Sooo, Bigby?

Are any of his fists and hands any good?
(Pondering overlooked spells for my future sorcerer, but seems like long shot... perhaps, even for a straight single class mage.)
(Pondering overlooked spells for my future sorcerer, but seems like long shot... perhaps, even for a straight single class mage.)
Bigby's Crossed Fingers is also helpful when you need that extra little bit of support from your friends.
As far as actual in-game spells, I'm inclined to agree with @lunar.
LOL. (No, really, actual LOL.)
How 'bout...
Bigby's Talk-To-The Hand
Evocation (7th level) - duration: 1 turn.
Target must save vs spells at (-4) or all his subsequent spells directed at caster are directed at the Hand instead and wasted.
If target's charisma is greater than the caster he gets another save each round (i.e. reargue his case).
Interposing Hand gives an enemy a +10 THAC0 penalty for 1 round/level, so I bet it would be useful throughout ToB and against dragons with lowered magic resistance.
Forceful Hand knocks down a target for 1 round/level if they fail a strength check against the hand. Back in NWN, it was one of the most powerful PvP spells ever because it simply incapacitated an opponent, rendering them helpless. But the ideal targets for this spell would likely resist it. Mages would have spell protections already up and strong meleers would probably succeed against the strength check (1d20 + 14 vs target's 1d20 + STR bonus + size modifier).
When your face palm cannot account for the colossal error you just made.
.... includes:
Bigby's Unbalancing Back Hand
Bigby's Five Point Palm
(an HLA spell, of course, as it is overpowered.)
For when you want to patronize someone and for them to know it.
It's a summon!
It's some kind of paralysation, especially hurtful for monks.
This spell creates a giant cup with coffee. The initial gulp gives cheerfulness; the person has to make a save vs. milk with a -4 penalty to avoid being smeared. After that, another save with a -2 penalty can be made. In case of another failure, the victim enjoys the finest coffee in the world.
And the little known versions of his Foot spells, such as Bigby's Foot in @$$, which was only ever successfully cast by someone of the name Red Foreman. And Bigby's Big Toe, a first level spell that doesn't actually DO anything. Who knew?
Well, let's not go there, but you all thought about it...
Sure baby I'll protect you ... What's that? Flesh golems? Allllll good babe no worries
Bigby's Purple Nurple
Bigby's Atomic Wedgie
Bigby's Noogie
They all have the same mechanical effect, a -2 luck penalty, and obviously stack. Can only be cast by characters with the Athelete kit.
Bigby's Slow Clap- Let's the target know what an idiot he or she is being.
Bigby's Digging Finger- Clears out blocked SInuses and causes a "Nauseated" reaction from everyone in sight range of the spell.
Bigby's Outstretched Pinky- Adds +7 to Charisma when dealing with nobles.
Bigby's Unkind Grasping Hand- Causes the worst wedgie in the world. Opponent is at -5 to saves and to do anything for 3 turns.
Bigby's Thumb Flick- Enrages opponents for three turns. Opponents physically attack mage over other targets and get a +3 to AC and -3 to hit and damage anyone *but* the mage.
Bigby's Chin Flick- Advanced version of the Thumb flick. Enrages opponents for 5 turns. Otherwise, same effects as above.
Bigby's Sit and Spin- Similar to "Bigby's Middle Finger", this HLA adds burn damage as well. Opponent takes 1d10 damage per level of the mage.
Duration: 1d4 + caster level rounds.
Randomly chooses either rock, paper or scissor to counter an enemies casters next spell.
Rock will negate any damage spell (scissors cut)
Paper will negate any buff spell (such as stoneskin)
Scissor will negate any area of effect spell cast (paper covers)
The enemy caster will also be stunned for 1 round.
However, if the Bigby hand is defeated, the enemies caster spell will have an increased caster level of 1d4.
A same type spell (rock on a buff; paper on a AoE; scissor on a DMG) has no effect.
Enemies must save vs spells at -4 or be affected by Fear.
Allies must saves vs Metal or be Frenzied for 1 turn.