Level: 10 Range: Infinite Duration: Special Casting Time: varies (see below) Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Spell Components: S, M
Upon casting this spell, the mage conjures into existence a virtual voucher that entitles him/her to the future copy of the game Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear, which shall spontaneously appear within 3 weeks or less (depending on when the spell is cast). Casting the spell requires a somatic component of typing in the caster's login, password, and credit card number. The material component is the caster's credit card.
Casting time varies. If the wizard's virtual familiar has his/her login and credit card information memorized, casting time can be as low a 1. If the wizard has forgotten his/her login information, he/she may need to first cast a Password Recovery spell.
Level: 10
Range: Infinite
Duration: Special
Casting Time: varies (see below)
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Spell
Components: S, M
Upon casting this spell, the mage conjures into existence a virtual voucher that entitles him/her to the future copy of the game Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear, which shall spontaneously appear within 3 weeks or less (depending on when the spell is cast). Casting the spell requires a somatic component of typing in the caster's login, password, and credit card number. The material component is the caster's credit card.
Casting time varies. If the wizard's virtual familiar has his/her login and credit card information memorized, casting time can be as low a 1. If the wizard has forgotten his/her login information, he/she may need to first cast a Password Recovery spell.