Well it wouldn't come into direct contact with my skin the way I'd wear it. Like the guy in the image on that site, I'd be wearing a shirt underneath. (A much lighter one than what he's wearing, however) Ideally, I'd go light shirt for comfort, mail, jerkin.
@Buttercheese or should that be MrsButterCheese -Thanks muchly for the photos. I love the little butterflies on her jerkin, not very medieval but huge fun!
@Kamigoroshi, in Buttercheese's last post there was a good half-orc woman. Dunno if you've seen it before, but it'd make a good BG or IWD portrait. (I know you're planning on running an all half-orc party in IWD)
woohooo - Ben Wooten has added loads of new stuff since I was last there. And it's excellent - both the pics I have already seen and the new ones.
I've never tried leather armour, but I have tried a chain mail ... damn, I'm losing my words again tonight. Oh well, you'll get the idea even if I use the wrong terms. When I lived in Wellington I occasionally played D&D with a guy who made real chain mail. I tried on a fill length, long sleeved mail shirt, and a cowl, with a small round helmet on top. It was all so bloody heavy I could hardly walk, especially with a sword strapped round my waist. It looked bloody silly over a knitted jersey and jeans, but that spread the weight out over my whole upper body instead of just the shoulders. Needless to say it was a bloody wonderful D&D group!
@kiwidoc I managed to pick up a real bastard sword once at a Renaissance Fair. It was very long and unwieldy (really too long for me to wield effectively) and it took me both arms to lift it. It was not easy. I have never had a chance to wear armor, though I'd love to try it some day. I have a metal Tai Chi sword that I used to practice just the swings with (and rolling it through the air from hand to hand. I roll it in one hand as I toss it width-wise and then catch it in the other hand) and that's much more my style. I also have a yellow pine walking stick/staff I made myself off a tree that lived in my front yard when I was growing up in New York state. The tree branch was cracking and I just sawed it off at the break, took off the smaller branches, stripped off the bark (Yellow pine is a very "Wet" wood, so it was actually easy, except for the bulge at the end where the smaller branches grew out of it) and let it dry in the garage. The sap left these nasty, prickly-sharp lumps on the wood, so when it finally dried, I smoothed it out a bit with sandpaper, and that's my staff. I also have one I found on a beach in Florida, thrown up by the waves. That one's shorter and the wood is gray because of the salt water it was in. (Thinner, too.)
My pine staff is about the width of a JFK Half-Dollar and about 5 feet long. The other is about 4 1/2 feet long and the width of a quarter. I keep them in my closet.
@ladyRhian I bet the yellow pine could deal some serious damage. Drift wood can be very hard as well, and I love the silvery sheen it gets when a little danish oil is rubbed in. Back on topic - I love those two pictures!
Today I've posted the first images of women who are not of European or Oriental origin for gods and goddesses know how long. Pictures 7 and 8 in the Charlotte Gomez strike me as being from the Indian sub-continent, and the first Claxton pic is a lady of African origin ethnicity. All three of these pics are beautiful.
Please don't think I'm being racist - either for not posting more ethnically varied pictures, or for even mentioning ethnicity. I have posted hardly any pics because they just aren't out there. And yes, I think that is an important issue. OK, much of fantasy fiction is set in a psuedo Europe, but definitely not all of it. And science fiction includes people of all shapes, sizes and colors and that's just the humans.
@kaguana Thanks for the info. I'm going to have to carefully go through that whole thread .... along with the 17 other long threads or galleries I've got in my "still need to be searched" folder *pained grin* I've had a look at the full version of the avatar, and ye goddesses it's gorgeous. I think Mr Shuler will have to jump the queue
@CrevsDaak well spotted. It is Eowyn. You'll find an awful lot of Eowyn's turning up in my thread, partly because she is one of the classic women in armor for people to paint,but also because there was a very large competition which involved an awful lot of professional artists asking them to paint Eowyn and the Nazgul.
I've lost count of how many Jeanne D'arcs or Jaon of Arc's I've got links to. I'll give you the links to all the Joan's already posted - but I won't give the whole image, as they've already appeared in this thread.
(The forum won't let me resize them manually so I am putting them in the spoiler tag.)
Not yet a woman this one, but she is rocking that set of leather armor non the less
Bonus, just because it's such a good pic:
This is one of the major bad guys, btw.
Edit: This is probably my favorite design when it comes to jerkins. http://www.pearsonsrenaissanceshoppe.com/leather-jerkin.html
Eh, I am not the biggest fan of leather.
If chafes and smells funny. You also can't wash it in the laundry machine.
Her character is a air elementalist and the air elementals manifest themselves in the form of butterflies in this setting.
I've never tried leather armour, but I have tried a chain mail ... damn, I'm losing my words again tonight. Oh well, you'll get the idea even if I use the wrong terms. When I lived in Wellington I occasionally played D&D with a guy who made real chain mail. I tried on a fill length, long sleeved mail shirt, and a cowl, with a small round helmet on top. It was all so bloody heavy I could hardly walk, especially with a sword strapped round my waist. It looked bloody silly over a knitted jersey and jeans, but that spread the weight out over my whole upper body instead of just the shoulders. Needless to say it was a bloody wonderful D&D group!
My pine staff is about the width of a JFK Half-Dollar and about 5 feet long. The other is about 4 1/2 feet long and the width of a quarter. I keep them in my closet.
Anyhow, back on topic.
Back on topic - I love those two pictures!
Art by Rodrigo A. Branco aka Digitalinkrod ~ Part III
Art by Rodrigo A. Branco aka Digitalinkrod ~ Part IV
Strong, sensible women ftw ^_^
We've just had a load of photorealistic art. and a load of sci-fi so now for some more abstract art, with fantasy armor ......
Art by Charlotte Gomez ~ Part I
Art by Charlotte Gomez ~ Part II
Art by Hasani Claxton
Please don't think I'm being racist - either for not posting more ethnically varied pictures, or for even mentioning ethnicity. I have posted hardly any pics because they just aren't out there. And yes, I think that is an important issue. OK, much of fantasy fiction is set in a psuedo Europe, but definitely not all of it. And science fiction includes people of all shapes, sizes and colors and that's just the humans.
By DouglasShuler
I've had a look at the full version of the avatar, and ye goddesses it's gorgeous. I think Mr Shuler will have to jump the queue
Also, maybe some Utena or Lady Oscar. I will go see what I can find
PS: Meh, it doesn't look like anyone ever drew the latter two in armor :I
A shame.
I'll give you the links to all the Joan's already posted - but I won't give the whole image, as they've already appeared in this thread.
Art by Julie Dillon ~ Part I