"You awaken in a cold sweat. Looking about wildly, you are horrified to see a huge insect bearing down upon you. Its eight legs and multiple eyes betray its identity: a giant spider!"
Ugh! This one really bothers me. Spiders are not insects!
There is another error like this in NWN that really bothers me. The default description for bats in that game refers to them as "flying rodents". UGH! Just ugh!
Jaheira deserves mentioning here: "Yes, oh omnipresent authority figure" and "I've just about seen enough waking hours, slavedriver".
Otoh Khalid is golden. He's my current frontliner, and he cracks me up everytime I send him into battle all by himself, and he says: "If at first I do not succeed, the wife... won't let me forget."
This will be kinda controversial. I actually DON'T hate this... I have just heard it too many times and I have grown impatient.
"Ah. The child of Bhaal has awoken. Time for more... experiments"
It is a classic line. I actually LOVE it. One of the best intros to anygame ever. But when you have restartitis like I do your patience runs thin, and you just want to get started. If it wasn't for David Warner having an astounding voice, I don't know if I could bear it!
@booinyoureyes - I personally couldn't hear that line enough. I Love David Warner's voice and the way he delivered the character. But I get that anything could ware if you hear it enough....
Jaheira deserves mentioning here: "Yes, oh omnipresent authority figure" and "I've just about seen enough waking hours, slavedriver".
Although the voice actresses changed between games, I found both incarnations of Jaheira were as replayable as Caro Emerald when it comes to matters of the voice (and everything else, I suppose). I never got tired of these lines.
"Blasted beggar's immune!" & "I hit - to no effect? I need to get a better sword." were much more common and significantly more tedious lines.
Their tediousness was aided in part by my "leave it to the Mage!" philosophy, and the eternal failures of Korgan and Minsc respectively to appreciate that idealogy. :P
Jaheira deserves mentioning here: "Yes, oh omnipresent authority figure" and "I've just about seen enough waking hours, slavedriver".
Although the voice actresses changed between games, I found both incarnations of Jaheira were as replayable as Caro Emerald when it comes to matters of the voice (and everything else, I suppose). I never got tired of these lines.
Umm...in both games Jaheira is voiced by Heidi Shannon.
Not something I personally hate, but something I find utterly and despisably mean is this line in the Rasaad romance, spoken by CHARNAME: "I imagine you with no mouth. I like it better when you don't speak."
There are no phrases I hate as such. But anything gets annoying if you hear it too much. Like with music; I might like a song at first, but then I hear being played everywhere all the time and I get tired of hearing it and wish I had a shotgun I could aim at the speakers.
So things like 'You must gather your party', and 'Go for the eyes' I just get bored of hearing after a while.
Not something I personally hate, but something I find utterly and despisably mean is this line in the Rasaad romance, spoken by CHARNAME: "I imagine you with no mouth. I like it better when you don't speak."
Seriously, what the hell hero?
Oh gods, you can seriously say that? That's hysterical. And horrible. I hope he dumps you if you say that to him. Rasaad needs more self-esteem. By BG2, he's badass. He shouldn't have to take CHARNAME's bluster.
As for me, it's the standard Minsc and Jaheira lines that tend to get on my nerves, as I've had them in my party so many times. And the next time Yoshimo tells me he can dance on the head of a pin, I'm going to make him show me. Seriously, how can you dance on the head of a pin? YOU CAN'T. Shut it, Yoshi.
There's probably one or two things I would like to turn off, but I'll be damned if I I can think of them right now. Like @booinyoureyes I love the "child if bhaal has awoken" line. This might sound weird but it I wish I could "ahhh..." Like David Warner. He's very good at it. Confession: I don't hate "you must gather your party before venturing forth". I thinks it's kinda funny, and I wonder who's voice it is.
Edit: I just thought of one! Nalia's voice grates on my nerves. Soooooo bad. I don't know what it is, but I can barely have her in my party. Just.... Every selection sound gives me the "fingernail on the chalkboard" feel. It's not thats the voice acting is badly done(though I guess in a way that oxymoronic) but I just can't stand her voice.
Normally i'm not that much against "You must gather your party before venturing forth" and it doesn't really annoy me, but of course there is that one exception.
You're getting ambushed by two huge wyverns, trying to avoid the web trap and run for your life to the edge of the map so you can zone again, you try to enter the world map.
"You must gather your party before venturing forth"
Now you're eyeing the wyverns closing up, wondering why the hell it isn't working, you click to zone again and you hear.
"You must gather your party before venturing forth"
You're starting to pull your hair out in frustration when you finally see Khalid of in another corner because of the shitty path finding. The wyverns are attacking and you're just about the put your best tank on them when it strikes you, Khalid IS your best tank. You try in a panic to click on the world map to zone again as Khalid walks in a snail phase towards your party who is getting eaten by the wyverns.
"You must gather your party before venturing forth"
You scream out in frustration at the screen and a moment later you hear.
"Jah...Jaheira. No...NO!"
What the fuck did you think would happen Khalid!? Your wife with her shitty leather armor, bad AC and a sling had to do your job for you. Khalid finally reaches the party, you have just looted Jaheiras gear and you're ready to zone when you hear.
"You must gather your party before venturing forth"
What... The... Hell? Now you notice Garrick running around with moral failure from the wyvern hit and he's going in the other direction. You let your head rest on the desk and load the autosave.
Ellisime: "I cannot help but feel we are partially responsible. It is something I'll have to ponder on."
Really? You stripped a raving sociopath of his immortality and sent him out into the world outside your precious, secluded, sheltered, elf-farts-smell-like-unicorn-candy Suldanesellar so he could torture and murder untold numbers of . . . well, they're just dirty outsiders and don't really count, so who cares?
And you say this to the person whose SOUL WAS STOLEN AND MISUSED by this exile, and still bothered to save your city because the Leaf Lord could barely be bothered to unlock the palace gate, let alone stop the exile from magic-killing your super-special magic-tree?
Ugh! This one really bothers me. Spiders are not insects!
There is another error like this in NWN that really bothers me. The default description for bats in that game refers to them as "flying rodents". UGH! Just ugh!
Otoh Khalid is golden. He's my current frontliner, and he cracks me up everytime I send him into battle all by himself, and he says: "If at first I do not succeed, the wife... won't let me forget."
Candidates for this weeks 2 most funny posts award. I can see this is going to be another funny ass thread.
If this includes BG2 as well, what @jackjack said—instead Arie.
Oh, wait. i don't hate that. I LOVE It. Jan is Da Man!
He says "Go for the eyes, Boo. Go for the eyes! Rrraaaaassskk" Raaask? Really? Even the text is different and reads "Rrraaagh!"
It really bothers me. Did Jim Cummings improvise or didn't read the line correctly?
Thankfully, they changed it in BG2 and it sounds much better.
This is what I mean.
"Ah. The child of Bhaal has awoken. Time for more... experiments"
It is a classic line. I actually LOVE it. One of the best intros to anygame ever. But when you have restartitis like I do your patience runs thin, and you just want to get started. If it wasn't for David Warner having an astounding voice, I don't know if I could bear it!
Mind you if that Neera encounter weren't there the game would seem more empty to me, but I still wince whenever I hear that line.
"Away with you beggar"
like, what the hell man? I was just asking for directions
"Blasted beggar's immune!"
"I hit - to no effect? I need to get a better sword."
were much more common and significantly more tedious lines.
Their tediousness was aided in part by my "leave it to the Mage!" philosophy, and the eternal failures of Korgan and Minsc respectively to appreciate that idealogy. :P
Yeah... like a dwarven thrower.
"I imagine you with no mouth. I like it better when you don't speak."
Seriously, what the hell hero?
So things like 'You must gather your party', and 'Go for the eyes' I just get bored of hearing after a while.
As for me, it's the standard Minsc and Jaheira lines that tend to get on my nerves, as I've had them in my party so many times. And the next time Yoshimo tells me he can dance on the head of a pin, I'm going to make him show me. Seriously, how can you dance on the head of a pin? YOU CAN'T. Shut it, Yoshi.
Confession: I don't hate "you must gather your party before venturing forth". I thinks it's kinda funny, and I wonder who's voice it is.
Edit: I just thought of one! Nalia's voice grates on my nerves. Soooooo bad. I don't know what it is, but I can barely have her in my party. Just.... Every selection sound gives me the "fingernail on the chalkboard" feel. It's not thats the voice acting is badly done(though I guess in a way that oxymoronic) but I just can't stand her voice.
Okay, wait yeah, there is: "Go for the eyes, Boo! Go for the eyes! Raargh!" That actually grates on me after a while.
You're getting ambushed by two huge wyverns, trying to avoid the web trap and run for your life to the edge of the map so you can zone again, you try to enter the world map.
"You must gather your party before venturing forth"
Now you're eyeing the wyverns closing up, wondering why the hell it isn't working, you click to zone again and you hear.
"You must gather your party before venturing forth"
You're starting to pull your hair out in frustration when you finally see Khalid of in another corner because of the shitty path finding. The wyverns are attacking and you're just about the put your best tank on them when it strikes you, Khalid IS your best tank. You try in a panic to click on the world map to zone again as Khalid walks in a snail phase towards your party who is getting eaten by the wyverns.
"You must gather your party before venturing forth"
You scream out in frustration at the screen and a moment later you hear.
"Jah...Jaheira. No...NO!"
What the fuck did you think would happen Khalid!? Your wife with her shitty leather armor, bad AC and a sling had to do your job for you. Khalid finally reaches the party, you have just looted Jaheiras gear and you're ready to zone when you hear.
"You must gather your party before venturing forth"
What... The... Hell? Now you notice Garrick running around with moral failure from the wyvern hit and he's going in the other direction. You let your head rest on the desk and load the autosave.
Really? You stripped a raving sociopath of his immortality and sent him out into the world outside your precious, secluded, sheltered, elf-farts-smell-like-unicorn-candy Suldanesellar so he could torture and murder untold numbers of . . . well, they're just dirty outsiders and don't really count, so who cares?
And you say this to the person whose SOUL WAS STOLEN AND MISUSED by this exile, and still bothered to save your city because the Leaf Lord could barely be bothered to unlock the palace gate, let alone stop the exile from magic-killing your super-special magic-tree?
Nice. Nice. You ponder that, sweetie.