Tiax is warning you child, do not use stupid phrases. The party is gathered and they shall follow Tiax. Only good has come from his leadership, so far we have only lost 2 useless mages. Tiax believes we are doing well.
OOC: Did we go down the red sphere before, if so then yes Black sphere is where we are heading* @Awong124 I believe I got stabbed in the butt near the gargoyle with 3 arms.
Tiax pushes Xzar out of the wa and he tumbles screaming *mommy*. Tiax then searches the black sphere entrance for traps
"I´m kinda lost to be honest. Does anyone have a map of this place? Or remembers where to go? Maybe I should have listened Keldorn, Windspear Hills couldn't have possibly been worst than this, right?"
For some wildly inexplicable reason, Xzar seems content to let Alora go first. This corridor is much, much longer than any of the others, and heads east before making a 90 degree turn south, another 90 degree turn west and down before continuing south west for more than 70' before heading straight south again for another 20' then west 10', south 15', then east 40' and south another 20'.
There, the passage ends in a dead stone wall, but Alora can sense an open space beyond.
*Tiax helps Alora look for a secret passage, he might not particularly like the halfling, but she has done no wrong so far and he feels she may be worth keeping alive*
Everyone looks fruitlessly for some entrance, until Keldorn's searching fingers find a hidden catch. The end of the tunnel slides open, letting you out into a strange chapel.
The room is 70' square, the closest 50' being taken up with wooden pews. At the front of the room is a glowing blue altar set off from the rest of the room by a wooden railing. To either side of the altar is a giant candelabra with seven white candles, and a white ceramic urn stoppered with a wooden and brass plug. The walls are painted with scenes of everyday life, but the people depicted within are half-rotted, with bones showing and worms eating at them. There is a mosaic path that runs up the middle of the room towards the altar, which is slightly above the level of the floor on a dais. A massive wooden seat is before the altar, facing the pews.
There is a slight aura of good here, and the walls also bear the images of the symbols of good gods, such as Lathander, Helm, Torm, Tyr, Ilmatar, and others.
Keldorn also said this place glows with evil all over, and that the evil was slightly less evil down the red tunnel. This passage is more "par for the course" evil, which is still pretty evil. I think.
Tiax would like to know why people think he is crazy, when Alora is the crazy one. She thinks she is an Ilithid... when in truth the only one in disguise here is Tiax, who is a mighty god walking around among mere mortals!
@Awong124 I believe I got stabbed in the butt near the gargoyle with 3 arms.
Tiax pushes Xzar out of the wa and he tumbles screaming *mommy*. Tiax then searches the black sphere entrance for traps
There are two tunnels - a black one and a red one.
There are two stone spheres that may be doors. One is orange, one is purple.
There is an archway full of smoke with three keystones in weird colours: russet, olive and citron.
There, the passage ends in a dead stone wall, but Alora can sense an open space beyond.
The room is 70' square, the closest 50' being taken up with wooden pews. At the front of the room is a glowing blue altar set off from the rest of the room by a wooden railing. To either side of the altar is a giant candelabra with seven white candles, and a white ceramic urn stoppered with a wooden and brass plug. The walls are painted with scenes of everyday life, but the people depicted within are half-rotted, with bones showing and worms eating at them. There is a mosaic path that runs up the middle of the room towards the altar, which is slightly above the level of the floor on a dais. A massive wooden seat is before the altar, facing the pews.
There is a slight aura of good here, and the walls also bear the images of the symbols of good gods, such as Lathander, Helm, Torm, Tyr, Ilmatar, and others.