Level 5 Range: Just enough Area of Effect: Too close for comfort School: Evocation Saving Throw: Spell
The caster blurts out an incredibly embarrassing secret about themselves. Every enemy who fails a saving throw just stands around not sure what to say or do for 2d4 rounds. An enemy who succeeds on the saving throw leaves the area of effect since they know that staying there will just make things worse.
Level: 9 Range: None Area of Effect: Caster School: Wild Magic Saving Throw: None
On casting this spell, the caster is offered the emblems of each spell school [as with the Spell Immunity spell]. On selecting a school, all spells of that school cast by the same caster within the next 4 rounds are reliably cast at +5 levels to the caster's actual level and without wild surges. This spell can be cast only by Wild Mages, and works even in a Wild Magic Zone.
Purpose: to continue the theme (from Chaos Shield and Improved Chaos Shield) that Wild Mages gain more control as they develop, so that they might even become worth having.
Used with Power Word: Ice and Power Word: Wind. Transports the party to Icewind Dale during the Kuldahar troubles. Alone, the spell summons Dale, Noober and Neeber's cousin from the frozen north.
Power word dance - all creatures in area of effect dance embarrassingly for 3 rounds, funky chicken, worm, monkey or Hokey Cokey dad style.
No saving throw
Otto's Irresistable Dance lasts 4 rounds iirc. Its not exactly ideal in many circumstances, but it can be handy due to no save. Its mainly used by Pixies in 3.x, as its an 8th lvl slot for others, and no sane sorcerer would be quick to take it as a pick, as its so utterly situational. In Lords of Darkness, it is used by the vampire that runs the Nightmasks (he's a Manshoon iirc) for very showey executions. Of course, he could just save a slot and use his Domination... but stop questioning!
Powerword: Reference Instantly allows you to remember utterly inane facts, and which book to look them up in. Castable only by librarians, archivists, savants and grognards.
Spell Components: Verbal, Material (optional) Range: 0 Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: All creatures within hearing range Saving Throw: None
As the Great Net Spellbook puts it, "[t]his is an ancient spell of unknown origins that has been in common use for untold centuries." Uttering the Power Word: Attention will get the attention of any and all creatures within hearing range. If the caster doesn't make use of the situation, the creatures affected by this spell will resume their normal activities within a single round. The Great Net Spellbook warns that "[r]epeated use of this spell in a short time span is poorly received in many (if not all) locales." Deaf creatures are immune to the effect.
Can (and should) be combined with Power Word: Please to mitigate any resulting reaction penalties.
The material components for this spell are a glass and a spoon.
Level 1 Spell Components: Computer, Internet Access Range: 0 Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: Depends on how fast you type Area of Effect: All creatures on the forums Saving Throw: Save vs. Boredom at -2
Upon uttering this spell (or more aptly, typing it on your computer) any discussion from the past no matter how long ago, will magically reappear!
What the hell, I might as well continue to dwell into creating a new spell:
Power word: Change alignment Level 7'ish Range: Visual range Area of Effect: One creature School: Alteration Saving Throw: Save vs Spell for half effect
When uttered, Power word: Change alignment immediately swaps the recipients alignement to it's diametrical opposite. A lawful/good character becomes chaotic/evil and the opposite. Save for half effect, lawful become chaotic, evil becomes good and the opposites. True neutral characters are immune to the effects.
The target loses interest for Baldur's Gate for 1D3 months, if the Saving Throw against Open World/Slavic Mythology/Low-fantasy RPG with -2 penalty is failed.
The target loses interest for Baldur's Gate for 1D3 months, if the Saving Throw against Open World/Slavic Mythology/Low-fantasy RPG with -2 penalty is failed.
Power Word: Gazebo Spell Level 999 Range: Forum Area of Effect: Everywhere Duration: As long as people talk about it School: Game Development Saving Throw: Lol, Nope!
Upon being cast, this spell creates a large, sentient wooden gazebo that overwhelms threads with large quantities of nonsense. It cannot be dispelled, except through use of Power Word: Moderator, which only has a 50% chance of succeeding, and a 50% chance of adding to the nonsense even further. This spell should not be used in conjunction with Power Word: Serious Thread, or catastrophic events will cause some people to cast Power Word: Complain or Power Word: Ragequit.
Power Word: Reload Level: 0 (cantrip; available to all) Effective level: HLA++ Area: Entire Universe School: Cheese Saving Throw: Will (aka "I really should not be doing this.")
Time reverts back to an earlier point, while leaving knowledge of its passing intact.
Power Word: Silence Level: 0 (goes through any protection) Range: One player Area of Effect: Multiplayer School: Bug-ation Saving Throw: None
During a Multiplayer game one player suddenly loses an abitilty to type and thus communicate with others. This spell can be triggered when you kill a powerful wizard, without any warnings. Cannot be saved against and doesn't wear off with time. The only way to dispel the spell is to reload the whole Multiplayer session, which can only be done by the host.
Power Word: Power Word Level: 9 Range: 30 feet Duration: Permanent Area of Effect: One target School: General Casting Time 0 Saving Throw: None
When casting Power Word: Power Word the mage gains an incredibly degree of knowledge about the target. So much so that with a single word they can affect their opponent to any one of the following (chosen randomly).
Stun Sleep Silence Hold Death
The spell bypasses an opponents magic resistance and any of their innate immunities.
All targets in the area of effect are stunned for 1 round, and for 5 rounds thereafter suffer a +1 penalty to AC and -1 to THAC0 as they are hit with the sudden realization that they haven't written to their mother in months. These increase to 2 rounds/6 rounds, +2 AC, -2 THAC0 if the targets are bandits, slavers or any other profession that their mom would be very disappointed about. (Note: Drow are immune, unless they're, like, florists or something.)
Power word: Irenicus Level: 9 Range: Caster Duration: 1 round/level
Gives caster a cool voice while casting spells. Caster will during the duration of the spell yell "suffer, you will all suffer" randomly and sometimes enemy targets will simply die for no apparent reason (no save but boss level enemies are immune).
Power word: Blackbrew Level: 2 Range: 10 feet radius around caster Duration: 4 hours
The caster can with but a single word change simple water into mighty blackbrew. This magical potion must be drunk immediately, whilst hot, and removes all fatigue in the recipients. If used repeatedly, will cause slight nausea and shakings (-2 DEX and - 2 CON).
Power word:Freeze Level:8 Casting Time:1 Range:Target near 30 feet Duration:Instantenous Saving throw:special
With a single command, the caster exposes one chosen victim to absolute cold for about an instant, this subjects the target creature to a rapid drain of heat which can prove to be instantly fatal for the weak. Even such momentary exposure to lowest temperature imaginable can render the living tissues dead and frozen.
Any being with 30 hit points or less gets no saving throw and is turned into a frozen statue in a blink. Those with 31 to 60 hit points must make a save vs death magic, and those with 61 to 89 hit points must make a save vs death magic at +2 bonus to resist the cruel assault of the cold, that penetrates them to their very core. Those with 90 or more hit points can not be frozen by this spell. Death ward offers no protection against this brutal spell, however a protection from cold spell will grant immunity. Regardless of hit points, if the victim survives the ordeal, he takes 5d4+5 cold damage and is slowed for 10 rounds by the sudden chill, as his bones and joints stiffen and body shakes uncontrollably. There is no saving throw for these secondary effects.
Undead and unliving targets are unaffected. A fire based creature such as an efreet, red salamander or red dragon is more susceptible to this spell, receiving -1 penalty to their saves, and taking double damage if they survive. While cold based creatures are utterly immune to all effects.
A frozen body can not be restored to life by merely thawing. Raise dead and resurrection won't work before the body is thawed properly, thus the victim must be thawed reasonably (DM's call) first. The body can be shattered while frozen by any type b or s attack that can do more than 4 hit points of damage, only a powerful spell such as wish can restore the unfourtunate victim then.
Power Word: Funky Town Level: 4 Casting Time: 1 Duration: 1 round/level Range: 0 Area of Effect: 30' Radius Save: vs Boogie negates
All within the area of effect must save vs Boogie at -2 or be overcome by the power of the Funk and dance uncontrollably until the spell expires. Characters effected by deafness or squareness are immune.
Level: 2 Range: 150 ft. Duration: Special Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Special
When the mage casts the Power Word, Pull spell, he/she points at another creature, which will then be quickly pulled next to the caster by an unseen force. Unless they make a successful saving throw versus paralysis with a +2 bonus, this sudden pull will knock them off balance for 1 round. Even if they make the save, they will be unable to move away from the mage for the next 3 rounds, giving them a -3 Armor Class penalty. If the mage moves, the creature will be dragged along with them.
One of the things you can do with the Wing Buffet effect is make it so that it pulls the target to the source instead of knocking them back, so I thought it might be interesting to have a spell that does that.
All characters start performing this composition: http://m.soundcloud.com/katamari-jr/baldurs-gate-metal-heroes-and-hamsters
It's the Baldur's Gate theme arranged in a very heavily-influenced power metal style. Absolute cracker!
No saving throw
Level 5
Range: Just enough
Area of Effect: Too close for comfort
School: Evocation
Saving Throw: Spell
The caster blurts out an incredibly embarrassing secret about themselves. Every enemy who fails a saving throw just stands around not sure what to say or do for 2d4 rounds. An enemy who succeeds on the saving throw leaves the area of effect since they know that staying there will just make things worse.
Level: 9
Range: None
Area of Effect: Caster
School: Wild Magic
Saving Throw: None
On casting this spell, the caster is offered the emblems of each spell school [as with the Spell Immunity spell]. On selecting a school, all spells of that school cast by the same caster within the next 4 rounds are reliably cast at +5 levels to the caster's actual level and without wild surges. This spell can be cast only by Wild Mages, and works even in a Wild Magic Zone.
Purpose: to continue the theme (from Chaos Shield and Improved Chaos Shield) that Wild Mages gain more control as they develop, so that they might even become worth having.
Teleport you and your party to a place, where you can cool down yourselves.
Power word: Fur
An enhanced version of power word: beard. It grants you 50 % cold resistance.
I don't mean a line of trees, folks.
Used with Power Word: Ice and Power Word: Wind. Transports the party to Icewind Dale during the Kuldahar troubles. Alone, the spell summons Dale, Noober and Neeber's cousin from the frozen north.
Powerword: Reference
Instantly allows you to remember utterly inane facts, and which book to look them up in. Castable only by librarians, archivists, savants and grognards.
Level: 9, only available for the Team Member
Range: One or several posts
Area of Effect: The whole forum
School: Beamdog
Saving Throw: Simply none
The caster blurts out an incredible surprise. Everyone's morals and mood in the Area of Effect gets +100. The saving throw just doesn't exist.
Level 1
Spell Components: Verbal, Material (optional)
Range: 0
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: All creatures within hearing range
Saving Throw: None
As the Great Net Spellbook puts it, "[t]his is an ancient spell of unknown origins that has been in common use for untold centuries." Uttering the Power Word: Attention will get the attention of any and all creatures within hearing range. If the caster doesn't make use of the situation, the creatures affected by this spell will resume their normal activities within a single round. The Great Net Spellbook warns that "[r]epeated use of this spell in a short time span is poorly received in many (if not all) locales." Deaf creatures are immune to the effect.
Can (and should) be combined with Power Word: Please to mitigate any resulting reaction penalties.
The material components for this spell are a glass and a spoon.
(Slightly improved version of the spell found in the Great Net Spellbook)
Level 1
Spell Components: Computer, Internet Access
Range: 0
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: Depends on how fast you type
Area of Effect: All creatures on the forums
Saving Throw: Save vs. Boredom at -2
Upon uttering this spell (or more aptly, typing it on your computer) any discussion from the past no matter how long ago, will magically reappear!
Power word: Change alignment
Level 7'ish
Range: Visual range
Area of Effect: One creature
School: Alteration
Saving Throw: Save vs Spell for half effect
When uttered, Power word: Change alignment immediately swaps the recipients alignement to it's diametrical opposite. A lawful/good character becomes chaotic/evil and the opposite. Save for half effect, lawful become chaotic, evil becomes good and the opposites. True neutral characters are immune to the effects.
but something came up and I got distracted.
The target loses interest for Baldur's Gate for 1D3 months, if the Saving Throw against Open World/Slavic Mythology/Low-fantasy RPG with -2 penalty is failed.
Spell Level 999
Range: Forum
Area of Effect: Everywhere
Duration: As long as people talk about it
School: Game Development
Saving Throw: Lol, Nope!
Upon being cast, this spell creates a large, sentient wooden gazebo that overwhelms threads with large quantities of nonsense. It cannot be dispelled, except through use of Power Word: Moderator, which only has a 50% chance of succeeding, and a 50% chance of adding to the nonsense even further. This spell should not be used in conjunction with Power Word: Serious Thread, or catastrophic events will cause some people to cast Power Word: Complain or Power Word: Ragequit.
Level: 0 (cantrip; available to all)
Effective level: HLA++
Area: Entire Universe
School: Cheese
Saving Throw: Will (aka "I really should not be doing this.")
Time reverts back to an earlier point, while leaving knowledge of its passing intact.
Level: 0 (goes through any protection)
Range: One player
Area of Effect: Multiplayer
School: Bug-ation
Saving Throw: None
During a Multiplayer game one player suddenly loses an abitilty to type and thus communicate with others. This spell can be triggered when you kill a powerful wizard, without any warnings. Cannot be saved against and doesn't wear off with time. The only way to dispel the spell is to reload the whole Multiplayer session, which can only be done by the host.
True story
Level: 9
Range: 30 feet
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: One target
School: General
Casting Time 0
Saving Throw: None
When casting Power Word: Power Word the mage gains an incredibly degree of knowledge about the target. So much so that with a single word they can affect their opponent to any one of the following (chosen randomly).
The spell bypasses an opponents magic resistance and any of their innate immunities.
All targets in the area of effect are stunned for 1 round, and for 5 rounds thereafter suffer a +1 penalty to AC and -1 to THAC0 as they are hit with the sudden realization that they haven't written to their mother in months. These increase to 2 rounds/6 rounds, +2 AC, -2 THAC0 if the targets are bandits, slavers or any other profession that their mom would be very disappointed about. (Note: Drow are immune, unless they're, like, florists or something.)
Level: 9
Range: Caster
Duration: 1 round/level
Gives caster a cool voice while casting spells. Caster will during the duration of the spell yell "suffer, you will all suffer" randomly and sometimes enemy targets will simply die for no apparent reason (no save but boss level enemies are immune).
Level: 2
Range: 10 feet radius around caster
Duration: 4 hours
The caster can with but a single word change simple water into mighty blackbrew. This magical potion must be drunk immediately, whilst hot, and removes all fatigue in the recipients. If used repeatedly, will cause slight nausea and shakings (-2 DEX and - 2 CON).
Casting Time:1
Range:Target near 30 feet
Saving throw:special
With a single command, the caster exposes one chosen victim to absolute cold for about an instant, this subjects the target creature to a rapid drain of heat which can prove to be instantly fatal for the weak. Even such momentary exposure to lowest temperature imaginable can render the living tissues dead and frozen.
Any being with 30 hit points or less gets no saving throw and is turned into a frozen statue in a blink. Those with 31 to 60 hit points must make a save vs death magic, and those with 61 to 89 hit points must make a save vs death magic at +2 bonus to resist the cruel assault of the cold, that penetrates them to their very core. Those with 90 or more hit points can not be frozen by this spell. Death ward offers no protection against this brutal spell, however a protection from cold spell will grant immunity. Regardless of hit points, if the victim survives the ordeal, he takes 5d4+5 cold damage and is slowed for 10 rounds by the sudden chill, as his bones and joints stiffen and body shakes uncontrollably. There is no saving throw for these secondary effects.
Undead and unliving targets are unaffected. A fire based creature such as an efreet, red salamander or red dragon is more susceptible to this spell, receiving -1 penalty to their saves, and taking double damage if they survive. While cold based creatures are utterly immune to all effects.
A frozen body can not be restored to life by merely thawing. Raise dead and resurrection won't work before the body is thawed properly, thus the victim must be thawed reasonably (DM's call) first. The body can be shattered while frozen by any type b or s attack that can do more than 4 hit points of damage, only a powerful spell such as wish can restore the unfourtunate victim then.
Level: 4
Casting Time: 1
Duration: 1 round/level
Range: 0
Area of Effect: 30' Radius
Save: vs Boogie negates
All within the area of effect must save vs Boogie at -2 or be overcome by the power of the Funk and dance uncontrollably until the spell expires. Characters effected by deafness or squareness are immune.
Power Word, Pull
Level: 2
Range: 150 ft.
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Special
When the mage casts the Power Word, Pull spell, he/she points at another creature, which will then be quickly pulled next to the caster by an unseen force. Unless they make a successful saving throw versus paralysis with a +2 bonus, this sudden pull will knock them off balance for 1 round. Even if they make the save, they will be unable to move away from the mage for the next 3 rounds, giving them a -3 Armor Class penalty. If the mage moves, the creature will be dragged along with them.
One of the things you can do with the Wing Buffet effect is make it so that it pulls the target to the source instead of knocking them back, so I thought it might be interesting to have a spell that does that.