Ellisime: "I cannot help but feel we are partially responsible. It is something I'll have to ponder on."
Really? You stripped a raving sociopath of his immortality and sent him out into the world outside your precious, secluded, sheltered, elf-farts-smell-like-unicorn-candy Suldanesellar so he could torture and murder untold numbers of . . . well, they're just dirty outsiders and don't really count, so who cares?
And you say this to the person whose SOUL WAS STOLEN AND MISUSED by this exile, and still bothered to save your city because the Leaf Lord could barely be bothered to unlock the palace gate, let alone stop the exile from magic-killing your super-special magic-tree?
Nice. Nice. You ponder that, sweetie.
where is promote. "Help, my minions, heeeeelllllp!". Mulahey, you need to find better ones! Also I like to cycle through his sounds until he makes bodily function noises, so when I deal a critical hit, air is released from him.
Playing through SoA and ToB with SCS, I've really had it with the endless array of ueber-powerful high level mages and their spellcasting chants. While these are not phrases as such, I've grown to hate (and fear) most of them, especially:
Alteration - "Praeses, Alia, Fero" (Translation: "Protecting, another, I bring this forth" "You're four seconds away from being time stopped, buster!")
Necromancy - "Vita, Mortis, Careo" (Translation: "Life, and death, I am without" "How do you like me casting Abi Dalzim's on your most wounded party member?")
Divination - "Scio, Didici, Pecto" (Translation: "I know, for I have studied, with my mind" "Did you really think you could scout the area without me frying your ass first?")
Enchantment - "Cupio, Virtus, Licet" (Translation: "I want, excellence, allowed to me" "I hope you enjoy losing control of your party members")
Evocation - "Incertus, Pulcher, Imperio" (Translation: "Uncertain, beautiful things, I command" "Portraits are a'gonna turn gray.")
How did you find out what chants go with which schools?
My favorite NPC is Valygar, mainly because he talks quietly and his lines are maybe three or four words long. Imoen's are annoying, Minsc's are sometimes too loud and long, I like Keldorn's, I love Sarevok's because they're so fitting (especially the one where he just laughs), and Nalia's voice gets to me after a while.
Neera: Away with you, you pompous creep! Wizard: What? No, not again!
The wizard reads the line like one would say "Oh hey, a stick on the ground". It's completely flat and boring with no hint of surprise or frustration, no idea who thought that sounded acceptable.
"Heya, it's me Imoen!" Pretty much everything she says in chapter one.
Typical. If I had a sense of humor left I might find that funny. I do not, on both accounts. ~Jon Irenicus Anything he says is awesome. Always love the end of chapter one when he destroys everything in his path (and Imoen leaves) yay
You dare to attack me here? Do you even KNOW whom you face? You will suffer! You will ALL suffer!
Another one for "Away with you, you pompous creep!" and pretty much the rest of this encounter. I actually push the mute button now, everytime I see it coming. (I restart too often)
Where exactly is the portal to the Twisted Rune hideout?
The following map shows the locations for a number of different things in the bridge district (including just random NPC's you can talk to as a number of these numbers aren't quest related). There are no descriptions provided, so its not significantly spoiling anything, but I figured I'd put it under a spoiler tag all the same.
Just a bit north north east of where the number 17 is there is a trapped door there (be warned you really want to make sure its been disarmed). In order to enter this "building" you need a rogue stone in your inventory. Anyways entering this door will transport you to the hideout.
But if you want a more general, less spoilerish version I'd say that particular doorway is roughly in the south eastern part of the map.
With great difficulty I've departed lately from my custom, almost an unwritten rule, to always play a Thief Charname (single, multi or occasionally dual). Because of it, I've been working with Thief NPCs I had little use for in the past. One NPC that I like a lot is Alora because of her cheerfulness, her halfingness (someone's gotta love them shorties), and the Alora BG2 mod, but.... one of her often recurring phrases is "I'm so sweet, I've got rotting teeth and gum". And I must say her chattering is starting to wear on my nerves.
I think Luigi is probably my favorite non-BG videogame character of all time (Yoshi is a close second)
"Help, my minions, heeeeelllllp!". Mulahey, you need to find better ones! Also I like to cycle through his sounds until he makes bodily function noises, so when I deal a critical hit, air is released from him.
Red: Evocation (Fireball, Comet, Fireshields, etc.)
White with blue fringes: Alteration (Timestop, Burning Hands, Stoneskin, etc.)
Blue with white mixed in: Necromancy (Cure Light Wounds, Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting, Horror, etc.)
Black with a green aura: Illusion (Invisibility, Mirror Image, etc.)
Yellowish: Enchantment (Chaos, Charm Person, etc.)
Off-white with little lightning bolt-like things coming off of the sphere: Divination (Find Traps, True Sight, etc.)
Green with a tiny bit of white in the middle: Abjuration (Minor Globe of Invulnerability, Dispel Magic, etc.)
Purple particles inside a purple circle: Conjuration (Melf's Acid Arrow, Dragon's Breath, Aerial Servant, etc.)
What's weird is that Farsight is Evocation.
Now that is really uncalled for. I'm devastated.
Neera: Away with you, you pompous creep!
Wizard: What? No, not again!
The wizard reads the line like one would say "Oh hey, a stick on the ground". It's completely flat and boring with no hint of surprise or frustration, no idea who thought that sounded acceptable.
EDIT: Whoops, @Archaos already corrected this misinformation, and he even provided video.
Pretty much everything she says in chapter one.
Typical. If I had a sense of humor left I might find that funny. I do not, on both accounts. ~Jon Irenicus
Anything he says is awesome. Always love the end of chapter one when he destroys everything in his path (and Imoen leaves) yay
You dare to attack me here? Do you even KNOW whom you face? You will suffer! You will ALL suffer!
Oh Sendai, you drama queen.
I actually push the mute button now, everytime I see it coming. (I restart too often)
Just a bit north north east of where the number 17 is there is a trapped door there (be warned you really want to make sure its been disarmed). In order to enter this "building" you need a rogue stone in your inventory. Anyways entering this door will transport you to the hideout.
But if you want a more general, less spoilerish version I'd say that particular doorway is roughly in the south eastern part of the map.
[Dispel Magic sound effect]
This spell is already in your spellbook.
Patch 1.3 can't come soon enough. Then I won't have to right-click every scroll I come across to try to write it down.
Social justice ally, or social justice SALLY?!
No offense to anyone named Sally.