@kiwidoc - this thread started fantastic. But then things like this started appearing.
Now I am inclined to believe this is just a part of your dastardly plan to slowly shift the whole theme of the thread to more and more skimpier outfits only to finally rival @LadyRhian and her "Unrealistic Fantasy Art" thread.
@Southpaw and @LadyRhian the shiny bits are field dressing - you can just see the straight edges. It's much clearer on the ginormous version, but silly me I lost that link
The bottom line is (no pun is intended) the armor has to cover the vulnerable places - the torso, the groin (femoral blood vessels and nerves), the buttocks (more large blood vessels and nerve plexus). It is unfeasible to expect light armor to protect the armpit and the neck, and any way her helmet probably will protect her head. It is also reasonably common for light armor to leave large areas if not all of the limbs uncovered.
So as far as I can see this still qualifies as armor that doesn't leave vulnerable areas stupidly uncovered for the sake of a "sexy" image or just to meet expectations, and there isn't any gratuitous bared skin - so even if it shows her legs the pic would meet the criteria of the thread.
Face it guys, if this was a bloke wearing light armor that bared his legs nobody would bat an eyelid. We are all just a little ... hmm ... can't find the word ... paranoid isn't right, and neither is slightly over zealous ... oh hell, what ever you call it that's why I set myself such a well defined set of rules to apply. We are trying to avoid the double standard in one direction, but we don't want to create a double standard in the opposite direction
I actually do like this pic. I love the way she's not at all phased by showing her legs. She's just striding through dirty, sweaty and probably smelly, and she doesn't give a damn. She is aware the men are looking at her - and her only response is a mental "F*** off assholes" that shows in her expression and her body language. She's a woman who is facing the sort of sexist leering so many women do face, and she just deals with it! Can you see the women in the background cheering her on - lady you ROCK!
@Southpaw @LadyRhian She looks to me like she's some kind of pilot, and not a frontline infantry fighter, anyway, so she doesn't need much in the way of armor if she drives one of those big mechs in the background. Granted, she could use a full-body jumpsuit, but still.
@Schneidend I think you are probably right. In one of those beats your head and upper torso are probably most exposed - hence the helmet and the thicker armor.
Okay. I have some more for you… From all sorts of places/eras.
by Marchell-Finch (Steampunk) by AvatarRutger by Kimonas by akitku also by akitku by gambargin (love the attitude in this pic!) by ThomasRome (Doesn't she look BADASS?) by Nemhainn also by Gambargin by NEWATLAS7 by Rocktopus64 by Mr-Marcus-81 by Jodeee
@Elrandir and @LadyRhian I like Gambargain's stuff a lot as well. It's really interesting to see so many different kinds of armor, but all them used for real at one time or another. That Jodee painting really ROCKS! It's a wonferul blend of both western and Medieval, but nothing jars, it's utterly believable.
Some nice pictures from a Sci-Fi perspective, or with gunpowder weapons. And a few regular fantasy ones, too.
by AyyaSap (she's a combat medic/nurse) by danylov by crow-god by butterfrog by StefanoMarinetti by CELENG by DiegoGisbertLlorens by DaRoz by Jorsch by SaraForlenza > by AnthonyFoti by SBraithwaite also by Jorsch
Gotta love those sci-fantasy pix. But methinks I see just a tiny bit of cleavage sneaking in there - I think unzipped armor is ok, so long as they aren't actually charging into battle that way I love Crow gods work, but he boody well frustrated me no end. It took ages to discover Cheng Xu and Crow god were the same person. I see so many images it's almost impossible to realise why one or two might look familiar. I wish artists wouldn't do that - have galleries with totally different names and nothing to indicate they have an alter ego!
Ah, I love Diablo III. Your character covers up more and more as the game progresses. Even the female Barbarian stops wearing hide rags that show off her (admittedly glorious) abs, instead donning full plate that could make an iron golem blush. The Demon Hunter, the class pictured here, however, has several boot models where she's wearing armored high heels, though. That's irksome.
@Schneidend this version of the demonhunter isn't official - it was an entry into the Deviant Art competition. Wading through the various entries shows everything from the leather fetish bikini to the full coverup, to metal breastplate over leather. I think it's a good sign that most of the highly rated entries showed complex but fully covering armor. Sure there is an over abundance of sticky-out fin like extras, and loads too many spikes - but in most cases no keyhole cutouts, no cleavage and no bare bellies or butts. YAY some progress is being made.
Part of my Saint Seiya Tribute B/W portraits ; Asgard priestess, Hilda Polaris
You can get more info on this series here
.... and yes - this pic is bloody gorgeous! Sadly I have no idea who the model is.
started appearing.
Now I am inclined to believe this is just a part of your dastardly plan to slowly shift the whole theme of the thread to more and more skimpier outfits only to finally rival @LadyRhian and her "Unrealistic Fantasy Art" thread.
The bottom line is (no pun is intended) the armor has to cover the vulnerable places - the torso, the groin (femoral blood vessels and nerves), the buttocks (more large blood vessels and nerve plexus). It is unfeasible to expect light armor to protect the armpit and the neck, and any way her helmet probably will protect her head. It is also reasonably common for light armor to leave large areas if not all of the limbs uncovered.
So as far as I can see this still qualifies as armor that doesn't leave vulnerable areas stupidly uncovered for the sake of a "sexy" image or just to meet expectations, and there isn't any gratuitous bared skin - so even if it shows her legs the pic would meet the criteria of the thread.
Face it guys, if this was a bloke wearing light armor that bared his legs nobody would bat an eyelid. We are all just a little ... hmm ... can't find the word ... paranoid isn't right, and neither is slightly over zealous ... oh hell, what ever you call it that's why I set myself such a well defined set of rules to apply. We are trying to avoid the double standard in one direction, but we don't want to create a double standard in the opposite direction
I actually do like this pic. I love the way she's not at all phased by showing her legs. She's just striding through dirty, sweaty and probably smelly, and she doesn't give a damn. She is aware the men are looking at her - and her only response is a mental "F*** off assholes" that shows in her expression and her body language. She's a woman who is facing the sort of sexist leering so many women do face, and she just deals with it! Can you see the women in the background cheering her on - lady you ROCK!
Art By Eric Faure-Brac aka Princetuor
Art By Richard Falla
She looks to me like she's some kind of pilot, and not a frontline infantry fighter, anyway, so she doesn't need much in the way of armor if she drives one of those big mechs in the background. Granted, she could use a full-body jumpsuit, but still.
Yunior Guerra aka Fenris ~ Part I
Yunior Guerra aka Fenris ~ Part II
BUDDY JIANG aka hokiboshi ~ Part I
BUDDY JIANG aka hokiboshi ~ Part I
Xiaodi Jin
That Jodee painting really ROCKS! It's a wonferul blend of both western and Medieval, but nothing jars, it's utterly believable.
Art By Tadas Sidlauskas
Art By McLean Kendree
Here's another pic with the same kind of vibe, thanks to the hat:
Jodie Muir
I know the second pic was already posted by LadyRhian but I'm just keeping all my ducks in a row
Lilium Ion
I love Crow gods work, but he boody well frustrated me no end. It took ages to discover Cheng Xu and Crow god were the same person. I see so many images it's almost impossible to realise why one or two might look familiar. I wish artists wouldn't do that - have galleries with totally different names and nothing to indicate they have an alter ego!
Art by Mikaël Léger