@LadyRhian If you're going to decapitate a baddy and then pose for a pic, make it the biggest and baddist baddy you can find! Farewell Pizza the Hut ... ooops, Jabba the Hutt!
@kaguana - If you can tell me the name of the artist, I'd be veryhappy to post your pic on my Tumblr. I've posted lots of MTG official art, but under the artist name - but I'll still keep posting fan art. The same goes for the other games where I've been able to track down the artist for any images. I'll always post the fan art as well, because the fan art I'll post, is never a copy it always gives the artist's own take on the character, and alos showcases their style and skills.
@kiwidoc Well I don't know who is the artist for that picture that I post it a picture from the anime series called Neon Genesis Evangelion I recognize the picture you post and just find the one above but I couldn't find who is the artist for the series but the artist for the manga is called Yoshiyuki Sadamoto
@kaguana is she called Matsuka or something like that? I've also seen loads of the one in white with the blue hair. It's amazing how different fan art of the same subject can be. Is Sadamoto the guy who did your second pic - which I like as well
I've got another one in the next set of posts - it's not by planning. I swear I let the dice choose the artists for the next 4 or 5 days and then just sort them out into groups to give theright mix of genre and style, and the right number of pics. It's pure coincidence they all turned up at once.
@kaguana is she called Matsuka or something like that? I've also seen loads of the one in white with the blue hair. It's amazing how different fan art of the same subject can be. Is Sadamoto the guy who did your second pic - which I like as well
Yes that picture is of Yoshiyuki Sadamoto but he isn't a fun art he is the manga artist meaning his art is the original once
She's wearing heels. HEELS! Look, I know your personal rules for what is classified on this page (and I like the image overall quite a bit) but heels? Really? Heels should never be on a soldier. Ever.
@Elrandir actually I hate heels so much that I never even wear them myself. Don't get me started on the damage they do to women's anatomy, let alone their self image - but having set myself some rules I thought I'd stick by them. There was an image just of her top half, but it didn't have the sense of challenge and self confidence this one did.
@VedwintheTyrant As an ex tabletop wargamer, and a friend of at least two people who created originals for minatures of medieval warriors I know how daft much of the armor in this thread really is. If I'd stuck to realistic armor that could be manufactured with current technology and that a real human could put on and wear into battle this would have been a very, very, very short thread. The aim of my blog and this thread wasn't to challenge unrealistic armor in art, it was to challenge the sexualisation and objectifying of female warriors in so much fantasy art, along with the blatent double standard. Horns on helmets, ridiculous spikes, silly proportions, armor that couldn't bend over a joint, lack of proper padding underneath the armor, footwear that would grossly impair mobility, boob plates (both male and female versions) - all these stupidities and more are seen just as often in male images as in females. I wanted to attack the things that aren't seen in images of male warriors, and point out how unecessary it is to reduce woman to sex dolls in art, and to show how powerful, beautiful and effective art can be when it doesn't stoop to these sexist tropes.
Props to you then, Kiwidoc. I despise heels in general as well. I actually legitimately do not like what they do to a woman's leg. Maybe most guys think it's sexier, but I dislike the look.
by EAHowell by lewinston by monicamarie1019 by ClintCearley by CandyKappa by FelinaeDeath by Melonie-Moon by SimonARPalmer also by SimonARPalmer by DLDigital by Sam_Peterson
Art By Telr
Art By Telr
Art By Cynthia Sheppard
Art by Amghar Mahmoud
Art by Mack Sztaba
Art by Gerald Parel
Art by Juan Gimenez ~ Part I
Art by Juan Gimenez ~ Part II
Art by Shalmons
Art by Mark Winters
I've got another one in the next set of posts - it's not by planning. I swear I let the dice choose the artists for the next 4 or 5 days and then just sort them out into groups to give theright mix of genre and style, and the right number of pics. It's pure coincidence they all turned up at once.
Art by Henrique Naspolini
Art by Ina Murwani Prasetyaningrum aka InaWong
Art by Elaine Luo aka Unodo
Art by Alberto Tavira
This one is called Asuka
The one with the white suit and the blue hair is called Rei
Sorry. Pet peeve of mine.
@VedwintheTyrant As an ex tabletop wargamer, and a friend of at least two people who created originals for minatures of medieval warriors I know how daft much of the armor in this thread really is. If I'd stuck to realistic armor that could be manufactured with current technology and that a real human could put on and wear into battle this would have been a very, very, very short thread.
The aim of my blog and this thread wasn't to challenge unrealistic armor in art, it was to challenge the sexualisation and objectifying of female warriors in so much fantasy art, along with the blatent double standard. Horns on helmets, ridiculous spikes, silly proportions, armor that couldn't bend over a joint, lack of proper padding underneath the armor, footwear that would grossly impair mobility, boob plates (both male and female versions) - all these stupidities and more are seen just as often in male images as in females. I wanted to attack the things that aren't seen in images of male warriors, and point out how unecessary it is to reduce woman to sex dolls in art, and to show how powerful, beautiful and effective art can be when it doesn't stoop to these sexist tropes.
Art by Jason Rainville aka Rhineville ~ Part I
Art by Jason Rainville aka Rhineville ~ Part II
Art by Matthew Withrow aka Chih-Chieh
Art by rooster82
Art by Kate Angers aka Kiniki-Chan
Okay, more than a few.