New Power Word spells

After just threatening Dee with Power Word 'Tickle' (in order to get the 1.3 patch released), I started thinking there's a lot of potential here with these power words. It'll be entertaining to see what you all can come up with. After presenting your newly christened power word, maybe suggest what spell level you think it should be as well. I figure 'Tickle' would probably be 2nd level as it would be pretty distracting to any enemy who wasn't a complete grump...
This 2nd level spell allows the caster to use a (hopefully) witty play on words. He or she must roll a saving throw with a bonus or penalty in the range of +/- 4, dependent on the caster's Intelligence and Charisma scores.
If the save is made, all hostile humanoids in earshot turn non-hostile.
If the save is failed, a random party member will leave the group and attack.
This spell is disabled in solo play.
" >:3! "
It however gives a +5 reaction check to Xan.
"Duh, me no get it. Me will SMASH!"
It's pretty much a gate to the Demiplane of Cats, just effective for kitties.
Sharess' do not entitle individuals in the area to a Saving Throw versus Poison. Charisma of the caster might cause viewers to fawn and offer belly-rubs or back-pats. Comeliness stands in for Charisma in such campaigns.
Spell School: Illusion/Phantasm
Range: 0
Duration: 240 hours
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: Caster
Saving Throw: None
Description: This HLA is only available to BG fans. For the period of 10 days the caster completely forgets his previous gaming experience of BG so that he can taste everything again, like it's the very first time. If the caster is under the effect of this spell he recieves a 10 point communication penalty - he can communicate only with devices that run BG and people who play it. For the period of Effect the caster gets immunity to sleep, thirst and hunger.
P.S. How I wish I could cast this spell...
Spell School: Necromancy
Range: 15 feet
Duration: 1 turn
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect 15 feet radius
Saving Throw: -6 save vs spell (save and it does nothing)
Description: This HLA is available to clerics and mages. A successful casting drains the recipients of 4 strength, 4 dexterity, and 4 constitution.
Spell School: Enchantment
Range: 0,5 feet
Duration: Permament
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 Target
Saving Throw: none allowed
Victims that fall under this HLA spell are forever damned to squick, much like small rodents do. The effect is permament and can only be healed by casting a Greater Wish of the DM spell.
Spell School: Enchantment
Range: Self
Duration: ca. 4 minutes
Casting time: 10
Area of Effect: World
Saving Throw: None
90's clothes, ridiculous dancing and bassline.
Spell School: Divination
Range: 15 feet
Duration: 1 turn
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: Single target (enemy)
Saving Throw: none (does not bypass magic resistance however)
Description: This level 9 spell grants your parties diviner incredible powers of foresight. Through its use they now can inform the party of an enemies plans before they even happen.
Penalizes the targets AC and Thac0 by 4. Ranged and melee attacks made against this target by either a mage or its summoned creatures do 50% more damage.
School: Conjuration
Range: 100 feet
Duration: Permanent
Area of effect: one creature
Casting Time: 1
Saving Throw: none
This spells gives all the items, gold and stuff that the target has, to the caster of this spell. Upon casting this spell, there are 25% chabces of getting sued, and 10% chances of getting to jail later.
The effect is that of total incredulity. The subject reveals some intimate detail or comment which, when revealed to the public is just to much personal information. Disgust and incredulity at the crassness of the comment means that people are reticent to touch or even be close to the caster.
Power word: beer. Everyone, who fail the save became intoxicated.
Makes the target completely hairless by desintegrating all the target's hair.
This spells accuses the target of stealing (40%) or murder (40%) or even genocide (20%).
Power Word: Reveal information
This spell is the device the FBI use in the Realms to gather their information, it makes all of the thinkings, possessions, stats and documents from the target revealed to the caster.
Causes wild plot twists or plot holes in the target game. When used on the game Neverwinter Nights it has the side effect of causing confusion in players as to whether a power word is an arcane spell or a critical plot item.
Spell School: Wild Magic
Randomly casts a power word spell. A wild surge always occurs.
Upon utterance of this spell, the caster immediately views the final video sequence and credits roll.
Level 6
Causes a miniature giant space hamster to appear in the target's pantsleg and crawl upwards to his pocket.
Effects: +4 THACO, +4 AC for two rounds due to the distraction and permanent loss of one quick-slot. The recipient of this spell is also startled which will cause a massive head wound if in a confined space (-6 to Wisdom and Intelligence permanently).
everyone calms down a little and has a cup of tea and a biscuit
Power Word: Kardashian.
School of Magic: Illusion
Recipient saves versus (popularity) death or be turned into a fashion train wreck. They may look good, but everything they touch turns to crap and their INT and WIS and CHA (despite their physical appearance) drops to 3. Their reputation immediately drops 10 points. They also gain more money than they can spend for the duration of the spell, but are unable to make any kind of use with the money that doesn't end in absolute disaster (in other words no material long term benefit from this effect).
There is a 5% chance that they have to save again versus Death or permanently lose 5 CHA. There is an additional 5% chance that they will end up married to the caster of the spell (regardless of age/sex/race or sexual orientation of either or both parties) (both parties save versus paralyzation at -5 to negate).