by DavePalumbo by Uryenn by TaKe-bamboo by Michael-C-Hayes by remton also by Michael-C-Hayes by DusanMarkovic by DavidVargo by BenWooten also by BenWooten
I just found another picture of armor that included someone in full plate mail… except their buttocks were on full display (as in, missing pieces of armor). Why would anyone dress that way? That's just f'in ridiculous.
Not all armors covers the ass. That's actually not that ridiculous at all. Faulds and tassets typically protect the waist and thighs, but don't necessarily cover your buns.
@Scheidend and @LadyRhian I would think if you are missing the actual plate on your buttocks it would make it a hell of a lot easier to ride ... BUT (all puns fully intended) you would expect to have the powerful and ultra important muscles their covered by leather flaps, or a chain mail "skirt" (I don't know the proper name. And anyone who doesn't protect huge blood vessels close to the skin in the angle of the groin, and the forward upper thigh is just asking to be dead.
btw a large bruise to a buttock can hold more than a pint of blood that's spilled out of the blood vessels. A large bruise on the front of the thigh can hold up to FOUR pints. Remember the average size human male only has 6 pints of blood in their blood vessels and heart. I've given blood to people with huge bruises on each thigh, but nothing actually broken (idiots who weren't wearing seatbelts). So covering your ass is a good idea in more ways than one.
@LadyRhian it's the ones with full plate above the umbilicus and nothing but a pair of frilly silk and lace french knickers beneath, or even a thong that really make my head spin.
@LadyRhian - thanks for spotting that. I keep putting the text in the wrong place - over 100 posts and I'm still doing it ... I really am a bear of little brain!
@Vitor. Thanks muchly for the neat pics. I especially love the TamplierPainter (Dimitri Prozenov) one - the armor is just stunning, the metal textures look so real!
The third image down is by Jeka Alyapin - he's username-Bomberman on Deviant Art. I think posted that here wayyyy back - I know it's on the Tumblr but I do make mistakes (shock horror!)
Can you tell me where you found the neat Athena concept art - I'd love to check out that artist.
Can you tell me where you found the neat Athena concept art - I'd love to check out that artist.
That is from the manga "Saint Seiya" (author and artist Masami Kurumada). The title is not very known in USA and UK, but it was a fever in Italy, France and all the Latin America (and Japan, of course). In this series there are unique sets of amours, and the author draw this type of chart for each armor.
-Why do these pictures of female warriors need to have long hair? Seriously? -Because we can tell they're female and it's prettier. -But it's so unrealistic and ridiculous! Don't you know that in a real battle an enemy can grab your hair and disable you? Or how about all the dirt and filth long hair can gather while adventuring or sweat or getting in your face? -*Shrugs and sighs*
(Sarcasm Mode Off)
No offense. Basically replace hair with sexier armor and it's the same argument.
It's all artistic license based on the artist's and the audiences' preferences.
by nebezial by karatastamer by Josh-Finney by Thaldir by BenWooten by HBDesign by DavidRapozaArt also by DavidRapozaArt by Ruloc by imaginante and again by BenWooten
@Lady Rhian YAY!! Sci-Fi !!!! Aas usual truly excellent pics - but I think you snuck a bit of boobage in the Bastet furry woman! @Archaos thanks for the info - the cat ears make a lot more sense now.
I don't think so. This is a very recent image - Pascal's latest. The blurb he wrote to go with it says Very proud to show you guys my first illustration supported by patreon: Stardust. Things went well, my supporters learned a few new tricks, and are now owners of the Zbrush and photoshop files. Remember you can join anytimes to put your hands on it too, and have the same access to the whole process here: .. now working on the next one!
but yeah ... I can see the resemblance except I think it's her going for a space walk. Great program, shame I've just got an awful VCR recording of of
Alexey Aparin aka Belidr ~ Part I
Alexey Aparin aka Belibr ~ Part II
btw a large bruise to a buttock can hold more than a pint of blood that's spilled out of the blood vessels. A large bruise on the front of the thigh can hold up to FOUR pints. Remember the average size human male only has 6 pints of blood in their blood vessels and heart. I've given blood to people with huge bruises on each thigh, but nothing actually broken (idiots who weren't wearing seatbelts). So covering your ass is a good idea in more ways than one.
Glen Angus
A great artist who created glorious images - RIPThe third image down is by Jeka Alyapin - he's username-Bomberman on Deviant Art. I think posted that here wayyyy back - I know it's on the Tumblr but I do make mistakes (shock horror!)
Can you tell me where you found the neat Athena concept art - I'd love to check out that artist.
Here you can find almost all the "cloth maps" of the series:
(Sarcasm Mode On)
-Why do these pictures of female warriors need to have long hair? Seriously?
-Because we can tell they're female and it's prettier.
-But it's so unrealistic and ridiculous! Don't you know that in a real battle an enemy can grab your hair and disable you? Or how about all the dirt and filth long hair can gather while adventuring or sweat or getting in your face?
-*Shrugs and sighs*
(Sarcasm Mode Off)
No offense.
Basically replace hair with sexier armor and it's the same argument.
It's all artistic license based on the artist's and the audiences' preferences.
@Archaos Hey, I want my dudes to have long hair too, so that's not a defining feature of a female in my book. =p
Angevere ~ Part I
Angevere ~ Part II
@Archaos thanks for the info - the cat ears make a lot more sense now.
Ben Bobzien aka bennyzien
Katie De Sousa aka yumedust
Pascal Blanche
Very proud to show you guys my first illustration supported by patreon: Stardust. Things went well, my supporters learned a few new tricks, and are now owners of the Zbrush and photoshop files. Remember you can join anytimes to put your hands on it too, and have the same access to the whole process here: .. now working on the next one!
but yeah ... I can see the resemblance except I think it's her going for a space walk. Great program, shame I've just got an awful VCR recording of of