I love the layered chain mail look this one has. It looks like what is normally a medium armour has become a rather heavy but effective armour that allows for good movement.
@Elrandir This is Justin Sweet's version of Eowyn, and it is one of my favourite depictions of her. She isn't some willowy, slight-limbed frail woman - she has the muscles and bearing of someone who has spent a great deal of time practicing her warrior skills. And she doesn't have a ludicrously enlarged or emphasised bust. Despite this she is utterly beautiful. It is not just her face and that glorious hair - there is grace and a certain regalness (is that a word?) about her.
I know this may not look like armor at first glance, but they are book covers. I believe the images represent someone starting as human with high tech armor, and becoming less human.
Despite this she is utterly beautiful. It is not just her face and that glorious hair - there is grace and a certain regalness (is that a word?) about her.
This was a really good trio. All of them were just that perfect level of cool and attractive, while still maintaining reality's laws. (ignoring those spiky shoulder pads... A pet peeve of mine) I especially like the elf in the first one.
@kaguana thanks for the post. I like the way Ianhaier makes his armor look different, it's not like historical armor and its not a copy of any other artists style, it's all his (or her?) own. @Elrandir I'm going to pass on those comments to deepimperialblue. She tells me she has never been featured by anyone before - and I can't see why - she is a very good artist.
@kaguana - stunning isn't she. This is the pic I found when hunting through either art station or draw crowd and I knew I had to hunt this artist down.
I am not sure if these belong here, but I thought I could share some OLD photos of me in my knave battlefield getup from the ConQuest of Mythodea 2010.
Light armor consisting of a gambeson and an kettlehat plus padded coif. If I would have had the money back then, I also would have gotten iron gloves and an iron collar, too.
@Buttercheese a brilliant set of pix. Where did you find the first Kerem Beyit pic - Pelor's Sun Blessing? It's one I haven't got. Maybe I thought she was a bloke - I have brain fades like that!
If you want to check that I haven't already posted a picture the easiest way is to go here http://dtk-womenwarriors.tumblr.com/artists and look for the artists name (it's almost always on the front page of a deviant art site) Everything that gets posted here is posted to the Tumblr site first - and its a hell of a lot easier than wading through all these pages. It's what I do, as I've seen so many artists galleries no way can I remember who I've already posted!
I love your medieval kit. So many people ignore the existence of padded armor as the most basic. If I remember it right all chain should go over padded armor, to spread the force over a blow over a wider area. Chain may stop penetration, but it's the padding that stops bludgeoning damage. It's fine to post photos here. The reason I don't post photos or animations is that this thread and my tumblr have already swallowed way too much of my life, so I have to set myself some limits.
Thank you You can find the pic here. Gambesons are pretty standart over here at German LARPs, pretty much every medieval LARPer owns one. And if they don't they either don't play fighters or they should really get one :P They are also really useful in actual play because A) they keep you warm and they protect you from falling damage which is especially important in rough terrain. Even players who don't play fighters of any sort usually wear one. Also, I know that blog, I am Mrs-Cheese
If you want, I can start collecting photos of women in armor if you want for this thread
Here are some photos made by SeelenderSchar. I know you can't see her body in the first pic, but I know for a fact that this is a woman under the helmet
AUGUST UPDATES ~ extras by artists already featured.
Set 1
1 & 2 Adelruna
3 Aerenwyn
4 Kerem Beyit
AUGUST UPDATES ~ extras by artists already featured.
Set 2
1 & 2 Fred Gambino
3 & 4 Tyler Jacobson
AUGUST UPDATES ~ extras by artists already featured.
Set 3
1 & 2 Wayne Reynolds
3 & 4 Sullivan Vanderlinden
AUGUST UPDATES ~ extras by artists already featured.
Set 4
Art by Rebecca Yanovskaya
Art by Justin Sweet
Art by darkimperialblue
Art by Martin Bland aka spyroteknik
I know this may not look like armor at first glance, but they are book covers. I believe the images represent someone starting as human with high tech armor, and becoming less human.
Art by Andreas Zafiratos aka albino-Z
@Elrandir I'm going to pass on those comments to deepimperialblue. She tells me she has never been featured by anyone before - and I can't see why - she is a very good artist.
Art by Gary Yeung aka Kaminekowo
Art by ノヤギ
Art by Yuly Alejo aka EngendrARTE
Art by Nicolas Barge aka ArisTOte ~ Part I
Art by Nicolas Barge aka ArisTOte ~ Part II
Light armor consisting of a gambeson and an kettlehat plus padded coif.
If I would have had the money back then, I also would have gotten iron gloves and an iron collar, too.
Pelor's Sun Blessing by kerembeyit
Outlaw by Greg-Opalinski
warrior of nature by kir-tat
Servants to the Crown by DenmanRooke
Jeanne by digital-fantasy
Vivian, Lady of the Lake by exes9yui
angel by Ketka by Ketka
Female Knight by tadas0
Rom Knights by kerembeyit
If you want to check that I haven't already posted a picture the easiest way is to go here http://dtk-womenwarriors.tumblr.com/artists and look for the artists name (it's almost always on the front page of a deviant art site) Everything that gets posted here is posted to the Tumblr site first - and its a hell of a lot easier than wading through all these pages. It's what I do, as I've seen so many artists galleries no way can I remember who I've already posted!
I love your medieval kit. So many people ignore the existence of padded armor as the most basic. If I remember it right all chain should go over padded armor, to spread the force over a blow over a wider area. Chain may stop penetration, but it's the padding that stops bludgeoning damage. It's fine to post photos here. The reason I don't post photos or animations is that this thread and my tumblr have already swallowed way too much of my life, so I have to set myself some limits.
Art by Rodrigo A. Branco aka Digitalinkrod ~ Part I
Art by Rodrigo A. Branco aka Digitalinkrod ~ Part II
As Rodrigo is such a prolific artist, and has so many excellent images of females in armor I will post parts iii and iv tomorrow.You can find the pic here.
Gambesons are pretty standart over here at German LARPs, pretty much every medieval LARPer owns one. And if they don't they either don't play fighters or they should really get one :P
They are also really useful in actual play because A) they keep you warm and
Also, I know that blog, I am Mrs-Cheese
If you want, I can start collecting photos of women in armor if you want for this thread
I know you can't see her body in the first pic, but I know for a fact that this is a woman under the helmet