself. But I can provide general pointers, since your question is more about engine-specific behavior than Near Infinity itself.

    The Near Infinity Wiki should help you getting started with the operation of the tool. To modify spell behavior you'll also have to know more about effect opcodes. The IESDP website provides a detailed (and rather technical) overview of all available opcodes and their parameters.

    For more specific help I'd suggest to ask your questions in the G3 Forums. There are many modders who are far more experienced with modding spells than I am.
  • barker262barker262 Member Posts: 83
    Thanks mate, I'll check them out.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,520
    Near Infinity is now also available for Linux as a Flatpak application.

    You can get it directly from the Flathub website or install it through the package manager of your choice. In the latter case you may have to enable the Flathub repository first. See Flathub Quick Setup for more information.

    Like the Windows installer it will add a start menu entry and associate "chitin.key" files from the games with Near Infinity.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,520
    Update: NearInfinity v2.4-20230625

    This release provides lots of internal changes, including a new Preferences dialog that replaces the overly cluttered Options menu, official support for dark mode UI themes, several new syntax highlighting features and a new syntax highlighting color scheme.

    The latter feature causes a slight compatibility issue with previous NI releases that warrants a bump of the version number. It is recommended to inspect and adjust color schemes for BCS and other resource types.

    Full Changelog:
    • Added syntax highlighting for INI files
    • Added official support for dark UI themes
    • Added many new Look&Feel UI themes, including several dark UI themes
    • Added new syntax highlighting color scheme "Druid"
    • Cleaned up the Options menu and moved everything to a dedicated Preferences dialog
      • The dialog is accessible from the Game menu or via shortcut Ctrl-P (Command-P on macOS)
    • Added first-time usage prompt that helps to quickly set up NI
    • Fixed Area Viewer control panel being cut off on small window sizes by adding scrollbars
    • Command line option "-no-update" should hide update-related menu entries
    • Updated opcode 118 label and parameters
    • Many internal optimizations
  • _Luke__Luke_ Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,538
    argent77 wrote: »
    • Updated opcode 118 label and parameters

    What do you mean exactly...? Opcode 118 is an empty / unused opcode...
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,520
    edited June 2023
    _Luke_ wrote: »
    argent77 wrote: »
    • Updated opcode 118 label and parameters

    What do you mean exactly...? Opcode 118 is an empty / unused opcode...

    Yes, exactly. Previous versions displayed an incorrect opcode name for some game types which has been updated.
  • _Luke__Luke_ Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,538
    edited June 2023
    argent77 wrote: »
    _Luke_ wrote: »
    argent77 wrote: »
    • Updated opcode 118 label and parameters

    What do you mean exactly...? Opcode 118 is an empty / unused opcode...

    Yes, exactly. Previous versions displayed an incorrect opcode name for some game types which has been updated.

    If that is the case, then you might also want to flag op113 as "unused" (it is currently flagged as "Equip Weapon"...)
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,520
    _Luke_ wrote: »
    argent77 wrote: »
    _Luke_ wrote: »
    argent77 wrote: »
    • Updated opcode 118 label and parameters

    What do you mean exactly...? Opcode 118 is an empty / unused opcode...

    Yes, exactly. Previous versions displayed an incorrect opcode name for some game types which has been updated.

    If that is the case, then you might also want to flag op113 as "unused" (it is currently flagged as "Equip Weapon"...)

    It looks like there are several more opcodes which require updates (like 113, 121, and several IWD-specific opcodes).
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,520
    Download: Nightly Releases

    Near Infinity is now also available as "Nightly Releases". They are development snapshots which allow you to use the latest features and bugfixes without having to wait for the next official release.

    Please note that these snapshots are not as thoroughly tested and may contain bugs.
  • AgenesiaAgenesia Member Posts: 18
    Good afternoon,

    I am trying to download and run NI and I cannot find my Chitin.key file or get NI to run. I am running macOS Ventura 13.4.1 from steam apps. Playing BG1/2:EE versions. I have downloaded the official version of Java when I open he NI.jar file it directs me to find the file path. When I try to click on the game launcher it says launching NI but nothing happens. When I go to the folder destination where my saved game files/override folder etc. all are stored that folder is empty.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,520
    Agenesia wrote: »
    Good afternoon,

    I am trying to download and run NI and I cannot find my Chitin.key file or get NI to run. I am running macOS Ventura 13.4.1 from steam apps. Playing BG1/2:EE versions. I have downloaded the official version of Java when I open he NI.jar file it directs me to find the file path. When I try to click on the game launcher it says launching NI but nothing happens. When I go to the folder destination where my saved game files/override folder etc. all are stored that folder is empty.

    Running the NearInfinity.jar file directly is not recommended on macOS because it integrates badly into the desktop. Download and install the PKG archive from here instead:

    To find out the installation path of the game in Steam you can select the game in the Steam Library and click on Manage > Browse local files. It should open the game path in the file manager. In this path you should also find the "chitin.key" file which has to be selected in the Open Game dialog if you start Near Infinity for the first time.
  • AgenesiaAgenesia Member Posts: 18
    The problem I am having when I download the PKG is after installation I click on it to run/open it and it does nothing, should I have the game running?
  • AgenesiaAgenesia Member Posts: 18
    edited July 2023
    Agenesia wrote: »
    The problem I am having when I download the PKG is after installation I click on it to run/open it and it does nothing, should I have the game running?

    Even while running the game I am unable to get the PKG to open/run or do anything. Running the .jar file I was able to find the chitin.key to access game files but some are inaccessible or didn't download/parse correctly. Another question I have, is there a way to use the NPC's voices for char name? Like if I want to make Sorcerer but using Xzar's voice file or command responses?
    Post edited by Agenesia on
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,520
    Agenesia wrote: »
    The problem I am having when I download the PKG is after installation I click on it to run/open it and it does nothing, should I have the game running?

    The PKG archive is unrelated to the games themselves. It is one of the standard installation formats for macOS applications. If you double click on the PKG file in the Finder it should start a guided installation procedure and install Near Infinity to the Applications folder. Afterwards you can open the app from the Launchpad.

    I cannot test it on macOS Ventura, so I don't know if it works differently on that version. For previous macOS versions you had to allow access to the Documents folder via confirmation dialog. It could be that Ventura handles it in a stricter way.

    I found this link which deals with problems using PKG installers on macOS Ventura. Maybe it's worth checking it out.

    Another question I have, is there a way to use the NPC's voices for char name? Like if I want to make Sorcerer but using Xzar's voice file or command responses?
    Yes, but it requires a bit of work. You have to open Xzar's CRE file and export all sound files associated with his lines from the "Sound: xxx" entries in the Edit tab of the resource.


    This How-To should help you create a soundset out of it:
  • GraionDilachGraionDilach Member Posts: 603
    TBH, I've already created a mod from the BG1 NPC voiceovers for players - I just haven't finished adding in all the SoD and BG2 NPC sets yet.
  • AgenesiaAgenesia Member Posts: 18
    Thank you for the information on the PKG unfortunately that is not the issue I am having, out of curiosity I went back to an earlier version of NI (using after installation (when I opened it) it asked me for permission o access my documents folder and opens the app, on the most recent version it does not do this.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,520
    Agenesia wrote: »
    Thank you for the information on the PKG unfortunately that is not the issue I am having, out of curiosity I went back to an earlier version of NI (using after installation (when I opened it) it asked me for permission o access my documents folder and opens the app, on the most recent version it does not do this.

    I can't reproduce this on my macOS Monterey test machine. When the installation process is completed I'm asked to grant access permission to the Documents folder. Afterwards NI starts without issues.

    Astro's procedure to build the PKG archive doesn't really differ from the way I'm building it except for two parameters. However, they should not affect access permissions. I have attached a PKG file where I added one of the parameters. Could you test whether it solves the issue for you?
  • AgenesiaAgenesia Member Posts: 18
    argent77 wrote: »
    Agenesia wrote: »
    Thank you for the information on the PKG unfortunately that is not the issue I am having, out of curiosity I went back to an earlier version of NI (using after installation (when I opened it) it asked me for permission o access my documents folder and opens the app, on the most recent version it does not do this.

    I can't reproduce this on my macOS Monterey test machine. When the installation process is completed I'm asked to grant access permission to the Documents folder. Afterwards NI starts without issues.

    Astro's procedure to build the PKG archive doesn't really differ from the way I'm building it except for two parameters. However, they should not affect access permissions. I have attached a PKG file where I added one of the parameters. Could you test whether it solves the issue for you?

    I did a test and that did not work :(.
  • AgenesiaAgenesia Member Posts: 18
    Agenesia wrote: »
    argent77 wrote: »
    Agenesia wrote: »
    Thank you for the information on the PKG unfortunately that is not the issue I am having, out of curiosity I went back to an earlier version of NI (using after installation (when I opened it) it asked me for permission o access my documents folder and opens the app, on the most recent version it does not do this.

    I can't reproduce this on my macOS Monterey test machine. When the installation process is completed I'm asked to grant access permission to the Documents folder. Afterwards NI starts without issues.

    Astro's procedure to build the PKG archive doesn't really differ from the way I'm building it except for two parameters. However, they should not affect access permissions. I have attached a PKG file where I added one of the parameters. Could you test whether it solves the issue for you?

    I did a test and that did not work :(.

    Version also did not work.
  • GreenerGreener Member Posts: 430
    @argent77 I can confirm that after installing near infinity on my macOS 13.4.1, I am unable to open the near infinity app. It trys to open for a split second and then closes.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,520
    Greener wrote: »
    I can confirm that after installing near infinity on my macOS 13.4.1, I am unable to open the near infinity app. It trys to open for a split second and then closes.

    @Agenesia @Greener Could you test the attached PKG archive? This one uses the same Java version internally as Astro's packages.
  • AgenesiaAgenesia Member Posts: 18
    argent77 wrote: »
    Greener wrote: »
    I can confirm that after installing near infinity on my macOS 13.4.1, I am unable to open the near infinity app. It trys to open for a split second and then closes.

    @Agenesia @Greener Could you test the attached PKG archive? This one uses the same Java version internally as Astro's packages.

    This one gives an error saying it is damaged and can't be opened.
  • GreenerGreener Member Posts: 430
    argent77 wrote: »
    Greener wrote: »
    I can confirm that after installing near infinity on my macOS 13.4.1, I am unable to open the near infinity app. It trys to open for a split second and then closes.

    @Agenesia @Greener Could you test the attached PKG archive? This one uses the same Java version internally as Astro's packages.

    This one at least attempts to load before displaying the following message (see attached) the previous versions wouldn't even load.

  • AgenesiaAgenesia Member Posts: 18
    Greener wrote: »
    argent77 wrote: »
    Greener wrote: »
    I can confirm that after installing near infinity on my macOS 13.4.1, I am unable to open the near infinity app. It trys to open for a split second and then closes.

    @Agenesia @Greener Could you test the attached PKG archive? This one uses the same Java version internally as Astro's packages.

    This one at least attempts to load before displaying the following message (see attached) the previous versions wouldn't even load.


    This is the same error I got with the new file, if it will make easier to diagnose I can give you remote access to my MacBook for a bit while you figure it out.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,520
    edited July 2023
    Greener wrote: »
    argent77 wrote: »
    Greener wrote: »
    I can confirm that after installing near infinity on my macOS 13.4.1, I am unable to open the near infinity app. It trys to open for a split second and then closes.

    @Agenesia @Greener Could you test the attached PKG archive? This one uses the same Java version internally as Astro's packages.

    This one at least attempts to load before displaying the following message (see attached) the previous versions wouldn't even load.

    That could be the result of a stricter security policy enforced by macOS Ventura (possibly because Near Infinity is not digitally signed.)

    Could you check if the fixes suggested on this website allow you to open the file?
  • AgenesiaAgenesia Member Posts: 18
    argent77 wrote: »
    Greener wrote: »
    argent77 wrote: »
    Greener wrote: »
    I can confirm that after installing near infinity on my macOS 13.4.1, I am unable to open the near infinity app. It trys to open for a split second and then closes.

    @Agenesia @Greener Could you test the attached PKG archive? This one uses the same Java version internally as Astro's packages.

    This one at least attempts to load before displaying the following message (see attached) the previous versions wouldn't even load.

    That could be the result of a stricter security policy enforced by macOS Ventura (possibly because Near Infinity is not digitally signed.)

    Could you check if the fixes suggested on this website allow you to open the file?

    Still the same issue.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,520
    Agenesia wrote: »
    argent77 wrote: »
    That could be the result of a stricter security policy enforced by macOS Ventura (possibly because Near Infinity is not digitally signed.)

    Could you check if the fixes suggested on this website allow you to open the file?

    Still the same issue.

    Do you have more luck with the original PKG file from the Near Infinity Releases page?
  • AgenesiaAgenesia Member Posts: 18
    edited July 2023
    argent77 wrote: »
    Agenesia wrote: »
    argent77 wrote: »
    That could be the result of a stricter security policy enforced by macOS Ventura (possibly because Near Infinity is not digitally signed.)

    Could you check if the fixes suggested on this website allow you to open the file?

    Still the same issue.

    Do you have more luck with the original PKG file from the Near Infinity Releases page?

    I did have luck with this one but now this link doesn't work and when I open that version on the site I noticed it has an a at the end of it and now that one is doing the same thing, I tried restoring the PKG from my deleted folder but none of those worked either.
  • GreenerGreener Member Posts: 430
    Agenesia wrote: »
    argent77 wrote: »
    Greener wrote: »
    argent77 wrote: »
    Greener wrote: »
    I can confirm that after installing near infinity on my macOS 13.4.1, I am unable to open the near infinity app. It trys to open for a split second and then closes.

    @Agenesia @Greener Could you test the attached PKG archive? This one uses the same Java version internally as Astro's packages.

    This one at least attempts to load before displaying the following message (see attached) the previous versions wouldn't even load.

    That could be the result of a stricter security policy enforced by macOS Ventura (possibly because Near Infinity is not digitally signed.)

    Could you check if the fixes suggested on this website allow you to open the file?

    Still the same issue.

    I followed some of the advice in the link provided and opened the corrupted file twice more and on the third attempt it worked. now it works each time…

    Im sure their is a degree of operator error!
  • AgenesiaAgenesia Member Posts: 18
    Greener wrote: »
    Agenesia wrote: »
    argent77 wrote: »
    Greener wrote: »
    argent77 wrote: »
    Greener wrote: »
    I can confirm that after installing near infinity on my macOS 13.4.1, I am unable to open the near infinity app. It trys to open for a split second and then closes.

    @Agenesia @Greener Could you test the attached PKG archive? This one uses the same Java version internally as Astro's packages.

    This one at least attempts to load before displaying the following message (see attached) the previous versions wouldn't even load.

    That could be the result of a stricter security policy enforced by macOS Ventura (possibly because Near Infinity is not digitally signed.)

    Could you check if the fixes suggested on this website allow you to open the file?

    Still the same issue.

    I followed some of the advice in the link provided and opened the corrupted file twice more and on the third attempt it worked. now it works each time…

    Im sure their is a degree of operator error!

    how far down the list did you go? which version of NI did you use? I had to reboot my PC because couldn't get another app to work so I am going to try it again now that I am back home.
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